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Anyone ever work with a Snitch?

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And now OP is snitching on him to GAF.


"cirque du snitches"

Dude probably is just sick of hearing garbage like future being played

Yeah at my last job. It was a bank so I can understand why people would as everything needs to be really in order and such. Still sucked nonetheless.
Even if you vote, mix that shit up sometime. We used to do it at my old job. I like almost everything, so it was nice. I grew up with hip-hop, but I don't want to hear that everyday either.

If I were in an opposite environment, where the folks were mostly white, I'd appreciate them making an effort just the same. Not sure if I'd go rat anyone out, I'd honestly just approach them directly.

Even if you guys are angry at him ratting you out, do him a solid and approach him, no one should be made to feel uncomfortable, white, black, Asian, whatever.

Why don't you care? It's a shitty feeling being the odd man out in a group.

Yep. I don't get his comment either.

Some blacks folks need to realize that equality isn't the reversal of roles in regards to prejudice and mistreatment. If black people go through this all the time, then we should damn well know well enough how shitty it feels and not handwave the issue away. That's garbage.

Common courtesy shouldn't even be a racial matter imo.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
I can feel for the guy being left out and isolated but when you come into a new job you often have to adapt to them and not the other way around. I'd say the OP should at least try and talk it over with the guy one on one but sometimes its just not a good fit.


Sounds like bad workplace skills all around. It's not a good work environment if it requires everyone to have the same hobby and music preferences to be productive.

Yeah, if compromise wasn't an option and the music was legit distracting, I want to do my fucking job like a goddamn adult, I'll do to the boss's boss is I have to because fuck y'all being unwilling to even compromise a bit.

Unless tattling was his very first move, then the guy is an ass.
It is a job, not your social club. Honestly, I feel bad for the poor employee that gets called a snitch for just wanting to go to work in a professional setting.

Also, you're an adult working in an office. You can drop the "snitch" mentality.

If your office job is not also a social club I feel bad for you son.


Co-workers chatting basketball all day? No problem. Shit, I'll join in. I'll learn whatever the office is interested in. And a laid-back atmosphere is great! Shit, it's essential.

But co-workers playing music - especially that I don't like - while I'm trying to work? Best believe I'd be moonwalking into the HR office with a big old smile on my face trying to fix that.

I can't work to music whatsoever, let alone hip-hop. If the job is one where music is typically played (on a construction site or whatever) then I'd suck it up. (And have in the past, working construction.) If it's an office? Yeah, fuck that. And if the people doing it have as much contempt for me as the OP seems to have for this guy then I'd wouldn't hesitate at all.

Long term he needs to get out obviously, for his sake and yours.

Permanently A

Junior Member
I bet he's actually really fucking into music and can't stand you guys playing entry level plebcore like Kendrick when he could be listening to Death Grips.


I bet he's actually really fucking into music and can't stand you guys playing entry level plebcore like Kendrick when he could be listening to Death Grips.

I'm now envisioning a reality where the guy OP is complaining about had some crazy basketball life he's trying like hell to put behind him and has exquisite taste in experimental hip hop.

I want this to be true so badly.
Listening to music you don't like at work is the worst. Even though I don't mind rap for the most part, I feel for the dude. I once worked in an office where a dude would play a Grateful Dead bootleg at least once a day. .

Sounds like a great environment to me, but yeah, I get it. If you're forced to listen to music you don't like, the day sure can drag on. To me, a good grateful dead show (on average 3 hours long), can make a day fly by.
Sounds like a great environment to me, but yeah, I get it. If you're forced to listen to music you don't like, the day sure can drag on. To me, a good grateful dead show (on average 3 hours long), can make a day fly by.

That's a good idea. He should get there first and hardwire an MP3 player playing only Grateful Dead live shows.


LOL if I walk in late for whatever reason and someone expects me to hand them a bagel or coffee I would tell them to get the fuck outta my face.

What kinda shit work environment is this?


Whenever I worked at an office we had a Spotify room playlist that people could add songs to. This was a creative design element, so more relaxed.

Best solution and you get to listen to music you wouldn't usually. And no one feels that their opinion is shit on.

On the flipside some people just like to tattle tale. It enders you to nobody. Discussing stuff with your manger first is always a better bet than just going to HR.


Yeah totally keep it real OP, I remember when Ice Cubicle rapped about taking care of office snitches, they get the hot staples to the dome.
Black people go through this all time...so I can..and I don't care.

This gives the rest of the thread some context.

Other people have made you feel left out. Instead of being the better person and helping somebody else feel included, you don't give a shit and let them feel left out.

No wonder he snitched, he probably thinks you're all assholes.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Eh, you sound like an inconsiderate ass, OP. Basketball, whatever, I don't care. But if my co-workers blasted hip-hop all day long I would have complained to management to put a stop to it, and if it didn't work, I'd sure as shit would have quit right away (but maybe this guy doesn't have that kind of luxury). I can't work if I constantly hear music I hate, let alone all day.

I used to work at an office where one guy (who had seniority though he wasn't my boss or anything) would play Madonna all the time. I complained politely, and said "How would you like it if I blasted death metal for all to hear?" Fortunately, the boss agreed with me and new policy was to use headphones if you want to listen to music, which should have been a no-brainer really.

"Voting" on music is a stupid as fuck idea unless it's a 100% consensus. Even if only one person votes against, this one person will likely feel alienated and their productivity will tank because they have to endure an obnoxious work environment, all day long too. Fuck that.

Playing music that not everyone likes strikes me as really obnoxious, so I can understand how that could start some hostility. My office is pretty laid back but if you want to listen to music, you put on headphones.
Seriously. It's not hard.

Sounds like a nice guy.
Sure, he might be an ass, but...
Get into the office late one time and spit in the coffee you give him.
I hope this is sarcasm because that would make you 10x the asshole he is.

So she is a "snitch" too but that's fine because she is on "your side"? Gotcha.
Nah, when someone on their side does it, it's not snitching, it's "confiding". Get it right! ;)


Gold Member
Im sorry but people who play music outloud at their cube fucking suck. I dont care what is being played. I dont say anything but it is disrespectful to others around u.

But an audit is aggressive.. Just prove it doesnt impact performance and you are good.

I am assuming the audit is a 3rd party.
I have more questions than suggestions.

- Music in a "sales" environment? Are there registers involved? If not, what could you possibly be selling?
- Time to talk basketball at length? Perhaps you guys need more work.

Frankly, the environment described sounds pretty unprofessional. I would never condone "snitching" but your boy may have legitimate qualms. Also, I would add, if "chill" is the kind of work environment you're looking for you may be hurting your own longterm growth and marketability.
I have more questions than suggestions.

- Music in a "sales" environment? Are there registers involved? If not, what could you possibly be selling?
- Time to talk basketball at length? Perhaps you guys need more work.

Frankly, the environment described sounds pretty unprofessional. I would never condone "snitching" but your boy may have legitimate qualms. Also, I would add, if "chill" is the kind of work environment you're looking for you may be hurting your own longterm growth and marketability.



we all knew her
Even if you vote, mix that shit up sometime. We used to do it at my old job. I like almost everything, so it was nice. I grew up with hip-hop, but I don't want to hear that everyday either.

If I were in an opposite environment, where the folks were mostly white, I'd appreciate them making an effort just the same. Not sure if I'd go rat anyone out, I'd honestly just approach them directly.

Even if you guys are angry at him ratting you out, do him a solid and approach him, no one should be made to feel uncomfortable, white, black, Asian, whatever.

Yep. I don't get his comment either.

Some blacks folks need to realize that equality isn't the reversal of roles in regards to prejudice and mistreatment. If black people go through this all the time, then we should damn well know well enough how shitty it feels and not handwave the issue away. That's garbage.

Common courtesy shouldn't even be a racial matter imo.
I like you.


Sounds like a shitty place to work based on all the snitches (the white guy, the white girl, the OP), music being played in the office regardless how a coworker feels about the genre, and the high school clique mentality I'm vibing.

You can play music, of any variety, in a bank?

The bank tellers at my work's bank plays music for the employees. The public gets different music.
I've worked with snitches but they always stand out so I either feed them shit or just avoid them. They would literally be told something and then leave the room and instantly report on them.


Ugh considering my last job was in an open office chat fest with coworkers I hated, just reading OP's description makes me a little irritated.
Alright, I think I've caught up with the thread. One part of the OP stuck out to me.

And now both my managers are thinking of finding work elsewhere. Whole situation is shitastic to say the least.

Sounds like there may be job openings, you should use this opportunity to show your bosses that you can work well with other people that don't share your interests. Find a way to interact with this guy, play some music he likes every now and then, talk to him about whatever the fuck he likes occasionally. Complaining about his snitching and hoping he gets fired for his sub-par work is the easy way out.


Honestly, I would lose my mind if I had music I hate playing constantly while I'm trying to do work. I also get peeved when people just chat non-stop and not work. A lot of the times it ends up with me picking up the slack. I'd probably just change jobs instead of talking to HR, but I can relate to the "snitch" in the OPs story.

Eppy Thatcher

God's had his chance.
Sounds like ya'll need some headphones. I work in a crazy relaxed environment but if we were playing music (there is a help desk that shares our larger office area) it would get shot down immediately by our supervisors.

Yet we all have headphones and Itunes or spotify or youtube up on our laptops almost all day.

if you've done your due diligence to include dude, talk to him, make him feel welcome and integrate into the team and he's still fixing himself into an "outsider" antagonist type of position then he's an ass...
If he's tried to reach out and come to some agreement and ya'll just immediately shut him down and went about business then.. well.. you might just be the ass.

either way - sounds like he's outnumbered in this anyways. If i were him i very well might be looking for another job just to get away from feeling like "that guy" on the team.


holy shit... it would be a nightmare place to work for me.
Some of it is pretty trash, yes. Not all of it, though.

As someone that doesn't genre discriminate, and likes a chill work vibe, people shouldn't play music out loud at work. Unless it's the type of work (environment) where you can wear headphones. There's a girl that plays music that I LIKE but it's the same shit every day. I'm glad she moved to another desk far from me lol. And that I can put on headphones.

edit: Scratch that even if you can wear headphones, people should be allowed to work in silence if they wish to.
As someone who works in a laid-back work environment, I would be annoyed if any kind of music were played out loud. Good lord get some headphones.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
He's consistently told my Manager's Manager that he thinks our work environment is unprofessional and we joke and talk Basketball too much.

He doesn't like the fact that we play Hip Hop in the office ( We all vote and hes the only one thats always against)
I just came out of an environment and situation similar to this. Sucks. They try to make you feel like a bad person, too.

Edit: Read the music comments. Yeah, maybe that's too laid back.


Stuff like this makes me happy that I have my own office. Cubicle environments are the worst.

That being said, OP's coworker sounds like exactly the type of person that will fail socially in an open style workplace no matter what it is. Texting managers that someone is late is the DICKEST move you can pull, unforgivable.
Sounds like some weird high school/bank mashup

No one sounding good tbh

You're right. Our work has a rule that if you show up late you have to buy coffees and/or bagels for the branch.

Usually the managers come in about 15mins later than everyone and take a bit longer on lunch.

These are things he's snitched to upper managment about as well. We know what he's saying because he has confided to the white woman on staff...and she in turn has told us of his dealings.....he even has the cell phone # of our Area manager programmed in his phone and if someone is late guess who gets a text.

This is some of the dumbest shit I've ever heard


Stuff like this makes me happy that I have my own office. Cubicle environments are the worst.

That being said, OP's coworker sounds like exactly the type of person that will fail socially in an open style workplace no matter what it is. Texting managers that someone is late is the DICKEST move you can pull, unforgivable.

Depends on the company. He might be management material, lol.
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