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Nintendo @ E3 - No Direct, Just Zelda Treehouse Stream

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I hope they'll at least distribute 3DS release dates in a press release or something. I need to know when Rhythm Heaven is coming.


For what it's worth...

February 2013 - 9 months before PS4 launch - Sony holds a PS4 press conference. Console is officially announced, the box is unveiled, the release date is given, specs announced, and software is shown off.

June 2016 - 9 months before NX launch - NINTENDO HAS NOTHING TO SAY OR SHOW

Again, this isn't a problem if they have, say, a bunch of Wii U games or 3DS games to show off at E3 in the meantime. But they're replacing NX news with a whole bunch of nothing. No one benefits here.

To be fair, I think NX has to have an even better showing than the PS4 reveal in order to do well. It will inevitably be compared to PS4/XB1 reveals and it need to show them each up, somehow.

Ps4 'won' for showing up and not having the DRM (at the time). Nintendo faces a much greater struggle than PS4 did so they have to show even more stuff than sony did to even get attention.


Sony revealed a controller and some games in February when the console wouldn't launch until November and it worked out for them. Nintendo seems extremely unprepared. NX will probably end up worse than Wii U in terms of software support at launch -- and without the third party support. This is a really bad move, but also signals that maybe they're not confident in their new product.

If Nintendo reveals on the same timeline as Sony, then we should hear something about the NX around late Summer in the US.
For what it's worth...

February 2013 - 9 months before PS4 launch - Sony holds a PS4 press conference. Console is officially announced, the box is unveiled, the release date is given, specs announced, and software is shown off.

June 2016 - 9 months before NX launch - NINTENDO HAS NOTHING TO SAY OR SHOW

PS4 had the benefit of being the first to the mic after Wii U had already had its time in the spotlight and Xbox One having messaging that was almost as bad as Wii U's.

This year NX is going to be competing for noise with PSVR, other VR platforms, PS4k and probably Xbox One Elite, and shittons of other software much of which will be coming out on other platforms before their new system will even come out.

The situations are not the same.


If people really want to know something, it doesn't matter whether it is at E3 or somewhere else.

For example, E3 2015 twitch stream had a peak concurrency viewership of 840,000. The Future of Playstation press conference that was streaming exclusively on Ustream had roughly one million concurrent viewers. Nintendo got up to one million (non-concurrent) views within a week of their Japan exclusive direct (Question 3).

Hell, take the PS4k for example. Sony has been completely silent on it but there has been plenty of new sites reporting on it in one way or another. If people are curios, they will come which is why I think the only downside of not being at E3 is that it's a longer wait to getting NX info. I have no doubt that a NX reveal presentation will get a lot of eyes on it.


For what it's worth...

February 2013 - 9 months before PS4 launch - Sony holds a PS4 press conference. Console is officially announced, the box is unveiled, the release date is given, specs announced, and software is shown off.

June 2016 - 9 months before NX launch - NINTENDO HAS NOTHING TO SAY OR SHOW

Again, this isn't a problem if they have, say, a bunch of Wii U games or 3DS games to show off at E3 in the meantime. But they're replacing NX news with a whole bunch of nothing. No one benefits here.

Honestly agree with this.

Nintendo could of focused this E3 on their big three Wii U games; Paper Mario, #FE and Zelda with the 3DS getting the most attention thanks to Square's efforts, Monster Hunter and Pokemon.

That would of made for a solid E3 showing from them even if nothing 'new' was announced. Hell, tease the NX with one of its launch titles and what the thing looks like, and people would of been happy.

Nintendo shows how backwards they are with this move of being silent, but it could pay off if they really impress with the NX showing later this year. I hope they do, but I am honestly more looking forward to the NX handheld then console myself. They rarely mess up their handhelds (first & third party support is equally strong).
NoA needs to hurry up and update their profiles page with their new director of marketing



Felium Defensor
Hahaha WTF are you doing N? Why even bother with E3 at this point, just keep your ball and stay the fuck home.
I'd be on suicide watch if I was a die-hard Nintendo fan though.

Astral Dog

This is why you dont pull support from existing consoles until after you launch the new ones. Nintendo's got nothing this year and they know it.
The announcement will be at the end of the year, for some reason, the question is if they are going to focus on launch lineup only and show the rest next E3,or a huge blownout in November
Edit: they could also show Paper Mario, but im not sure why they dont


I thought we already knew Zelda would be the only thing there this year?

Even in our pessimism, we assumed that the Digital Even would cover everything else, just that only Zelda would be playable.

It's kind of amazing how Pessimistic Fans never set their sights low enough, and the no form of bad news can shake the faith of the Optimistic Fans.


That's reasonable.


Official PS4 reveal video on youtube (february 21, 2013) has 2.5 MILLION views: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RiNGZMx2vhY

Official sony E3 press conference on youtube (June 10, 2013) has 2.3 MILLION views: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DmoZAPDV3ew

Yes, I'm aware there were other avenues to watch each of these, but this is the only metric easily available to me. PS4 reveal had more views than their entire E3, despite the reveal not being at E3. I know this doesn't paint the WHOLE picture, but it's important to know that the NX reveal later will still get a *LOT* of views and coverage, probably on a slow week, no less.
I have no doubt that the NX will receive a lot of attention but E3 is a gathering of gamers from all walks of life where some of them can stumble upon NX news and stuff and become interested in them whereas an NX specific event will be largely an echo chamber for the Nintendo faithful and Nintendo has to work harder to attract those on the outside. My reasoning for the 'echo chamber' statement is that despite the fact that the sales of the WiiU is abyssal, a good number of their games have extremely high attach rates which tells me that the current Nintendo fanbase is very dedicated.


Speaking from the perspective of someone who's attended every E3 as media since 2011, except for 2014... E3 is a gigantic, stressful, expensive pain in the ass and I very much wish it didn't exist in its current form.

You think Activision, EA, and Disney not having booths and Nintendo announcing probably zero games will be made up for by volume from others? All four of those publishers used to have pretty huge presences at E3, and now it seems like it's going to be Nintendo with Zelda and that's it.


Did you forget how much hyper came from just Sony's alone? It drowned out almost everything from other publishers.

Even having Bethesda's own event which was pretty big last year showing Doom, Fallout 4 for the first time paled in comparison to FF7remake, Shenmue 3, Horizon, TLG.

This year we are getting PS4 NEO, XBox 1.5 or whatever it is, along side big games to be shown that might eclipse last year.


Well Nintendo is in a situation where they need to start instilling confided to the public about their new console. They are becoming increasingly irrelevant in the console space. They should be trying to hype up NX and assure it'll have 3rd party support. This does nothing to inspire confidence in the new platform

Pretty much how I see it. My excitement has been pretty much extinguished. I have too much else to look forward to and have no desire to see Nintendo drag their feet for another year while I wait for... something.

Meanwhile, I will definitely be busy watching the 'irrelevant' E3, where all of the other great looking games and products will be showcased by the ones who are actually relevant in steering the market. With the end result being millions of consumers getting excited and ready to buy come the holidays.


It's kind of funny remembering the thread where some people were insisting that Nintendo had to have a stage show this year. Not only will there be no stage show, but no direct either and NX won't be there even though it's supposedly launching before the next e3. I don't think anyone predicted all of this lol.

LegenofLex said:
If you continue to support the existing consoles, you can't support the new ones as well as you should.

The end of life droughts is really a symptom of their lack of third party support. Games were still coming out for Ps3 in Japan years after Sony moved on because third parties like mature platforms with a large userbase. Since Nintendo has to go it alone, once they have to start making software for their next system the old system gets neglected.


They're either hugely overestimating Zelda or something bad happened with NX or current events like Neo that made them have to switch things up.


I honestly don't see why people care that much about this. Learning about Zelda will be awesome. The only thing we won't get is info about NX, but we'll get that in spades when they have their own event (or whatever avenue they choose).

They're either hugely overestimating Zelda or something bad happened with NX or current events like Neo that made them have to switch things up.

This is true, actually. If Zelda isn't good (not too likely, but definitely possible), things can go south pretty quickly.

As for abandoning E3 and trade shows in general, it seems like a great idea for larger companies to do this. They can get the word out fairly easily regardless of them. Downside? Larger companies keep the event running so if the big 3 dropped, E3 could die which would kill the smaller companies chances of being seen, etc.


The Birthday Skeleton
The sheer volume of information that's being ousted from E3 to be showcased at other events this year isn't enough? We have two major publishers who are seriously reducing their E3 presence this year, and many other staple publishers who are also bowing out.

No. It's not enough. EA and Activision had redundant presences with what's shown by Sony and Microsoft anyhow because of the endless marketing deals.. Disney has nothing to show. Bethesda is in instead. Only Nintendo among the popular ones is reducing. And Zelda will string bring in some decent audience. VR and iterative console gen will compensate.
Did you forget how much hyper came from just Sony's alone? It drowned out almost everything from other publishers.

You're making my point for me.

Why the hell should other publishers even bother with E3 anymore? E3 is basically just a week-long commercial for PlayStation 4 at this point.

Sony's "volume" didn't drown out E3. Sony announced about as many things as they always announce. The difference is that Sony is the loudest voice, and so all the volume from other people doesn't matter for shit.

Remember, I said "volume," not "noise."
I'm as excited for the new Zelda as the next guy, but surely even the most diehard fan wants more than a single game demoed at a 3 day event. But hey, maybe they have something else up their sleeve.
They're either hugely overestimating Zelda or something bad happened with NX or current events like Neo that made them have to switch things up.
I highly doubt this is a reaction to a revision of a console.
Nintendo just takes their sweet time and doesn't care if it rubs people the wrong way because they don't think it will be long lasting.


Welp, I think even the worst case scenarii weren't even that bad... I really hope they are preparing something really huge to gain mindshare back because Nintendo is hitting all the right notes to be forgotten.
I'm as excited for the new Zelda as the next guy, but surely even the most diehard fan wants more than a single game demoed at a 3 day event. But hey, maybe they have something else up their sleeve.

let's just set expectations low and say they don't.
cause they probably don't.
As unlikely as it is, how would you feel if the next big Zelda game was a crossover with Final Fantasy?

Yeah I'm making connections to the FF Twitter account following Nintendo Twitter accounts, but why not, it's just for fun.


The Birthday Skeleton
You're making my point for me.

Why the hell should other publishers even bother with E3 anymore? E3 is basically just a week-long commercial for PlayStation 4 at this point.

Sony's "volume" didn't drown out E3. Sony announced about as many things as they always announce. The difference is that Sony is the loudest voice, and so all the volume from other people doesn't matter for shit.

Remember, I said "volume," not "noise."

So, it's not that E3 is losing importance in general, but that Sony's marketing team is too good at its job. I wish someday Nintendo will get a marketing team like that.


Rockstar skips E3 almost every year.

And yet they are relevant and more so than Nintendo because there products are great and they haven't had missteps.

Nintendo has had tons.
BETHESDA for the most part is on the same page as Rockstar they are big enough and have had success after success that they can have their own venue.

And when I say success I mean a lot if not most of their games both rockstar and Bethesda sell a fuck ton.
But if you look you'll see where bethesda in June puts it's venue. Rockstar doesn't release as many titles as bethesda in quarterly fashion.

E3 is losing importance... for everyone who is not Sony.

Or maybe everyone else isn't using it correctly, and doing a piss poor job at marketing to their demographic?


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
The sheer volume of information that's being ousted from E3 to be showcased at other events this year isn't enough? We have two major publishers who are seriously reducing their E3 presence this year, and many other staple publishers who are also bowing out.

But those publishers that bowed out have signed deals with Sony and MS to be at their press conferences so.....


Why does everyone seem to hate zelda today?

No one hates Zelda, its just that it is sadly going to be the scrape-goat for Nintendo being quiet.

Not only is it going to be the ONLY thing shown off during Nintendo's big E3 (sponging attention from other 3DS and Wii U titles they could be showing off) but it adds pressure for the game to really impress. People want NX news and while it won't get attention, at least they could dive into the Wii U and 3DS stuff (and the 3DS has a damn good line up this year) coming out this year.

But they won't for some reason, and that is upsetting some. Oh well, hope Zelda impresses and makes people happy, but its not enough honestly.
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