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Nintendo Treehouse Live @ E3 2016 Thread [*LIVE*]

What are you most excited for?

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btw, I don't think this is a WW sequel. I thought Hyrule was completely destroyed at the end of it?

Wind Waker ending:

During the game, the one part of Hyrule that wasn't submerged in water was an air bubble around the castle and a bit of surrounding land. In the end, that bubble collapsed, flooding the place just like the rest of Hyrule. The King sent Link and Tetra back to the surface to "find a new land", while himself staying behind as the water came down on him (along with Ganon, now turned to stone, and the Master Sword). So it's hard to say if Hyrule was destroyed, if the King drowned (he didn't seem to be dying), or what.

This could very well be a sequel, if it's after the water dried up or something, leaving these ruins.
How is the soundtrack going to work in this game, cause it's very minimalist so far.

Not that that's a bad thing, just an interesting detail.


Mechanically and in terms of visual art this game looks great but man, the sound effects (the item tingle especially) and enemy designs really make the game feel far too similar to Wind Waker - with which I mean to say that is too friendly / unmenacing for what it is trying to accomplish with its vast world and survival elements.

For this game I had hoped they would return to a more serious and sombre tone akin to the first two games (and yes, Dark Souls) to enhance the sense of adventure in a dangerous environment instead of an environment for which we have to pretend it is actually dangerous and challenging (like with every 3D Zelda so far for the most part, with their mostly far too easy combat and with effects like puffy clouds and sound cues for combos that make their combat feel not menacing at all).

Breaking with gameplay mechanical tradition is great and all but why not break with tonal tradition as well this time instead of copying Wind Waker and such?


I have to say, they're going to areas I would never think of exploring in an open world game. When I see a bunch of rock textured walls, I do not think to climb them no matter what, but rather try to find the actual path I'm supposed to take.
Feel like they're showing a little more than I want to see, calling it a day with what I've seen plus the trailer.

Looks amazing, really.


I really hope they add more stuff to the world. It's beautiful but if it's nothing but enemies between the towns.... And there's not even much enemies.


Damn it, now I notice it haha

I think I love everything but the bullet time fighting. It'll probably grow on me.

I don't get the hate for the partial voice acting. Hearing an NPC say the same thing over and over gets old and annoying REAL QUICK. Keeping it cutscenes/main characters only is a great decision.

I've said in the past that voice acting in Zelda should be like DQ VIII:

Main Hero doesn't talk
Keep it to Cutscenes and main story characters
Don't use the typical, easily recognizable pool of LA voice actors

And it seems like they're doing that so far (though it's a little early to say about the third one considering we've heard ONE voice speak. If that's Zelda, that's a PERFECT pick)
I really love that tunic, here for fab Link fashion.

(If he wears the tunic and goes near the volcano, I wonder if he'll get too hot? I mean, you'll be hot anyway, but extra hot.)
Ok so the game looks awesome but Nintendo's presentation needs some major work, this Treehouse thing is totally shite, it feels like an amateur YouTube production.

They really should just go back to doing a real conference.
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