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Han Solo Film: Frontrunners for female lead

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Why does a Han Solo movie needs a 'female lead'? Urgh, I hate when they always make sure that there is a 'opposite-gender' sidekick, no matter if male or female lead. It's a character movie about a dashing rogue with a big mouth, not sure how a female lead / primarily love interest fits into that. Please don't let it be like Transformers where the girl is just there 'to be there' and gets dragged along for no other reason and serves no purpose and adds nothing.

i really thought this was just sarcasm until i saw the follow up post.


I kinda doubt Kasdan gives a shit about what's going on in the comics. I'm willing to bet it's a new character.

How much freedom do the writers have, though? If the story group wants Sana in the movie, do the writers really have a choice?
I feel like the comic book reveal of her character was to test the water for her making an appearance in a lead role for a future Star Wars Anthology movie. I dig it. The dynamic could be really fun.


Saw Gerera(?) from the clone wars animated show will apear in Rogue One.
I think Clone Wars is part of the official canon. I'm not sure, but I think I've seen a timeline or something. Anything else is considered EU and non-canonical.

As of April 25, 2014, the only previously published materials that are considered canon are the six Star Wars films and the Star Wars: The Clone Wars television series and film, while the Expanded Universe is no longer considered canon[1] and was re-termed as the "Legends" brand. Most Star Wars material released after April 25, 2014—with some exceptions—is composed in collaboration with the Lucasfilm Story Group, making it part of the "new canon."


How much freedom do the writers have, though? If the story group wants Sana in the movie, do the writers really have a choice?
IIRC, the entire reason this movie exists is because Lucasfilm wanted Lawrence Kasdan and he wanted to write this movie.

So a lot of freedom.
Also for fuck's sake Tessa Thompson is going to be in everything at this rate
You say that like it's a bad thing.


How much freedom do the writers have, though? If the story group wants Sana in the movie, do the writers really have a choice?

They can basically do whatever they want although Kennedy could always enforce things if she chose. The story group mostly exists to keep everything tidy, not tell the writers what to do, but they have more influence on books and things of that nature where sometimes they come up with the idea (like the book Lost Stars) and then hire someone to put it together.

Kasdan doesn't care about he canon at all and will write whatever he wants. He already said so. This leaves us with two options - either he came up with Sana and Marvel slotted her in to get people used to her, or the character in the movie isn't Sana. I'd bet on the latter since Naomi Scott isn't black (shes half white half Indian).
Well I aint seeing Thor 3 in theaters that's for sure and that has a director I like on it too and queen Blanchett and Sam Neill as well as her. So yeah whatever.

No day 1 for this. Cheap matinee at the most for han solo solo movie if it looks decent.

Edit: yessss shameik moore or Michael B Jordan for Lando. Glover got the look but he's not Billy Dee cool
Shamiek would be dope.... his swag in the Get Down is off the charts. Tessa doesn't really need this role tbh she's already in Thor 3.
They can basically do whatever they want although Kennedy could always enforce things if she chose. The story group mostly exists to keep everything tidy, not tell the writers what to do, but they have more influence on books and things of that nature where sometimes they come up with the idea (like the book Lost Stars) and then hire someone to put it together.

Kasdan doesn't care about he canon at all and will write whatever he wants. He already said so. This leaves us with two options - either he came up with Sana and Marvel slotted her in to get people used to her, or the character in the movie isn't Sana. I'd bet on the latter since Naomi Scott isn't black (shes half white half Indian).

Yeah, Naomi Scott testing does suggest a different character.


Of all the projects Lucasfilm are working on, this is literally the least interesting of them to me, and I have no desire to see it. Harrison Ford is Han Solo. Period. This isn't a case where it's been over a decade since the last actor portrayed an iconic character (Alec Guinness), and audiences are open and ready for a new actors take on a younger version (Ewan McGregor). Harrison Ford played Han Solo in a film 10 months ago. And he was perfect. It's the only character that's made him give a shit about acting in over a decade.
And he was fucking murdered. You can't just have the character die in one of the most heartbreaking scenes in the series, and then recast him and have him go off on one of his youthful misadventures. I'm supposed to enjoy this with the knowledge that his son fucking murders him in the back of my mind the whole time?
For fucks sake.

Maybe I'm the only one that feels this way, but this movie just feels pointless and inappropriate.
In what universe does Shamiek Moore look like Billy Dee Williams

He doesn't look like him as much as glover could. But glover just can't shake off his nerdy vibes. It works well for him in Atlanta tho but still he is the definition of #swagless

Shameik can pull off Lando a lot better I imagine. Shaolin Fantastic was a boss.
I really hate that this movie is happening. At the beginning of a new hope, Solo is a filthy unscrupulous scoundrel. How are they going to give Han an arc when the starting point in ANH is set so low?

This movie will be "Greedo shot first" times a gajillion.


Ignoring the whole should this movie exist (it's happening):

1. It's been pointed out the story behind the movie is based on idea that GL had.
2. GL generally didn't bother with the old EU and ignored it and overwrote it, but there were some do NOT touch subjects, the prequel era (Anakin's fall, the twins' mom), Yoda's species and oddly, a certain number of years of Han's life. If you go and look at the Han Solo books in the old EU that take place before the movies, there is a gap around where he meets Chewie etc. So yeah, I do believe GL had an idea and wanted to do SOMETHING with it. Would it have been a movie? Dunno.
3. On whether or not it could be Sana based on the fact she first showed up in comics. This is actually WHERE the story group does come in. All these projects are on different timelines and they are the ones that keep track of what is going. I'm pretty sure early work on this movie started before the arc where Sana was introduced got going, so it is entirely possible that there was a character in the early story treatment for the movie, that when the SW comics writer came around and said "so hey I wanna do this woman from Han's past" the story group could say "WELL WE HAVE ONE." Pablo has said this is how Saw ended up in Rogue One, they wanted a character who'd been fighting for so long etc and the SG was like ah hah. When the SW comic writer pitched a group of special Stormtroopers who do NOT fit the mold, the SG told him to go watch the Bad Batch episodes of CW and get their DNA from there.
4. Anyway, Tessa was great as an annoying character on Veronica Mars, so I'm glad she's going places.
How does that change the fact that Saw is the first EU character to show up in a movie?

Because clone wars isn't EU because it's Lucas's direct creation. EU is stuff expanded on and added by other creators in the books, novels, video games, etc. why the hell do you think they kept clone wars canon anyway? It was only made canon because of Lucas (that's the reason the original clone wars cartoon and the excellent John Ostrander series were not part of the new canon)
Whenever I hear the name Donald Glover I have to think of the internview where he said that his name is weird and he could never go with just "Don" because of his last name...Don Glover...


Damnit noooo! I thought he was meant to be the main character.

Well, there goes all my hype for the movie.
I don't get why people keep talking about Kyle Katarn. Yeah, Rogue One is about stealing the Death Star plans, but that's such a fucking minor part of the character. Why would you want a Kyle Katarn movie to be based entirely around the first level of Dark Forces?
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