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Nikkei: Nintendo Switch to be 25,000 yen (Roughly $250) [Up: Maybe speculation]

How much will the cheapest Nintendo Switch SKU cost in U.S. dollars?

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Junior Member
I was expecting to pay 300 for it. Hopefully that would be the 'deluxe' edition.

I'm just in a quandary about day one or not.

Looks like zelda botw won't be out till months after switch release. But knowing Nintendos, 'issues' with stock I don't want to be trying to find a console when zelda releases, so not sure if I should pre order or not...
Actually, the usual sources heard that the US & Japan will for sure get BotW on Day 1. Europe is still up for debate.
Big mistake. Same price as Vita and that was clearly too much.

Consumers are accustom to PS4 and XB1 being $250.

To build early momentum and the sell out factor they should have taken the Wii approach. Wii was 250 but it was 150 less than the competition.

Switch needed to be 199, imo.

How do you compare a Vita to the Switch. Does the Vita play Nintendo games?
Because you can also take it out of the dock and play the exact same games anywhere. The thing is specifically designed to show that off, and it's in literally all of the marketing material so far.

Even if you were right it doesn't make any sense. Would a consumer see an Amazon Fire TV Box and a PS4 Pro next to each other and think "Yep, they're worth about the same!"? They both play video games and they both stream Netflix/Amazon video/etc.
Look you aren't wrong, but my bet is the portable mode won't be enough of a feature to push it over the top as a choice over the others. It will be the last mental checkbox during a purchase, not the first.


They will look at all 3, look at the price, then look at what games are available. As they always have and they should. Then they will buy one. And it probably won't be the Switch.
Oh sweet, this ps4 has great graphics. Awesome, the xbone has kinect again! Wait, i can play skyrim on a plane?
Big mistake. Same price as Vita and that was clearly too much.

Consumers are accustom to PS4 and XB1 being $250.

To build early momentum and the sell out factor they should have taken the Wii approach. Wii was 250 but it was 150 less than the competition.

Switch needed to be 199, imo.

The Vita wasn't a console that could be played on a TV traditionally.


if the Nikkei thread/news reactions are anything to go by, nintendo has a big problem.

people saying 250 is too much, they think it's basically a handheld "I didn't care for Vita or 3DS at $250, that's not gonna change here"

nintendo has a lot of homework to do to tell people "this is a HOME CONSOLE, HOME console,"

because "Handheld" and "$249" in the same sentence just spells disaster for a dedicated handheld, no matter how powerful or who made it.

You really think Gaf is a good judge for telling that?


What I was going to write in response to that snark shitpost but you covered it. I also said possibly because nobody knows for sure.

Nah, we know for sure you're wrong.

Look you aren't wrong, but my bet is the portable mode won't be enough of a feature to push it over the top as a choice over the others. It will be the last mental checkbox during a purchase, not the first.

The XBO won't match the 3DS' lifetime numbers.


Just want to note this lines up pretty closely with LKD's report of 199/249 pounds in the UK when you factor in VAT taxes.

Really think there is a chance this is $199 in the US.

Looking at the yen value to the pound and factoring in VAT at 20 percent I think Nintendo could go for 225 quid and still make a fair profit. Still think 250 is the most likely though.
250 doesn't make a lot of sense as you can get Xbox one and PS4 between 250-300. Really hope Nintendo shoots for 199 as a way to stand out and because this really is a handheld with a dock, not a console that goes portable.


The tone is pretty different between the two translations. We need maybe a third one to state the record clear, and by that I mean a translation /summary of the entire article.
Some clarification based on that other translation:
The title of the article doesn't mention "target price". It's 注目価格 so something like "price deserving of attention". I have no idea how to translate it into English. The first sentence of the article says "25.000 yen - those interested in Nintendo stocks would do good to keep this price in mind".

The next line clarifies that this 25.000 yen isn't about stock price but about the price of the next console. (The current stock price for Nintendo is at 24.085 yen, hence the clarification).


I can't believe I'm seeing "$250 is too expensive for a hand held" in here. :(

I hope Nintendo/Tree House folks are reading this thread. They have some work to do on the P.R. for their new HOME CONSOLE.
Two-fiddy didn't do 3DS any favors. We'll see how this pans out.
The 3DS couldn't play games on HD TVs with power comparable to other home consoles, though. It was strictly a handheld.

I'm looking at this thing as a console first, handheld second. I will probably take it places with me, but ultimately I'm buying it so I can get rich experiences in HD.
250 doesn't make a lot of sense as you can get Xbox one and PS4 between 250-300. Really hope Nintendo shoots for 199 as a way to stand out and because this really is a handheld with a dock, not a console that goes portable.

Uh? What exactly is the difference? There isn't any. You are just choosing to view it more negatively.

What exactly would need to change for this to qualify as a 'console that goes portable' rather than a 'handheld that goes console'?
Sorry I doubt it, lol. You were clearly thinking about the clock speed comparison thread from a few weeks ago before the new Shield TV was even announced.

You're free to doubt it, but I was thinking of this:


The new device is smaller, so they definetly changed something, it could just run like the old one, sure. But the old one is...old, is more interesting to look how the switch compares this model.


Probably 250 euros.

That's nice. I paid 350 for Wii U and 400 for PS4. 250 is Day 1, if the launch window games are worth.


That it won't. I think Nintendo can make a big splash, yes, just not at $250. So many options for playing games these days. I think $250 is just a "gets lost in the noise of options" price.

It might be but the Switch isn't the 3DS. It's all about how much value people place in the features. 3D was a big backfire for Nintendo, especially when they had tabloids printing stories about how it will hurt your kids.

A portable with built in local multiplayer might be a good hook.

Xiao Hu

Just want to note this lines up pretty closely with LKD's report of 199/249 pounds in the UK when you factor in VAT taxes.

Really think there is a chance this is $199 in the US.

Oh yeah, apparently Japan has a 10% VAT built-into the price as opposed to 20% in the UK. That matches perfectly.

19% in Germany, also already included in the price


You're free to doubt it, but I was thinking of this:


The new device is smaller, so they definetly changed something, it could just run like the old one, sure. But the old one is...old, is more interesting to look how the switch compares this model.

They took out the HDD.

Its the same hardware. This is a re-release to go with the Nvidia Spy, the old Shield TV will be getting this patched in with software updates.
The 3DS had a considerably lower value proposition, though. Especially at launch, when it lacked any compelling software.

Presumably, the Switch is launching with a mainline Zelda title and versions of Mario Kart & Splatoon that most people still haven't played. That seems like a more feasible sale to me.

As time goes on, that sale gets easier. $250 for a device to play all of Nintendo's first-party output - that seems attainable for the mainstream. People went bonkers this holiday, and were willing to pay $200 for 3DS units on the back of Pokémon's success. A $250 new unit with similar franchises seems like a reasonable success.


250 doesn't make a lot of sense as you can get Xbox one and PS4 between 250-300. Really hope Nintendo shoots for 199 as a way to stand out and because this really is a handheld with a dock, not a console that goes portable.

It makes sense considering Nintendo doesn't have the appeal to release a $300+ console right now, and the Switch isn't releasing during the price sensitive Holiday season. It should do well in its first months regardless thanks to Nintendo fans.

Nintendo can then look at how things are going to then see what they should do with the console during the Holiday season. I wouldn't be surprised to see a basic $199 SKU by then.


I think people are missing the post where it explains that Nikkei is merely speculating - it's not source or rumour based.


Here are some price comparisons that I think were responsible for the Wii's success.

PS3 - $499
360 - $399
Wii - $249

For averages consumers, back when the market offerings were simpler, this was a hilarious no brainer decision and I don't think we need to read much beyond that.

You are completely wrong about the Wii. The Wii could have been $100 more and still sold just as well. Everyone wanted it for the motion controls. Most of the people who wanted it were not deciding between it and the X360 or the PS3. They just wanted a Wii.

Similarly, the Wii U could have been $100 cheaper at launch, and it wouldn't have sold any better because the console was a mess.

How well the Switch will do will primarily be determined if Nintendo can demonstrate it's value. If the hybrid nature is an appealing twist, people will get it. If not, they won't.
Why is the 3DS being brought up?

Does context mean nothing? Why compare apples to oranges?

If I don't need a hundred bucks worth of accessories to make it complete then that's a great price.

Which system need a hundred bucks worth of accessories?
You're free to doubt it, but I was thinking of this:


The new device is smaller, so they definetly changed something, it could just run like the old one, sure. But the old one is...old, is more interesting to look how the switch compares this model.

As far as we know the biggest difference with this Shield is 4k/HDR output for things like Netflix and other video streaming apps.

True Fire

You guys are way too caught up in the handheld/home console dichotomy lol. It's even more of a reason for Nintendo to unify both ecosystems tbh
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