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Sony E3 Conference 2016 |OT|

What are you most excited for?

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Loved the focus on single player games. I guess I was kind of worried that lots would be co-op online focused, which seemed was becoming more common a few e3's ago. Not been blown away by anything Sony showed, but most do look like games I would want to buy. I thought it was a very solid presser.

Glad to have that TLG release date :)
^I listed what I wanted. Those plus some crazy dormant game IP announcements like Onimusha, Devil May Cry, Siren, Mega Man, Fatal Frame, Final Fantasy Tactics - stuff like that rather than the usual AAA snorefests full of zombies.

God of Bore. Predictable as hell making a new one.
Kojima was good, yes
Resident Evil 7 that looks nothing like Resident Evil.
Crash? So shocking.
Generic zombie game no. 789. Shocking.
TLG release date, well it's only been a decade
Spiderman tie in with movie from Sony? Shocking.

None of those are anywhere near as surprising as FFVII remake, Shenmue 3, Yakuza 0 localization or The Last Guardian's reappearance.

Oh come now Sumio.

Now that a night has passed how did you guys feel. Did we overhype it? For me it truly was better than last year because last year was mostly made amazing by announcements and not gameplay. This year it was all about games far along into development with a true reveal and for me they all looked amazing


Time to address the predictions I made in the hype thread prior to E3...



- God of War 4 is there. The norse is real. Will begin the conference and the footage featured will be used to showcase the PS4K or whatever it's called now. Right on the money for everything apart from the PS4K part.
- PS4K details announced. Specs, price, release date (fall this year). I won't care though 'cos I don't like this iterative console horseshit one bit. They didn't even mention 4K once.
- VR gets a little attention, but nothing on the scale of PSX last year. No live demos, but expect montages. Bang on.
- A new Dreams demonstration, designed squarely to better explain to a wide audience what the hell it's all about. Nope. Dreams was nowhere to be seen.
- A very extravagant, showboaty FFXV trailer appears. No mention of FFVIIR at all during the entire conference. I wanted to see Aeris. :( There was a trailer, but it wasn't exactly showboaty. Was right about VIIR.
- Bend's new game Dead Don't Ride is unveiled. Follows your typical open-world AAA model to a tee. I'm not impressed. Bang on the money for everything apart from the name.
- Some Ubisoft dev presents some footage for the just-announced-at-Ubisoft's-presser Watch Dogs 2, coupled with timed-exclusive content and all that bullshit. Game looks hot though because it's one of the very few interesting things Ubi is working on. Sort of right, except this didn't happen at Sony's conference!
- More Horizon footage, this time deviating away from the familiar shoot-dinosaurs-in-a-field action into more unexpected territory. 2017 release window. More footage, but it was wholly similar to what we've seen before.
- Boyes strides on stage, whips out a big fat announcement in the form of Shenmue HD Collection. No sight of Shenmue III. Boyes was a no show! Wrong on all counts.
- Persona 5 gets a short trailer paired with a release date for US territories. Not even going to guess when it's coming out. You can tell I made this list a fair while ago.
- Indies.Nope! Unbelievable!
- The Capcom love affair continues despite SFV's tepid performance in the charts. Resident Evil 7 is unleashed upon the world. The die-hards complain that it looks too bombastic and isn't in the spirit of the earlier titles. They have every right to complain. Right about Resi7. Wrong about everything else.
- Surprisingly, there's no Destiny fart-huffing to be had this time around. Destiny's non-appearance makes Boyes look like a broken man as a result. (Expect a blow-out for the sequel next year though). Correct about everything not involving Boyes.
- Activision zzzz. Call of Duty zzzz. Timed-exclusive content zzzz. DLC announcement zzzz. A million tiny voices plead Sony to wrap it up. Yep. Not exactly a bold prediction though.
- The Last Guardian gets a new trailer that is very much on the lean side, with a specific release date tagged on at the end. Game remains shrouded in mystery. Correct.
- Japan Studio's big-budget JRPG is shown off. Looks glorious. Is a surprise highlight of the event. Eugh.
- Conference ends on Layden or House mentioning the 20th anniversary of a certain shorts-wearing marsupial. Segue into a trailer that mixes humorous cutscene footage and gameplay. Naughty Dog's logo appears at the end. Sony suit boasts that they now own the rights to Crash Bandicoot. BAM! Waaaaaay off the mark for so many reasons.

No sight nor sound of Gravity Rush 2it appeared in a montage at the end, GT Sportsame I think?, DetroitWrong! Detroit was there in full force or Ni no Kuni 2. No Sucker Punchcorrect, no Spidermanwrong. No Knack 2 (thank God)thank God is right. Ape Escape 4 is saved for TGSwe can only hope.


I'm a regular Michael Pachter I am.

The only thing I disagree with is Call of Duty. It was received extremely well IMO, especially since most people didn't even realize it was Call of Duty until the end of the demo.


I came during that X-wing VR demo. Thought it was gonna be a full x-wing demo....sadly will probably only be a 30-minute "demo".


If you didn't like the games they showed you could at least admire the pacing and number of titles that were packed into the conference.


^I listed what I wanted. Those plus some crazy dormant game IP announcements like Onimusha, Devil May Cry, Siren, Mega Man, Fatal Frame, Final Fantasy Tactics - stuff like that rather than the usual AAA snorefests full of zombies. And where the heck was From Software?

God of Bore. Predictable as hell making a new one.
Kojima was good, yes
Resident Evil 7 that looks nothing like Resident Evil.
Crash? So shocking.
Generic zombie game no. 789. Shocking.
TLG release date, well it's only been a decade
Spiderman tie in with movie from Sony? Shocking.

None of those are anywhere near as surprising as FFVII remake, Shenmue 3, Yakuza 0 localization or The Last Guardian's reappearance.

I know you're just upset because your eclectic tastes aren't being specifically tailored to which is making you lash out irrationality, but not much about what you said follows reality. For one, you are unable to name a similar games to Days Gone without just adding to an imaginary and inflated number hoping that gross over-exaggeration will cover up the fact that you aren't exactly giving any of these games a chance.

You're also completely wrong about the Spider-Man title - Insomniac confirmed that it is a whole different universe from the films.
^I listed what I wanted. Those plus some crazy dormant game IP announcements like Onimusha, Devil May Cry, Siren, Mega Man, Fatal Frame, Final Fantasy Tactics - stuff like that rather than the usual AAA snorefests full of zombies. And where the heck was From Software?

God of Bore. Predictable as hell making a new one.
Kojima was good, yes
Resident Evil 7 that looks nothing like Resident Evil.
Crash? So shocking.
Generic zombie game no. 789. Shocking.
TLG release date, well it's only been a decade
Spiderman tie in with movie from Sony? Shocking.

None of those are anywhere near as surprising as FFVII remake, Shenmue 3, Yakuza 0 localization or The Last Guardian's reappearance.

Sumio, it sounds like what you wanted was TGS, which is a few months away. Tons of Japanese games that are due to launch within the next 6 months weren't showcasd at this show.

This show was about Sony 1st-party, specifically for its Western studios.
^Gravity Rush 2 is first party and Japanese, just like The Last Guardian and Kojima's game. No show.

Was also surprised by the lack of Persona 5, guess it's too "Japanese" for this conference though. Whatever that means.

At least you guys aren't hating on me, sorry for my negativity, was just really disappointed. I'll move on now and let you guys party. lol.


The only thing I disagree with is Call of Duty. It was received extremely well IMO, especially since most people didn't even realize it was Call of Duty until the end of the demo.

I didn't realize it until the rifle came out. Was honestly hoping it was some kind of Colony Wars reboot.

Was also surprised by the lack of Persona 5, guess it's too "Japanese" for this conference though. Whatever that means.

Perhaps it's too niche.


Wasn't keen on that conference at all. Very tight conference mind.

Horizon (Yay, this looks amazing)
Resident Evil (doesn't look like much of anything to me, I mean there wasn't much in that demo really)
Detroit (Looks nice, but David Cage)
Spider-Man (Yes yes all of this in my mouth)
God Of War (I like my god of war, but that demo didn't look that great)
Virtual Reality (I don't like or care about virtual reality, so the fact they took so long on this really annoyed me)
The Last Guardian (It looks alright. I mean it looks nice, but gameplay wise, its up in the air innit)
Call Of Duty (Looks a lot different. Hardly looks like call of duty at all, I might even venture. But I've already pre ordered it, so what the hell do I know)
Days Gone (Looks boring, that demo wasn't running well neither. Granted, its still in relatively early stages, but hopefully it looks better next time we see it)
Death Stranding (Thats a Kojima game all right. I'll wait for gameplay to judge)

Is Square at E3 properly this year? I'm still waiting to hear about Rise Of The Tombraider for PS4.

You're right. Forgot about that. A release date would have been nice.


Gold Member
^I listed what I wanted. Those plus some crazy dormant game IP announcements like Onimusha, Devil May Cry, Siren, Mega Man, Fatal Frame, Final Fantasy Tactics - stuff like that rather than the usual AAA snorefests full of zombies. And where the heck was From Software?

God of Bore. Predictable as hell making a new one.
Kojima was good, yes
Resident Evil 7 that looks nothing like Resident Evil.
Crash? So shocking.
Generic zombie game no. 789. Shocking.
TLG release date, well it's only been a decade
Spiderman tie in with movie from Sony? Shocking.

None of those are anywhere near as surprising as FFVII remake, Shenmue 3, Yakuza 0 localization or The Last Guardian's reappearance.

What kind of reasoning is this?

Just because those titles don't appeal to you for whatever reason and you're upset at the lack of Japanese titles, doesn't mean the large majority of the Sony games weren't surprises. Disqualifying titles like that is kind of silly.

Here, let me show you:

- FROM Snoozeware
- Onimusyaawn
- Devil May Sigh
- Mega Fail

TGS will got you covered, no doubt.
I didn't realize it until the rifle came out. Was honestly hoping it was some kind of Colony Wars reboot.

Perhaps it's too niche.

Wow me too, first I thought, ahh must be that small VR space shooter, then holy fuck this could be Colony Wars...please be COLONY WARS, but of course it wasn't :'(
^Gravity Rush 2 is first party and Japanese, just like The Last Guardian and Kojima's game. No show.

Was also surprised by the lack of Persona 5, guess it's too "Japanese" for this conference though. Whatever that means.

Persona 5 got/is getting a new trailer this week, got its US release date unveiled about 10 days ago, and has been known about for years. Its even been featured in at least 1 PSX keynote & 1 TGS keynote.

Gravity Rush 2 also got an E3 trailer, but like I said, this show was about Sony focusing on their first-party western efforts. TLG, a game which has had a decade long dev cycle, needed a release date announcement, & Kojima arguably has as big or a bigger audience in the western markets than he does back home.

Theres also Nier, Nioh, DQ Heroes 2, NNK 2 (which you mentioned), and quite a few others which weren't showcased here. Like I said - Sony has 4 big keynotes this year, and this was the first. Don't sweat the details so much.


Oh come now Sumio.

Now that a night has passed how did you guys feel. Did we overhype it? For me it truly was better than last year because last year was mostly made amazing by announcements and not gameplay. This year it was all about games far along into development with a true reveal and for me they all looked amazing

I think so.

Outside of a Spider-Man trailer, I really didn't find much to be excited about during the conference.

Wow me too, first I thought, ahh must be that small VR space shooter, then holy fuck this could be Colony Wars...please be COLONY WARS, but of course it wasn't :'(

I would have loved a new Colony Wars. I just don't think that is the type of game most publishers are looking to make in 2016.


^Gravity Rush 2 is first party and Japanese, just like The Last Guardian and Kojima's game. No show.

Was also surprised by the lack of Persona 5, guess it's too "Japanese" for this conference though. Whatever that means.

At least you guys aren't hating on me, sorry for my negativity, was just really disappointed. I'll move on now and let you guys party. lol.

It did show.
Also, remember Sony have what? 4 more conferences this year, I'm sure they'll give a showing more to you taste
probably TGS
at some point.
Oh come now Sumio.

Now that a night has passed how did you guys feel. Did we overhype it? For me it truly was better than last year because last year was mostly made amazing by announcements and not gameplay. This year it was all about games far along into development with a true reveal and for me they all looked amazing
The more I think about it, the more it’s starting to be better than last year man..You definitely didn’t over hype it. Let the haters hate. But God of War looks completely different. Like it’s going to be an actual RPG now with real progression for Kratos and the boy. Horizon was my game of the show, looks like a western take on Monster Hunter with a AAA budget. Detroit made me interested in the game when I wrote it off, Heavy Rain spiritual Successor. Days Gone trailer was amazing, but gameplay looked a little rough. Seems like AI and stuff was turned off, but still, love the premise and Shu said Panic is the theme, so I don’t imagine it’ll be as slow paced as TLOU. Spider Man from Insomniac are you kidding!!! After Sunset, I think they are going to nail it!

And TLG will all make us cry end of the year.

Maybe if FF7 PSX demo was there along with last year’s E3, it would remain my top show. But the pacing of this one, the music, all of this stuff being done with gameplay is just incredible!


That may have been the weirdest conference I've ever seen.

It's so weird to just not have any people explaining the games, talking about the console and interviews with developers. It was just major game after major game, after major game. At the time I was thinking that they need to be talking about stuff but I'm really impresed with it now that it's settled in.

I loved the style of presentation, the opening with the orchestra going straoght into God of War was absolutely stunning. No explaination, no intreoduction, just a video of some bloke sitting on the stage and palying the game, perfect.

The presentation of the Crash Bandicoot remasters was spot on, a fantastic stage show. Beautifully done.

It was another one that I was hoping to get more of an explaination about but the whole show was just "Nope, these are game, we'll talk about them at E3".

That Call of Duty demo had made me pre-order the game. Usually when teher's a Call of Duty demo it's blatantly obvious straight away what the game is but it took a a while before I was certain that this was tha game. Fantastic.

It was nice for them not to be endlessly bringing out new execs and developers to talk abut stuff which probably has no place on the stage. Strange at the time but a really good idea.

The only negatives that I had at the time was the lack of section of smaller indie games which I'm a big fan of, bit again, now that it's settled it seems liek a good decision. There's already been announcements and it's not as if they'll be ignored over the next few days.

I really enjoyed the Xbox conference but after this, it just seems so old fashioned. Yoiu would have thought that announcing two new pieces of hardware would have been an instant "win", I did, but this was a lesson in how to produce a stage show at E3. The games took centre stage, which is how it should be.

Better than last years show? It may not have had as many and as important crazy announcements as the 2015 show but I do think it was a far better show.

Really enjoyed it and and it's had the really weird effect on me that I actually want to pre-order loads of the games that they shown.

I thought that Shawn Layden presented it really, he seemed to enjoy the faster face of this presentation.


Oh come now Sumio.

Now that a night has passed how did you guys feel. Did we overhype it? For me it truly was better than last year because last year was mostly made amazing by announcements and not gameplay. This year it was all about games far along into development with a true reveal and for me they all looked amazing

No way. I did not at all expect Sony to match (or even possibly outdo) what they did last year but holy shit, what a conference this was. That live orchestra (I can't stop gushing about it) which brought us straight into the Kratos/GoW reveal still gives me chills when I watch it again. We finally get to see what the other WWS have been up too and the game reveals were varied and exciting (not too hot on Days Gone but it was a gorgeous game nonetheless). That Kitchen to RE7 reveal was class and having Kojima on stage giving us a lil tease of his new game (starring surprise, surprise Norman Reedus) made my day. And who'd have thunk that Insomniac would be in charge of a shiny new Spidey game? High hopes for that one.

It seems pretty unanimous that Sony's presser is head and shoulders above everyone else's. Granted everyone else didn't really do that great this year but this, I feel was Sony at its tip-top best. Confident in what they've got at hand and the best thing is, I know that still have so much more games that haven't shown.
^I listed what I wanted. Those plus some crazy dormant game IP announcements like Onimusha, Devil May Cry, Siren, Mega Man, Fatal Frame, Final Fantasy Tactics - stuff like that rather than the usual AAA snorefests full of zombies. And where the heck was From Software?

God of Bore. Predictable as hell making a new one.
Kojima was good, yes
Resident Evil 7 that looks nothing like Resident Evil.
Crash? So shocking.
Generic zombie game no. 789. Shocking.
TLG release date, well it's only been a decade
Spiderman tie in with movie from Sony? Shocking.

None of those are anywhere near as surprising as FFVII remake, Shenmue 3, Yakuza 0 localization or The Last Guardian's reappearance.



What a great show. The list of PS4 games I want now is reaching astronomical levels. What a rad, diverse lineup. And all the best indies, which people keep forgetting!

<3 PS4
I think the conference ended somewhat awkward.

Days Gone looks neat and all, but it seemed evident that it was out of place. It appeared as if they had to salvage the payoff, with a last minute change in schedule.


I don't suppose that there's a raction video from the ex GameTrailers team? Did they get together and stream this?


^I listed what I wanted. Those plus some crazy dormant game IP announcements like Onimusha, Devil May Cry, Siren, Mega Man, Fatal Frame, Final Fantasy Tactics - stuff like that rather than the usual AAA snorefests full of zombies. And where the heck was From Software?

God of Bore. Predictable as hell making a new one.
Kojima was good, yes
Resident Evil 7 that looks nothing like Resident Evil.
Crash? So shocking.
Generic zombie game no. 789. Shocking.
TLG release date, well it's only been a decade
Spiderman tie in with movie from Sony? Shocking.

None of those are anywhere near as surprising as FFVII remake, Shenmue 3, Yakuza 0 localization or The Last Guardian's reappearance.

Insomniac's Spider-Man game has nothing to do with Spider-Man Homecoming, if it did, then you'd have Tom Holland and the Civil War costume. Not this original costume and older Spider-Man.

You ask for Capcom games, yet unless the game is Resident Evil or they are paid to do so (Street Fighter/Sony, Monster Hunter/Nintendo, Dead Rising/Microsoft), the Capcom IPs are basically dormant especially with their current operating situation.

And RE7 doesn't look like RE? Well, there are many who would argue that RE4-6 doesn't look like RE either. At least this is trying to go back to its horror roots. And obvious the indie horror games and the short lived Silent Hills gave Capcom some inclination that horror at first person is something they should try.

I don't know how you can get a new Siren announcement when that team is busy with Gravity Rush 2. And Siren's undead are really no different than the undead in said zombie games from the surface level.

Fatal Frame at this point is tied to Nintendo, so I don't know why you bothered to bring that up. And FFT? Square Enix has taken about a decade to bring out Versus 13/15, and you think they can churn out a new FFT? It doesn't help that they chased away Matsuno years ago either.
It was a huge task to try to top last year's conference. I think only a game like a new Chrono Trigger would have done it but in all fairness it was a massive success.

They didn't waste time at all with developers who aren't used to talk in front of a big crowd sell their games. Orchestra was a very welcome addition to make it epic but from what I understand from the majority of gamers here (according to reactions) is that they don't care about anything that isn't a game trailer or a gameplay footage.

In no specific order:

God of War : I'm not a fan of the series but this looked awesome and has me intrigued.

Days Gone : Man!!! That looks intense, can't wait to see more.

Detroit : This could be a hit or miss but so far I wanna play it.

Crash's remakes : BRING IT!

Death Stranding : That was a great effective trailer!

Resident Evil 7 : FINALLY! I'm downloading the demo as I'm writing this but I'm filled with joy seeing that it's back to the horror roots. People need to understand that its not the view perspective that makes a game.

Horizon : Day 1.

Last Guardian : This might be the game I have the least interest in but we'll see. I have a feeling people like this game only because it was made from the same company that made Shadows of the Colossus and Ico.



Great stuff from Sony!

The only things that stood out somewhat negatively imo are the complete lack of indies - which is a bit weird to suddenly omit after focusing so heavily on them for the last years - and Sony Bend's game looking like it will not bring something really unique in terms of tone or gameplay as far as I can tell now.

Resident Evil 7 being very VR focused and straying so far from the tone and camera view of the originals is something that I'm unsure about at this point. The series needs something new but maybe not this style of new? Hmmm.

Otherwise: many great looking games that I definitely want to play. Horizon, Spiderman and God of War in particular looked amazing while The Last Guardian continues to be more and more enticing.


Great stuff from Sony!

The only things that stood out somewhat negatively imo are the complete lack of indies - which is a bit weird to suddenly omit after focusing so heavily on them for the last years - and Sony Bend's game looking like it will not bring something really unique.
As they have said, PSX is the event for all the indies (and Gamescom/PSX).
Its weird to me that the PS4 store has like no acknowledgement of E3. Like why don't they have a section where I can see the trailers and download the demos etc ready to go. For example I had to go searching for the Force Awakens demo.

Matt Frost

This Sony conference sold me on so many fronts:

The new God of War looks incredible. Open world? Count me in

The new video for Horizon Dawn: Zero showed so much that it went from "maybe" to "need"

Death Stranding looked really interesting

Spiderman is a must for me

Finally a release date for The Last Guardian

and from EA comes Titanfall 2, a game I always wanted, now finally for my PS4 and better than ever (and better than Battefield 1 -been a BF fan since the beginning- and new CoD)

Sony WINS this 3e big time for me


Its weird to me that the PS4 store has like no acknowledgement of E3. Like why don't they have a section where I can see the trailers and download the demos etc ready to go. For example I had to go searching for the Force Awakens demo.

It does on the UK site (not sure about the console), shows everything that was announced that's up for pre-order or has a demo, is there.


What do you guys make of the fact that GT , Sonys biggest ip, got 3sec right at the end of the show next to whatever else is also coming to PS4? Was the only letdown for me.


What do you guys make of the fact that GT , Sonys biggest ip, got 3sec right at the end of the show next to whatever else is also coming to PS4? Was the only letdown for me.
That is more of of Europe game so expect that game to get a blow out at PGW or Gamescom whatever Sony decides to attend.
I hope from now on at every E3 Sony Conference they have an orchestra.
Every PSX there's an orchestra
Every Gamescom/PGW there's an orchestra.

It was so great.


This Sony conference sold me on so many fronts:

The new God of War looks incredible. Open world? Count me in

Sony Santa Monica confirmed the following on YouTube with Geoff a moment ago:

- Kratos is the main character, play as him all game
- Not open world game
- Norse mythology timeline
- coming out..."soon", definitely not a 2016 game

God of War isn't open world, but looks more open than previous titles, yea.
That CoD section caught me totally off guard. No idea what that was until midway through. I thought it was some VR space fighter or something. The number of games was staggering and it's a huge contrast to MS who seem to be abandoning their platform as fast as possible. Lots of new stuff we haven't seen before and plenty of gameplay, it was pretty much the ideal conference.
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