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Developer: PS4 Neo exists because PVR was going to be awful on reg PS4s[debunked]

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I mean, this does make a lot of sense. PS4 is doing so well and launching is new and upgraded console is unprecedented. PSVR being the catalyst seems totally believeable to me.

While I agree that VR was a major reason to launch the Neo, there were other reasons too that would indicate a shorter hardware refresh that involved a capability bump.

  • Consoles are no longer sold at a loss so no need to artificially extend generation to recoup costs
  • Console this gen were less powerful to computers at launch than in previous generations. This necessarily meant a shorter lifespan
  • Consoles standardized on x86 hardware which meant that full compatibility between generations was possible. Devs no longer had to worry about entirely new architecture and creating new engines to support a new generation.
  • Research and development costs outsourced to AMD. To upgrade consoles, all platform owners had to do was to use newer tech that AMD developed. They didn't have to spend the resources to do it themselves.
  • No platform owner wanted to allow another platform to move before them. Xbox and PlayStation had to design a new console to answer the likely new competition from the other


*buys PSVR for PS4*

"Boy, this is rough!"

*Sony announces more powerful PS4K*

"Boy, guess I'd better get that unit to justify the $399 I laid out for the VR"

...is what Sony hopes and prays will happen.
How else they Gona sell 20 million consoles this year.
Everything about the Neo is just awful to me.

I hate that they're basically making the OG obsolete.

Not only will the OG PS4 not be obsolete, but it will still be the main development platform over the Neo for many years to come. The install base of the Neo is going to be absolutely tiny compared to the PS4 for quite a while.

People have this exactly backwards. The PS4 isn't going to become the unwanted stepchild to the Neo. The Neo is going to become the enthusiast only, TitanX like, high cost version of the PS4.
so that 40+ million install base doesn't matter much if psvr is going to be mostly geared towards a brand new audience

that's what this sounds like
I know this isn't officially confirmed or anything but I do expect Neo to easily have the better VR experience. It's basically a given which makes me think I should just wait until next fall for PSVR and see what launch owners think/how their headset is holding up. Might actually get an oculus rift first if I even get a VR headset

This just in: more powerful hardware provides better experience.


This is true. Try playing a demanding VR game on an equally powerful PC as a PS4. Sure the indie tech demos will run just fine, but no one can expect to tolerate something like Star Citizen with inconsistant frames. It would make people sick to their stomach.
this is nonsense. my note 5 does vr decently with my gear vr. obviously a launch ps4 packs a much bigger punch than a cell phone...

Daft Punk

This is true. Try playing a demanding VR game on an equally powerful PC as a PS4. Sure the indie tech demos will run just fine, but no one can expect to tolerate something like Star Citizen with inconsistant frames. It would make people sick to their stomach.

Did you completely miss what Matt just said last page?


Not only will the OG PS4 not be obsolete, but it will still be the main development platform over the Neo for many years to come. The install base of the Neo is going to be absolutely tiny compared to the PS4 for quite a while.

People have this exactly backwards. The PS4 isn't going to become the unwanted stepchild to the Neo. The Neo is going to become the enthusiast only, TitanX like, high cost version of the PS4.

Im thinking this way too much like how developers prioritize the older consoles for awhile when a new console releases (PS3 -PS4). Developers will focus on whichever one has the biggest install base thats just common sense, by the time the PS4Neo takes over PS5 will most likely be released anyway, and the cycle continues.
The next year is going to be an absolute clusterfuck no matter what the outcome. Think I might take a little hiatus from console gaming.
This is true. Try playing a demanding VR game on an equally powerful PC as a PS4. Sure the indie tech demos will run just fine, but no one can expect to tolerate something like Star Citizen with inconsistant frames. It would make people sick to their stomach.
Do people really not understand what they are proclaiming?

Has the game in your example been specifically tailored to run on that pc? Has the games developer been held to certain standards by an overseeing body to prevent inconsistent performance?

The answer is no, which is precisely why the ps4 will be fine for psvr. Sony are being very strict with a games performance to prevent all of these issues.

It's like some people can't understand this! At most psvr games will feature more simple graphic effects etc, to compensate for the lower power but that doesn't mean a game will 'run like shit and make people sick' as all of the anti psvr brigade seem to continually spout.


The denial and the exaggerations built on top of that in this thread is hilarious to be honest.
People really want to believe that their PS4 will be a good VR machine.



Lol well thats a nice little shit stirring quote but they cant very well neglect 40 million ps4s so theyll just have to turn down the graphics a bit.
Please can you explain how you got from A - I-don't-know what letter here?
i don't know how else to explain it dude. i thought psvr was releasing in 2016 to open up to a large enough install base, which makes sense - now it sounds like Ps4K's main purpose is to facilitate psvr but if that's the case then it's moving mostly on a new platform, not one preexisting with a 40+ million installbase.


Pack it up Sony, all your demos and impressions from thousands of sources are worth nothing because a guy said in an interview that ps vr is awful.


Man. This thread.

Do people really think Sony have been secretly demoing PSVR on the PS4 Neo, and that, when speaking at the GDC to game developers who will make games for this HMD, they outright lied? That the PS4 is marginally more powerful than a smart phone, barely capable of running the same content available on GearVR? That, somehow, a single un-substantiated source, making a demonstrably false claim undoes literally months, and months, and months of ridiculously positive hands-on experiences? What, is everyone who tried it and liked it just uninformed or straight up fabricated? Somehow, PC VR enthusiasts who walked away from PSVR with nothing but glowing praise for it, remaking just how incredible it is to such high quality VR on a console, are wrong because... like... pixels, man?

This thread.


Thinks buying more servers can fix a bad patch
We have God knows how many quotes from devs over the last 2+ years who have been impressed with/surprised at how well the PS4 handles VR.

By that, they are talking about running VR at a proper state. But it is not as all as good as the pc based.


ITT: Some people are sure Sony will ignore 40 million of PS4s in the market for the launch of a new, apparently niche product.
Read that again and realize how ridiculous it sounds.


Let me tell you, if they somehow duped us and we're actually showing off the psvr using the Neo then everyone is in for disappointment.

The games ran fine at the expense of visual fidelity.
OK definitely shelving this article under hyperbole now that some devs have commented.

Yeah, I just hope Sony has a really solid PR and marketing campaign for Neo and PSVR on hold, none of these 50 million PS4 owners around PSVR launch should think that their console isn't powerful enough to use that headset.
For the pre-orders I seem to remember those in the US had to wait days to do so because Sony weren't announcing anything? Sorry if I have my wires crossed here.

You're probably just thinking of how we had to wait since we didn't get to preorder first since some other (UK was it? I forget which) online store was able to take orders first before Amazon US, Gamestop, etc. The only thing we really had to wait for was the the non-bundle at the previously announced price which they did a little later since originally they said they were going to only do preorders for the bundle but did both.
I used it and with a OG PS4. It was good for the most part and a lot of others who tried it said the same thing....maybe the writer is exaggerating a bit.


Man i guess all those awesome PSVR demos ive tried were just some fever dream. Those people having a blast trying out RIGS must of been paid to look like they were having an awesome time.


So those who want PSVR will have to buy the new PS4 Neo just to fully take advantage of it? Alrighty then. Glad I have no interest in VR and am happy with the PS4 I already bought.


I really can't believe people would swallow one "anonymous industry insider" saying this shit over all the positive feedback available for PSVR from so many different sources. We have no reason to assume those games have been demoed on anything other than OG PS4 hardware and the impressions about RIGS and Battlezone and whatnot have been positive. Maybe one dev hasn't been able to adjust their tech to make do with what PS4 + PSVR were capable of / limited to, but that is their limitation and has nothing to do with the possibility of good shit being made for that combo.


i don't know how else to explain it dude. i thought psvr was releasing in 2016 to open up to a large enough install base, which makes sense - now it sounds like Ps4K's main purpose is to facilitate psvr but if that's the case then it's moving mostly on a new platform, not one preexisting with a 40+ million installbase.

So what you're going to do is let one anonymous mis-quote divorced from its source contradict all the PSVR impressions you've read on Gaf?


Probably for tech demo and light games the normal PS4 will be fine, obviously for "real" games they'll need more power, even Rift on a 970 have problems with some games.

The thread is Gaf at its absolute worst. Inaccuracy & misinformation all over the place, chronic hyperbole, people not just jumping but pole-vaulting to poor conclusions, not to mention a smattering of Xbone fans stirring the pot.

First, the quoted article is a re-write of one from Edge, so it isn't even the original source.

Second, this is one anonymous person as a source, contradicting not just press reports but the words of fellow gaffers, gamers and devs who post here, who gave experience of using PSVR.

Third, the PC comparisons are really pointless. Vive and OR are pushing nearly twice as many pixels just to achieve the baseline resolution for the panels.

Finally, that the re-write article YET AGAIN repeats the erroneous information about the breakout box is a big red flashing alarm.


DemonNite and Matt both further putting this bullshit to rest.
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