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Forza Horizon 3 PC Performance Thread

The fixes in the OP, are those all of the known ones?

That doesn't really make any sense even though people keep saying. In what way is it designed for 30fps?

Sense of speed and handling felt better to me even though I want to play at 60 and I still would if the game didn't give me a headache from all the stuttering
That doesn't really make any sense even though people keep saying. In what way is it designed for 30fps?

People say that because the xbox version runs at 30 fps and when PC runs at 30 fps it has perfect framepacing and no stuttering.

They even said on their forums that the posted specifications for systems were intended for gameplay @ 30 fps.

The problems come in when you try to run it over 30 fps.
People say that because the xbox version runs at 30 fps and when PC runs at 30 fps it has perfect framepacing and no stuttering.

They even said on their forums that the posted specifications for systems were intended for gameplay @ 30 fps.

The problems come in when you try to run it over 30 fps.

Yeah I guess 60fps is a complete mess but for
Me even 30fps stutters
People say that because the xbox version runs at 30 fps and when PC runs at 30 fps it has perfect framepacing and no stuttering.

They even said on their forums that the posted specifications for systems were intended for gameplay @ 30 fps.

The problems come in when you try to run it over 30 fps.
Some people can run it at 60 with perfect pacing and no stuttering. The only way a game can be designed for 30 is if the logic is tied to a fixed 30fps, which it isn't. Unless of course there are certain aspects of PC hardware that can't physically reach twice the performance of the console. Asset transfer maybe?

To be honest, it's pretty magical the Xb can maintain 30fps through some of the intense wet jungle races. I don't know how it does it.
To be honest, it's pretty magical the Xb can maintain 30fps through some of the intense wet jungle races. I don't know how it does it.

yeah, I'm amazed they managed to do that with the xbone.

As for 60 without stutters, I don't see how.. the disable cpu 0 + low priority trick helps for sure, but I still get the occasional stutter. It's not enough to ruin the game.. not by a long shot, but it isn't perfect. Lowest my fps drops is to 55 or so in surfer's paradise.
People say that because the xbox version runs at 30 fps and when PC runs at 30 fps it has perfect framepacing and no stuttering.

They even said on their forums that the posted specifications for systems were intended for gameplay @ 30 fps.

The problems come in when you try to run it over 30 fps.

wait wat? I can (/have to) cap it@30fps, but the game becomes unplayable because of the severe input lag. I thought everyone was having this problem and we are all waiting for a patch?
The weaker your CPU, the more problem you'll run into in this game at high fps. The utilization issues is more evident on non HT CPUs, and are annoying on HT ones. GPU wise the game is fine.
yeah, I'm amazed they managed to do that with the xbone.

As for 60 without stutters, I don't see how.. the disable cpu 0 + low priority trick helps for sure, but I still get the occasional stutter. It's not enough to ruin the game.. not by a long shot, but it isn't perfect. Lowest my fps drops is to 55 or so in surfer's paradise.
The highest usage I've seen on a single core is about 90% and that's pretty rare. Most of the time it's around 65%. No stuttering, a pretty constant 60 around Surfer's Paradise but with some rare drops to 50fps on some really intense juggle races. That's at 1080p dynamic high.


i dont know what happened, but the game used to run incredibly well for me. i still maintain a steady 70-80 fps, that hasnt changed. but the stuttering that used to be few and far between has become much more frequent. enough to the point where its starting to piss me off and not want to play. ill hold off for now until theres a fix.

Patrick S.

yeah, I'm amazed they managed to do that with the xbone.

As for 60 without stutters, I don't see how.. the disable cpu 0 + low priority trick helps for sure, but I still get the occasional stutter. It's not enough to ruin the game.. not by a long shot, but it isn't perfect. Lowest my fps drops is to 55 or so in surfer's paradise.

Seriously, lock it at 50 fps. Much much better.
Seriously, lock it at 50 fps. Much much better.

I tried locking it to 50 in nvidia inspector.. maybe I did something wrong, but it didn't feel good to me, tbh.

What setting should I use in-game in terms of v-sync, framerate smoothing, etc.? I'm assuming you used framerate limiter v2?
Anyone tried the cracked version? Interested to see if any performance issues were actually from DRM or if it was just the tin foil hat crew over reacting.
on an oc'd 970 and a 4790k I'm pulling 60fps with sporadic but few stutters at 60fps on Dynamic High, which looks really good so far, so I've been mostly satisfied. I hope that this game's performance continues to improve, though.
Anyone tried the cracked version? Interested to see if any performance issues were actually from DRM or if it was just the tin foil hat crew over reacting.

Judging by how the workaround fixes problems (to an extent and YMMV at least), the performance issues has close to zero to do with the DRM. For example if it was the DRM eating into Core 0 like some people speculated, then disabling core 0 improving performance doesn't make any sense.


Judging by how the workaround fixes problems (to an extent and YMMV at least), the performance issues has close to zero to do with the DRM. For example if it was the DRM eating into Core 0 like some people speculated, then disabling core 0 improving performance doesn't make any sense.

Well, if the DRM was a separate process from the game, it could make sense. It could be the Windows Store itself that handles the DRM and that the DRM isn't necessarily packaged into the games process itself.

Therefore, Windows could be doing DRM tasks on that first core whilst the game is also fighting for resources on that first core, leading to the bottleneck. Removing the ability for the game to use that core0 would leave the DRM stuff relatively contested on core0.


Man, this game looks and runs great on my 970. Always above 50fps at 1440p. Cant wait to get 1070 to really max it out. No issues so far. Thought for sure I would be getting stuttering like others are experiencing.
Well, if the DRM was a separate process from the game, it could make sense. It could be the Windows Store itself that handles the DRM and that the DRM isn't necessarily packaged into the games process itself.

Therefore, Windows could be doing DRM tasks on that first core whilst the game is also fighting for resources on that first core, leading to the bottleneck. Removing the ability for the game to use that core0 would leave the DRM stuff relatively contested on core0.

That is one possibility as well. We can only know when a performance patch hits though.


Neo Member
Man, this game looks and runs great on my 970. Always above 50fps at 1440p. Cant wait to get 1070 to really max it out. No issues so far. Thought for sure I would be getting stuttering like others are experiencing.

I have a 1070 FTW and runs like absolute ass for me. Jumps between 8 and 70 fps with major hitching even when the FPS is high. Sticking the Xbox version till they fix it.


What settings and CPU?

6700K (stock)



Just a few slight changes and but I'm sure I can get better performance with some more tinkering. No stuttering even in a full on race.

I have a 1070 FTW and runs like absolute ass for me. Jumps between 8 and 70 fps with major hitching even when the FPS is high. Sticking the Xbox version till they fix it.

Ugh, I dunno. This thing is running great for me. Don't know what to make of it.
Just got a refund for the game! I couldn't deal with the performance issues and would rather spend the money on a game like Mafia 3 on Steam, backed by a proper refund system and without the Windows Store! The support was super nice and explained that the refund was a one time courtesy refund. I can post the chat log if anyone is interested.

Since this is the performance thread, I'll post what my specs are:

AMD FX-6300 OC'D to 4.1MHz
GTX 1060 6GB

I just wanted to play the game at a smooth 30FPS and thought it'd be possible with my system. It mostly was, except for the very occasional stuttering. No matter what settings I'd push, the recommended medium (dynamic optimization on or off) or ultra, the game would run fine except for any time I'd pass cars at high speeds, would drive fast period, approached beach side towns and that sort of thing. On ultra, the FPS would drop down to anywhere between 22-27fps and on medium it'd be a little bit better, but still noticeable and hard to control. I'll consider getting the game again if/when I get a better CPU or if some sort of performance enhancing patch comes out!
Anyone played online much? Get 1440p 60fps with minor stutters in single player but coop campaign with just 1 friend I was getting much more severe stuttering and frame rate dips. 980ti/4790k


So I've just splashed out and upgraded my rig, from a 2500k@4.4Ghz,780ti 3Gb VRAM, 16Gb DDR3... to a 6850k@4.4Ghz,1080 8Gb VRAM, 32Gb DDR4. This game had better run properly now or else :)


That's better than 980Ti/1070s. Unless you mean just free-roam mode.

No, even in races I have had no issues. Then again I have only been in two races I'm only have about 1 hours in total play time so there could be areas that may prove to be more taxing but so far it has ran great for me. I don't know what to make of it especially with dudes on 1070's getting worse performance.
My goodness the texture/shadow pop in present in this game is horrendous. I don't remember Horizon 2 looking this terrible. I was really excited because Karak from ACG said the pop in was negligible to him on Xbox, so maybe there is something wrong with this PC version. I'm running nearly everything on ultra and my eyes are constantly being pulled away from the road because of things snapping into view or changing their LOD instantly in front of me.

This game is such a huge disappointment and waste of money so far. This game is super freaking ugly. I drive into the forested area and it's just like a strobe light festival of shadow and texture dancing and pop in. It's disgusting looking. I can't keep my eyes on the road.

Also, the wheel support for this game is maximum garbage.

What the hell Microsoft.

Called support Microsoft and they are refunding me immediately. Thank God.
Do you mind posting the event log after it crashed?

Here, it just crashed again.

Log Name: Application
Source: Microsoft-Windows-Immersive-Shell
Date: 01/10/2016 20:41:37
Event ID: 2484
Task Category: (2400)
Level: Error
Keywords: (64),Process Lifetime Manager
User: DESKTOP-G3S9TB1\Paul
Computer: DESKTOP-G3S9TB1
Package Microsoft.OpusPG_1.0.10.2_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe+OpusReleaseFinal was terminated because it took too long to suspend.
Event Xml:
<Event xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/win/2004/08/events/event">
<Provider Name="Microsoft-Windows-Immersive-Shell" Guid="{315A8872-923E-4EA2-9889-33CD4754BF64}" />
<TimeCreated SystemTime="2016-10-01T19:41:37.854089600Z" />
<Correlation />
<Execution ProcessID="9188" ThreadID="1796" />
<Security UserID="S-1-5-21-61158814-2220584309-1484103040-1001" />
<Data Name="PsmKey">Microsoft.OpusPG_1.0.10.2_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe+OpusReleaseFinal</Data>

And the earlier crash:

Log Name: Application
Source: Application Error
Date: 01/10/2016 20:24:23
Event ID: 1000
Task Category: (100)
Level: Error
Keywords: Classic
User: N/A
Computer: DESKTOP-G3S9TB1
Faulting application name: forza_x64_release_final.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x57d31d7c
Faulting module name: forza_x64_release_final.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x57d31d7c
Exception code: 0xc0000005
Fault offset: 0x0000000001c5f01c
Faulting process ID: 0x21b0
Faulting application start time: 0x01d21c14ed285623
Faulting application path: C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.OpusPG_1.0.10.2_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe\forza_x64_release_final.exe
Faulting module path: C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.OpusPG_1.0.10.2_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe\forza_x64_release_final.exe
Report ID: faf6ec86-2747-45d5-8bbe-eb9c9c508333
Faulting package full name: Microsoft.OpusPG_1.0.10.2_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe
Faulting package-relative application ID: OpusReleaseFinal
Event Xml:
<Event xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/win/2004/08/events/event">
<Provider Name="Application Error" />
<EventID Qualifiers="0">1000</EventID>
<TimeCreated SystemTime="2016-10-01T19:24:23.321728200Z" />
<Security />
<Data>C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.OpusPG_1.0.10.2_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe\forza_x64_release_final.exe</Data>
<Data>C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.OpusPG_1.0.10.2_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe\forza_x64_release_final.exe</Data>
I really wish I could try this out on the laptop I just received with a 1070 in it, but the Windows 10 Store has been telling for for the past day I can't download it because something went wrong on their end. This is with all of the updates installed including the one Major Nelson said was supposed to fix downloading issues.


For those still having stuttering, have you tried using 8xMSAA? It will give you a lower overall framerate, but get rid of the stuttering according to this video:


WideAsFcuk is one of the very few places to go you on youtube for 21:9 support videos.
And I've had to run 8xMSAA to get rid of the stuttering (and the glitchy blocks on the right side of the screen) as well, so I can confirm it at least works for me in the same way at 21:9.
6700K (stock)

Just a few slight changes and but I'm sure I can get better performance with some more tinkering. No stuttering even in a full on race.

Ugh, I dunno. This thing is running great for me. Don't know what to make of it.

Hm, I have the same CPU. Would've bought the game yesterday during that Target bug but I wasn't home, I'll have to wait for the demo unfortunately.
Has there been any word on a patch? Almost every PC game I've bought this year has been a total mess and just results in my waiting for a patch. Most of the time, the patch doesn't even do anything (looking at you deus ex)
I doubled my ram from 8gb to 16gb and it runs better now. It still has an occasional stutter but it's much better than it used to be.
My rig has an i5 3570k and a 970 gtx and I run it with high settings at 1080p.
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