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Suicide Squad Review Thread: As Fresh As Green Lantern!

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semen stains the mountaintops
Why'd Katana
go into the bar, anyway? It's not like she was one of 'them'.
He's bad. He didn't come across as the Joker, but as a mere street thug with mental issues.

I really think this is Ayer's fault and not Leto's.

Who the hell gets The Joker in their movie and has him hanging around in strip clubs and just doing generic Kingpin type shit? They didn't give him enough material to work with, I don't think.
Wasn't gonna see it, ended up going because my friend invited me. Thoughts:

Pacing was a mess. Plotline was the definition of meandering and the whole thing was poorly structured. Also, the whole movie sets itself up in some sort of weird-ass, poorly-handled, self-fulfilling prophecy (seemingly without realizing it).

We need to create a team of super bad people, so here's this super bad person who will be on the team to show you why we need the team. Oh no, the super bad person that proved we needed a team of super bad people is a super bad person. Let's use the team of super bad guys to save the person who said we needed the team. Oh, and also the world. But that team builder chick first. Cuz.

A better writer/director/editor could have turned the whole bizarre irony of the situation into something interesting, but if that's what they were going for here, they utterly failed. That is, assuming they were even aware, because honestly I don't even think they quite understood how ridiculous it all was. The movie completely ignores the blatant irony altogether and just kind of blindly goes through those beats as if it's making it up as it goes. It doesn't help that
Enchantress going rogue almost seems to happen independently from the larger plot. It feeks like she starts fucking shit up immediately after the team starts to assemble by sheer coincidence, which further enforces the whole "make it up as we go"/self-fulfilling nature of the story.

Honestly, it's blatantly obvious that the movie was edited to hell and back. They definitely tried to morph itself into something it's not. Whether or not this was a failed attempt to fix a horribly broken movie or unnecessary studio meddling in response to BvS's massive underperformance, I don't know, but I'm not exactly sure the move was ever fully functional.

The thing is, moment-to-moment it kind of works. On a scene-by-scene basis it's generally well constructed, it's just how it's all strung together that's a disaster. And the characters are mostly pretty great and well played, outside of the occasional shoe-horned cheese (like way too many forced, cringey "YEAH BITCH" moments). The Joker was almost completely superfluous to the plot though. Considering how much of his role was apparently cut, I almost think they wanted to cut it altogether and just ended up leaving what was absolutely necessary without more reshoots being needed to patch over the holes. Katana was pointless too, which is a shame.

why the hell are we three-for-three on LITERAL END OF THE WORLD stories in the DCEU? The world will have faced on-screen Armageddon at least three times before we have an actual Justice League, which is kind of nuts. It feels like Justice League will have to like, rescue a kitten to actually stand out in the DCEU at this point.
Given the poor reception and talks about uneven pacing and inconsistent tone, along with who did editing...

Guess the rumors about the reshoots were true. Impressive damage control by DC though, with Ayer himself taking Twitter.


Wasn't gonna see it, ended up going because my friend invited me. Thoughts:

Pacing was a mess. Plotline was the definition of meandering and the whole thing was poorly structured. Also, the whole movie sets itself up in some sort of weird-ass, poorly-handled, self-fulfilling prophecy (seemingly without realizing it).

We need to create a team of super bad people, so here's this super bad person who will be on the team to show you why we need the team. Oh no, the super bad person that proved we needed a team of super bad people is a super bad person. Let's use the team of super bad guys to save the person who said we needed the team. Oh, and also the world. But that team builder chick first. Cuz.

A better writer/director/editor could have turned the whole bizarre irony of the situation into something interesting, but if that's what they were going for here, they utterly failed. That is, assuming they were even aware, because honestly I don't even think they quite understood how ridiculous it all was. The movie completely ignores the blatant irony altogether and just kind of blindly goes through those beats as if it's making it up as it goes. It doesn't help that
Enchantress going rogue almost seems to happen independently from the larger plot. It feeks like she starts fucking shit up immediately after the team starts to assemble by sheer coincidence, which further enforces the whole "make it up as we go"/self-fulfilling nature of the story.

Honestly, it's blatantly obvious that the movie was edited to hell and back. They definitely tried to morph itself into something it's not. Whether or not this was a failed attempt to fix a horribly broken movie or unnecessary studio meddling in response to BvS's massive underperformance, I don't know, but I'm not exactly sure the move was ever fully functional.

The thing is, moment-to-moment it kind of works. On a scene-by-scene basis it's generally well constructed, it's just how it's all strung together that's a disaster. And the characters are mostly pretty great and well played, outside of the occasional shoe-horned cheese (like way too many forced, cringey "YEAH BITCH" moments). The Joker was almost completely superfluous to the plot though. Considering how much of his role was apparently cut, I almost think they wanted to cut it altogether and just ended up leaving what was absolutely necessary without more reshoots being needed to patch over the holes. Katana was pointless too, which is a shame.

why the hell are we three-for-three on LITERAL END OF THE WORLD stories in the DCEU? The world will have faced on-screen Armageddon at least three times before we have an actual Justice League, which is kind of nuts. It feels like Justice League will have to like, rescue a kitten to actually stand out in the DCEU at this point.

They also wasted the
Rope Guy
twist by not building him up at all. Like that's not how you do....anything.

Broken Joystick

At least you can talk. Who are you?

This thread is fun. It's been a couple days since I've watched it and I gotta agree that this movie is near BvS bad and it really gets worse the more you think about it. I'm surprised that there's a lot of people online who found it 'fun'. A major flaw in this movie is how boring it is, thanks to the thin plot and uninspired writing and mediocre action sequences.

It's not surprising to learn that this movie was edited by a trailer house, the whole time it feels like you're watching cut-scenes from a video game patched together to make a movie, the editing is jarring and the pop music that plays every 2 minutes is parody-level shit. I think this is what ultimately killed the movie for many critics; not the lack of an interesting plot and the cheesy dialogue, not the of 'character' for most Skwad members, not the bad CGi - the movie could've had all of these flaws and turned out a forgettable passable 6/10 superhero movie with its highlights being Harley Quin and Deadshot, but the fact that it looks like a poorly made movie is inexcusable.

I give it a 4/10.


Went to watch this last night. It was not good and for the most part I can't really see much redeemable here. Also the second half of the film was basically Ghostbusters 2. I did enjoy the music in the rollover it felt badly edited like every scene was cut short I would of liked more joker stuff as well.
I watched it yesterday, I was expecting some big turd going in but it was actually enjoyable and dare I say it, "fun". The movie suffer from an horrible editing which makes thing hard to comprehend like the timeline of certain event and the motivation of some characters.

I personally think about
the scene where Harley recalls her acid bath the Joker, it felt weird to me

There's also the way they cut the scene where Dr Moore and Flag attempt to destroy Enchantress' brother just to show it later, that was poorly put together

Other than that I like what I saw, I still prefer BvS (only saw the Ultimate Cut) but it wasn't the bad movie critics were talking about. SS would be really improved if they rework the way they cut it, I hope a BvS situation will arise where I would be able to get an Ultimate/Original Cut.

I would give it a 6/10


Movie was lame. At times it was fun but the story, crap editing, music selection and dialogue sunk it. Ending sucked hard.

And Letos joker should've just been cut completely, added very little to the movie and was a subpar performance.

4/10, do not recommend
Now light it up.

And by light it up I mean point out to MCU fans they're Incubus level and the first bomb will crush their universe.

Instead of doing that, let's get some real life facts on Air Bu-

In 1997, Buddy had his right hind leg amputated due to synovial cell sarcoma, a type of cancer that manifests near the joints.[6] Buddy died in his sleep due to complications from cancer on February 10, 1998 at his owner's San Diego home.[7] At the time of his death Buddy was 10 years old.[8] Buddy was cremated and his ashes were buried in an undisclosed location.

The villain was... not good. The team would've been far better served with one that was more down-to-earth. The action scenes are well directed, but lack any narrative impact or tension. The finale has moments, but is mostly bad CG.

Yeah my friends and I all agreed that they should have done a lower stakes mission for this movie. They could have had a more straight forward plot and also got away with a lower budget since you wouldn't need the endless CGI porn. You want a movie like this to work primarily based on the strength of its action and the interaction between the different team personalities. As it is, it only slightly succeeds with the latter and really not at all with the former.


Half way through the film Harley sounds like shes from Baaawwston. Stuck out like a sore thumb and was fucking terrible
So, that was a film.

Great casting, wasted on a sub-par film. Like the previous DC films, you could probably have constructed something great out of this, but what was onscreen wasn't it.

Deadshot, good. Harley, good. Waller, good. El Diablo, surprisingly decent.

Why is Katana in this film at all? I like the character, but she didn't belong in this film at all. There's all the previous setup and then "WHOOPS KATANA!" Same with Slipknot, but worse in his case.

The Joker could've been cut completely with little issue and Leto's performance is all over the place. There are moments when it feels like he's onto something, but he never really gets enough time here.

The villain was... not good. The team would've been far better served with one that was more down-to-earth. The action scenes are well directed, but lack any narrative impact or tension. The finale has moments, but is mostly bad CG.

Despite all these issues, I had some fun with it. It's a solid cast that deserves a much better film. This one was not great.

5/10-ish. Part of me wonders if it's getting a boost in my head because I thought Batman v Superman was such a trash fire.

They really should've just adapted Batman: Assault on Arkham.


Pretty much my exact consensus but I boosted it to a six (Like you said) because it wasn't trash like BvS. Truly probably deserved a five.

There's an inordinate amount of time wasted setting up backstory between Harley and Joker, and even built a large event around the Joker and it was pretty much entirely pointless aside from making you more sympathetic to Deadshot. They should have used that time to establish the Villains better. Although even then, the motivations was basically just
"Humans warship machines instead of us, so I'll use machine to kill them." Queue lots of scenes where they fight lots of faceless goons (Literally) and a obscenely boring end fight.
These bad DC movies are ruining my main movie group.

Once the reviews come out everybody ends up flaking and now I have an open sunday.

Same thing happened to BvS, funny how this never happens with stuff like Civil war or deadpool.

I think I'm just going to stop keeping an open day for DC movies.
These bad DC movies are ruining my main movie group.

Once the reviews come out everybody ends up flaking and now I have an open sunday.

Same thing happened to BvS, funny how this never happens with stuff like Civil war or deadpool.

I think I'm just going to stop keeping an open day for DC movies.

You could make them buy tickets in advance and lock them in.


Just saw it. Kept my expectation pretty low, so I kinda enjoyed it. Much better than BvS, mainly because of Harley Quinn.
The two super villains' death is too stupid though...


These bad DC movies are ruining my main movie group.

Once the reviews come out everybody ends up flaking and now I have an open sunday.

Same thing happened to BvS, funny how this never happens with stuff like Civil war or deadpool.

I think I'm just going to stop keeping an open day for DC movies.

Just go see it outside of the cult.
Saw it last night.

Quite enjoyed it, even though I had quite a few problems with it. The editing changes were obvious, there were too many licensed songs etc but it had a lot of fun moments. CGI Monster was bleh and Enchantress was kinda pointless and boring.
The plus side to BvS is that it greatly helped me enjoy this

This is more like a 6/10 for me, whereas had the former not dashed my expectations for everything DC (aside from that rumored Batman solo film), I would've probably found it to be more like a 3.5-4/10 experience.

I actually had ... fun. The emotional moments were corny, yet earnest compared to BvS's overwhelming drabness — those moments felt earned here in comparison.
Saw it last night. There are definitely the parts of a good movie in there but some aspects of the plot (Mainly everything related to Enchantress. Everything!) and some of the worst editing I have ever seen in a movie just lowered it to a truly mediocre level. Seriously, it felt like every conversation longer than a few seconds in the movie was hacked to pieces to shorten it down and so they all felt like they were just jumping all over the place. Mess.

Also, way too much licensed music montage scenes used and the prologue and mid-credits epilogue scenes (In the same restaurant?) were completely unnecessary and made no real sense. Prologue was just Waller running a pitch meeting over dinner for the movies characters that was followed by basically a hacked down version of the same scene (Which seemed like it would have worked better tbh) in a briefing room. That first scene was definitely tacked on later to allow for easier exposition dumping to facilitate massive cuts to the rest of the movie.

I honestly expected a piece of shit with this movie but what I got was a frustrating mess crafted from pieces of a movie I think I'd actually have liked.


These bad DC movies are ruining my main movie group.

Once the reviews come out everybody ends up flaking and now I have an open sunday.

Same thing happened to BvS, funny how this never happens with stuff like Civil war or deadpool.

I think I'm just going to stop keeping an open day for DC movies.

You can go by yourself...

Watch what you want to watch. I prefer going by myself. Nothing more annoying then having to rely on people to watch a movie you want to watch.
This thread is fun. It's been a couple days since I've watched it and I gotta agree that this movie is near BvS bad and it really gets worse the more you think about it. I'm surprised that there's a lot of people online who found it 'fun'. A major flaw in this movie is how boring it is, thanks to the thin plot and uninspired writing and mediocre action sequences.

It's not surprising to learn that this movie was edited by a trailer house, the whole time it feels like you're watching cut-scenes from a video game patched together to make a movie, the editing is jarring and the pop music that plays every 2 minutes is parody-level shit. I think this is what ultimately killed the movie for many critics; not the lack of an interesting plot and the cheesy dialogue, not the of 'character' for most Skwad members, not the bad CGi - the movie could've had all of these flaws and turned out a forgettable passable 6/10 superhero movie with its highlights being Harley Quin and Deadshot, but the fact that it looks like a poorly made movie is inexcusable.

I give it a 4/10.

I have the exact same thoughts, movie was casted well but wasted on terrible execution. At some points it seemed like they edited the movie with iMovie or something because the scenes jump everywhere with random music.
Enchantress should have been used for a Justice League Dark film. Loved her (well the creepy version, the other form sucked), but
she wasn't exactly the best fit as the main antagonist of this film.

Poor Katana and Killer Croc were paid dust, and even Captain Boomerang was to an extent.

I loved Leto's Joker and I wish his deleted scenes were included in the film.

Harley, Deadshot and Amanda were the standouts.

Overall 6.5/10.


He's bad. He didn't come across as the Joker, but as a mere street thug with mental issues.

Sooo he comes across as The Joker who IS a street thug with mental issues.

Bob, gun...

The Joker is the Clown Prince of Crime not some anarchist lunatic, That's Anarky's job.
This movie feels like a bad Guardians knockoff. Not worth the price of admission.

Maybe if that is what you were expecting it to be. Nothing about this movie has anything to do with guardians but people will keep making the comparisons because they aren't familiar with the characters


Maybe if that is what you were expecting it to be. Nothing about this movie has anything to do with guardians but people will keep making the comparisons because they aren't familiar with the characters
This theatrical cut is GotG-lite.

WB owes James Gunn a debt of gratitude.
I wasn't expecting it to be that. Got any other theories?

I think it's a fair assumption as that's what people expect it to be. Your opinion isn't wrong because it's yours. Look at how divisive this movie is. I think it was setting out to be something different but it failed in a lot of what it was trying to do.
But once again I love the characters and who portrayed them so I'll bang that drum all day

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
This movie feels like a bad Guardians knockoff. Not worth the price of admission.

there's literally nothing about this movie that anything like Guardian.... wtf

anyways, i'll give it a 5 or maybe 6/10(gotta see it again)

There's a great movie in there, but its boggled by weird dialogue(quiet a few info repeats), needless characters(Cap Boomrang, rope dude....possibly Diablo but thats a huge change to ask).

..and probably the wrong villain to start the franchise with. Speaking of villain, Joker's storyline IMO should've been the main villain, Him versus Amanda would be more interesting. But thats me.

But for what was offered, the positives are the characters where well played by all the actors, but the script was weak. Great story concept(though i would've gone a different route) but execution was lacking. I bet There' was probably creative production issues during scripting and filming.


"Misfits thrown together for mission" all started with Guardians, yup.

Of course there have been misfits thrown together movies before, Guardians just happens to be an extremely popular and recent example. Plenty of people have suggested that the editing (particularly the pop-song heavy beginning) is indicative of attempting to ape Guardians' tone, and I doubt that this movie would have been greenlit without the roaring success Guardians had.


"Misfits thrown together for mission" all started with Guardians, yup.

The soundtrack felt so forced too. They were really trying to capture that Guardians aesthetic. There was a point to the music in GotG.

So frustrated with WB/DC right now.

CW is shitting on them.


Of course there have been misfits thrown together movies before, Guardians just happens to be an extremely popular and recent example. Plenty of people have suggested that the editing (particularly the pop-song heavy beginning) is indicative of attempting to ape Guardians' tone, and I doubt that this movie would have been greenlit without the roaring success Guardians had.

They are totally different. In one, the main character danced during the final battle with the villain. In the other, the villain danced during the final battle with the main characters.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
So many open spoilers. Best thread ever <3

There honestly should just be an OT and then a spoiler thread. The official thread basically died once the reviews came out and maybe it would cut down on the spoilers being out in the open. Or maybe it would be exactly the same, what do I know lol


There honestly should just be an OT and then a spoiler thread. The official thread basically died once the reviews came out and maybe it would cut down on the spoilers being out in the open. Or maybe it would be exactly the same, what do I know lol
Its the fucking same over there. But the movie is shit, so people dont care or whatsoever.
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