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SUPERHYPERCUBE cancels Oculus support


Douchebag. Yes, me.
As a Rift owner it's frustrating but completely understandable. Hopefully they will renew their support if Palmer is forced out of the company.

Of course they will. The entire point of pulling support is to send a message to Oculus that keeping a misgynistic racist on staff is unacceptable.
Let's set the record straight again:

This controversy isn't about Palmer supporting or donating to the Trump campaign.

He donated to a hate group that attacks women, minorities and LGBT. They also made a few Trump memes (repeating Trumps most vile stances, because it aligns with theirs), but the main purpose of "Slender Anerica" is to spread alt-right hate speech.

I mean, I don't want to defend them as a legitimate advocacy group or anything. They're legitimately shitty people. But I believe they still have a right to free speech, even if the speech is horrible. And likewise people have the right to respond in kind to it.


Douchebag. Yes, me.
I mean, I don't want to defend them as a legitimate advocacy group or anything. They're legitimately shitty people. But I believe they still have a right to free speech, even if the speech is horrible. And likewise people have the right to respond in kind to it.

Of course, as do I. However a lot of people think the reason people are angry is because Palmer is supporting Trump, and just shrug it off.

The actual truth of what he is contributing his FB/Oculus profits to is far, far worse and if people realize this they most likely won't just shrug it off.
Of course, as do I. However a lot of people think the reason people are angry is because Palmer is supporting Trump, and just shrug it off.

The actual truth of what he is supporting is far, far worse and if people realize this they most likely won't just shrug it off.

I mean I definitely don't think what he did was respectable political discourse; he's paying shitty people to sling shit over the internet. Though it's not particularly surprising to me that supporters of Trump (whether they are Die-hard Trump fans or Alt-rights riding his coattails) would believe it's a legitimate strategy .


It being "anti-consumer" has nothing to do with the reason why it was cancelled so not sure what the point is here.
Nothing at all? Not necessarily, at least not for all developers.
In both these cases, though, it was only the last straw in an already-difficult relationship with Oculus — one criticized a "control-freak and anti-competitive" approach to the development community, and the other called Oculus’ "stand-offish and unresponsive" behavior "the polar opposite" of Valve and HTC’s relationship to developers.
Then everybody that votes is a shitbag beccause every politician is a shitbag.

Voting for Trump is a hell of a lot different than voting for Hillary Clinton or Bush or honestly any other candidate with skeletons.

Trump is a hate monger who spews racially inflammatory bullshit with every word out of his mouth.

What exactly do you think people are voting for when they vote for Trump?

His entire platform is prejudice.


Well, are you going to boycott every company with an obnoxious asshole in charge? Good way to save money I suppose.

(He's not even in charge of Oculus any more)
I find it hilarious that the banner ad that wound up at the bottom of my page on Neogaf when I opened this thread was an ad for the "fly with trump" thing to fly on Donald's plane.

On topic: If Plucky is seriously giving money to hate groups, to hell with him, but that sucks for a lot of honest people involved with Oculus.

PS - Hilary and Trump are both complete morons, and if this is all we have to choose between, USA is fucking doomed for the next 4 to 8 (most likely 8, let's be real) years. Hilary is the lesser of the two evils granted, but they are both garbage and unfit to be POTUS.


So many years ago Oculus represented the light for a concept long thought dead. I myself championed around Palmer Lucky and his kickstarter and I was excited to see how fast and successful his vision for VR became.

Fast forward to today and we have an incredibly greedy company in control of said VR product and Palmer has revealed his true form. I have zero respect for the man anymore and to be honest, who knows he may have stolen all of the tech and software for the Rift anyways.

I regret buying into the Oculus vision and purchasing a Rift. I have not sold it yet but most likely will put it up on ebay eventually.

I have always felt like facebook was a scummy company long before anything Oculus related. I only supported the Rift because I believed that they were in a position to win in the long run and when you have little fun money to spend, you don't want to risk purchasing a product you think won't succeed and at the time I didn't think the Vive had a real chance (that has changed of course).

For me, someone who has been incredibly passionate about virtual reality, I find myself extremely heart broken that Oculus turned out the way that they did. I am also disappointed in VR in general as I was not impressed with the tech but that's another story for another time.

Unless facebook/Oculus completely changes and listens to customers, I can't ever see myself supporting the company again. Honestly, facebook might even be wise just to give up on VR altogether and move on. I don't think they are making any real money off of VR and after all of the blunders this past year or so I don't think they ever will. They should abandon VR and try to focus on rebuilding the companies image and continue working on stuff they are actually some what good at.
Insomniac's stuck between a rock and a hard place because Oculus is funding their VR games and I doubt they want to burn that bridge (let alone possibly breach their contract) while they still have two Oculus games in development. I think they did as much as they could to condemn his bullshit at this time, we'll have to wait and see whether they do anything else later on.

Yeah I mean I get that. In Super Hyper cubes case it looks like they were just cancelling plans to support Occulus. Would they have done the same if they had a finished version of Super Hyper Cube on Occulus that was ready to go? Probably not.

Insomniac can do what they want. I just won't buy their games on Occulus, which is fine.


I am happy since I hate Trump's beliefs. However, since Trump reached this stage that means at least 30% of Americans believe in him. So does that mean no one should do business with these 30% supporters?


Then what is it about? Can you please elaborate?

What has happened is the equivalent of finding out that Palmer Luckey was funding a klansmen for trump rally. You are finding this out and asking "Why is everyone so upset that he's voting for trump?" instead of asking why Palmer Luckey is choosing to hang out with the KKK.


I know politics are a big ticket issue atm and that the group he donated too has apparently done some really bad stuff.
That doesn't necessarily mean at the time he donated he knew they were doing terrible stuff - it's possible they hadn't been known for that stuff, but only him and that company know the truth behind all of this. Everything we've heard is essentially second hand information or one guy taking it a bit lightly.

Here is what I know - none of this has anything to do with my gaming experience. I cannot tell someone where to put their money, nor can I condone them for possibly enacting their right to free speech even if I completely disagree with what and how it's being said.

But none of this to me has anything to do with video games. This is his personal life and possibly his personal beliefs. I may hate them, but he has a right to have them and people can be upset. To me, this is irrelevant to video games, so I cannot seem to find the same anger others have.

If I get a rift; I'm getting it to play games. People here show little remorse for buying electronics made with parts that come from conflict mines, but now we're upset over some donations and possible few shit posts that may have come from a guy at the top of the rift mountain.

I feel like people are always looking for ways to be upset over politics and ignoring the much bigger issues. I do not own a rift and has debated about getting one or getting a vice if and when games reach full potential on them. I just feel like this is much todo about nothing. He can believe and support anything he wants imo unless it's illegal. That's his personal choice. It doesn't affect me or my ability to game.


That doesn't necessarily mean at the time he donated he knew they were doing terrible stuff

milo yiannopoulos has been known as a terrible human being for years now. Bullshit he accidentally teamed up with a notorious hate monger on a donald trump shitposting site by mistake.
I am happy since I hate Trump's beliefs. However, since Trump reached this stage that means at least 30% of Americans believe in him. So does that mean no one should do business with these 30% supporters?

People have that right, sure. Most people won't perform protests that directly inconvenience them though. Which is why a protest like this (company cutting off potential source of revenue) makes the news.


I know politics are a big ticket issue atm and that the group he donated too has apparently done some really bad stuff.
That doesn't necessarily mean at the time he donated he knew they were doing terrible stuff - it's possible they hadn't been known for that stuff, but only him and that company know the truth behind all of this. Everything we've heard is essentially second hand information or one guy taking it a bit lightly.

Here is what I know - none of this has anything to do with my gaming experience. I cannot tell someone where to put their money, nor can I condone them for possibly enacting their right to free speech even if I completely disagree with what and how it's being said.

But none of this to me has anything to do with video games.
This is his personal life and possibly his personal beliefs. I may hate them, but he has a right to have them and people can be upset. To me, this is irrelevant to video games, so I cannot seem to find the same anger others have.

If I get a rift; I'm getting it to play games. People here show little remorse for buying electronics made with parts that come from conflict mines, but now we're upset over some donations and possible few shit posts that may have come from a guy at the top of the rift mountain.

I feel like people are always looking for ways to be upset over politics and ignoring the much bigger issues. I do not own a rift and has debated about getting one or getting a vice if and when games reach full potential on them. I just feel like this is much todo about nothing. He can believe and support anything he wants imo unless it's illegal. That's his personal choice. It doesn't affect me or my ability to game.
Priorities, I guess. It depends how relevant videogames are to your life.

I sure as hell do not prioritize videogames over supporting an active supporter of a hate group that wants to put a racist demagogue into the white house. Real life is more important than virtual worlds.


I know politics are a big ticket issue atm and that the group he donated too has apparently done some really bad stuff.
That doesn't necessarily mean at the time he donated he knew they were doing terrible stuff - it's possible they hadn't been known for that stuff, but only him and that company know the truth behind all of this. Everything we've heard is essentially second hand information or one guy taking it a bit lightly.

Here is what I know - none of this has anything to do with my gaming experience. I cannot tell someone where to put their money, nor can I condone them for possibly enacting their right to free speech even if I completely disagree with what and how it's being said.

But none of this to me has anything to do with video games. This is his personal life and possibly his personal beliefs. I may hate them, but he has a right to have them and people can be upset. To me, this is irrelevant to video games, so I cannot seem to find the same anger others have.

If I get a rift; I'm getting it to play games. People here show little remorse for buying electronics made with parts that come from conflict mines, but now we're upset over some donations and possible few shit posts that may have come from a guy at the top of the rift mountain.

I feel like people are always looking for ways to be upset over politics and ignoring the much bigger issues. I do not own a rift and has debated about getting one or getting a vice if and when games reach full potential on them. I just feel like this is much todo about nothing. He can believe and support anything he wants imo unless it's illegal. That's his personal choice. It doesn't affect me or my ability to game.

Palmer Luckey is free to fund a hate group in the United States, you are free to buy an Oculus Rift, developers are free to stop making Oculus Rift games.

Other people are free to not have a weird fetish about pretending video games are isolated from the rest of reality and make their own decisions too, as they are in this thread.

Something not being illegal doesn't mean it has no consequences. All of these statements are true.

Also your statement about his actions not affecting your ability to game are demonstrably false if you read even the topic of this thread, it is literally causing a game to not be available to Oculus rift owners through official support.
Also your statement about his actions not affecting your ability to game are demonstrably false if you read even the topic of this thread, it is literally causing a game to not be available to Oculus rift owners through official support.

They can not support the Oculus API and not release it on Oculus, but they can't stop it being available to Rift owners. Even without specific support, using SteamVR means it'll work with Rift.


They can not support the Oculus API and not release it on Oculus, but they can't stop it being available to Rift owners. Even without specific support, using SteamVR means it'll work with Rift.

Yes but did you read the part where I said official support? And yes even if you can still find a way to play, it still impacts rift owners ability to game, which makes his claim false.
I know politics are a big ticket issue atm and that the group he donated too has apparently done some really bad stuff.
That doesn't necessarily mean at the time he donated he knew they were doing terrible stuff - it's possible they hadn't been known for that stuff, but only him and that company know the truth behind all of this. Everything we've heard is essentially second hand information or one guy taking it a bit lightly.

Here is what I know - none of this has anything to do with my gaming experience. I cannot tell someone where to put their money, nor can I condone them for possibly enacting their right to free speech even if I completely disagree with what and how it's being said.

But none of this to me has anything to do with video games. This is his personal life and possibly his personal beliefs. I may hate them, but he has a right to have them and people can be upset. To me, this is irrelevant to video games, so I cannot seem to find the same anger others have.

If I get a rift; I'm getting it to play games. People here show little remorse for buying electronics made with parts that come from conflict mines, but now we're upset over some donations and possible few shit posts that may have come from a guy at the top of the rift mountain.

I feel like people are always looking for ways to be upset over politics and ignoring the much bigger issues. I do not own a rift and has debated about getting one or getting a vice if and when games reach full potential on them. I just feel like this is much todo about nothing. He can believe and support anything he wants imo unless it's illegal. That's his personal choice. It doesn't affect me or my ability to game.
Videogames aren't its own little world completely unrelated to real life. Nothing wrong about separating the two but don't try to paint as if people that don't are reaching.

As for the bolded, what? Are you honestly trying to downplay the issues stemming from politics, specially in the current climate?
Did you read the part where I said official support? And yes even if you can still find a way to play, it still impacts rift owners ability to game, which makes his claim false.
I mean, sure. But it's not really making a meaningful difference to Rift owners who most likely will buy things on Steam where possible anyway.
Might make more of a difference if official Touch support is dropped and it doesn't work as well using the general motion controller APIs.


I know politics are a big ticket issue atm and that the group he donated too has apparently done some really bad stuff.
That doesn't necessarily mean at the time he donated he knew they were doing terrible stuff - it's possible they hadn't been known for that stuff, but only him and that company know the truth behind all of this. Everything we've heard is essentially second hand information or one guy taking it a bit lightly.

Here is what I know - none of this has anything to do with my gaming experience. I cannot tell someone where to put their money, nor can I condone them for possibly enacting their right to free speech even if I completely disagree with what and how it's being said.

But none of this to me has anything to do with video games. This is his personal life and possibly his personal beliefs. I may hate them, but he has a right to have them and people can be upset. To me, this is irrelevant to video games, so I cannot seem to find the same anger others have.

If I get a rift; I'm getting it to play games. People here show little remorse for buying electronics made with parts that come from conflict mines, but now we're upset over some donations and possible few shit posts that may have come from a guy at the top of the rift mountain.

I feel like people are always looking for ways to be upset over politics and ignoring the much bigger issues. I do not own a rift and has debated about getting one or getting a vice if and when games reach full potential on them. I just feel like this is much todo about nothing. He can believe and support anything he wants imo unless it's illegal. That's his personal choice. It doesn't affect me or my ability to game.

The founder of Oculus is directly funding hate groups that actively destroyed the life of SUPERHYPERCUBE creator Phil Fish and many of his friends.

You can pretend all you want like "politics" is something separate from "real life", but when you are a direct victim of politics, they're inextricably linked.

Some people spent the last few years either oblivious to GamerGate, ignoring GamerGate, or supporting GamerGate. Well, here you go - the victims of GamerGate are taking a stand against a person who is directly supporting them.

You are more than welcome to continue to not care about the political ramifications of disgusting actions and beliefs, just as game developers are more than welcome to sever ties with people who actively make their lives a living hell.

"Get politics out of my video games / movies / tv / etc.!" is the rally call of the privileged who are not affected by politics. It is an inherently political statement in favor of the status quo.
I know politics are a big ticket issue atm and that the group he donated too has apparently done some really bad stuff.
That doesn't necessarily mean at the time he donated he knew they were doing terrible stuff - it's possible they hadn't been known for that stuff, but only him and that company know the truth behind all of this. Everything we've heard is essentially second hand information or one guy taking it a bit lightly.

Here is what I know - none of this has anything to do with my gaming experience. I cannot tell someone where to put their money, nor can I condone them for possibly enacting their right to free speech even if I completely disagree with what and how it's being said.

But none of this to me has anything to do with video games. This is his personal life and possibly his personal beliefs. I may hate them, but he has a right to have them and people can be upset. To me, this is irrelevant to video games, so I cannot seem to find the same anger others have.

If I get a rift; I'm getting it to play games. People here show little remorse for buying electronics made with parts that come from conflict mines, but now we're upset over some donations and possible few shit posts that may have come from a guy at the top of the rift mountain.

I feel like people are always looking for ways to be upset over politics and ignoring the much bigger issues. I do not own a rift and has debated about getting one or getting a vice if and when games reach full potential on them. I just feel like this is much todo about nothing. He can believe and support anything he wants imo unless it's illegal. That's his personal choice. It doesn't affect me or my ability to game.

It must be nice to live in a bubble

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
Wow, crazy last couple of days :O

Oculus will have to do something at some point for the sake of the company, or they risk the company getting into real deep shit.

I can only imagine what devs who are funded by Oculus feel right now. You can't stand what Luckey stands for but your project/livelyhood depends on a deal with Oculus.

Independent devs will have a much easier decision to make, people who are on projects that need to Oculus support to stay a live are kind of fucked.


Well, are you going to boycott every company with an obnoxious asshole in charge? Good way to save money I suppose.

(He's not even in charge of Oculus any more)

Well, big douchebags or bigots at clear sight are always a good start.

Would you happily support "Pharmabro" Martin Shkreli or Mylan's Heather Bresch?


So wait... I've not been following this story for a few days. Did Lucky disclaim any involvement with the hate group? I thought I read that he did.

And if so, is such disclaimer believable?


Sorry, what's a "bigger issue" than politics?

um console wars obviously you IDIOT god I thought the neogaf forums had an age requirement 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
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