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Popular gaming youtuber Jon Tron is a sexist shit-head - #JonTronIsOverParty?

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If I find someone's content funny or valuable to me, I'll continue to consume it because to a certain point I can separate content I enjoy from the people who create it. This is reaching though, not specifically because of his point (which I don't agree with but can at least see his thin logic behind it), but because of the way he's conducting himself. It's embarrassing.

Being offended by someone who makes content I enjoy isn't a deal-breaker, but having zero respect for them often is. There's a more mature way to go about this conversation.
Yeah, JonTron has always flirted with dumbassery. You can see this as far back as that one Sonic '06 video where he apparently dropped a ton of racial slurs to be "funny." I kept watching his videos because he's hilarious, and because of that I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt.

I had to stop a couple months ago, though. It's too much.
Dude barely drops a video a month, if that. And they're like five minutes long a pop.

Must be a nice living. TBH.

But yeah he warranted a bit of leniency until he just didn't stop.


What exactly is he saying?

Supporting gender equality = Supporting women unilaterally, therefore it's "sexist hypocrisy"?

And he's using other extreme false equivalences like leniency towards female crimimals as part of gender equality agenda.

Is that the gist of his shit?

Supporting Women's desire and right to be treated equally and not oppressed by certain laws and have their bodies controlled by government is sexist to men.


The new Ghostbusters could have an all male cast and it would still be a terrible movie. Yes people hate it because women Star in it and that's wrong.


I've watched all their videos up until recently, and have done for a long time. I genuinely enjoyed Ethan and Hila's stuff for a good while.

However their recent videos, specifically in regards to Feminism, have completely soured me on them. He's said some really stupid stuff that I do not agree with.

So maybe Ethan hasn't defended an Alt-Right Nazi, but from what I've seen, his views on Feminism are just as bad.

I've only watched the recent 'manspreading buzzfeed video' and the 'hugh mungus' ones regarding feminist stuff, and I don't see how his comments are out of touch. Unless you're talking about something else.
Thank you! All these replies to my post are very negative, but I'm glad to see someone actually replying like a decent human being.

It's sad to see people like this, but I guess I'll stick to my "vidyagame threads" from now on.
Judging by the comments afterwards, you should probably leave this thread. It's not me replying like a decent human being. There are lots of great people here who are passionate about what they believe. You could get me to do the same thing when it comes down to it.

Play video games. It's awesome. But also be in the know how about what's going on in the world too. Some people are genuinely offended by sexist things and have a right to be. But they are still good human beings where it counts.


I saw Ghostbusters and 100% agree with RLM. Honestly glad it failed to make a splash. So yeah they arent in the wrong.

rlm has also made some dumb "diversity for the sake of marketing" arguments about new star wars movies that were kinda gross

but still, nothing really malicious that i can remember


How did humanity even get to the point where "liberal" and "social justice" are negatively connotated words

You know when someone in elementary school doesn't like you and you say something perfectly fine and then people say in an annoying voice to try and make you what you said sound dumb even though it isn't.

This is the adult version.


A company being excited for their new game is a huge slap in the face to all the fans that liked their old games.
Supporting Women's desire and right to be treated equally and not oppressed by certain laws and have their bodies controlled by government is sexist to men.

Yep. Fuckwit status.


Your right, i fully agree. I mean if we're thinking logically, black people got the right to vote and integrate in public schools in the 60s, so obviously it stands to reason that class and ethnic and racial segregation in every other way doesn't exist anymore.

I mean what do these minority and underrepresented groups even have to complain about? Gay people have the right to get married for gods sake, what else do they want?

Obviously these guys don't really have anything to do but sit online all day and act offended at the good old days when you could call people retards and british cigarettes without anyone batting an eyebrow.

Educate yourself please.
Im from London where all groups are fairly equal..give or take. Ive educated myself and on a global scale I "get it"


I only know JonTron from his few guest appearances on Cinemassacre. This is really disappointing to find out. He drank the men's rights kool-aid.

Hopefully Cinemassacre never airs their political beliefs so stupidly like this. I would hate to find out that those guys are bigots, as well.
I'm definitely a long-time lurker on neogaf and don't have much experience with this side, mainly because I never open articles like this.

I'm honestly surprised, just by scrolling by all these hostile comments. Christ, I just wanted to browse this site for gaming purposes.

I always heard rumours about all this but seeing it first hand... wow.

What rumors? That gaf is a place that's inviting to people whose voices are rarely heard? That this website does a better job at being a platform for minorities than the vast majority of the industry? That it reflects their particular concerns? That it illustrates the fragility of the privilege of the stereotypical white male gamer, or those it co-ops in a feigned attempt to appear aggrandizing? That is demonstrates the breadth of subjects that are maligned in this industry, yet extremely important to our society and by association to everyone who plays games? What rumors? Rumors that the standard is held high? That it's commonly acknowledged that no lenience is acceptable?

Because i don't see what's wrong with any of that. Certainly these trying times have abundantly demonstrated that there is no lack of places with lower standards and thinner spines where escapism from the truth of this industry is welcomed and assisted by daily acceptance of all kinds of discrimination.


How did humanity even get to the point where "liberal" and "social justice" are negatively connotated words

Backlash from the ruling identity groups who can't handle uppity marginalized groups speaking up and rocking the boat, so they entrench themselves further and further into an ideology that supports the status quo, so that they can remain comfortable. Otherwise well-meaning and usually kind people are too bothered and hurt to accept the pushback, so they do the whole MLK 'White moderate' thing of wanting absence of conflict.

"when you're used to privilege equality feels like oppression" so they resort to this form of backlash. I could imagine a bunch of 'moderate' Gaffers feel the same about these topics.
Woah, sorry you got that impression. People who do care have every right to. I'm just talking about the hostility :/. Sorry if I offended anyone, I'm just going to stop and remove myself from topics like this.

What hostility are you talking about, specifically? You're very much talking in vagueries, and I haven't really noticed any comments that were so out of line that I'd feel like calling them out on it.

Also, what would you call Jon Tron's stance against the women's march on twitter? Do you think he was being... friendly?


Neo Member
That's a shame. He has a great deal of influence and is rather talented in spite of this.

Also. People lumping AVGN & RLM in with this because of Ghostbusters is absurd.


there's no videos i can recall where AVGN was being an alt-right or sexist shithead. He's a pretty cool guy.


Add him to the list of YTrs along with RLM, AVGN, and whatnot.

GamerGate really brought out the true colors.

AVGN's Ghostbusters reasoning was along the lines of "too many old movies get remade and I'm bothered that one of my all-time favourites is being remade in a way that doesn't appeal to me." He seemed to be careful not to say "because it stars women", leaving his motivations at least somewhat open to interpretation. Maybe he was actually being a sexist about it, but it's a far cry from blatantly signal-boosting bigoted rhetoric. It's an immature stance in a lot of ways, but he didn't call anyone a cuck or even tell other people to boycott the movie.

Unless he did something else I missed?
I'm not even mad. Just disappointed. I'd like to say I like separating the art from the artist but it's gotten so hard with Jon as of late, especially since I don't particularly care much for his newer material.

Reminds me of Kanye tbh.

PBG has always been level-headed and cool. He got into a brief altercation with both Jon and Psychicpebbles when he called out Jon for being disingenuous about criticizing untrustful media on Breitbart of all things.

I was curious who Psychicpebbles was



ow, my everything


How can people have a different opinion than the one that we decided was the correct one in the first place, it's not even logical! This is why nobody should be allowed to have their own and different opinion, and why anyone who doesn't agree with our correct opinions is a piece of shit and must be murdered.

/sarcasm of course


Is there more or is he really being demonised for not liking the new Ghostbusters?

People were already side eyeing him due to his friendship with AlphaOmegaSin and for them that Ghostbusters video was basically the final nail in the coffin.

I personally don't agree with that and still believe that James is for the most part a stand up guy (although is friendship with AOS is concerning).

How can people have a different opinion than the one that we decided was the correct one in the first place, it's not even logical! This is why nobody should be allowed to have their own and different opinion, and why anyone who doesn't agree with our correct opinions is a piece of shit and must be murdered.

Defending a nazi isn't just a different opinion.
AVGN did the Ghostbusters video (and he might have done some other stuff?), but personally I don't think it was that big a deal. He just seemed like a fanboy who had some bad arguments.

That said, the fact that he has AlphaOmegaSin on his website kinda makes me uncomfortable, but not enough to unsub.

I feel similar. The people he has had on make it a little suspect, but its unclear how much James really looks into this stuff or how involved he is in bringing people on. James has shown before that he kind of operates in his own space and can be very disconnected from things outside that sphere or even from some of the media he covers.

Agree completely on Ghostbusters. That was James being a total fanboy about a franchise that was hugely influential to him and it not being brought back in the way he wanted. I get the impression that it wouldn have mattered who was cast in the movie, he wasnt going to like it. I honestly think he went a little softer on it in his video because he didnt want to come across as againat it because of the female cast. I think had the mkvie had some typical male Hollywood comedy types in it he would have ranted and trashed it more.


I only know JonTron from his few guest appearances on Cinemassacre. This is really disappointing to find out. He drank the men's rights kool-aid.

Hopefully Cinemassacre never airs their political beliefs so stupidly like this. I would hate to find out that those guys are bigots, as well.

Men's rights... kool-aid? So men don't deserve rights? Is that what you're saying?


TBH, some of his Toxic ideas are spilling into his regular videos. This is why I don't watch this guy's videos.

Yep. Everyone once in a while I catch it like

How did humanity even get to the point where "liberal" and "social justice" are negatively connotated words

Well, liberalism is the ideology of the bourgeoisie, and thus has always been under fire from both the left and right. But dragging 'social justice' through the mud has certainly taken quite an effort.
How can people have a different opinion than the one that we decided was the correct one in the first place, it's not even logical! This is why nobody should be allowed to have their own and different opinion, and why anyone who doesn't agree with our correct opinions is a piece of shit and must be murdered.
Yes. This is what is being said. Verbatim.

One wonders why this side of the site is always like this when the topic of sexism, racism or bigotry is addressed.
Urgh really? James always seemed like a cool laidback guy.

Any source on this?

To the best that I know, people freaked out and overreacted big time to his refusal to see/review the new Ghostbusters. He had a fairly thorough explanation as to why, and it had nothing to do with the cast being woman. It was because he thought the movie didn't look good, didn't appeal to the right audience, and didn't have the right tone based on the trailers.

From his explanation, he wasn't putting the video up to fuel any hate, he put it up because he reviews movies, is a huge well known Ghostbusters fans, and his viewers were expecting a review. He wanted to let them know he wasn't doing it and why.

He was immediately labeled as sexist, misogynistic, a monster, ripped apart for his looks and interested, and demonized by people that didn't even watch the video. James Rolfe is most certainly a cool, chill, reserved, laid back guy.


Not all people can be as progressive and forward-thinking as most here on NeoGAF are. We just have to accept this, friends.

*deeply and proudly inhales the dignified aroma of my own fart*

Ahhhh. That's the ticket.
If you want a place to whine about those damn SJWs hurting your feelings, go to /pol/

Men's rights... kool-aid? So men don't deserve rights? Is that what you're saying?
Sorry, I was wrong. r/theredpill seems more your style.
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