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Name the top 3 JRPGs of the past three years and tell me why they're good

Platform doesn't matter (I have access to virtually every platform) but please elaborate why you enjoyed the game and name your favourite JRPG ever so I have an idea whether or not we have something in common. I'm done with FFXV, liked the game and I'm looking for more. So what were the best JRPGs of 2014, 2015 and 2016? Action or round based RPG doesn't matter, I like both.

No Souls games.


My favorite recent one is probably Xenoblade Chronicles X. Really enjoyed the exploration in that game. Eventually you get access to mechs which opens up the world even more. I think it's one of the most impressive worlds I've seen in a game lately. Very well designed. Some great tracks as well.

I also really like Pokémon Sun/Moon. It's a joy to play. Some smart additions to the formula keep things familiar and fresh at the same time. For my third choice, I guess I'd go with the Bravely series. A great return to the classic style of JRPGs.

All time favorite JRPG, I don't know, probably Persona 4.


Junior Member
Trails in the Sky (and Trails of Cold Steel by extension)
Xenoblade Chronicles X
Dragon Quest VII 3DS

Favorite JRPG: Xenoblade Chronicles
Favorite JRPG Series (in case it helps): Suikoden

It's been a slow few years overall though. Persona 5 is coming out soon, and I'm really optimistic it'll top this list once it does. I also hear that Tokyo Mirage Sessions is great; I haven't played it myself just yet, but it might still be worth looking into.
I'm going to seperate SRPGs from other JRPGs.

The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel 2
Xenoblade Chronicles X
Pokemon Sun (Soon to be Pokemon Stars)

The first game has phenomenal world building and a fun cast. It's just generally solid with no terribly obvious weaknesses. Lots of exciting moments too.

The Second Game has a really awesome setting with a bunch of interconnecting and complex NPC relationships and one of the most well built Open worlds since Morrowind.

The Third is partly a huge bias on my part because I love the shit out of Pokemon, but it has one of the most cohesive settings in a JRPG I've seen this generation along with one of the best JRPG sidequests in the Eevium Z questline.

Honorable Mentions:

SMT4: Apocalypse
Bravely Default: Flying Fairy
Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth
Atelier Shallie

Not Localized but Probably Should be Included:
Persona 5

Favorite JRPG: Xenoblade Chronicles
Favorite Series: Probably SMT or Pokemon.
Check out Tokyo Mirage Sessions, its built alot like Persona with its turn based combat and dungeon design, but the setting, art style, characters, and music really cone together well.


All kind of cheating but the 3 I've enjoyed most were probably FFX HD, Odin Sphere Leftefdgghjn and DQVII...

Nearly all the jrpgs i've played in the last 3 years have been older ones from the backlog


Last time I recommended Undertale as a JRPG I got yelled at here. But don't care it takes the whole genre and turns it on its head and is one of the most genuine and heartfelt experiences I've ever played.

I would also reccomend the Bravely series as one of the best turn based battle systems with lots of quality of life things that should be standard in every turn based rpg.

I can't think of a 3rd one that is extremely noteworthy to me. Wait till April and Persona 5 will probably be it.
Tokyo Mirage Sessions is the best RPG on Wii U. Likeable characters, has that persona sense of style. I really thought the use of the FE characters was done well.

That's the one that stands out the most, I'm trying to remember what's been in the last 3 years.

I like World of FF. light sense of humor, an enjoyable battle system (though a bit too easy and the stacking shit seems unnecessary)

Tama is the breaking point for a lot of people though and I get it, though it doesn't bother me too much

Disgaea 5 if you like SRPGs. lots of different systems(not too complex) and a good battle system in that one

I'm going to say Undertale is an RPG I dont care. my 2nd favorite game last year (edged out by the witcher, only slightly)

Bravely Second I think messed up a lot about what I liked with Bravely Default, even though Default had its issues too.

I think Xenoblade Chronicles X is one of the worst games I've played in a long time. Thought Xenoblade was p good though

Persona 4 is probably my personal favorite JRPG


The past three years have not been kind to JRPGs I am just realizing. I can't even think of 3 JRPGs, only one that comes to mind is Xenoblade Chronicles X, a flawed game with a beautiful world that is really fun to explore and has a cool soundtrack and battle system.
I don't really get into RPGs as much as I want to, but I enjoyed:

Final Fantasy XV
Dragon Age Inquisition
Deux Ex: Mankind Divided

all immensely.


I haven't been playing too many recent RPGs as opposed to clearing out my backlog, but I'd want to second the Xenoblade X recommendation - as divisive and objectively broken as the game is, I really enjoyed my time with it and hope they don't discard too much of its design decisions in the sequel.


Xenoblade X - you're free to roam the entire game world from the get go (after basic intro) ... if you survive and manage to sneak through. amazing vistas to discover. great combat system, mechs that fly or drive like bikes/cars/tanks. tons of systems to dive into. potato jokes.

Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE - uniquely weird setting, don't have to love jpop weirdness to appreciate, battle system is a cool mix of SMT tropes and FE weapon triangle, assist chains feel awesome, cool smartphone-style social simulation on the gamepad.

Fantasy Life - do whatever you want: the game. pick a life and live that life. go be a carpenter, or a mage, or a tailor, or a cook. or switch around between all of them. fight monstes ...or don't!

bonus cheat: Xenoblade Chronicles 3D - because it's fucking Xenoblade. in your pocket. I'M REALLY FELLING IT!


Of the last 3 years the only jrpg I can think of is Xenoblade X...

But of ones that I played for the first time in the last 3 years:

- Xenoblade chronicles (Wii)
- Chrono Trigger
- Terranigma


7th Dragon III

Something in the same tone as Persona but a more grand of an adventure. Great music as well

World of Final Fantasy

More traditional Final Fantasy, but with Pokémon! Looks great, plays great, and has some pretty sweet nostalgia.

Grand Kingdom

It's made buy ex Vanillaware people, and the spiritual successor to the great Grand Knights History. Looks beautiful, with a really neat battle system.


Dragon Quest VII (3DS): It's Dragon Quest! Expect great vignettes, good music, fast paced battles and fun for all ages.

Tokyo Mirage Sessions (WiiU): At first I thought I would despise the game due to JPop setting but actually I've found the silliness of the setting to be amusing most of the time and not too unbearable. Great battle system, many skills to unlock and very stylish.
I was very surprised by this game.

Radiant Historia (DS): (yes, I cheat but I played it in the last 3 years :p) Feels a lot like a lost SNES JRPG in a good way. Good pacing (it's always happening new events), interesting "what if" scenarios and time travel mechanic, original battle system and one of the most believable JRPG main character ever.
Sometime the lack of budget is discernible but it's seriously a great JRPG.

Of the last 3 years the only jrpg I can think of is Xenoblade X...

But of ones that I played for the first time in the last 3 years:

- Xenoblade chronicles (Wii)
- Chrono Trigger
- Terranigma
Godly game.
My favorite RPG although it has little in common with the three game I cited :)


Rune Factory 4 (end of 2013 but close enough and the most enjoyable rpg I've played)
SMT4 Apocalypse
Pokemon Sun/Moon


I have been playing the Trails series since 2015 and just now I am at the end of the last released game (Cold Steel II). I had some months off from playing them, but overall it became one of my favorite series ever.

The games are:

Liberl Arc

Trails in the Sky (PSP, PC)
Trails in the Sky SC (PSP, PC)
Trails in the Sky the 3rd (PC release this year)

Crossbell Arc

Trails in the Zero (Unreleased in english)
Trails in the Azure (Unreleased in english)

Erebonia Arc

Trails of Cold Steel (PSP, PS3)
Trails of Cold Steel II (PSP, PS3)
Trails of Cold Steel III (PS4, releases in Japan this year)

Each arc is in a different country with a different set of characters, but all stories are in the same continent and there's a lot of stories that span multiple arcs. The lore, setting and world building are all amazing. Because of that, those games are a slow burn and should be played at a slow pace to enjoy everything they have to say. Even NPCs have stories and arc on their own.

If you play Trails, start with Sky on the PC. Use fan made tools to increase battle speed and have an awesome time with it. Here's the community thread (don't see the spoilers) and there's people in there playing Trails for the first time too:


Outside of trails, there Yakuza 0 releasing this month. It's a great way to start the series and one of the best games in this January. There's tons of threads on why you should buy it but this one sums pretty well what the games are:


I have tons of other games to recommend, but in third I would say Valkyria Chronicles (PS3, PC, PS4) which is an amazing SRPG game with an incredibly good story. The game isn't new, but the ports are, so I suppose it counts.

TL;DR: Trails in the Sky, Yakuza 0, Valkyria Chronicles.
Bravely Default & Bravely Second - These two games are must plays if you're a fan the SNES/PS1 era RPGs. It has a fantastic battle system, multiple job classes to mess around with, and a good enough story to keep you interested. They have actual world maps, and they're just fun to play!

Child of Light - Another throw back to the older JRPGs. Side scrolling RPG with a Grandia-esque battle system. Its unique, and really fun for $15 or less. Its on sale all the time and can be played on PS3/PS4/PC. The story is nothing special, but I had a blast playing through it. It's on a short side, but I find that to be a plus these days.

I Am Setsuna - Yet another throw back JRPG with turn based combat. It's heavily inspired by Chrono Trigger, and has an interesting enough world that its worth mentioning. It's another short game, but it'll take you 50hrs if you want to do everything. The soundtrack is hit or miss for most people (I loved it), and it kind of feels half finished (I won't spoil why). If you can pick it up on sale, I'd say it's worth $25

Odin Sphere Leifthrasir
- Side-scrolling Acrion RPG with some fantastic hack-n-slash combat. Great graphics, runs smooth, and the story is unique.
For me:

Trails in the Sky - A magical experience that focuses on a lot of the older values in rpgs of immersion and depth which sadly so many modern games have left behind. In a way it is extraordinary for doing things so ordinary, it's a very grounded and down to earth plot that doesn't toss you into a "save the world from the evil x" plot line within the first few hours. If a calming and immersive experience with excellent character writing sounds like your thing then this and SC are a must play. The best rpgs I've played since Persona 4

Disgaea 5 - The most engaging cast since the original and in a series which has iterated upon its mechanics with each entry it feels like this one has hit the spot of nearing perfection. The depth and range of choice is staggering and the performance and speed of everything is a joy to play. If you've ever played a strategy game and felt frustrated with the response or functionality of controls or options then this is a QoL masterpiece that truly reflects over a decade of work. The best strategy rpg I've played.

Digimon Cyber Sleuth - Light and breezy monster collecting. Littered with concepts that feel ripped from mobile gaming in terms of constantly giving you the stimulus of numbers going up as you multi-manage team after team of digimon cycling them through evolution and devolution and evolution again. Genuinely addictive and in a genre which is noted for slow, careful management this feels like something reckless and extremely fast paced which is an exciting change.


I tend to avoid rpgs in general, only ones i play and finish are pokemon games when I was a kid. But i have played few jrpgs in the last couple of years

Xenoblade Chronicles X Amazing world, honestly this game is probably my favorite open world game ever. Exploring it was amazing Spent an entire month playing this game nonstop. Only thing that hurts it is the story really

Final Fantasy XV Its the only final fantasy game i played and beat, the only other final fantasy game I played was FF13 ( for only 3 hours until i said this isn't for me ) Anyway this game has an amazing cast of characters I love the 4 main bros, their interaction, how likable they are. they are the reason why I didn't put the game down. Story was very intersting but alas you could feel how rushed the game got towards the end. Very ambitious game, too ambitious lol,

i guess thats it ..don't have a 3rd jrpg i played to recommend hm
Odin Sphere Leifthrasir

then later again somewhat interconnected among certain characters

Where you freeze your enemies as Gwendolyn
Slash your way through as Cornelius
Blast your foes as Mercedes
Tear your enemies with brute force as Oswald
and whip enemies into shape with Velvet

You can plant seeds for food that will sustain you
combine items with flasks to make powerful and helpful potions

Tokyo Mirage Sessions is excellent. If you like Persona you should try it out, my favorite combat system in the series.
Xenoblafe Chronicles X is super impressive and ambitious. Some issues with structure hold it back but the world is worth experiencing.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
For me, it's hands down Final Fantasy XV, Dragon Age: Inquisiton, and Trails in the Sky (leading into the rest of Trails).

Final Fantasy XV has a fantastic plot wrapped up in bad story telling and is a Frankenstein abomination of a game. I've written about its strengths and weaknesses here and here and also commented on its development hell here. Read those if you want my opinions, I typed a lot of words about this game already. Uhh, lots of spoilers though so the TL;DR version is that the game is a beautiful mess.

DA:I is offline MMO: the game. But the amazing character creator (for its time) and the story it does tell are very compelling. The gameplay isn't bad either, it just wears off its welcome after sending you from one pretty sandbox to another after so long. The best parts of this game are definitely when it funnels you in a certain direction, like in the swamp area that only has a handful of sidequests or the various DLCs that are much better than the main game. One benefit to the sloggish nature of the game is spending a lot of time with your party members, who you grow to know and love dearly. The different classes and their branching paths are all very unique and fun to play with. I still have a soft spot for my inquisitor years after playing this game: I loved watching my realistic (again, for the time) character show up and have a voice and a presence in the world.

I've also written about Trails right here on GAF! Spoiler free this time!


Of the ones I've played recently:

Xenoblade X - exploring the world is awesome, battle system has a crapton of options, and pilotable mecha are cool

Pokémon Sun/Moon - more story-focused than past Pokémon games, with fun characters and a great setting

Tokyo Mirage Sessions - really fun battle system, the text conversations with your party members are hilarious, and the soundtrack is ridiculously catchy
Thanks everyone. Can't say that's too many potential games. I've played some of them but I think Xenoblade X and Tokyo Mirage look the most impressive.


Shin Megami Tensei IV
A challenging jRPG in post-apocalyptic Tokyo. It includes monster, err demon, collecting/hunting, and a crazy ass philosophical plot. The series questions the concepts of good and evil and their consequences.

Very cool art direction and soundtrack as well.

Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse
More of the above but insert more batshit craziness into the plot alongside a small dose of Persona (which hardcore series fans detested).

A game where you will probably reach lvl99 and beyond without grinding.

South Park: The Stick of Truth
Ok, it's not Japanese, but it's turn based RPG in all of its glory. Of course, liking South Park humor is a must in order to pick up this gem. But the gameplay is surprisingly enjoyable. If you enjoyed Paper Mario 64, chances are you will enjoy this game.
I had to go look at my shelf of games to see what JRPGs came out in 2014, 2015, 2016. It was kinda of depressing to see I didn't have many. I was playing catch up on stuff prior to 2014 in recent months/years so I never took into account the few JRPGs in the past 3 years that are worth playing.

Final Fantasy XV

I was very nervous when playing this game. After this all this waiting, I was concerned it would suck. But it didn't. FFXV is a throw back to the old Final Fantasies while taking huge inspiration from WRPGS (for better or worse). You can tell that the team, even though they were not given a lot of time (less than 3 years by the leaks info), poured their hearts and souls into making this game the best they possibly could. Sure, the story isn't great and its not explained well, and the sidequests are ass. But the characters are lovable, the soundtrack is one of the best soundtracks to a game that I have ever heard, and the combat is actually pretty fun. And those summons...good god. The visuals are damn impressive, and playing it with HDR & 4K checkboarded, it was jaw dropping. I would consistently stop through out the game to look at the beautiful scenery. Its honestly up there as one of my favorites the more I think about it. I actually was thinking about this game constantly after I finished it, in particular, the characters, certain scenes, the ending. I rarely reflect and think deeply about games after I finish them. The last time that has happened to me was Last of Us. I am still taking in everything that happened. I am craving more about the lore, back story and timeline of the world. Even briefly reading on what happens when the world is created is damn cool and gives an easier understanding of the story.

Seeing this journey from initial concept in 2006 to finally a full game is 2016 is such an emotional journey. Finally getting to play it was something special. I had different expectations of what I thought FFXV should be. Yesterday, I looked back and re watched the old trailers of Versus 13. Yeah there were some scenes that I wished were in the final release of XV. But initial vision looked pretty rough to be honest. There is stuff I wish that was in the game that was mentioned in the leaks, and it sucks we will never know what Versus 13 will actually be. But this game could have never happened without Tabata since Nomura has been doing so much since 2006. FFXV is easily one of my favorite games ever, and I play on replaying soon now knowing what exactly to expect.But given how much hell this game has went through, I love what it has become and I hope to see more from Tabata's team on either XV-2 or XVI (since they are the only team who can possibly do it at the moment).

And lets be real here. We practically knew nothing about Stella aside from that 2 min scene from one of the trailers. Luna >>> Stella

Shin Megami Tensei IV Apocalypse

You have to play IV first to be able to appreciate but it is easily (you can argue IV) as the best JRPG on the 3DS. Fusing demons to create new ones is so addicting that I would just spend hours trying to collect new demons and then fuse them into new ones. The demon design is top notch, and the demon antagonists are pretty awesome this time around. The gameplay is kick ass, you have to completely understand the system, learn to debuff/buff and know the weaknesses of your enemies.AS for the story and characters, it follows up with the neutral path of IV, so you will see some familiar faces. Basically, the basic premise of the story is do you want to beat the shit out of gods? If so, this is for you.

Tales of Xillia 2

Kinda cheating, but this came out in 2014 for everywhere but Japan. Its been a while since I have played this game but from what I remember, I loved every second of it. Its a very fast game, there was never a dull moment. I was actually craving more of the game after I finished it since it went by so fast. It follows up the story of Xillia in the near future with a silent protagonist. Time travel is a large focus of the game so if you like these types of games, it will be for you. Gameplay is akin to previous Tales games, ARPG. IMO Tales of Xillia 2 has the best combat in the series; fluid, fast and fair. The mystic arts this time around are kick ass.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
To be honest, my top 3 favorite JRPGs came out last year:

- Odin Sphere: Leifthrasir - A remake done right. The concept of Odin Sphere is very interesting but hampered with the gameplay. This game revises the gameplay and makes it speedy and fun. This is the best Vanillaware game I've ever played and is one of the best games I've played.

- Dragon Quest Builders - You may think it's a Minecraft clone but this game is an amazing experience even for those who don't like Minecraft. The story focus and world building scratches the Suikoden/Dark Cloud itch and makes it feel accomplishing.

- Final Fantasy XV - This beautiful mess has an immersive world and great cast that trumps a lot of FF games, though it has issues in story and pacing.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
(My favourite JRPG ever is probably Panzer Dragoon Saga, though it's hard to choose between that, Final Fantasy Tactics, Final Fantasy VI, or Shining Force II.)

Do re-releases on PC/localization of older games and such count? If so, Trails series (Trails in the Sky FC, Trails in the Sky SC, and Trails of Cold Steel 1 and 2). For reasons already described by some posters above.

Also, by that same logic, Ys games. The best ones (Origin and Oath in Felghana) were released on Steam in 2012, but there was Ys VI: Ark of Napishtim in 2015 (it's not as good as the other two but still great). Fantastic combat and sountracks.

Also from Nihon Falcom, Xanadu Next was released on Steam in 2016 and it's pretty damn good. Exploration and dungeon design is fantastic, with a cool interconnected world, and great combat and character customization.

For a "true" 2016 release (if you count remakes... what can I say, older JRPGs are just that much better than "true" modern ones :p), there's always Odin Sphere Leifhrasir. See this:

Odin Sphere Leifthrasir

then later again somewhat interconnected among certain characters

Where you freeze your enemies as Gwendolyn
Slash your way through as Cornelius
Blast your foes as Mercedes
Tear your enemies with brute force as Oswald
and whip enemies into shape with Velvet

You can plant seeds for food that will sustain you
combine items with flasks to make powerful and helpful potions
Don't forget the biggest draw of them all: you can plant seeds of a tree that grows sheep.

Yes, literal sheep.


It's a thing!


Thanks everyone. Can't say that's too many potential games. I've played some of them but I think Xenoblade X and Tokyo Mirage look the most impressive.

If it's between those two I personally preferred XCX a lot more in pretty much all aspects though TMS is definitely still a very solid game.

They're very different games though so it would really depend on what you're looking for?
Trails of Cold Steel. Both 1 and 2. Then suffer till Persona 5 saves you. FFXV wasn't bad, but you already mentioned it. The Trails games are top notch world building though and worthy of a playthrough. Honestly can't think of another decent Jrpg in the last few years. Maybe the tales series but they havent been anything special since Vesperia.

Favorite RPG: Chrono Trigger - The only correct answer.
For a "true" 2016 release (if you count remakes... what can I say, older JRPGs are just that much better than "true" modern ones :p), there's always Odin Sphere Leifhrasir. See this:

Don't forget the biggest draw of them all: you can plant seeds of a tree that grows sheep.

Yes, literal sheep.


It's a thing!

haha, yeah i was gonna put that and the hatching chicks but i couldn't find images online of that
Favorites from the last few years:

Persona 5 (PS4): Stylish as all hell. Combat is nice with some fun gimmicks for bosses. Writing is okay for the most part. Combat and general gameplay is satisfying. But really, style style style.

Tokyo Mirage Sessions (Wii U): JPop x Persona. Kind of style again. Dungeons are more than serviceable, combat is flashy and fun if sometimes a little too long. ...and you are fighting with the power of singing and dancing which is something I've always personally found enjoyably silly. Regardless of how it sounds, it's solid af gameplay wise though.

Persona Q (3DS): EO light basically. Dungeons are good, dungeon puzzles are good, combat is good if possible to break open in the early to mid game with certain characters. Has the best UI of any EO game including V imo (V has a close second though).

We'll leave it there. Personally interested in trying Digimon and Cold Steel but am working on other things. I'm sure Apocalypse would be on this list of I had got around to it. Runner up to EOV.

My favorite JRPG ever would probably be Devil Survivor. With nods to Etrian Odyssey III and Dragon Quest V.
I would have trouble naming one good JRPG released in the past three years, let alone three of them. I haven't played the Trails series, Xenoblade X was a big disappointment, and Final Fantasy is dead to me. Can't wait for Persona 5, though.

Odin Sphere Leifthrasir

Well, if that counts, then it takes my #1, #2 and #3 spot, of course.


Riiiiight. And I'm sure the OP will appreciate this distinction.

Yea, prolly not!

Ive only played bravely default me thinks, wasnt bad.

I need to venture out or something. ff has turned to junk and there's a hole in my life :( ive only got dragon quest left.
Since I live in Europe I keep forgetting Bravely Default was released in 2014 in the US. That's nearly SNES era levels of delay. :S


Unconfirmed Member
Trails Series(Cold Steel/Sky) pick one of the games for any year

This is pretty much the series where you go now to get your story and character fixes and ever growing intriguing JRPG worlds. Almost everything else pales in comparison really. This is the long running book series fantasy epic equivalent of JRPGs.
If you're sick of the half efforts of other big budget JRPGs that can't execute on a coherent story and tell it competently try this series.
It honestly leaves it's recent big budget genre sibling in the dust on the character front, just by the sheer fact of giving most of its characters a proper arc and meaningful growth(Like sometimes I read certain things and I only feel like people have forgotten what good characters are after so many JRPGs that have absolute awful ones, play this to remember). Only avoid if you're allergic to anything that seems old and can't stand the thought of playing anything that might look like a PS2 or PS1 game.
These games got real heart not only superficial flash.

Persona(5) 2016

The series you play for everyday human character stories about all the things that nobody got time to bother with in your usual fantasy epics. Psychological and moral everyday quandaries or just touching in on someone else's interesting journey in life.
Also the music and style of these games are fantastic unless you have an irrational and very likely unfounded hate for an entire medium.

I want to say Xenoblade Chronicles as my third but that came out 4 years ago in the west. So instead I'm going to say

Bravely Default 2014.

It's by no means a perfect game but it honestly is one of the more memorable JRPGs of recent years for me given it's absolutely fantastic soundtrack(Thanks Revo!) as well as super solid have fun breaking me job system.
The characters are simplistic caricatures but they work well enough for what aims to be a somewhat fairy tale inspired story with darker touches. And despite getting annoyed by the infamous second half of the game I still cannot not respect the kind of meta narrative tie in it went for.
Xenoblade X: Great exploration, deep gameplay systems and a lot non traditional jrpg design throughout.
Shin Megami Tensei 4: Haven't played apocalypse yet but this one had great gameplay, atmosphere and music.
Dragon Quest VII 3DS: Very lengthy, charming and classic dragon quest with a new coat of paint. Lots of fun smaller stories too.

As far as I'm concerned the Xenoblade games are the best 2 modern jrpgs, Persona 5 looks like it will be amazing too. Loved Persona 4.
2016 - Odin Sphere Leifthrasir

Sooooo good. The artstyle, music, setting, story, and characters are top notch. The five protagonists have their unique abilities and skills. Potion mixing, food porn, and food growing covers the non-combat portion of the gameplay.

2015 - Trails in the Sky SC

Really liked the first game, so I was excited when I heard the second game was coming to Steam. I like its take on turn-based combat. My favorite aspect of this game is the world building.

Hard for me to pick one for 2014. I wasn't particularly impressed with the offerings that year.
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