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Popular gaming youtuber Jon Tron is a sexist shit-head - #JonTronIsOverParty?

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I don't think I've seen this. Jesus.


Usually but as has been shown before he's not one to do so.

This is probably not the place to ask for it, but what's the exact reason for the march? Abortion rights?

I imagine a lot of people (especially women) are upset that the newly elected POTUS has admitted to being open and OK with sexual assault, not to mention the numerous anti-abortion rhetoric already popping up (not to mention the cut funding). I could pull up relevant articles if you'd like.


Can someone explain why does his opinion matter?

Because he has literally millions of followers, most of them young and can be an influence?

Because you cannot disassociate yourself with your content if you are a terrible human being just because you're also an entertainer?
JonTron's political views or expression of his thoughts will not deter me in enjoying his content, which I do.

You don't have to be in agreement with somebody and vet their entire set and subsets of beliefs on every and all subject to like them. Us and Them mentality is inane and childish. People are different and believe different things.

However, you reserve the right to dislike anybody you want, I guess.

It's definitely a weird predicament for me, at least. I don't agree with JonTron, but I'm not for censoring everything he does from my life, nor do I think that's an applicable or proper solution to anything.

This thread has nothing to do with videogames, either, and should be moved or closed.

OK dude, it isn't censoring, it's just removal. Why people just throw around the word censoring is beyond me.

Second. Don't thread whine. JonTron is a YouTuber who makes videos about videogames. He is ingrained in the gaming YouTube culture. So yeah, it can belong in Gaming Side.
I don't know who RLM is but we don't know the AVGN's stance on any political matter because he's never said them publicly. But he's friends with JonTron and AlphaOmegaSin plus that Ghostbusters Non-Review leaves a lot to be desired on the matter :(

Did you actually watch that video?

I'm staying away from this one, as I've never really liked Jon Tron's videos to begin with, but the AVGN/Ghostbusters thing was a bunch of bull. James never deserved any of that, and the video in question is completely benign. Also, I'm not sure why the two being friends should play into anything. I have some pretty right-wing friends myself, but I'm not that way. I'd be pretty pissed off is some forum dweller lumped me into that category for that reason alone.


Partially, current administration has promised to do things that affect woman's reproductive rights, so it's part of the protest. Also Trump is a plain sexist if "grab by the pussy" didn't make it obvious, so they are protesting the fact that people voted him in, saying it is unacceptable that things he does cannot and will not be tolerated.

Well the "grab by the pussy" statement is years old so I'm disregarding that completely. I'm not one to judge someone for something that happened a long time ago.

But these marchs are essentially happening because there's a chance something bad could happen?
I don't know who RLM is but we don't know the AVGN's stance on any political matter because he's never said them publicly. But he's friends with JonTron and AlphaOmegaSin plus that Ghostbusters Non-Review leaves a lot to be desired on the matter :(
He's also friend of Nostalgia Critic, Pat the NES Punk and other people from Channel Awesome, looks like people is trying to drag James into this shit show just for the collaborations he made with JonTron and AlphaOmega.


Shame, but I guess that's what happens when you have an abusive upbringing and thousands of yes-men surrounding you.

JonTron's political views or expression of his thoughts will not deter me in enjoying his content, which I do.

You don't have to be in agreement with somebody and vet their entire set and subsets of beliefs on every and all subject to like them. Us and Them mentality is inane and childish. People are different and believe different things.

However, you reserve the right to dislike anybody you want, I guess.

It's definitely a weird predicament for me, at least. I don't agree with JonTron, but I'm not for censoring everything he does from my life, nor do I think that's an applicable or proper solution to anything.

This thread has nothing to do with videogames, either, and should be moved or closed.

It really doesn't, it's just visible.

Jontron makes video game videos and gamegrumps was literally 99% video game content, I'm pretty sure we're in the clear here.
Boogie plays "why can't we all just be nice to each other and both sides have assholes" card. He's a good person at heart but, naive or foolish.

Him and PhillipDefranco are on my list of people I stopped watching for their "both sides" attitude.

I can't respect someone that cannot take a stance. Every situation unless it is extremely outrageous is "well both sides" and devil's advocacy.

What was the GAF reaction to him winning an award at the VGA?

From my memory, most people cheered. The people that brought up his past actions didn't come off as pushy because the thread was moving fast. There was never a follow up thread.
JonTron's political views or expression of his thoughts will not deter me in enjoying his content, which I do.

You don't have to be in agreement with somebody and vet their entire set and subsets of beliefs on every and all subject to like them. Us and Them mentality is inane and childish. People are different and believe different things.

However, you reserve the right to dislike anybody you want, I guess.

It's definitely a weird predicament for me, at least. I don't agree with JonTron, but I'm not for censoring everything he does from my life, nor do I think that's an applicable or proper solution to anything.

This thread has nothing to do with videogames, either, and should be moved or closed.

It really doesn't, it's just visible.

Jon Tron is among the more popular and prominent gaming personalities on the internet. I'm not a mod, obviously, but I would think that topics pertaining to the culture and community around video games are worth including in a section about "gaming discussion."


All these hot takes about how people are overreacting to flagrant misogyny or how this ain't VIDEO GAMES. Who are ya'll foolin'?


Wasn't this obvious based on his incessant discriminatory remarks ('jokes') during Game Grumps? Like, things had to be edited out to maintain some semblance of propriety. I always assumed this was the reason Arin and Jon went separate ways.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
Oh the world we live in where getting banned from a public forum is somehow authoritarian. In my opinion, this is the equivalent to complaining about being kicked out of a gay bar because you're wearing a nazi shirt -- some of these people were never there for the discussion in the first place but are using pity to convince the indifferent among us.

I'm not talking about the internet per se, i've unfortunately seen stories of quite a few universities trying to 'crack down' on 'safe words' or 'safe phrases' you can or can't say because it might offend other political leaning students.

Like Obama, who i rarely agree with, i feel like it becomes an enforced echo chamber instead of actually challenging those notions though putting it through the debate test.

Maybe, but I also believe that the racists, sexists and neo nazis of today are using the art of the con to convince people that somehow social justice is the equivalent to authoritarian. It is perhaps the greatest con in history.

Your right about this, definitely. And it only gains traction when we have a minority of the left fuck up sometimes, and then those racists and sexists get stronger.

Similar to how sometimes the white community can use black people committing crimes as evidence we are all thugs. Its a false narrative, but i can't help but feel frustration with my own race at times for giving them that ammunition to disengage with us
Well the "grab by the pussy" statement is years old so I'm disregarding that completely. I'm not one to judge someone for something that happened a long time ago.

But these marchs are essentially happening because there's a chance something bad could happen?

He literally issued an executive order yesterday that put women's lives around the world in danger.

Don't complain if you have no idea what's happening.


but the AVGN/Ghostbusters thing was a bunch of bull. James never deserved any of that, and the video in question is completely benign. Also, I'm not sure why the two being friends should play into anything. I have some pretty right-wing friends myself, but I'm not that way. I'd be pretty pissed off is some forum dweller lumped me into that category for that reason alone.

I agree, the Ghostbusters movie debate as a whole is pretty stupid anyway. Having said that, I watched the movie a few weeks ago and it really wasn't at all as bad as the Internet made it out to be.


All these hot takes about how people are overreacting to flagrant misogyny or how this ain't VIDEO GAMES. Who are ya'll foolin'?

Themselves. They don't want to think too deeply about any of this so they can keep watching their YouTube videos without feeling bad.
JonTron's political views or expression of his thoughts will not deter me in enjoying his content, which I do.

You don't have to be in agreement with somebody and vet their entire set and subsets of beliefs on every and all subject to like them. Us and Them mentality is inane and childish. People are different and believe different things.

However, you reserve the right to dislike anybody you want, I guess.

It's definitely a weird predicament for me, at least. I don't agree with JonTron, but I'm not for censoring everything he does from my life, nor do I think that's an applicable or proper solution to anything.

This thread has nothing to do with videogames, either, and should be moved or closed.

It really doesn't, it's just visible.

This belongs in gaming side just as much as things like the Tobuscus rape allegations do.


Well the "grab by the pussy" statement is years old so I'm disregarding that completely. I'm not one to judge someone for something that happened a long time ago.

But these marchs are essentially happening because there's a chance something bad could happen?

When someone promises to do something, you tell them to not do it. Protesting after is too late. There will be more after as well, but it's better if it doesn't happen.
Well the "grab by the pussy" statement is years old so I'm disregarding that completely. I'm not one to judge someone for something that happened a long time ago.

But these marchs are essentially happening because there's a chance something bad could happen?

No, they're happening because women have a very real chance of losing basic human rights on a physical level.


isn't he the dude that looks like a stereotypical "neckbeard"? cause if so i don't know why people are suprised


The lack of awareness is astounding.

It's minimizing problems at best and being a sexist asshole at worst.

Consider me unsubscribed.


This thread has nothing to do with videogames, either, and should be moved or closed.

This is precisely the attitude that allowed far-right ideology to grow and fester in gaming culture, because so many people in positions of power thought that their video games were apolitical and unrelated to society for some weird, irrational reason. Meanwhile, marginalized groups were harassed and oppressed because no one should question the status quo nor bring 'their politics' into the fantasy land of video games.

Saying "this has nothing to do with video games' is sticking your head into the sand.
Usually but as has been shown before he's not one to do so.

This is probably not the place to ask for it, but what's the exact reason for the march? Abortion rights?
Donald Trump is president and brags about molesting women

It's a general Anti-Trump protest with a focus on that aspect.
This is before I get into the fact I don't thing the womens march was even needed until our dear president actually does something that literally impacts women on the whole, versus just their strong disagreement with his loose morality and treatment of women throughout his life. Letting him (and his supporters) know you don't like him really doesn't change reality. Protest and march all you want, but he hasn't negatively impacted women specifically yet, nor may he ever do so. We can't know what the future holds. Worried about the right to abortion? He hasn't change any laws, and he may never do so. He's arguably got a lot more important issues to worry about that abortion, while a hot button topic nationaly, is probably pretty low on the totem pole for him to even address. His next 4 years will mostly be spent trying to dismantle and assemble something else besides Obamacare.

Donald Trump has signed an executive order to ban federal money going to international groups which perform or provide information on abortions.
The US president's order shows he "wants to stand up for all Americans, including the unborn," his press secretary Sean Spicer said.
The executive order - known as "the Mexico City Policy" - is likely to concern pro-choice groups, already wary of his anti-abortion stance.
Mr Trump supports a US abortion ban.

But even if that hadn't already occurred in terms of tangible policy that restricts a woman's right to choose, you seem to be saying that there's no point in doing anything because he "may" not..? He's made policy pledges. He's made numerous, numerous sexist comments without being accountable whatsoever. He trivialises sexual assault. There are hundreds and hundreds of thousands of people, predominantly women, marching allover the world regarding this and many more fighting in countless other ways and you're basically saying that they're deluded.

When you're standing up against issues such as sexual assault and supporting reproductive rights, the chance that "may" not legislate is massively missing the point, because the risks are so huge. It feels like you're treating it like it's pointless me bringing a coat to work because they're dark clouds outside and it "may" not rain - it's so much more serious than that.


I have some pretty right-wing friends myself, but I'm not that way. I'd be pretty pissed off is some forum dweller lumped me into that category for that reason alone.
Actually, there was a thread about having Trump voter friends (or even family members) that debated that, some months ago.


Views go both ways on both sides. Could have easily pulled different opinions from both sides at any time on the internet to shame. What was the point of this when knowing full well how this was going to be treated on this left leaning website.
No. The "both sides" argument is bullshit, and a deflection.

Afraid to look up what kind of stuff RLM has said, lol. I've been a fan for a while and there have been occasional whiffs of weirdness (particularly with that TFA video) and I'm worried about what I'd find :
That's basically it. If you've seen that, the Ghostbusters review, and any time Rich mentions asians on Best of the Worst, that's basically it.
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