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Magic: the Gathering |OT9| Kaladesh - Cruisin' Down the Street in my 6/4

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I knew the g/w deck brad nelson deck was good, but I knew it wouldn't survive the top tables with fragmentize.

If your green you need to be running appetite, 2 life is a big deal against aggro, instant is even more important, and being able to hit the shit that recks you (marvel/skyship/other gearhulks) is important


Man, I am glad that I preordered 4 copters at 1.6€ each, 4 Pias at 0.3€ each and 4 Scrapheap Scrounger at 0.5€ each.

I should've been greedy and preorder like 20 copters :p


I just need one more copter for my standard deck, one more vantage, one more skysovereign, and maybe one more Chandra. I think now actually having equal Chandra and Gideon can make the games equal and consistent.

Selfless Spirit DEFINITELY in the main though. My creatures need to survive! Also helping Vehicles to survive is a big deal imo.

Here's what I'm looking at currently: (Seriously doubt I'll get another Chandra)

I know others have said something similar, but I really don't put much weight on the pre-PT SCG tournaments for indicating where Standard will go. They've rarely reflected the PT meta much at all and while PTs may not define Standard it tends to lead to pretty dramatic shifts. The only thing that seems certain to stick is copters everywhere but we knew that beforehand.


Deck I'm currently messing around with and leaning towards:

4x Spell Queller
1x Avacyn
4x Torrential Gearhulk

4x Anticipate
1x Horribly Awry
2x Immolating Glare
2x Negate
2x Revolutionary Rebuff
3x Scatter to the Winds
1x Skywhaler's Shot
2x Stasis Snare
1x Void Shatter
3x Glimmer of Genius
1x Summary Dismissal
1x Confirm Suspicions
2x Fumigate

11x Islands
5x Plains
4x Port Town
4x Prairie Stream
2x Blighted Cataract

2x Fragmentize
2x Dispel
2x Negate
2x Declaration in Stone
1x Immolating Glare
1x Stasis Snare
2x Summary Dismissal
1x Fumigate
1x Linvala, the Preserver
1x Quaratine Field

Only problem matchups are ones with a lot of graveyard recursion. Not sure if it's worth putting in any more exile effects or just accepting the matchup for what it is. Pretty much every other deck though gets buried in card disadvantage if they slip up at all. Still deciding if I want the 4th glimmer. Confirm Suspicions kind of fills that role.

Spell Queller is performing better than I expected. Blocks small creatures when you need a blocker, punishes them hard if they're mana screwed, finishes the game quickly in multiples, etc.


Tons of Pia Nalaar in that top 8. Guess it won't stay at $1 for long. Pretty cool since I opened my first and only Kaladesh booster yesterday and pulled a Madcap Experiment and foil Pia. Think I'll make some room for them in my Daretti EDH deck.
Deck I'm currently messing around with and leaning towards:

Only problem matchups are ones with a lot of graveyard recursion. Not sure if it's worth putting in any more exile effects or just accepting the matchup for what it is. Pretty much every other deck though gets buried in card disadvantage if they slip up at all. Still deciding if I want the 4th glimmer. Confirm Suspicions kind of fills that role.

Spell Queller is performing better than I expected. Blocks small creatures when you need a blocker, punishes them hard if they're mana screwed, finishes the game quickly in multiples, etc.

Among other things, this seems like it's asking to be destroyed by Turn 1 one drop, Turn 2 copter, especially on the draw and/or pre-board. Manlands and Abbey also seem like they'd be a big issue. There just don't seem to be enough ways to interact with the board once your opponent inevitably gets through your counter wall. Additionally, instant removal will likely be very effective in response to your flashing in a creature. And yes, graveyard recursion is a problem as well.

Overall, going ultra permission heavy is just super fragile and also a great way to make sure no one wants to play with you anymore.


Among other things, this seems like it's asking to be destroyed by Turn 1 one drop, Turn 2 copter, especially on the draw and/or pre-board. Manlands and Abbey also seem like they'd be a big issue. There just don't seem to be enough ways to interact with the board once your opponent inevitably gets through your counter wall. Additionally, instant removal will likely be very effective in response to your flashing in a creature. And yes, graveyard recursion is a problem as well.

Overall, going ultra permission heavy is just super fragile and also a great way to make sure no one wants to play with you anymore.

I'm not going super permission heavy for the trolololz. I think control is decent especially with no duress. If people don't want to play with me they're welcome to have their own home games with custom rules I guess lol.

As far as the aggressive matchups, goal is to prioritize removal on vehicles that slip past negates/other counters and either clean up creatures with fumigate or gearhulk to stonewall the ground while popping cataracts or casting glimmers to keep them from resolving anything relevant. I could try to put another immolating glare or skywhaler's shot main to hedge a bit against aggro.

Decks now just don't feel as aggressive as they used to be. Mono white humans last season was brutal and really punished any deck like this. Now at worst you're getting hit for like 5-6 by T3 which is a lot more manageable.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"


Me and a friend are interested in trying out Magic, would buying these new Kaladesh Planeswalker decks be a good place to start with the game?

I think so. They also used to give out smaller free decks for people who are starting to play too, not sure if those were discontinued.
I'm not going super permission heavy for the trolololz. I think control is decent especially with no duress. If people don't want to play with me they're welcome to have their own home games with custom rules I guess lol.

As far as the aggressive matchups, goal is to prioritize removal on vehicles that slip past negates/other counters and either clean up creatures with fumigate or gearhulk to stonewall the ground while popping cataracts or casting glimmers to keep them from resolving anything relevant. I could try to put another immolating glare or skywhaler's shot main to hedge a bit against aggro.

Decks now just don't feel as aggressive as they used to be. Mono white humans last season was brutal and really punished any deck like this. Now at worst you're getting hit for like 5-6 by T3 which is a lot more manageable.

Oh, I don't think you're trying to troll. Trolling was my almost mono-permission/bounce decks back in the late 90s. I just feel this kind of game plan has a lot of holes in it

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I mean the obvious problem is that you're threatened by vehicles, creatures and lands and both your removal and permission spells only conditionally address any of them.
Me and a friend are interested in trying out Magic, would buying these new Kaladesh Planeswalker decks be a good place to start with the game?

If you don't know the rules at all, then downloading and playing Magic Duels would be a good way to start.

If you want to start playing the paper game, then yeah, Planeswalker decks should be fine. Note that they are fairly weak and have a low number of each card, making them inconsistent, but this is intentionally designed to push you to modify them with the included booster packs and future cards you get.

I recently learned of Battle Decks that are made by the third-party company Card Kingdom, which are stronger and more consistent, but I'm not yet convinced are superior products for beginners. I think I'd place them above Duel Decks, though. They are only $10 each, not including shipping. Note that they likely won't be Standard-legal, so you can't bring them to Standard tournaments.


I mean the obvious problem is that you're threatened by vehicles, creatures and lands and both your removal and permission spells only conditionally address any of them.

vehicles - negate, snare, glare, skywhaler's, every non-rebuff counter, spell queller
creatures - every non-negate counter, snare, glare, skywhaler's, fumigate, spell queller
lands - every creature, glare, snare

Dunno, thought I covered everything about as well as I could without splashing a 3rd color and going mono terminates. Like I said before, I could cut a little from the top end to hedge for aggressive decks but I don't think it'd be a whole lot different.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
The problem is that most of those are only conditional and don't do anything once it resolves.
I was certain to do BB jace next but Alesha is kinda smiling at me. Would allow me to pick up some GY pieces i've wanted for a while
vehicles - negate, snare, glare, skywhaler's, every non-rebuff counter, spell queller
creatures - every non-negate counter, snare, glare, skywhaler's, fumigate, spell queller
lands - every creature, glare, snare

Dunno, thought I covered everything about as well as I could without splashing a 3rd color and going mono terminates. Like I said before, I could cut a little from the top end to hedge for aggressive decks but I don't think it'd be a whole lot different.

what's your plan for emrakul?


The problem is that most of those are only conditional and don't do anything once it resolves.

Typically counters aren't effective against resolved spells, I agree lol.

what's your plan for emrakul?

Summary Dismissal is the most ideal and usually I'd have a lot of looks for it before emrakul is castable. If not Stasis Snare or one of the other counters and hope they can't do too much damage with my hand.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Okay, I went back and put in some effort
when I stopped for a second and said "where's the Copter"

Deck: GR Energy Aggro

4 Aether Hub
4 Cinder Glade
4 Forest
4 Game Trail
1 Hanweir Battlements
4 Mountain

3 Arlinn Kord
4 Fleetwheel Cruiser
4 Harnessed Lightning
4 Smuggler's Copter

4 Bomat Courier
4 Hanweir Garrison
4 Kessig Prowler
4 Lathnu Hellion
4 Longtusk Cub
4 Voltaic Brawler

3 Chandra, Torch of Defiance
2 Verdurous Gearhulk
1 Appetite for the Unnatural
4 Incendiary Flow
2 Take Down
3 Blossoming Defense

Display deck statistics

Typically counters aren't effective against resolved spells, I agree lol.

Summary Dismissal is the most ideal and usually I'd have a lot of looks for it before emrakul is castable. If not Stasis Snare or one of the other counters and hope they can't do too much damage with my hand.

I mean, yeah, I know that, but that obvious weakness seems like a serious problem when you need a specific counterspell to counter the various threats against you and some of the threats against you.

I mean, you've got 5 unconditional counters, but 4 of them are 3 mana with a completely marginal upside and one of them costs 5 mana. The rest of them might or might not be useful in any given matchup, but in any case they're not Dissolve-tier, which leads to the next issue, which is that even if the strategy is working, you're playing too few lands. This is a 28 land deck; it might be 27 if you had Dissolve, but you're running 26 - I don't think you can shave 2 lands just because you play Anticipate and Glimmer. I'd be a little uncomfortable with Glimmer and Anticipate as my "card draw."

I could easily see that deck just straight running out of cards (which is really bad in a deck where you have lots of conditional answers); its a situation where I think you'd actually want to play Dovin Baan, but would be happier if he was Jace, Architect of Thought. Hell, Detective Jace might be better.


I mean, yeah, I know that, but that obvious weakness seems like a serious problem when you need a specific counterspell to counter the various threats against you and some of the threats against you.

I mean, you've got 5 unconditional counters, but 4 of them are 3 mana with a completely marginal upside and one of them costs 5 mana. The rest of them might or might not be useful in any given matchup, but in any case they're not Dissolve-tier, which leads to the next issue, which is that even if the strategy is working, you're playing too few lands. This is a 28 land deck; it might be 27 if you had Dissolve, but you're running 26 - I don't think you can shave 2 lands just because you play Anticipate and Glimmer. I'd be a little uncomfortable with Glimmer and Anticipate as my "card draw."

I could easily see that deck just straight running out of cards (which is really bad in a deck where you have lots of conditional answers); its a situation where I think you'd actually want to play Dovin Baan, but would be happier if he was Jace, Architect of Thought. Hell, Detective Jace might be better.

I pretty much disagree on everything except perhaps going 26->27 lands. Really wasn't posting to ask for reasons to play something else, was just saying this is what I'm up to. Sorry for the confusion.


Uh no? You posted a deck and apparently wanted no comments on it. That's you being confused, not everyone else.

Just posting what I'm working on for the PT in case anybody gave a shit. Didn't really ask for general comments that question the entire strategy since I don't really have time to scrap it and get quality testing on a different deck.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Just posting what I'm working on for the PT in case anybody gave a shit. Didn't really ask for general comments that question the entire strategy since I don't really have time to scrap it and get quality testing on a different deck.

I mean, that's fine, its just weird to post a list and then get mad when people comment on it. How am I supposed to know its gonna piss you off if I make a comment on it?
Just posting what I'm working on for the PT in case anybody gave a shit. Didn't really ask for general comments that question the entire strategy since I don't really have time to scrap it and get quality testing on a different deck.
One issue I ran with a reactive deck is that stasis snare gets fragmentized, in the worst case by your own, and that having too many answers wrecks your hand hard and spell queller works much better in tempo than in control.

Unrelated Jace the Fixed Sculptor sucks balls.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Nice that Chandra is starting to drop already, CSI has them for $50. Then again Smug Copter is soaring.

Even if she showed up in Avacyn numbers, I'd be really surprised if she stuck anywhere over $30. It's a standard-legal card in a LOTTERY set. I'd expect to see the card more at $20 than $30.
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