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Theresa May to campaign to take UK out of ECHR in 2020 election

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The sheer denial.
The pound trades almost at 1:1 with USD, yet no one says anything. They know their vote caused the pound to suffer. They dont care. But that wont matter in the long run; when food and goods go up in prices, people start selling their pounds and trading them for more valuable currencies in case it slumps even further, then it wont matter how much denial they put on.

It's actually been a few nice weeks until today someone wanted to buy something from where I work and it had gone up like £1.50 and the customer made a comment "It was cheaper yesterday".

I wasn't serving, but the person that was rightly attributed it to brexit as we trade in £GBP and our suppliers buy from overseas so obviously with a weaker currency that's how it works.

What does the customer do? Fucking guffaw in front of everyone and go "yeah right".
It's like... in another reality I yell out "DO YOU FUCKING UNDERSTAND HOW THIS WORKS AT ALL?"

Sorry I know, not a brexit thread....just, ugh, it happened today and it annoys me how stupid people are.


The worst thing, it's such an easy sell to scare people and back up their bigoted views that the Tories will win even more seats. It will all be, damn right a foreigner shouldn't have rights and be booted out of the UK. They won't think for a second about themselves and others. Hell, just having Europe in the name will be enough.


Ah, I remember those times when us libby Americans looked to the EU and countries like the UK as some kind of Liberal paradise where people made smart compassionate decisions.

You sure you looked at the same UK as Europe? Because we all saw UK looking at the US.



Since the press hate the right to privacy, May won't have any problem getting people to vote for this manifesto pledge.

I mean we don't want to be part of those wishy-washy namby-pamby sandal-wearing museli-eating liberal elite European countries, like Russia.

I wonder how much longer we'll get to keep our UN security council seat.


Neo Member
I will have you know the Daily Mail is a fine upstanding institution of truth, fighting for the common man, I will not hear that what they print is not 100% validated and correct!

That's a relief. For a moment I thought you were being serious, but no sane person could actually post the above and mean it.


Unconfirmed Member
They could always become an independent city state in the EU.

Nah we can't afford too and I don't think that's what anyone wants here be they unionist or nationalist. We're stuck between a rock and a hard place. We need financial support from somewhere and let's be honest neither the British government or the Irish government really wants us and would be shot of us in a second if they could. It also doesn't help that the we have a bunch of fuckwits for politicians over here too. Shower of wankers the lot of them.


Scrapping it will be a great cost saving measure once the post-Brexit economy tanks, so I guess that's good? Guys?... Guys??


Of course she would. ¬_¬;

Seriously nothing good has ever come out since leave won the vote.

How is the Labour opposition doing right now?

Well doing a great job in being a laughing stock of the British Public and don't to be concerned about fixing that image any time soon.


10 years of May thanks to Corbyn

Even if they ousted Corbyn, who exactly would replace him? That John Oliver looking guy who was his only serious opposition and he would have resonated with the public even worse. All the Iraq War voters have the brand of war criminals on them, and Corbyn was voted in by the majority of the party, who may not respond well to the forcing out of their leader.

Besides, wouldn't the real blame lie on the conservatives who actually voted for the conservatives and Brexit? The ones who have embraced right-wing nationalism? If there's one thing I know about the UK, its that their prefer constants and a lack of course-changing as opposed to the US elect electorate who respond better to radical change (if only in rhetoric).


How? because UK can introduce slavery and torture?

Hoped it was obvious sarcasm, hoping your post was too?! A lot of people will be sold this policy on public money saved from the judicial process and private money saved having to conform to employment rights (for example).
Whilst I think it's a disappointing policy at best, I don't think that the current end game is to legalise slavery?!! I mean, I guess it's possible in the dystopian-nightmare-future scenario, but I'm still retaining a little more optimism on that front.


Nah we can't afford too and I don't think that's what anyone wants here be they unionist or nationalist. We're stuck between a rock and a hard place. We need financial support from somewhere and let's be honest neither the British government or the Irish government really wants us and would be shot of us in a second if they could. It also doesn't help that the we have a bunch of fuckwits for politicians over here too. Shower of wankers the lot of them.

That place would be Europe. Prospective members already get financial aid.

Mr. Sam

Even if they ousted Corbyn, who exactly would replace him? That John Oliver looking guy who was his only serious opposition and he would have resonated with the public even worse. All the Iraq War voters have the brand of war criminals on them, and Corbyn was voted in by the majority of the party, who may not respond well to the forcing out of their leader.

There are several decent candidates besides Owen Smith; people who presumably saw how pointless facing Corbyn in a leadership election while the membership still dogmatically supported him was. The hope really was that Corbyn would see sense and stand down - it only went to an election because both sides refused to blink first. Dan Jarvis is most frequently seen as the chosen one - charismatic, centrist and has military experience (so Conservative voters will presumably throw themselves at his feet) - but he's too busy being a family man at the moment. Again though, even Christ himself probably couldn't defeat Corbyn in a leadership election at the moment. Smith's "I'll carry on all of Jeremy's ideas but not everybody in Parliament fucking despises me" platform was really as effective as it possibly could be.

Besides, wouldn't the real blame lie on the conservatives who actually voted for the conservatives and Brexit?

Well, yes, but that's no excuse to just fuck around and offer no feasible alternative.
Hoped it was obvious sarcasm, hoping your post was too?! A lot of people will be sold this policy on public money saved from the judicial process and private money saved having to conform to employment rights (for example).
Whilst I think it's a disappointing policy at best, I don't think that the current end game is to legalise slavery?!! I mean, I guess it's possible in the dystopian-nightmare-future scenario, but I'm still retaining a little more optimism on that front.

well dont. once you dismantle human rights there is no turning back

And she'll win too

This post nails it.

Labour are deply unpopular now due to Corbyn, they have lost their core vote in England and Wales.

Labour in Scotland are decimated as most labour voters have gone to SNP.

Conservatives have made gains in England and Wales thanks to UKIP a Middle class voters who would have voted Labour.

There is no Hope. Taking us out of the ECHR and enshrine them into UK law is good in the sense of we would be able to add more to it more easily, however they can take things away from us easily


Bernie Sanders is actually popular beyond his most loyal supporters..

So the man who made Labour the largest party in Europe is to blame, not the backstabbing shitbirds around him?

Real talk, what do you think the purpose of a political party is? Is it to win power, or to represent the views of its members?


But they were willing to not vote for clinton to see a trump presidency. see my quote.

Yeah but a lot of the Labour voters now will vote Conservative straight up because "they're the party for Brexit". Them voting for UKIP last election was just a gateway drug.

At least Jezza is going to get what he wants - to lead a small movement. It'll be at the expense of the decimation of a major political party.

So the man who made Labour the largest party in Europe is to blame, not the backstabbing shitbirds around him?

Real talk, what do you think the purpose of a political party is? Is it to win power, or to represent the views of its members?

Crobyn made Labour the largest party in Europe? It's the 30th of December, and well done, I think you're in serious contendership for most hilarious post I've seen on GAF this year. Membership of a polical party means the square root of fuck all in the grand scheme of things, when voters dont want to vote for you.

Real talk, the purpose of the party is to represent the views of the voters. Not it's members. Otherwise Labour would have a new leader by now.


Seems like hyperbole, moaning about the anti-abortion law.
What exactly was the ECHR/Good Friday agreement issue, that NI should have a court to escalate to outside of the UK? Also ECHR wasn't part of England & Wales law until after the agreement, not sure about NI? (Could be totally wrong here, not a legal eagle)

The UK committed to 'complete incorporation into Northern Ireland law of the European convention on human rights, with direct access to the courts, and remedies for breach of the convention, including power for the courts to overrule assembly legislation on the grounds of inconsistency.' Which the UK government then did, through the Human Rights Act of 1998.

The reasons for this should be obvious, but lets just say that there's been a history of gross violations of human rights laws on both sides in Northern Ireland, and that leaving those up to British courts to decide upon wouldn't be acceptable to a lot of people there. Scrapping the Human Rights Act would endanger the Good Friday Agreement, and any MP voting for that should get volunteered for duty in the PSNI.

Not that they'll care. I don't think anything north of Watford really matters to the Tories.

Country is falling apart so fast even the Greeks are like wtf? And May's concern is getting rid of the ECHR. This country is well and truly fucked. Destroying itself with breath taking speed.


And yet the numbers aren't budging at all re Scottish independence. Hopefully when the impacts start to actually affect people...
The numbers not budging is because of things like this. They should be falling. Remember, those numbers were incredibly low before the campaigning for the first referendum started. They'll increase again with a campaign based around this stuff.
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