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Dawn of War III announced, trailer, coming in 2017

Fucking imperial knights and wraithknights yeah

When the Wraithknights strut in, shit gets real.

Very good trailer, but wish we had some gameplay so I could see what they're going for. Dropping units like Imperial Knights and Wrathknights into the mix makes me curious how it will all work together.

I was expecting flyers to be more heavily promoted in this game since they're getting a big push at GW right now. Somehow Knights were under my radar so that was a great surprise.

Deleted member 144138

Unconfirmed Member
So that will be the GI Cover then?


Dawn of War III combines the epic scale of Dawn of War, with the customization and elite heroes of Dawn of War II.

Can't really ask for much else, just a good selection of races.


Hoping it's more like the first than the second game. Played the shit out of that and only dabbled in the second, gimme dat RTS.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
lawd that trailer tho

probably not even going to be able to run this on my old contuter

but i will be cheering on the slaughter of mon keigh from the sidelines
Sounds like they're going for a mix of 1 and 2, which is fine by me as both have their strengths. I hope we get more than Space Marines, Orks, and Eldar at launch though.


Dawn of War III combines the epic scale of Dawn of War, with the customization and elite heroes of Dawn of War II.

Can't really ask for much else, just a good selection of races.

It's pretty much the exact combination of 1 and 2 I wanted when I saw the thread title.

Another 2017 game to look forward to.

Is it just me or do those Space Marines look skinny?

I was wondering if they had accidentally compressed the video side-to-side, as the armor looked a bit skinny too. Either that or they were doing a stylistic choice to make them look somewhat emaciated and defeated.


Day zero if it's seriously combining Dawn of War and Dawn of War 2.

Hopefully they're not using Unity though.


and Total War: Warhammer releasing this month too... Warhammer Heaven, here I come!

So many Warhammer games. Battlefleet Gothic, Vermintide, Space Hulk Deathwing, Total Warhammer, Man O' War Corsair, Eternal Crusade, Mordheim. The best part is they all look good.


I really liked the Dawn of War 2 campaign as they didn't have any base building and the unit sizes were small and manageable (for me).

Will be interesting to see how they go from that to having features like base building.


cool stuff.

I picked up the first 2 in that THQ sale when they were going into liquidation, on steam. Still havnt touched em yet but one day!


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
Sounds like it's a mix of the best bits of DoW1 with DoW2. Good shit.

Kinda disappointed they went with Eldar again for the 3rd race. Never in any piece of fiction have elves not been lame asses, not even 40k could make elves cool.
Confirms 3 races for release then.
No Tyranids :(

I guess I am okay with this, since DLC support was strong - but campaign could be a bit... more interesting with more factions.

It seems like a Dark Crusade / Retribution styled campaign map based upon the description (online and offline?).

So I imagine adding a new faction would happen organically for the campaign at least.

I am hoping for Chaos and Imp Guard...


Three factions seems totally reasonable when trying to start a new RTS.

With war raging and the planet under siege by the armies of greedy Ork warlord Gorgutz, ambitious Eldar seer Macha, and mighty Space Marine commander Gabriel Angelos, supremacy must ultimately be suspended for survival.
*Boots up game. Hits temporarily unskippable cutscene.*

"I am Gabriel Angelos, *captain* of the Blood Ravens."


It seems like a Dark Crusade / Retribution styled campaign map based upon the description (online and offline?).

So I imagine adding a new faction would happen organically for the campaign at least.

I am hoping for Chaos and Imp Guard...

IG was my favorite faction in DoW1 so I'm all for that.

Chaos is boring.


Three races smells like DLC city, though I can live with that if the base game is good enough, need Imperial Guard.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
Steam store page confirms the return of Gabriel Angelos and Gorgutz.

EDIT: Also confirms coop returning, hell to the yes.


I was thinking that too, not a big deal, kinda goofy though.

Though goofy by virtue of the original designs looking inherently goofy. If they always had the more realistic proportions, the actual designs would look much more silly.




Yes! Yes! About time we get a RTS that we can look forward to! I loved DOW and DOW2 was OK, but DOW takes the cake.


Three factions seems totally reasonable when trying to start a new RTS.

*Boots up game. Hits temporarily unskippable cutscene.*

"I am Gabriel Angelos, *captain* of the Blood Ravens."

Thanks for the flashback (that's now stuck in my brain for the whole day).
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