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Betting time: Do you think the Switch will be a success?

Will the Switch be a success?

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I don't see many people buying it until mario hits, that line up for the rest of the year after the launch is just barren.

Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member
They don't need to just stagger Zelda Wii U's launch one month, which they've done, they need to bury all the Wii U copies next to ET in a landfill. That's the one thing it's got going for it.


Zelda comes out on Wii U the same day.

I've become a casual gamer over the last year and I see no way this grows beyond a niche market. There is nothing attractive about a Nintendo Switch to a casual gamer.

The list of negatives is huge, and it hasn't even launched yet!
  • price
  • paying for online
  • 32GB storage
  • battery life
  • launch lineup
It's abysmal how similar all of this sounds to the Wii U. Looks like Nintendo learned nothing.


A litle better than WiiU, because this time the console and name aren't consufing to the consumer as before. But with this prices and with this very poor lineup, I can't see it as a success.


I think it'll do better than Wii U but worse than 3DS. Whether that's a failure or not depends on if they consider Switch is 3DS' replacement or not.


In this sad, cynical world ruled by Cult of Playstation? Probably not. Hope I'm wrong.

To be fair, PlayStation offers a more powerful console for less money (with a AAA game included and 15X the storage), with a robust lineup of games - many of which can be had at a discount. GAF-aside, it's not really that hard to see why folks would go for a PS4 over a Switch, is it?
To be fair, PlayStation offers a more powerful console for less money (with a AAA game included and 15X the storage), with a robust lineup of games - many of which can be had at a discount. GAF-aside, it's not really that hard to see why folks would go for a PS4 over a Switch, is it?

Mate for real you could buy a ps4 slim AND a vita for around the same money as the switch.....

I bet by Christmas you'd be able to get a pro and a vita for the same price as the switch.

It really makes no sense to buy the switch when you look at that logic
It's about how much people buy into the system. It isnt made for hardcore gamers. The casual market is too hard too call but I'm atleast interested in mario.

I had a good guess in wii and called it just as it was but this one is so iffy I can see it going either way. I don't see anything that casuals can take to this time. Price is too high on everything and that could keep the neighbor to neighbor takes it way down. Depends on this market, and if they feel they need it through how many people are owning it.

Mr T.

To be fair, PlayStation offers a more powerful console for less money (with a AAA game included and 15X the storage), with a robust lineup of games - many of which can be had at a discount. GAF-aside, it's not really that hard to see why folks would go for a PS4 over a Switch, is it?
Nope if they only want a home console. Then again, I thought the PS4 launch line up was garbage and people gobbled it up (largely thanks to MS butchering their press conference).
-overpriced/underpowered base hardware
-overpriced peripherals
-32gb storage in 2017
-poor battery life
-paid online with the worst 'free' game program by far
-anemic software line-up overall

I honestly couldn't imagine the ball being dropped harder.

yep. the portable's literally too big, & the console's figuratively too small :) ...


Same as Wii U. So it'll sell whatever is left of the Nintendo niche, but won't expand audiences.

Better than Wii U, worse than 3DS.

Unless 1-2-Switch is actually amazing and they bundle it in time for Christmas.

I'm personally excited for it.


I really, really thought that concept for a console would take them somewhere, but not after all the information that came out about the Switch itself yesterday.

I think the hardware itself is good, but everything else (pricing, lack of software, online) is really holding it back. So, I'm thinking only a slight improvement over Wii U, simply because Pokémon will sell a little more systems.


It will bomb as WiiU, or even worse.

WiiU buyers will not repeat the same mistake, never again a Nintendo home console.

As a portable, the list of games is horrendous, not even Japan would save this piece of crap.

See you next time in smartphones Nintendo, where you belong right now.
I want Nintendo to do well, but:

Recent history says that people won't pay top dollar for high-end handheld consoles (Vita)

Recent history says that people won't pay top dollar for consoles that primarily rely on Nintendo games for the library (WiiU)

Recent history says that people don't care about playing console games on their handheld (Vita's ability to stream PS4 games)

I am excited about eventually getting a Switch to play console FIFA and Zelda in bed, but I'm in a small minority. I also bought a Vita and every third-party port from PS3/360 that I could. Again, the minority.

Like, who the fuck is the audience for this thing?


Paid online, poor battery life and problematic storage aside, I'm getting some Wii vibes which I think is a good sign. If the joycons are as capable as they are claiming I can see the 1 2 switch and Arms games being pretty fun and innovative. I also like the possibilities of local multiplayer in general. 8 player Mario Kart in a pub will now be better than ever. Also, pub Splatoon.

It's always hard to name the next success, but I doubt Arms will be it. It's basically just the boxing game from Super Monkey Ball again.

The God

-overpriced/underpowered base hardware
-overpriced peripherals
-32gb storage in 2017
-poor battery life
-paid online with the worst 'free' game program by far
-anemic software line-up overall

I honestly couldn't imagine the ball being dropped harder.

They could've kept the "Wii" name


Slightly overpriced I can handle.
Disappointing software launch I can handle, especially with Nintendo and all of its IP's.
Underpowered hardware in comparison to consoles that came out in 2013? That might be the breaking point for me. When you are limping out of the gate with incredibly out of date hardware, it is a tough sale.

I will probably still get the Switch down the line, but I just wish Nintendo would put out competitive hardware. Their first party games are fantastic though, that's really the only thing they have going for them.

I really really want to like this thing, but Nintendo is making it tough. I have a Wii U and it had some real gems in its small library, but time will tell how the Switch does.


-overpriced/underpowered base hardware
-overpriced peripherals
-32gb storage in 2017
-poor battery life
-paid online with the worst 'free' game program by far
-anemic software line-up overall

I honestly couldn't imagine the ball being dropped harder.
Between this and dropping the ball on Pokemon Go (major hype events) at what point does Nintendo realize changes need to happen in their organization?


How can anyone say this is going to be a success??

If this thing had no third party support going in, how are they going to convince anyone to develop for this thing when it sells like dog shit?

The big launch selling point is a game that is coming out on the Wii U.

Yikes. They really fucked up.
It's a handheld. Nintendo's narrative is going to change the second the 3DS dies. Mind you, they also said that the DS wasn't the successor to the Gameboy either. They adjust their view for whatever it's convenient at the time.
Hell, if it really a "console" it would have been in a even worse state. A console with this shitty specs, more expensive than other current gen consoles with a lot more power and much bigger library?

We haven't seen any features that we saw on the Switch other than being able to take it outside and play.

And there is really nothing shitty about the specs if they can port Console games to the Switch with the top of the line mobile processor.


Nope. And personally I hope it fails miserably and Nintendo axes most of its advisors and top people. Bunch of idiot clowns who assume lightning will strike twice like the gimmick Wii which also sucked.

Mean and crazy to say that? Absolutely. Don't care. Fuck Nintendo's ignorance to gamers and business. Yes, I'm a bit salty as I loved Nintendos games and ideas in the past... But now.. now it's just embarrassing and idiotic


I would wait for E3 to see if they have more in mind for online and if 3rd parties are making or porting some good games for it.

As it stands they won't do better than the Gamecube but a console can change a lot during the first year (as proven with Microsoft's always online debacle).

Personally their decision to charge for online multiplayer is the biggest long term deal and I need more details on price as well as if they actually offer better features than what they announced so far.
Paid online, poor battery life and problematic storage aside, I'm getting some Wii vibes which I think is a good sign. If the joycons are as capable as they are claiming I can see the 1 2 switch and Arms games being pretty fun and innovative. I also like the possibilities of local multiplayer in general. 8 player Mario Kart in a pub will now be better than ever. Also, pub Splatoon.

So I'm gonna say that yes, it will be a success. Can it outsell PS4? Sure it can, although I have my doubts, especially at that pricepoint. Could it turn out to be a disaster? Unlikely, but you never know.

Genuinely curious, what makes you think this can outsell either of its competitors when it's coming in to the gen late with a remaster of ps3 game, a slow opening year in software and a much higher price tag than either?

I'm not saying it's directly impossible but with so much stacked against it I'm trying to work out what makes you think it's on its way beating any system this gen.
-overpriced/underpowered base hardware
-overpriced peripherals
-32gb storage in 2017
-poor battery life
-paid online with the worst 'free' game program by far
-anemic software line-up overall

I honestly couldn't imagine the ball being dropped harder.
Sounds like every Nintendo hardware launch since the n64


The Everyman
i dont think it'll be successful, but it's probably better that way if we want to eventually see nintendo software on more non-nintendo hardware.
I think it could be a success once they drop the price of the consoles, the controllers, and their online service, and put out more games. So basically, no, not in its current configuration.


No. It has a mediocre price since its a handheld and barely any games. With the first half of the show last night aiming for the casual wii crowd and the second half only talking about supporting the console without really showing why we should buy it right now outside of zelda and i'm sorry but that is not enough for me. They should have just released a ps4/xbox like console as cheaply as possible with a barely upgraded wii sticks and just revealed a massive number of games for the switch conference. The number of games i think they said being worked on for the switch was 80 games but the ps4 had about that many games on it around the 10 month after its release.


I think the switch will do worse than the Wii u. The cost of everything involved is way too high. Who is the market for a $500++ casual device?

I'm a hardcore gamer and I'm not even slightly interested in this system, especially after the Wii U.
I dont think it will sell too well after the launch is out of the way.

It's basically a $400-ish system when you add a game and tax.

The Wii was $275-ish with game and tax

That's a huge difference for a large amount of people.


Well, this is too pessimistic. They will sell out for first couple of months due to Nintendo faithful and scarcity in supply. Then they will stall for a few months, and pull 3DS 2.0 by dropping the price and bundling for the Holidays.

Next year we could see a cheaper handheld only model to fully replace 3DS and get the kids market.

I mean Nintendo could still pull out a moderate win but man it's going to be hard with what they have shown.

Even this is probably too pessimistic. The reality is from March 3rd to E3 (June) the console will be hard to find (if the 2m number was true and they can only produce maybe 1m more each month) so maybe 5m to 6m sold by E3.

E3 is the key, if there is no hype for Switch coming out of E3, then it falls flat and doesn't sell from June to October when Pokemon Stars is probably released. So either it has sold at this point 8-10 million or 6-7m.

October (guessing release timing based on history and Mario being the November title) has Pokemon selling some in October, if E3 was a success, they will probably remain sold out through the year. 3DS sold 15 million units in it's first year on the market, so Switch doing the same isn't outside expectations simply because it is selling to both a Nintendo Console and Handheld market.

If Switch really does catch on with the market at large, nothing is going to stop it. While not the same level of hype, $349 even $399 probably wouldn't have stopped the Wii and in an age where $299 consoles are pretty standard, I don't see it being a hurdle, it is all about what software Nintendo can show and have ready for Switch. If they hit a multiple month drought within the first 22 months, it is over for the Switch though.
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