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PSN error WS-37397-9. Banned IP?

Sorry for the double post. But I hate support. Absolutely hate support. What is my annual fee paying for?



Golden Domers are chickenshit!!
Sorry for the double post. But I hate support. Absolutely hate support. What is my annual fee paying for?
If Sony is aware that most people get dynamic IPs, what sense does it make to permanently block IPs? Seems like they should put like a week ban in place and then remove it.


I've had this problem for the last week and it's driving me nuts.

Seems for me the pool of IPs my isp uses are banned so the resetting trick doesn't work.

A Tracert showed me my packets ended up at Prolexic who are the anti DDOS company Sony uses to protect their network.

It's fucking bullshit we get locked out of our accounts through no fault of our own, I can't even download the games in my digital library, and resubbed psn last month.

Until this is resolved I'm spending money on Steam instead, I'm fuming.
I've had this problem for the last week and it's driving me nuts.

Seems for me the pool of IPs my isp uses are banned so the resetting trick doesn't work.

A Tracert showed me my packets ended up at Prolexic who are the anti DDOS company Sony uses to protect their network.

It's fucking bullshit we get locked out of our accounts through no fault of our own, I can't even download the games in my digital library, and resubbed psn last month.

Until this is resolved I'm spending money on Steam instead, I'm fuming.
See, my biggest problem right now is that looking this issue up, it's a major issue as of recently.

Looking at this: http://downdetector.com/status/playstation-network

Looking at recent Tweets to their Support Twitter Account...

Looking at their Support forum.

Prolexic is shit, and Sony is shit for not realizing this is a major issue that can't be passed off with, "go contact your ISP, we don't have anything to do with our shit DDOS protection service".

I don't want to restart my modem every single time I want to play my PS4. Literally no other service I use (Steam, Xbox Live, Origin, BattleNet, etc...) has this issue.


See, my biggest problem right now is that looking this issue up, it's a major issue as of recently.

Looking at this: http://downdetector.com/status/playstation-network

Looking at recent Tweets to their Support Twitter Account...

Looking at their Support forum.

Prolexic is shit, and Sony is shit for not realizing this is a major issue that can't be passed off with, "go contact your ISP, we don't have anything to do with our shit DDOS protection service".

I don't want to restart my modem every single time I want to play my PS4. Literally no other service I use (Steam, Xbox Live, Origin, BattleNet, etc...) has this issue.

Yep it's only psn that had this problem, I'm at the point now where instead of buying at least a game a month on psn, I'm thinking of just flogging my ps4 and going full pc instead.

I suppose ranting at their twitter page can't hurt, I may as well add my voice to others who are having this problem.

Absolutely shocking that this can happen on a paid service
This is absolutely awful. I got WS-37397-9 for a few months now and there is absolutely no solution for this other than resetting the router. It is so annoying. Why no other online services have this problem but PSN consistently has is beyond me. I paid for PS+ and this is what I fcking get.


This is absolutely awful. I got WS-37397-9 for a few months now and there is absolutely no solution for this other than resetting the router. It is so annoying. Why no other online services have this problem but PSN consistently has is beyond me. I paid for PS+ and this is what I fcking get.

I'm with you man, imagine how I feel, resetting doesn't work even though I get a new IP.


The way I resolved the issue when I received this code was to factory reset my router, but your experience may vary.
I may have actually been wrong. For one reason or another, I'd ended up with the same blacklisted IP I'd previously been running into problems with, so now I'm keeping a text file log of all the IPs I have and whether or not they're banned.

But basically this seems to really boil down to Prolexic thinking it makes sense to permanently ban dynamic IPs.
Was going fine for the past 3 or so days, then while I'm playing Destiny on PS4, I start getting spammed by Sony with verification codes for my 2-step authentication. Checked from my desktop to see if I could access the PlayStation store, and sure enough, I'm IP banned again.

Since then, put my PS4 into rest mode, still getting spammed with texts from Sony.

Can't access my PSN account from my own home to change my password and get rid of this shit 2-step authentication.

What the fuck.

Also, this thread: http://community.us.playstation.com/t5/PlayStation-Network-Support/WS-37397-9/td-p/45539370/page/29, though of course I can't even sign in to post my own experience there.

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
Yep it's only psn that had this problem, I'm at the point now where instead of buying at least a game a month on psn, I'm thinking of just flogging my ps4 and going full pc instead.

I suppose ranting at their twitter page can't hurt, I may as well add my voice to others who are having this problem.

Absolutely shocking that this can happen on a paid service

My twitter page is filled with nothing but my rants towards @askplaystation and @playstation...

Maybe it's because of that that I haven't had this happened to me recently.. and the last time it happened, for the 8th or 9th time this year alone by my recollection, it only lasted for a night.


My twitter page is filled with nothing but my rants towards @askplaystation and @playstation...

Maybe it's because of that that I haven't had this happened to me recently.. and the last time it happened, for the 8th or 9th time this year alone by my recollection, it only lasted for a night.

I've had a good old rant, whilst trying my best to be civil. I fired of some tweets to Jim Sterling and Laura K Buzz in the vague hope they can draw some publicity to it.

In the meantime I've tried every support channel Sony offers and have been completely fucking ignored despite being very polite and providing a ton of info.

I even tweeted Shuhei Yoshida asking he if he thinks it's fair people get locked out of their accounts through no fault of their own.

It's such bullshit, I mean Steam is much bigger than PSN and it's free.
Meanwhile in PSN land you pay 50 bucks a year for the privilege of online play and get locked out for arbitrary bullshit reasons , and are offered zero support to solve the problem.

Fuck this shit.


Golden Domers are chickenshit!!
Did you, perchance, opt out of the binding arbitration agreement portion of the PSN service agreement?


yeah so I got this error yesterday and didnt think anything of it so I turned my system off and played my xbox hoping it would fix today. Today comes and its still there so I google it and find out its an IP ban. I contact customer support and they tell me its an IP ban and for me to contact comcast and that they have full details on whats going on and it should be fixed as soon as I talked to them.. Well... I contact them and they tell me they know nothing about this error and they cant reset my IP. They will only reset IP of business accounts not personal. Then comcast tells me I need to contact Sony again which I did and again, same robotic script telling me to contact my ISP. So I did that again and talked to 3 different supervisors all telling me the same thing. There isnt anything they can do other than send me a new modem/router thing which could take days.

How is that logical? a lot of people who report this problem says once they reset their IP, its fine for a little bit then the new one is now banned. Im really getting annoyed at how bad Sonys customer support is. I just want to access the service Im paying for with out getting the run around because some script kid is DDOSing the network. Sorry for the rant. Just annoyed an need to vent.


Same thing happened to me and I decided today, to contact the chat support with of course same shitty result that you are all getting , I can't believe no one is talking about this issue on any gaming sites like mentioned above.

It seems to be affecting a lot of users and seriously what kind of bad system is that banning people rendom IP address like that ? I barely use PSN except for updating my games and getting demo .

I may have found a trick though .
I connect using wifi on my cell phone using hotspot function when I'm signed in I disconnect and reconnect using cable and my downloads keep going and I can access store also .


I'm having this problem right now and i'm lost.

Keep my router turned off about 2 hours but the problem continues. Funny thing is i can download patches, see wwe network and netflix but i can't connect with psn network.
Wanted to try the DQ demo but couldn't access the PS store from my PC at all. Grudgingly decided to turn on the PS4 which I hadn't used in a while and access from there, only to find this bullshit error code come up. Not sure how much I even care as I hadn't planned on subscribing again since the price increase, but it's pretty fucked regardless. A big fuck you to Sony.


Encountered this error today as well and all tips on the internet didn't help unfortunately. Will turn off my router over night and hope that I'll get a new IP after that. Otherwise I'd probably have to call Sony or my ISP <_<''


So it's been 6 weeks now, multiple different IP addresses, and still the same shit. The only way I can sign into PSN is by tethering my phone, and that is expensive and slow as fuck anyway.

In the meantime, I've been "escalated" by Hong Kong Playstation support for nearly a month, with not a fucking peep out of them.

Thank god for Steam is all I can say at the moment.

Apart from fuck Sony


I called my ISP and they said to unplug the modem for 30 min. and I'd have a new IP. I did that and my IP did in fact change. PS4 connected online right away with no problems.

I am updating this thread in case someone gets the same problem.

Thanks. I'll keep this in mind, if it happens to me.

Ivory Samoan

Gold Member
I'm in the same boat as you guys (sorry for the late bump) but was wondering if changing ISPs altogether would fix this: I'm ordering another router too (it's free for changing ISPs so why not), so hopefully I'm all good to go once that changeover has gone down!

In doing so I've discovered I can save $30 a month on my Fiber cost, and get an extra 100mbps speed on DL, so that's one bonus of this problem I guess.

For reference, my router reset trick works fine for me for 1-2 days, then boom: blocked again on the PS4/Online/Laptop: only using mobile data works, so it's the same problem as you guys are having with your dynamic ips being blocked.

So annoying... this only started happening to me around when UC4 came out, since then it's been horrible and so frustrating!


Not sure if this can help anyone but I have a workaround for downloading stuff from the store .

Connect the PS4 to your phone by tethering, then pause downloads and switch back to wired connection and resume download .

That's what I do and it will keep downloading and I stay connected on psn after that .
Also, Sony is just BS I got a new IP during the weekend and yesterday, I had been banned again,I and checked my address on the internet and it's not blacklisted anywhere .

So, screw you Sony and your shitty customer service.
Wow! I haven't been able to get onto PSN all day thanks to this wonderful error. Contacted my Internet Provider and they suggested contacting Sony support since I have a dynamic IP set up. After seeing the "help" that others have received from them I'm not wasting my time on hold to get the same robotic answers.

Unbelievable that there still isn't a reliable work around for this problem.
I am sick and tired of this error and for me the only way to fix it is to change public IP which is not something my ISP allows me to do easily, I basically need to get a new MAC address and a new Hostname for me to receive a new DHCP lease.

I tried something out of left field and sent an e-mail to Akamai, the creators of the Prolexic product:

Thousands if not hundreds of thousands are plagued with a WS-37397-9 error
when trying to access the Playstation Network as you can see from this
thread on their forums:

This thread has over 200K views.

When this happens there is no way to connect to Playstation Network anymore
other than changing your public IP. Sony states that this happens when the
customer's IP is banned by their partner's system. The only surefire way to
resolve it is to ask your IPS to change your public IP, in my case this is
not something that are willing to do.

Many people of the community believe that Sony's partners are actually
Akamai and that they are using the Prolexic DDOS solution. This is because
when you are plagued with the problem and try tracing a route to
playstationnetwork.com you end up on unknown.prolexic.com and then the
trace can't go any further.

Sony hasn't helped their customers with this issue for years now, people
are starting to blame Prolexic and this could hurt your public image, it
has already hurt Sony's.

Can you please help Sony configure your product correctly as I am sure
Prolexic is not meant to block legitimate customers from accessing their

I truly hope this will reach interested ears that will at least look into
it a little bit.


This is the answer I got:

Could you please raise this concern with Akamai's customer whose services you are using, they would in turn raise a case with Akamai and have this investigated.

We are unable to accept this request due to compliance policy. As per the policy, we are to take request coming from direct customers of Akamai alone. As for the IP block suspicion, we can affirm that Akamai/Prolexic does not block any IP address for any reason, unless our customer set that as an expectation with us.

If you'd like to investigate more, please bring this up with our customer and they'd take this further with us.

Best Regards,


It was worth trying I guess... I have never seen a company disregard their customers so much.


So for the last two weeks I've been getting this error non-stop on my PS4s, which I understand is an IP ban, here's a little background information:

I have two PS4s in two different rooms, both with a different PSN and PS+ on them. I've gone out and bought myself a new router (spaceship looking D-link one) in order to change the IP and it worked, briefly.

Today it was fine for about 4 hours before giving me this error again and I'm at the point where I don't know what else to do. I fail to believe that every new IP I'm getting is being banned that quickly (or why?) and what else I can do. I have a PS4 pro sitting here and can't even do anything with it.

Any ideas if theres something I can do?

Update:I've managed to get it working by changing routers although no idea for how long. New problem now though, can't seem to buy anything off the store, keeps saying credit card information is incorrect even though it's not.


Sorry for the double post, desperate for a fix here and completely out of ideas. Managed to get it working last night from changing it to another hub (4th different IP) and played some BF1 online and now this morning it's IP banned again. It's the 4th time in two weeks now and I have no idea what I can do, my ISP won't do anything about it either.

As a side note, when I did get it working last night, it wouldnt let me buy anything from the PS Store on two different accounts, kept saying credit card details were incorrect even though they wasn't.


This the first time I have heard about this and I don't like the sound of it at all, it also seem that nobody seems to know where the problem is and who can fix it, The DDoSing really? everyone knows that a IP is no guarantee of the actual user location.

The only thing I can really add is, is this a global problem? I have seen a post in this thread about a members from Hong Kong (post #75) and the rest seem to be from the USA?


This has happened to me twice.

Both times, the solution was to turn off my cable modem for an extended period of time (a day or so). This would give me a new IP.


This the first time I have heard about this and I don't like the sound of it at all, it also seem that nobody seems to know where the problem is and who can fix it, The DDoSing really? everyone knows that a IP is no guarantee of the actual user location.

The only thing I can really add is, is this a global problem? I have seen a post in this thread about a members from Hong Kong (post #75) and the rest seem to be from the USA?

I'm from the UK so it seems to be happening here too. I can accept that you may get issued an IP from your ISP that has been banned before but to get it this many times with different IPs is ridiculous. It's worth noting that up until two weeks ago I've never had this problem, it's always been fine. It since then it keeps giving me this error.


Log in to your router and try cloning your MAC address if you haven't done so already. If you have, manually type in a different one from another device you have or use a generator. This should change your IP address. You will likely need to reboot your modem and router for the change to be recongized (you may need to unplug your modem for a short while)..


Junior Member
Log in to your router and try cloning your MAC address if you haven't done so already. If you have, manually type in a different one from another device you have or use a generator. This should change your IP address. You will likely need to reboot your modem and router for the change to be recongized (you may need to unplug your modem for a short while)..

It's better to call your ISP and have them clear the DHCP association. Many ISPs only allow one IP per customer, which could mean no internet if you change your MAC address.

If Sony is aware that most people get dynamic IPs, what sense does it make to permanently block IPs? Seems like they should put like a week ban in place and then remove it.

Because most of the IPs out there aren't given to ISPs. Botnets is only one of the threats when it comes to DDOS. I've personally blacklisted huge Chinese subnets since they've kept attacking us, and they were not ISP IPs. It does also make sense to do this with Botnets, as only a small percentage of those who are part of a botnet are also Sony customers and won't realize they've been blocked by Sony, thus never change their IP, as most home routers are always on.


Mine cleared itself up, at least for now..used to get it every 2nd-3rd day and would take multiple resets to get a non-banned IP, haven't had an issue for the last 3-4 weeks. Did nothing on my end.


Junior Member
Sorry for the double post. But I hate support. Absolutely hate support. What is my annual fee paying for?

For this and for those of you who say you end up getting banned after a few hours with a new IP, I'd look into there being an infected device in your home. Try disconnecting everything but your PS4 and see if you still get blocked.
I am also getting this issue often and lasts days then comes back again. This is really frustrating and puts me not to use the device at all. I have to really appreciate Microsoft for their network and it puts Sony to shame. Sony is going to lose lots of pissed off customers if this continues like this in future as Microsoft doing things to make their product more competitive than Sony now.


For this and for those of you who say you end up getting banned after a few hours with a new IP, I'd look into there being an infected device in your home. Try disconnecting everything but your PS4 and see if you still get blocked.

Been wondering this myself actually, currently running antivirus checks on both of my PCs to see if anything comes up before I clone the MAC address again.


I'd disconnect everything and see if you're banned again.

Will try that now, just done full scans on both the computers and no issues or threats found. Just seems strange that it keeps getting banned. Is it even worth calling Sony and trying to get up the chain and see if they can help or do anything?


I got this last night when I first tried to login with my Pro.

Support was useless, trying to get me to call my ISP when I explained that the system browser does work and it had previously downloaded and installed the OS update.

Thankfully in my case I accidentally plugged it into my router that was setup as a VPN, once I switched routers I was ok

My son was due home at any moment and instead of the surprise I was planning I though I would have to explain how I lost his Destiny save that had hundreds of hours of playtime lol


Neo Member
Only camera I have in my house is the PS4 camera so I don't think so, no idea how to check if I am or not?

If the ban is following you across multiple IPs, it may also be your router. If it's an older one you purchased rather than one provided by your ISP, it may be insecure. Routers with security holes in their firmware and WAN-side login access are another source of DDoS botnets.

Make sure you have the latest firmware installed or if you happen to have another router you can swap out, try that, get a new IP and see if you have better luck.

And if not then repeat the process after unplugging every network connected device in your home as there are other other devices which are commonly compromised to form botnets like DVRs


If the ban is following you across multiple IPs, it may also be your router. If it's an older one you purchased rather than one provided by your ISP, it may be insecure. Routers with security holes in their firmware and WAN-side login access are another source of DDoS botnets.

Make sure you have the latest firmware installed or if you happen to have another router you can swap out, try that, get a new IP and see if you have better luck.

And if not then repeat the process after unplugging every network connected device in your home as there are other other devices which are commonly compromised to form botnets like DVRs

I don't think it's the router because it started doing it with my standard ISP superhub and the first I did was go out and spend £200 on the D-Link AC3200 and updated its firmware before using it.
This has happened to me twice.

Both times, the solution was to turn off my cable modem for an extended period of time (a day or so). This would give me a new IP.

That's a really bad solution that shouldn't be necessary. Two days with no modem or wifi in the house? Eff that noise.


just happened to me few hours ago, 1st time i've experienced this error, i've owned my ps4 for 2 years
turned off my ps4 and my router, etc for like half an hour
i turned everything back on and everything's fine now
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