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(Rumor) VGLeaks: Final Fantasy VII Remake releasing in 2017 and coming to PC in 2018


FF7R 1st chapter is releasing in 2017. Book it. There's no way they let the 20th anniversary go by unless there is extreme dysfunction in the team developing it. The game has been outsourced, is running UE, and it isn't even the full game. There shouldn't be an issue getting it out. This isn't a rumor so much as anyone paying attention knows this is the most plausible scenario.

FFXV to PC is happening. This has been written on the wall for a while. Most of the other FF games are on PC including XIII and all its sequels, why wouldn't XV? Similar logic applies for FFXII. The fact that X and X-2 remasters ended up on PC is also an insight into SE's strategy. They want these games on PC, period.

The collection? Don't believe it. Doesn't seem to align with their strategy thus far. Too many other avenues to obtain the games individually and to a greater profit for SE.


Purple Drazi
FF7R 1st chapter is releasing in 2017. Book it. There's no way they let the 20th anniversary go by unless there is extreme dysfunction in the team developing it. The game has been outsourced, is running UE, and it isn't even the full game. There shouldn't be an issue getting it out. This isn't a rumor so much as anyone paying attention knows this is the most plausible scenario.

I strongly disagree, for the several reasons I just posted at the end of the previous page. :p

And of course there will be some dysfunction involved here. There pretty much always is with this company now.
Square is smart. Keeping a game like this exclusive to PlayStation would be one of the biggest mistakes in gaming history. I'll play the vastly superior version on PC. Hopefully it's worth a damn.


Knowledge is power, guard it well
I'm already preparing for the soul crushing announcement that the PC port is bullshit.

FF7R 1st chapter is releasing in 2017. Book it. There's no way they let the 20th anniversary go by unless there is extreme dysfunction in the team developing it. The game has been outsourced, is running UE, and it isn't even the full game. There shouldn't be an issue getting it out. This isn't a rumor so much as anyone paying attention knows this is the most plausible scenario.

FFXV to PC is happening. This has been written on the wall for a while. Most of the other FF games are on PC including XIII and all its sequels, why wouldn't XV? Similar logic applies for FFXII. The fact that X and X-2 remasters ended up on PC is also an insight into SE's strategy. They want these games on PC, period.

The collection? Don't believe it. Doesn't seem to align with their strategy thus far. Too many other avenues to obtain the games individually and to a greater profit for SE.

FFXII came out 10 years ago though...


VGleaks publishes every rumor they can get their hands now. They are far cry from their old state when they [correctly] hinted at hardware in Orbis and Durango in 2012.


sparkle this bitch
FF7R 1st chapter is releasing in 2017. Book it. There's no way they let the 20th anniversary go by unless there is extreme dysfunction in the team developing it. The game has been outsourced, is running UE, and it isn't even the full game. There shouldn't be an issue getting it out. This isn't a rumor so much as anyone paying attention knows this is the most plausible scenario.

So you mean Squeenix


Square is smart. Keeping a game like this exclusive to PlayStation would be one of the biggest mistakes in gaming history. I'll play the vastly superior version on PC. Hopefully it's worth a damn.

They should release the port in buggy state and label it Early Access.
PC gamers love them Early Access games.
I'm already preparing for the soul crushing announcement that the PC port is bullshit.

FFXII came out 10 years ago though...

It's not bullshit it's one of those things that are confirmed but not officially. If the initial reveal trailers say "play first on PlayStation" it's a timed exclusive with the other version most likely being PC since Xbox is terrible with JRPGs and Nintendo is not the audience


I'm sure FF7 could release in 2017, but if that's the case I'm expecting it to be a 5 episode game

The bit about FF13 trilogy running in 1080p60 on PS4 made me laugh though. Not even PCs can run it that well
For the final fantasy 7 episode part I don't have an opinion either way because there are too many variables. Kingdom Hearts 3 isn't done, 7 is already a planned out thing, how fast can they develop when they are using unreal. I have no faith what so ever in the collection but 7.... ehhhhh maybe. I still have the feeling it'll be a 3 parter.
Gonna say BS....but...BUT

That would explain why the 8 and 9 Steam ports never made it to PS4, if they're gonna come with this. I thought those would have been automatic after 7 showed up.


Have they said full development began in 2014, though? If so, I missed that. There's a world of difference between pre-production and "real" production, especially at Square. Over there, time and again we've seen proof of this.

They've stated that development for it started before FF7 original was announced to be ported to PS4. That was the end of 2014.

When we announced the HD port, the PC port on the PS4, we weren’t sure when we wanted to announce the remake. The production was underway then, so there’s no real connection between the timing of the two FF7s coming to PS4. We’ve announced several different titles coming to the PlayStation 4 like World of Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts 3.



Purple Drazi
They've stated that development for it started before FF7 original was announced to be ported to PS4. That was the end of 2014.


Thanks for the link. That does help clarify things for me, however it does not mention whether it was full production or pre-production. If it were pre, as I strongly suspect, then it will still be some time before we see a product.
Middle of 2018... that's a long ass time away. Not exactly happy about that. I hope that part of this rumor isn't true and its no later than ytd of the console releases.

If not... Volta will be out by 2018. So much overhead.

Port the Visual Works models into the games with the rest of the teased upgrades SE.

Do eeeet.


Neo Member
I hope Chrono Trigger coming to Steam in 2017 is true, it's so stupid that they haven't put it on Steam yet.

Crazy that among all of those crazy rumors, this is the part that got me most excited. As ridiculous as it is, I will keep buying that game on every platform they put it on in hopes of them finally continuing that franchise some day.


Thanks for the link. That does help clarify things for me, however it does not mention whether it was full production or pre-production. If it were pre, as I strongly suspect, then it will still be some time before we see a product.

You're right about the pre/full production, but I'd say it fits for a Holiday 2017 release at the earliest. I definitely think we'll see some more gameplay at E3.
FFXIII Trilogy: Want
FFXII Remake: Want
FF I-IX Compilation (please be true): Want

...FFVII Remake: WANT

I took a hard pass on FFXV but this next year seems like it will make me forget it ever happened.


Purple Drazi
FFXIII Trilogy: Want
FFXII Remake: Want
FF I-IX Compilation: Want

...FFVII Remake: WANT

I took a hard pass on FFXV but this next year seems like it will make me forget it ever happened.

Don't get your hopes up. This is probably fake. (Also, FFXV is really fun IMO. But yeah.)


VGleaks said:
This compilation will include Final Fantasy I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII and IX and it will be released on PS4 and PS Vita in a single disc/card. It will include two versions of Final Fantasy I to VI: original versions from NES/SNES and modern ports (mostly mobile ports). FF VII to XI will be based only in newest ports.

Yeah, no.

No way all of that would fit on a single PS Vita card.


why are people still questioning weather ff games come to pc or not? its obvious they will. maybe six months a year late, but they will come.


Yeah, no.

No way all of that would fit on a single PS Vita card.
How big can a PS Vita game card be? FF I-VI are just a couple hundred MB together, VII - IX would be between 6-7.x GB, idk how many discs VIII and IX have. If one of them has only 3 discs like VII you could easily fit all those games on an 8GB game card.

Should Vita support more than 8GB gamecards it is a non issue.
Idk why everyone is so up in arms about episode 1 of FF7R coming next year. Technically December of next year is still 2017. That's an entire year left for them to polish up the first part of the game.
I would shit myself if this were real, especially for that collection, ive wanted all the classic games on one disc for a really long time. And 7 remake part 1 doesnt sound
To shocking for next year, if theyve been making the kind of progress on it we think theyve been


FF7R 1st chapter is releasing in 2017. Book it. There's no way they let the 20th anniversary go by unless there is extreme dysfunction in the team developing it. The game has been outsourced, is running UE, and it isn't even the full game. There shouldn't be an issue getting it out. This isn't a rumor so much as anyone paying attention knows this is the most plausible scenario.

FFXV to PC is happening. This has been written on the wall for a while. Most of the other FF games are on PC including XIII and all its sequels, why wouldn't XV? Similar logic applies for FFXII. The fact that X and X-2 remasters ended up on PC is also an insight into SE's strategy. They want these games on PC, period.

The collection? Don't believe it. Doesn't seem to align with their strategy thus far. Too many other avenues to obtain the games individually and to a greater profit for SE.
The collection in my opinion would make an insane amount of profit if they dropped that for $49.99-59.99 there is clearly a market for classic games from non hardcore fans who are willing to pay $60 for a collection on nostalgia. You will not only get us to buy that collection you will get Joe Schmoe who fondly remembers a few of them and wants to revisit them but you release all 9 (minus 7 since it's already on PS4) for $15-20? He might buy 7 or 8 or 3 or 5 if he grew up with the SNES

A few people here might be willing to rebuy the same final fantasy game for the 30th time.
Oh God no. SE really won't let us forget Lightning :(

Lightning will never be forgotten

Bow before the Queen

The hardest part to believe is the FFXIII trilogy at locked 60 lol.

I could see XIII-2 but LR is gonna have dips

Don't get your hopes up. This is probably fake. (Also, FFXV is really fun IMO. But yeah.)


My buddy has XV so I'm probably gonna borrow it when he's done and see


I can see 7R coming this fall, only because its episodic and SE can basically sell what they can finish.


If this is all true, i would buy it all, but knowing how long it takes SE to do anything, there is no way this is happening.
Is it really that hard to believe I-IX on one disc? (Although the PSVita thing though sounds a bit of a stretch)

For the 25th anniversary they sold all the main line games in one big box. It was hella expensive (35000 Japanese Yen) but I don't see it being insane for I-IX to be released on PS4 in one collection.


Edit: whooop catching up on thread now, already mentioned
LR is the most stable on PC.

It's the other two that are borked, seemingly randomly capping themselves at 30 FPS at arbitrary times.

Yep. And yet outside of battle LR hitches like a motherfucker when streaming in assets, which is all the time.

If the PS4 versions of these games are real and come out at stable 60fps, then SE needs to update the PC versions. Would be total bullshit if we got left out in the cold.
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