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What would you want from TLOU2's gameplay?


Less walking and talking, more shooting.

Why would anyone want this in a TLOU game? If anything I want the opposite.

Then maybe further stealth mechanics, some creepy locations (have realisticly dark nights please! And something like maybe a completely dark subway tunnel or something), and maybe mini-hubs/hideouts where you always come back to for a bit.
Agree with those saying dial back listening mode.

But... You can disable it. Listening mode is an amazing addition that should remain the way it's being used now, which is "use it if you need it". You don't actually need to use it if you're at all skillful at the game. It's entirely there for people who want the game to be easier.


Agree with the combat encounters of infected and enemies in SP but hate the idea of that in MP. If they do add it to MP it better be a seperate mode.
Also would like a horde mode.

Yeah, I don't think they'd need it in every mode, but it would be a great twist on the already terrific MP from 1. Having to worry about the enemy team and infected in a no-respawns mode would be incredibly tense.


Keep the slow, realistic action speed and the brutal combat is all I ask for. If you have Joel by your side thru the game, make it possible for you to coordinate with him to take out people, command for him to stay put when you want to do something solo and stuff like that.

Option to turn off any kind of "listen mode" mechanic.

Human vs infected A.I battles like what was in the DLC.

This, there is tons of potential for great scenarios with that. Like if you fight hunters there is a change that you will attract infected because of movement and noise, that might force you and your human enemies to change focus and fight them off instead. Maybe make it possible for you to trick people into infected or make infected walk into camps/outposts would be really cool.


To not give me control of important moments of the game if I have no agency and my input has no consequence on the outcome.


I'd like the ability to manipulate the enemy AI to turn on each other, whether through plunging their resources and having them believe one of their group is hoarding items for themselves, or through necessity when the situation is turning bad and they want to flee.

I get that these people are in camps and groups with their own motivations, but they seemed a bit too drone-like for what was an end of world situation.

Oh, and infected wildlife, but that is almost certain to be included.


Doubt it will happen, but a 4 player seperate coop mini campaign. Overwhelming odds so the 4 players can be powerful in some situations, but can be a hinderence when you need to get everyone sneaked through a section. Like the gorgons in Destiny's vault of glass.

And as others have said, more ai vs ai encounters.


-As far as combat goes, they just need to work on the A.I. I think Last of Us should be synonymous with (more) realistic human enemy A.I. and surviving by the skin of your teeth.

-Instead of planks and pallets, maybe some cool puzzles with Joel in a wheelchair

-For factions, I would love the feel of another group invading your village or you invading someone else's. Maybe a 8v8 mode.

-More booby trap options besides grenades?


Unconfirmed Member
Doubt it will happen, but a 4 player seperate coop mini campaign. Overwhelming odds so the 4 players can be powerful in some situations, but can be a hinderence when you need to get everyone sneaked through a section. Like the gorgons in Destiny's vault of glass.

God damn it do I have a love/hate relationship with co-op. I don't have friends who play the games I do or even play games, period, yet I've always loved the idea of it, so when I hear of games concentrating on co-op, part of me gets excited about the prospect but ultimately I get pissed off since I know I never utilize that shit. Then I think to myself how much worse the single player experience might be co-op was included.

Although I guess a separate co-op campaign is fine, I mainly take issue with hamfisted co-op experiences that can be experienced by one player (looking at you, RE5).


God damn it do I have a love/hate relationship with co-op. I don't have friends who play the games I do or even play games, period, yet I've always loved the idea of it, so when I hear of games concentrating on co-op, part of me gets excited about the prospect but ultimately I get pissed off since I know I never utilize that shit. Then I think to myself how much worse the single player experience is because of co-op was included.

I like separate coop campaigns so the single player can stay pure. One that sticks out in my mind was splinter cell chaos theory.
Given how fantastic UC4s survival mode is, I hope that TLOU II has a variant at launch.

I can see that sucking up so much of my time, especially given how fitting such a mode would be for TLOU style gameplay.
Features like listen mode are necessary for casuals.

Id like to see them evolve stealth gameplay. Allow me to set off traps for example. I shouldn't be able to pick off enemies on a predetermined route over and over again. That is a really bad habit of stealth games


Thinking more about coop. I'd like something similar to the latest tomb raider's survival mode, but 4 player. Where the aim is just to scavenge enough supplies to survive as long as possible. Trapped in a city full of infected and bandits.


It's all about the story / characters / world if you ask me.

The gameplay was pretty bland, I expect exactly the same in the next game, but that isn't why I bought it and liked it, so I don't really care. Obviously I'd ideally want vast improvements in this


No detective vison mode at all. Even with if toggled off, it was so crucial to the game.

More carrying capacity to reward scavenging and careful planning.
The gameplay/combat was already fantastic as is, so I just want them to expand on that base. I'd like more environmental storytelling like we saw with Ish.


the piano man
the one thing I'd be REALLY gratetful for if it happened is ND rewarding me for looking into every nook and cranny in normal difficulty.

You had me there on my first playthrough walking slowly and checking everywhere for loot.

there was fucking nothing,

my thought was "why the hell do you have such a big open plaza with so much detail and you put NOTHING in there?".

the University chapter just before winter was very annoying, turns out you just have to go straight to the flamethrower and then to some indoor infected area but outside there was barely anything.

Nicky Ali

Less linearity and hand holding is the main thing; I hate the modern ND games treating the player like a tiny child. Have some faith in the player's intelligence please!


I also agree with changing a bit the listening mode, specially since we will play mainly as Ellie. She having the exact same listening abilities as Joel is kinda weird

And dont just tone it down like in the first, make a bit different
Infected + human encounters where you can lure infected to human enemies

Pushing around objects during combat for cover

More fleshed out stealth where enemies don't do the "stare at wall, walk along same path infinitely," thing

Ability to bypass/abandon combat scenarios in ways that make sense and affect subsequent scenarios


Why would anyone want this in a TLOU game? If anything I want the opposite.

Then maybe further stealth mechanics, some creepy locations (have realisticly dark nights please! And something like maybe a completely dark subway tunnel or something), and maybe mini-hubs/hideouts where you always come back to for a bit.

Because it's boring and not engaging in anyway. I'd rather put down the controller and let the game walk for me or watch a cutscene than walk for 10 minutes.

Mind you, it doesn't necessarily have to be shooting. Stealth is fine. Anything that's more engaging.


I'd like to have "real" cutscenes that I can skip at my second run and not "gameplay cutscenes" where I do nothing other than listen dialogues from pg.

Also, I want to have a way to defend me from clickers even if I've not a knife or a brik.

I'd love to have the chance to meet enemies in every moment, in the first all enemies were anticipated by a cutscenes and this killed the tension of the game really quick.

At the end, I'd like a better AI for Ellie and that she can be spotted from enemies.


Infected + human encounters where you can lure infected to human enemies

Pushing around objects during combat for cover

More fleshed out stealth where enemies don't do the "stare at wall, walk along same path infinitely," thing

Ability to bypass/abandon combat scenarios in ways that make sense and affect subsequent scenarios

That is a given no?

Its in Left Behind


- An Ellie that is more agile than Joel, (but not Nathan Drake agile)
- Don't have every person you meet in gameplay be an enemy, and possibly have the opportunity ineract/trade with them, making you think twice before opening fire on an unknown group of people
- Limited number of weapons to carry unlike the first game where you can carry a rifle, shotgun and a flamethrower in a backpack
- More animals (not necessarily infected) and hunting for food
- Keep Ellie's knife so we're not always crafting and breaking shivs
I have to say, primarily more of the over the top set pieces ND is known for. I don't find their combat or other game mechanics that interesting but of course I want them to be refined but the set pieces intrigued me and I'm interested to see what they do next

TLOU had over-the-top set pieces? It's not Uncharted.

I'd say the biggest thing for me is more variation in the environmental puzzles. Of the things that were very "game-y" in the original, the ladder, plank and pallet really stood out. They should feel a bit more natural.

Otherwise, just build on what's already there. The same incredible gameplay. Better AI. Same awesome survival horror resource management. Human vs Infected encounters. Maybe more abilities to unlock and items to craft. Maybe even bigger levels. And so on.


Phone reception is more important to me than human rights
But... You can disable it. Listening mode is an amazing addition that should remain the way it's being used now, which is "use it if you need it". You don't actually need to use it if you're at all skillful at the game. It's entirely there for people who want the game to be easier.

I was just thinking of this and was about to edit my post.

So yea...listening mode is an optional feature.

Cant think of anything else really.
No guns. Instead Ellie should have to scavenge for special pills that make her invincible and allow her to actually eat her enemies.
This is incredibly stupid.
What I'd like beyond "more of the same":

Little bit more variety with infected based on further passage of time. Few more types that introduce some additional tactics to deal with them would be nice

AI that better preserves stealth - either by allowing you to issue commands or by choosing how to hide/move better. On PS3 they made right choice given constraints but I'd hope to see this improved in sequel

Little bit more variety in encounter design - say few areas with more verticality

Human AI vs Infected AI opportunities for player to exploit

Some larger areas a'la Uncharted 4 to allow more choice for certain encounters - say how to get into a big camp (sneak in, attack weak spot or get infected in somehow)
I'm confident the game will have open-ended levels like Uncharted 4. It seems like that's what developers are aiming for when developing on PS4.


The one complaint I had with gameplay was intertwined with difficulty. I didn't like that infected could detect the player when they move the analog too much. I get the idea behind it, I just don't like it. I'd rather have a full sneaking mode.
No concessions to lower skill play like Listen mode but more options for disabled players probably by putting them in a separate options menu.

Make the AI actually feel like Survivors and have them retreat as a result of their AI and not when the player hits a binary script trigger. Why the hell are people throwing themselves to their own deaths? People don't act like that, gritty survivor or not. Humanize the enemies more. Also NPC allies that are killable with an ability to antagonize them with later repercussions.

More Infected/Survivor encounters like in Left Behind.

More ways to interact with Stealth. Don't just repeat the same system as before.

- Actual Noise mechanics like in Thief, Splinter Cell and Zelda BoTW. Put that Sound Design to use.

More Infected Types, go outside the box like Dead Space did.

More destructible environments that have environmental properties.

Have the players Tools set expand for traversal as well as combat. Don't just repeat Box puzzles that have the same solution over and over. That was old in Soul Reaver.


Aside from what has been already mentioned, I would like levels and areas to be more open, at a Deus Ex/Dishonored kind of standard. Also would like more options for stealth play, like being able to set traps.
Had a ton of fun finding the best "stealth path" through all the areas in the first game. I want to be able to fully stealth through the entire game from beginning to end. It's doable for most of the first game but in some areas it was 100% impossible to proceed without alerting enemies.

Basically let me stealth kill everybody.

Can't remember the specific locations off the top of my head where it was impossible to fully stealth into the next area since it's been years since I played it/worked on it. Once it came out I never touched the main game again.

I'm obviously not counting action sequences. I mostly mean the open areas with enemies. The main "gameplay" parts.


-Remove Listen Mode

Seriously, the game just feels so much better without the Listen Mode. Enemies sneaking up behind you can actually happen and it always felt really awesome. The only problem was Listen mode was only disabled in Survivor and Grounded, and that kinda sucked due to the increased damage you took in those modes. I feel like Hard without listen mode would be ideal for a first time play through of TLOU2.

And for those who will say "just don't use it", then there is literally a wasted button on the controller. I'd rather a mechanic that added to the game like a whisper or attract move (so you bring enemies towards you instead of away like with bottles) could add something by spliting up some groups of enemies

-Multi-faction combat

These were a cool thing in Left Behind, although it did look a bit janky. I would like ND to expand on this, since the idea of luring infected to the hunters by chucking a bottle at them to force a fight between them is really cool. Also, I hope they can make the AI actually still fight each other and not all focus on you. It is extremely annoying when I am fighting an enemy in FF15 and the magitech soldiers drop in on me, and everything just decides "fuck it, lets conspire against man".

-A deeper crafting system/more options

This can go either way as it might clog up the crafting system, but I would like more options to create more tools to help in combat, or for you to add modifiers to them. Also, have there be more options to deal with infected. Its a waste to use shivs on clickers because shiv doors are a thing. So basically sneak by them, use arrows, or burn em. Those were your only options. I'd like a bit more.

-Please don't have the "liar revealed" plot line be a part of this games narrative

I really don't want to have to sit through a section of a game where Ellie learns that Joel lied to her at the end of the first game, and we have to sit through the fallout of that. I fucking hate this trope in almost every medium it is used, because the story flow always screeches to a halt. In fact never bring up the end of the first game in the second, or if they are going to do it, have Joel die before Ellie learns the truth so I don't have to deal with the fall back. I straight up don't like this trope, and it sucks. At least if Joel dies, there is no conflict that can arise with Ellie and Joel so the story can move on.




More Infected Types, go outside the box like Dead Space did.

I feel this is a weird one, because yes Last of Us needed more enemy variety. But at the same time, because the game wants to be grounded more infected enemies would feel kinda jarring. I think a better way to do this might just be to change the behaviours of some enemies, like how Stalkers and basic infected could basically be one class.

If they increase the amount of enemy behavior I think that would be sufficient enough.
-Remove Listen Mode

Seriously, the game just feels so much better without the Listen Mode. Enemies sneaking up behind you can actually happen and it always felt really awesome. The only problem was Listen mode was only disabled in Survivor and Grounded, and that kinda sucked due to the increased damage you took in those modes. I feel like Hard without listen mode would be ideal for a first time play through of TLOU2.

And for those who will say "just don't use it", then there is literally a wasted button on the controller. I'd rather a mechanic that added to the game like a whisper or attract move (so you bring enemies towards you instead of away like with bottles) could add something by spliting up some groups of enemies

I really don't get the suggestions for disabling Listen Mode. The game allows you to manually disable it regardless of the difficulty that you play on


It was the first thing I did when I started up the game. That way I could use it even if I was tempted. And TLoU is a game that isn't built with that mode in mind, so your gameplay experience isn't hurt by it not being there.
Morally ambiguous settlements. I don't want to always be facing "bad news" hunters. Nor do I want cutscenes taking over to help me identify they are friendly.

I want to come in, maybe I have to surrender my weapons and it's up to me if I comply, offer resources or start firing.

Obviously, there's a right and wrong choice and it's up to you to spot the signs based on reading the scattered notes and such. For example, maybe you can spot a certain symbol used by the faction which may or may not hint at their motives (depending on if you've found any material on them yet).
I feel this is a weird one, because yes Last of Us needed more enemy variety. But at the same time, because the game wants to be grounded more infected enemies would feel kinda jarring. I think a better way to do this might just be to change the behaviours of some enemies, like how Stalkers and basic infected could basically be one class.

If they increase the amount of enemy behavior I think that would be sufficient enough.

I'd say infected like the Bloaters are already edging on the Dead Space school of body horror. I'd love if they'd explore that a bit more.

On your point on different "classes". They'd also need to create new aesthetics for each enemy type so as to not be cheap. Stalkers were arguably the worst part of TLOU because they looked like the standard Clickers and thus failed to communicate their differences.


Morally ambiguous settlements. I don't want to always be facing "bad news" hunters. Nor do I want cutscenes taking over to help me identify they are friendly.

I want to come in, maybe I have to surrender my weapons and it's up to me if I comply, offer resources or start firing.

Obviously, some of there's a right and wrong choice and it's up to you to spot the signs based on reading the scattered notes and such. For example, maybe you can spot a certain symbol used by the faction which may or may not hint at their motives (depending on if you've found any material on them yet).

This is exactly what I want. In the first game if a cutscene didn't form some kind of alliance with the strangers you met they were 100% out to kill you. I want to be able to get the drop on a small group of people and they put their hands up and say something like, "please don't hurt us, we're just looking for food." And then it's up to you to judge and some will be good, some will be bad.
More melee options. Since we're playing as Ellie she won't have to worry about getting infected. Let me smash motherfuckers in the face

That's the big one. An expanded crafting system would be nice too



Another thing I'd love is if we got more weapons made out of random scraps and junk. So more creative junk weapons would be great. Let's say that there's a settlement with almost no guns or bullets, and the people there rigged up their own lethal, creative inventions to defend themselves. Like a kitchen knife spear, or a junkyard version of a chain mace. Desperate looking shit.

There could be some great opportunities to expand on crafting/upgrades.
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