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United States Election: Nov. 8, 2016 |OT| Hate Trumps Love

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Pornhub going for the jugular!
A) Nobody has said to 'coddle racists'. This discussion is coming up because, again, people are literally throwing all white people into this bucket because of a slight majority voting for a certain candidate.

In essence, yes they have, and I'm not talking about just the thread. This line of thought that we should treat all views with respect has been the Republican party's complaint about political correctness for decades, because they have repeatedly gotten upset when being called racists for doing blatantly racist things. See people like Gov. Paul LePage and Joe Arpaio.

The fact is, whenever anyone would say that something is racist, no matter how blatant, the response on the right was to put their fingers in their ears and yell about political correctness.

B) ASsuming everyone is racist simply because they like a racist candidate is dangerous thinking. It primarily comes down to them thinking certain issues are more important. Period. Do I think it's right to do that? Obviously not, I didn't vote for Trump. But I do think it does no good to scream at the top of your lungs at somebody about how terrible they are if you expect them to take you seriously, because...

Trump isn't just a racist, he's the most racist candidate we've had in decades. He got into politics on racism, he opened his campaign with racism, and he peppered his rhetoric and policies with racism. His campaign was filled with so much fucking racism that there is absolutely no coming up with a legitimate reason for voting for him like people could with previous candidates. Trump took away that plausible deniability that the Republicans had through political correctness.

C) YOU NEED THESE PEOPLE. At least some of them. If you didn't, Hilary would've won. You are never going to meet anyone in the middle to work out the issues in the country if you close the door before the conversation begins. Plenty of them might not meet you halfway either, fuck those people, but if you won't do it either then you're never going to get anywhere.

If these people and the Tea Party actually pushed for relief for areas that were struggling after certain industries left, they likely would have gotten something. Acknowledgement of their problems at the very least and serious help at best.

But they didn't. Instead, they focused on sewing mistrust of the government and racist conspiracy theories like the idea that Barack Obama is a secret Muslim (something that 66% of Trump's supporters believe). They pushed against LGBTQ rights, against civil rights, against police reform.

They did NOT ask for help where they needed it. They chose to focus on other things, and they got exactly what they wanted. So while you and other people are saying that we should listen to these people, you're ignoring the fact that we have been. If they wanted help, all they had to do was ask for it. They didn't, because they didn't care about that as much.

When you start saying "Fuck white people" you're alienating every single one of those groups, when the reality is the only one worth alienating is the first one - the actual racist fucks. The only one you can AFFORD to alienate.

Hillary called racists, neo-nazis, and GamerGators deplorable, and she lost for it. Based on that, there isn't any subgroup of these people that can be alienated without consequences.
Regular people got tired of media, celebs, twitter, and young college students telling them that common sense ideas about immigration, trade, and free speech were racist, sexist, outmoded and that they need to conform to progressive ideas or be quiet. They went out and voted to show that they still matter.

so they went out and elected a racist, sexist reality show star and failed businessman. Yeah we sure were wrong about them.


Hillary had way too much baggage to win this. Not everyone that voted Trump liked him, a great deal of them just hated Hillary.

Y'all had the chance to go with Bernie who actually inspired young voters in droves and could have won this, but y'all decided to go for a hawkish career politician with obviously subservient ties to Wall Street and more dirt on her than a sarcophagus. Yet so many of you smug HillaryGAF members had the cheek to slander Bernie and his supporters and claim he was the one that unelectable.

Well played, America. Though, I suppose we can't really judge from across the pond when we allowed racists and xenophobes vote us out of the EU.

2016 has been complete and utter garbage.

Yeah.... HillaryGAF didn't do this.


More than anything, I've become exacerbated by the amount of untruths people are willing to absorb and believe simply because it feels right. I don't know how to comment on these things.

Can someone help me?

Because it seems like anytime someone tries to do the "right" thing, they get branded as shills or worse. How can we honestly crack through this divide?

Fox Mulder

This election has shown one thing, if you're not a white straight male and you want to become president, you better be 100% perfect, extremely likable, funny and charismatic. People don't care about your policies. If you're a white straight male, congratulations, you've got the job unless your opponent is the later. Minorities and women are just held to a much higher standard than white straight men.

Anyone else could have done better. Obama ran over her in 08 because he didn't vote for Iraq or was buddies with wall st.


As a minority, this is probably my last time voting. What's the point when one demographic can steamroll all the others combined?
Fuck that.

I feel the same way. I voted Clinton even though I'm not high on her and looked at what happened.

This was my first time voting for a President too.

No. Don't choose not to vote. When Trump fucks things up things will flip. The supreme court is fucked, but there will hopefully still be something to salvage after these next 4 years.


Ante Up
She kicked his ass in debates, ran better ads and had a better convention.

Where did she err? Why is this her fault and not that of a nation of buffoons?

She came up way short on inspiration.

Her game was to let the other side make the mistakes and run out the clock instead of putting on a serious offense.


On the bright side, a scandal less dem will win 2020. Just as I'm sure a scandal less republican would replace Hillary in 2020
i'm sorry americans, but i hope your country goes to shit under trump. we can't have the rightwing people in europe getting ideas by this crap


Bernie wouldn't have done any better. Tonight has proven that hate, fear, and ignorance are the three most common character traits in America. Wouldn't have made a damn bit of difference.
Damn, there really is no stopping this trend to the far-right, is there?

Call me stupid. I genuinely thought America had more moral fiber in it than Europe, Russia and the UK. I know it's steeped in clutural divide, but I hand-on-heart thought at the crunch, there were more people who'd see through his bullshit.

Jesus, this year...
Can't wait for the documentaries in a year or two that explain in detail how the absolute fuck this happened, they will be fascinating.
Trump won in a landslide, and I'm not cynical enough to think he won entirely because of racists.

The dems need to do a better job with disenfranchised rust belt voters.

Sucks. But we'll all survive. Trumps gonna outsource 99% of the job anyway

Yeah, he's gonna outsource it to the man who's even more bigoted than he is.
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