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What was the N64 game with the overall best graphics?


Can't believe people think PD looks better than SM64

Yes, because PD is, in fact, better than SM64 graphically? That's what the thread title is asking. Or are you somehow trying to say that a launch title from 1996 is better graphically than a game that released 4 years later?
If you count US launch (I wouldn't) then Super Mario Bros. is one of the best games you can make with a regular no frills Nintendo Game Pak. No fancy MMC.

You're probably right about SMB being about as good a game as you can make on its kind of cart, but I agree that the Japanese launch should be the starting date used and not the Western launches, so that doesn't matter much; the game shows how much Nintendo had learned about the system over the two years since its original release.

Oh, and I'm not sure if I'd say the GBA has a great-looking launch title either.
Graphics or art direction?

Mischief Makers comes directly to mind. I also think that SM64, Pokemon Snap, and Snowboard Kids/SK2 both hold up really well between their art design and graphical fidelity.

On the other hand, Goldeneye is totally unplayable now between the graphics and the single-analog control.


Wow, looking though this thread it amazed me how many different rare titles were named. Did some checking and Rare published 11 (!) games during the 5 year the N64 was 'alive'. ELEVEN... In like 5 different genres as well.

How the times have changed.


Graphics or art direction?

Mischief Makers comes directly to mind. I also think that SM64, Pokemon Snap, and Snowboard Kids/SK2 both hold up really well between their art design and graphical fidelity.

On the other hand, Goldeneye is totally unplayable now between the graphics and the single-analog control.

I disagree.


I'm going with Banjo Kazooie.

Those layered textures looked beautiful when I ran through it in 1998.

It also runs at an acceptable frame rate.

Conker and JFG had the bigger wow factor but Im pretty sure they ran at a good 5 to 10 fps less than BK. Same story with its sequel.

World Driver Championship was seriously impressive also. High Resolution with very nice models and lighting.

The game that had the biggest initial impact was SM64... but it was more revolutionary than the game with the nicest visuals. I appreciate Nintendo creating a balanced well performing game though. Going from smooth 50fps 2D games to a jerky 15 was rough... even if I didn't fully understand what was going on. Same applies to the original Turok, fog and all. At least it was smooth.

Im going to have to discount all 2D games due to Nintendo's insane decision to mandate filtering on everything.
I disagree.

I wish that I disagreed with myself, but I've tried four times in the past year or so. I unlocked everything back in high school when this game came out, but now I just can't get past the first guard tower in the game without being like "fuck this, I'ma play some No Mercy instead." Which I then do.
And how could I forget Wave Race - that's one game where the visuals, physics and gameplay all come together as one. The polygonal water is still convincing to ride on today.

This is what I came to post. Wave Race might not have had the best character models, but the water was absolutely gorgeous and still looks great. The scenery was nice too.


1080 Snowboarding.

I not sure how it would fare at today standards, but man, my 14 old self was completely astonished with the looks of this game.


I'd stick with Star Wars Rogue Squadron or Episode 1 racer. Factor 5 were magicians. The high speed of both those games also hides the lack of detail better then most games where you travel much more slowly


From personal experience, Turok [X] . I never got around to playing many N64 games back in the day but I remember the awe I felt when I first laid eyes on the game as I watched someone play it.


Perfect Dark. Everything about that game, from the lighting to the contextual animation, was a technical masterpiece, albeit at the cost of an often diced framerate.

That's my vote too. In fact, Rare was AMAZING with the N64 hardware in general.


Pretty much every Rare game from 1999-2001 was the new best-looking game on the N64. They were the absolute masters of that system in terms of visuals.

The two Zeldas were also stunning for their time.


I was a super hardcore N64 fanboy back the in the day.

Sadly, the games have not aged well.

Conker, Waverace 64, Tetrisphere, and Sin & Punishment are the best looking IMO.

I also remember the All Star Baseball series looking pretty damn good too.


I've got an UltraHDMI so I've played a lot of N64 recently. and it's a shame just how low the frame rates are on most games. It's sub 20 a lot of the time. Not to mention god awful smeary image quality.

To me that disqualifies most n64 games from being the best, so I also put my money on Mario 64.

That's silly. There are much better looking N64 games than Mario 64 which run at a consistent 30 fps rate. Notably Paper Mario and Sin & Punishment.


Wow, I'm at a loss. I played Turok 3 but recall nothing about it.

Paper Mario is a fantastic pick, as is Banjo Kazooie. How does Rogue Squadron hold up?
The SM64 answers are honestly baffling. That game's visuals are not redeeming in any way outside of Mario's animations. Unless you value that like 10x over everything else, I'm actually confused at that answer.


I wish that I disagreed with myself, but I've tried four times in the past year or so. I unlocked everything back in high school when this game came out, but now I just can't get past the first guard tower in the game without being like "fuck this, I'ma play some No Mercy instead." Which I then do.

Depends on who you talk to, I guess. Some people have an easier time getting used to the controls, and some people have a harder time. I feel like the people saying it hasn't aged well are just spoiled by modern FPS control schemes and don't want to take the time to learn (or in your case, re-learn) Goldeneye's control scheme to be honest.

It's kind of funny to me since you were in high school when the game released, and I was barely just born then, and I can still play and have fun with the game while at the same time enjoy modern FPSs like COD. Everybody's different, I guess. *shrug*


Not considering frame rates, and of the games I played, I'd say Majora's Mask and Perfect Dark. Never played Conker, but it is probably the best looking.


Forsaken on the PSX is the version that is most impressive. The N64 version looks fine but is missing content and is still only 30fps.

The PSX version, however, includes the entirety of the single player game that is present on the PC and, more importantly, actually runs at 60fps. Seriously. It's one of the most impressive games on the system as a result of its high frame-rate. Texture warping is certainly present but the developers did a good job of minimizing it will maintaining visuals similar to the PC version.

Forsaken on the N64 is an entirely different game. That's like saying Doom 64 is "missing content" because it doesn't have the levels from other Doom games in it.
I feel like EAD's stuff has aged better than Rare's in terms of visuals. WaveRace, Mario 64, Zelda and Star Fox 64 all still look great to me. Even FZero at 60 FPS is nice. Rare's stuff is too framey now, with the possible exception of Conker.
I feel like it's a "Pick your RARE game vote" for first, and then we can squabble after we discount RARE.

Those Paper Mario screens are slick.

I also agree that Pokemon Snap worked well (being on rails helps a lot of course).


Neo Member
I thought WCW/NWO Revenge looked nice. Really, all N64 games hold up decent enough if you use the right TV. Like if I play Zelda Orcania of time on a standard def 19 to 20 inch screen it's compressed enough where you don't see all the flaws, jaggies, etc. so it's still visually appealing. But now if you try to put it on anything larger then a 25 inch standard def or any flat screen 32 inches or larger, the games look like trash because the images are stretched out enough to see every single imperfection/ shortcoming of the graphics.


Neo Member
This debate won't ever end (btw Perfect Dark :p) but anyway I really miss my N64 .

My personal list:

All the Rare games period.
Zelda Games
Turok 2,3
Quake 2
Rayman 2
Rocket Robot on Wheels
Rampage Universal Tour
Paper Mario
Smash Bros
Orge Battle 64

Some I didn't see posted: (to me they look good)

Yoshi Island Story
Star Fox
Tiggers Honey Hunt(art style). A lot of the Disney movie games look decent tbh.


Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire

Not a pretty game or anything but I felt they did a great job of recreating the look and feel of the Star Wars Universe on pretty limited hardware. I don't remember the frame rate being too much of an issue although there were dips and chokes when a bit too much was going on at once.


Yoshi's Story

Do I really need to make a case for this game? So beautiful and charming. I don't have the same negative feelings towards this game as most others do so it was pretty awesome for me.

Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask

This game is the love of my life. One of the few games that is still playable to me on the 64 even though it has frame rate issues. The graphics in this game did so well to set the setting and really set itself apart from Ocarina of Time.




Forsaken on the N64 is an entirely different game. That's like saying Doom 64 is "missing content" because it doesn't have the levels from other Doom games in it.
Yeah, it was developed by a different team (Iguana UK).

Probably the best looking fighting game on N64 which is ironic since it's from 1997.
Sadly the more talented development teams didn't make that kind of games for N64.


Majora's Mask, and... Mario Golf, which is so competent, it might be the cleanest looking game on the system.

it's pretty tough to grade the N64 on graphics, because while it clearly could throw more polygons around than the Playstation, almost every game was stylistically compromised in some way. Ridge Racer was absolutely neutered on the N64. The system could not handle a 2D fighter without that, too, looking smeared (Rakuga Kids). The system could only compare to the PS2 and Dreamcast in the context of lazy design.


Most of the obvious ones people have stated already - but I think Shadowman deserves an honourable mention. Acclaim really knew their way around the hardware.



Never really enjoyed the game itself that much though.


Majora's Mask, and... Mario Golf, which is so competent, it might be the cleanest looking game on the system.

it's pretty tough to grade the N64 on graphics, because while it clearly could throw more polygons around than the Playstation, almost every game was stylistically compromised in some way. Ridge Racer was absolutely neutered on the N64. The system could not handle a 2D fighter without that, too, looking smeared (Rakuga Kids). The system could only compare to the PS2 and Dreamcast in the context of lazy design.

I think it actually displayed fewer polygons than the PSX in practice. None of that horrible texture tear though.
Wave Race 64.

The water in the game was amazing. There was nothing on any other system quite like it. I don't think there's even a Dreamcast game that had water like Wave Race 64. It took the Gamecube/Xbox/PC to surpass the water effects. The game also avoided the blurry N64 look, and had incredible draw distance. The frame rate was silky smooth too.


There are too many inaccurate emulator shots in this thread. Emulators make N64 games look too sharp.

If you want to see how N64 games really look and don't have a real machine, use the Angrylion's Pixel Accurate plugin and keep DAC filters ON:






These are images from random games from this thread: http://www.sega-16.com/forum/showthread.php?31145-N64-Games-Hacked-To-Remove-Blurry-Graphics-Via-Action-Replay-Or-Flash-Carts

For me, in order to declare the Graphics king on the N64, i take into account the sharpness (you can't see that in emulator shots without Angrylions and many games look too blurred in reality), frame rate (can't see that in screenshots), geometry, draw distances and art direction. It has to be a good balance between all those. With that said, these are the definite winners on the N64:

World Driver Championship


Shadowman (High-Res mode)

Doom 64
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