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Kotaku receives death threats for reporting No Man's Sky delay


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
If you haven't read it yet, I recommend not only you, but everyone else here to read this.


I'll read it just as soon as Devin grows some balls, ovaries, or any other appropriate anti-cowardice organ such that the next time he has something to say to me in person he actually says it face to face, instead of sending a minion over to speak on his behalf while watching awkwardly from a safe distance.
I'll read it just as soon as Devin grows some balls, ovaries, or any other appropriate anti-cowardice organ such that the next time he has something to say to me in person he actually says it face to face, instead of sending a minion over to speak on his behalf while watching awkwardly from a safe distance.

What the fuck
That escalated so fast I got vertigo

Did he King of Kong you?!
2. They sensationalize articles. This is one with which I sympathize. While it is entirely reasonable to report on rumours of a potential delay, it is one thing to say "Sources say game delayed until at least July or August. Sony and Hello Games have not responded to us." and end it with that and another to say "Sources say that game may be delayed. Are uncertain of date. A game delay like this is usual/unusual. Sony and Hello Games have not yet issued a new release date and have not yet commented.

But if their sources don't say the game may be delayed then that's misreporting. If their sources say the game is delayed then of course they're going to report it as their sources saying the game is delayed.

That's where the whole sources part comes in, it would be entirely different to just write "No Man's Sky is delayed".


I'll read it just as soon as Devin grows some balls, ovaries, or any other appropriate anti-cowardice organ such that the next time he has something to say to me in person he actually says it face to face, instead of sending a minion over to speak on his behalf while watching awkwardly from a safe distance.


but seriously, what?
Silly Death-Threat-Gators painting Kotaku as being the same villain as in Tomorrow Never Dies.

Painting Kotaku to be really an evil news company that acquired blackmail on the developers, and used that to force the game to delayed, just for the exclusive to report that the game will be delayed.
I'll read it just as soon as Devin grows some balls, ovaries, or any other appropriate anti-cowardice organ such that the next time he has something to say to me in person he actually says it face to face, instead of sending a minion over to speak on his behalf while watching awkwardly from a safe distance.

Ummm apparently I really missed something here lol. I only linked the article (read it all the way through) because a friend sent it to me earlier today.

This should be a good backstory if you're willing to tell it haha.


Do people send death threats over anything nowadays ? Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with these people ?!

Surface of Me

I'm not an NPC. And neither are we.
Who cares people troll on the internet all the time, this dude jason just had to write about this dumb shit. Know when you're being trolled.

Ill be honest, I used to be in this same sort of thinking before I heard a Youtube personality I like speak about it, instead of just reading it. The fear in his voice, the fact that he almost knew it was trolls, but couldnt be too sure about it really made me think. Disgusted by my old opinion.


I'll read it just as soon as Devin grows some balls, ovaries, or any other appropriate anti-cowardice organ such that the next time he has something to say to me in person he actually says it face to face, instead of sending a minion over to speak on his behalf while watching awkwardly from a safe distance.

Oh my. It seems things have gotten... HEATED.
Sometimes it seems like we're well past Idiocracy levels of stupidity, though it's probably more likely that the world has always been this depressingly dumb. The internet just puts it out there for everyone to see.


Wait, I don't understand, why is the guy in question pissed at the games delay? Its not them who are working on said project. Or does the guy work/have affiliation with the company and is pissed off at the leak?

I think I am missing something here.


I'll read it just as soon as Devin grows some balls, ovaries, or any other appropriate anti-cowardice organ such that the next time he has something to say to me in person he actually says it face to face, instead of sending a minion over to speak on his behalf while watching awkwardly from a safe distance.

Shit, now that sounds like a story I want to hear.


I know people dont actually mean it but it would be nice for once if police just went up to their house and arrest some of these "badasses". Maybe then they would realize they are interacting with the real world and not NPCs, like they probably did for all their childhood.
I hate people sometimes.
It's just a delay, not a cancellation.
And even if the game had been cancelled that still would be no appropriate reaction to anything.
Wanting to murder someone over a game?

What the fuck is wrong with people?!?
Don't they know that they can get arrested over threatening someone with murder?


I am sure Tim Berners-Lee didn't envisage how horrible the anonymous people on the internet would be when he gifted it to the world...
This makes me think. Should we hate and kill NeoGAF now?



I'll read it just as soon as Devin grows some balls, ovaries, or any other appropriate anti-cowardice organ such that the next time he has something to say to me in person he actually says it face to face, instead of sending a minion over to speak on his behalf while watching awkwardly from a safe distance.

I am really curious now.

Big Nikus

I'll read it just as soon as Devin grows some balls, ovaries, or any other appropriate anti-cowardice organ such that the next time he has something to say to me in person he actually says it face to face, instead of sending a minion over to speak on his behalf while watching awkwardly from a safe distance.



Even though there may be nothing else to tell.


For a game that seems to have minimal violence, no sex, no grittiness and instead promises exploration and vistas targeting those who love a certain style of art from classic SF culture this game really does seem to generate the oddest reactions and aggression/concern.

I mean death threats for a blog reporting a potential delay? What happened to don't shoot the messenger?

Death threats for the developer because they delay the game a few weeks so its actually a solid release and hopefully not a bug ridden mess like way too many AAA games pushed out to meet commercially set dates with scant regard for customers? Okay... that seems off base. Maybe be glad the developer of the game you're so invested in actually does seem to give a damn about you?

I mean crazies like this have been around forever and pop in all kinds of ways, the internet just makes their "job" super easy... but still. For some reason it seems crazy its a game like NMS that's attracting such heat. It's a love letter to SF art covers. What's behind the seemingly higher level of mayhem with this title?


Unless someone finds a way to track this people down and punch them in the face nobody wins, they always end up getting the attention they want and certanly think this is funny.
Sölf;205264957 said:
How can you get so obsessed with a game that hasn't even been released yet? Wtf.

Yeah I don't get it either. There can't be any personal investment yet as the game isn't out.

I'd understand (but obviously not agree) if this was a CoD or Uncharted game or something, but this?

It's weird.


Those threats are unacceptable and his complain is legitimate.
However I don't get why people complaining about Twitter dramas are generaly some power users of it, and despite of their complains they keep using it intensively. If the platform sucks just stop using it. I don't use Twitter and guess what ? I'm living fine.
I'll read it just as soon as Devin grows some balls, ovaries, or any other appropriate anti-cowardice organ such that the next time he has something to say to me in person he actually says it face to face, instead of sending a minion over to speak on his behalf while watching awkwardly from a safe distance.

Devin F seems like a decent writer but a pretty shit everything else.
I'll read it just as soon as Devin grows some balls, ovaries, or any other appropriate anti-cowardice organ such that the next time he has something to say to me in person he actually says it face to face, instead of sending a minion over to speak on his behalf while watching awkwardly from a safe distance.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
That Twitter user from the OP is probably a member here. I've seen their artwork in an avatar recently.


I got grudge sucked!
While I've certainlly been disappointed ith game delays, I can't remember ever being truly angry about them. Thinking about emailing someone a death threat about the delay is already more effort than I would care to put into it, let alone actually do it.

So there is a business practice thats been around regarding emails about contentious situations that probably apply to posts on message boards, facebook, twitter. Go ahead and write your nasty email about whatever it was that pissed in your cornflakes, get it all out. DO NOT address it and DO NOT send it. Instead step away from the computer and chill for a bit. Come back and read that email once you've cooled down. Still want to send it? Some might, but I think some people will at least come to the realization that its just a waste of time and isn't helping you or anyone.


So, if i got it right, Jason wrote about NMS delay, then fanboys started going crazy and calling Kotaku out of pulling the rumor out of their ass, then rumor was confirmed, and then the fanboys, instead of stfu or admitting they were wrong, send death threats?
Are those people raised in fuckin caves?
To be fair, that Ghostbusters video was the work of a total loser.

The other tweets about the 'destroying' and the guys wife are inexcusable though.

So you have no problem with the comments he made about James over a video where he mentioned he wasn't going to watch a movie? He literally got upset over a guy not wanting to watch something.


So, if i got it right, Jason wrote about NMS delay, then fanboys started going crazy and calling Kotaku out of pulling the rumor out of their ass, then rumor was confirmed, and then the fanboys, instead of stfu or admitting they were wrong, send death threats?
Are those people raised in fuckin caves?

They started with the death threats right after he published the rumour actually.
After it was confirmed they blamed him for the delay, because reasons.
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