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Popular gaming youtuber Jon Tron is a sexist shit-head - #JonTronIsOverParty?

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Atleast Angry Joe is a swell dude.

i remember angry joe fans telling him to stick to games when he expressed disappointment in trump winning in one of his vids

it's always fine to rag on the feminazis or ess jay dubyas but the moment any notable figures condemn the right wing it's "KEEP POLITICS OUT OF MY GAMES!!!"
This is precisely the attitude that allowed far-right ideology to grow and fester in gaming culture, because so many people in positions of power thought that their video games were apolitical and unrelated to society for some weird, irrational reason. Meanwhile, marginalized groups were harassed and oppressed because no one should question the status quo nor bring 'their politics' into the fantasy land of video games.

Saying "this has nothing to do with video games' is sticking your head into the sand.

It has something to do with the politics of a celebrity associated with video games.

You can absolutely bring politics into video games, but JonTron does not create or develop them, nor do I believe he really has anything meaningful to say about them as a player.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
Right. It's only going to get worse from here.

That's why an effective resistance will be even more important.

The women's march was a start to forming solidarity, even if the only political party able to mount legislative defense is in tatters.
i remember angry joe fans telling him to stick to games when he expressed disappointment in trump winning in one of his vids

it's always fine to rag on the feminazis or ess jay dubyas but the moment any notable figures condemn the right wing it's "KEEP POLITICS OUT OF MY GAMES!!!"
Same happened with bunnyhops new video. Its kinda disheartening how many shitheads are out there.


You think Woolie would leave if Pat had a heel turn?

Like his mom would give shit if stayed, break out the Darlington and all.

Pat has always been a heel.

He shits on everything....even himself, figuratively and physically in some cases


This thread is like two years late... But yeah he's a stupid manchild, I can't believe people still like him in 2017.

People aren't going to stop liking him. His opinions aren't held in contrast to his audience. They're enabled by it.


i remember angry joe fans telling him to stick to games when he expressed disappointment in trump winning in one of his vids

it's always fine to rag on the feminazis or ess jay dubyas but the moment any notable figures condemn the right wing it's "KEEP POLITICS OUT OF MY GAMES!!!"

lol true


never left the stone age
Why is it that I've never heard of any of these YouTube people when they're mentioned on here?

Damn, I miss the simple wonders of Classic Game Room!!! :(

The simple wonders of CGR are still there for you, he doesn't post videos quite as often but he set up a patreon so he could continue to review them classics

Edit: Oh and screw Jon.


I've actually never heard of this guy before. Glad I won't miss any of his content, seems like a big douchebag.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
i remember angry joe fans telling him to stick to games when he expressed disappointment in trump winning in one of his vids

it's always fine to rag on the feminazis or ess jay dubyas but the moment any notable figures condemn the right wing it's "KEEP POLITICS OUT OF MY GAMES!!!"

Yep. I don't even think Joe would be particularly quiet about it if people kept ragging on him continuously. He's just that kinda dude. I admire his not giving a fuckness. That's the kind of anti PC we need. Fighting against the hatred and not giving a shit about the safe spaces of the right.


Holy shit I had no clue this was a thing. I thought I heard he was a Bernie supporter last year.

Well it's a good thing his videos haven't been good for over a year now. It's sad that someone with so much talent decides to shoot himself in the foot like this. But fuck it, if he wants to act like this, he deserves the consequences.

This is incredible
I love Dunkey


I'm not talking about the internet per se, i've unfortunately seen stories of quite a few universities trying to 'crack down' on 'safe words' or 'safe phrases' you can or can't say because it might offend other political leaning students.

Like Obama, who i rarely agree with, i feel like it becomes an enforced echo chamber instead of actually challenging those notions though putting it through the debate test.

Your right about this, definitely. And it only gains traction when we have a minority of the left fuck up sometimes, and then those racists and sexists get stronger.

Similar to how sometimes the white community can use black people committing crimes as evidence we are all thugs. Its a false narrative, but i can't help but feel frustration with my own race at times for giving them that ammunition to disengage with us

Not to kiss your ass twice in a row, but if everyone on neogaf approached discussion the way you do here, it would be a much better place.

A cool head and an open mind are all you need

That wasn't me :)

Oh you're right, my bad :p


I really enjoy his content and H3H3 (up until recently).

Wish these guys would have just focused on entertainment and kept their politics locked away.


Liam scares me. Rest of the dudes seem a-ok.

I never had a problem with Liam, dont see how he's an issue. But he's left SBFP recently and is also going to therapy for his own health as he's stated. So wish him good luck in his new endeavors.
I imagine it happened when social justice warriors turned into little fascists, and started suppressing dissenting opinions and even threatening physical violence against anyone they disagreed with.

Ironically you're probably going to get banned (i.e. suppressed) for expressing that opinion, thus proving your point. I disagree with your opinion on this issue, but I agree that you should have the right to express it and engage in respectful discussion.

Neogaf is an interesting place - when discussion on the matter comes up many people on one side (and only one side) of the debate are banned thus creating a self selected population of people and group think that is heavily (and arguably non-representatively) skewed to the progressive side. Anyone who does have a dissenting opinion is either banned, or is so afraid of being banned/dogpiled on that they do not express it. In contrast those on the other side of the issue are allowed to act with impunity, slinging unfounded accusations at the other side, calling people "sexist shit heads" etc - arguably behaviour that should result in a ban.

I think there can be an argument made that there is an issue in the tact that some in the progressive movement have chosen to take in what is an admirable goal. Equality is certainly where the world should be IMO, and something we all aspire towards. That doesn't mean that any and all tactics towards that goal are positive and helpful though - hence the term "SJW".

For example, often instead of trying to change hearts and minds of those we disagree with some of us progressives simply attack them, and demonise them. Arguably this does more to hurt our cause, and society as a whole, as it results in an "us against them" mentality from both sides, galvanising both sides and ultimately resulting in narrow mindedness from both sides.

In many ways, it could be argued that those kind of tactics helped give the presidency to trump as he united those who have felt (sometimes correctly) to be under attack over the past 4-8 years by the left. He successfully unified the right mostly because of the tactics used by some within the left.

The problem is that on this issue it seems that battle lines have been drawn by both sides, when really those of us seeking to change the world should be reaching out to those we want to change. Alienating and attacking people people we want to change isn't going to change them. If one were to be cynical about it one would suspect that is because many within our movement enjoy the feeling of righteous superiority rather than wanting to change others. As a progressive very much in favour of a more inclusive and diverse society, I equally very much dislike that little voice within me that says "you're better you're not sexist/racist/etc" - that voice is hubris, it is pride, it is self-righteousness. And it is not helpful in making the world a more inclusive place. It also makes my actions and opinions on the matter all the less altruistic and noble.

Personally I very much side with the progressive movement on this issue. However I am not so blinded by my own bias as to excuse the intolerable and unhelpful behaviour of many on my side, nor turn a blind eye to the "self selection" and bias within the Neogaf groupthink. Anyone who debates that "SJWs" exist, or believes that everything done to support their agenda is positive, is blinded by their own bias.

TL:DR You catch more bees with honey than with vinegar. If we really want to make the world a better and more inclusive place we should be using honey, not vinegar. Fewer ban hammers and less name calling, more engagement and hope.


JonTron's political views or expression of his thoughts will not deter me in enjoying his content, which I do.

You don't have to be in agreement with somebody and vet their entire set and subsets of beliefs on every and all subject to like them. Us and Them mentality is inane and childish. People are different and believe different things.

However, you reserve the right to dislike anybody you want, I guess.

It's definitely a weird predicament for me, at least. I don't agree with JonTron, but I'm not for censoring everything he does from my life, nor do I think that's an applicable or proper solution to anything.

This thread has nothing to do with videogames, either, and should be moved or closed.

Agreed, but the majority of gaf can't handle varying political opinions well.


Is this why he left Game Grumps?

But seriously, that's pretty bad. I'm all for people being able to voice their opinions but people with such reach and influence really need to consider what they're saying. Especially around matters like this. If he felt this way about it he should've just kept his mouth shut.
I can see where he's coming from with that first tweet. The reductionism for example — but he doesn't articulate himself to allow for a charitable reading unfortunately. And clearly no-one can engage in a dialogue with him when he's going on tirades like that. Free to express his opinion I guess — and many that don't like his views don't even watch him anyway; everyone has an audience.
Pretty much. If that was his only tweet on this but his follow up is garbage.
As some people have pointed out, he has shown himself to be awful multiple times in the past, this is a painful reminder of that.
I have not paid attention to his content in years because of it.
Do we at least have confirmation that the Continue? gang are against this kind of behavior?

Not that I have found, no (I do a check on everyone I subscribe to lol)

One thing is, I'm surprised Mark hasn't really had any big controversies like this. He got in it a bit in a video w/ JackSepticeye who is pro-GG and anti-feminism, but he apologized for his comments afterward. It seems as though Mark is just kind of a bang up guy unless I missed something really offensive he's done lol

TL:DR You catch more bees with honey than with vinegar. If we really want to make the world a better and more inclusive place we should be using honey, not vinegar. Fewer ban hammers and less name calling, more engagement and hope.

The person you quoted suggested that leftist people are becoming fascists and using violence and suppression to silence people, and as of now, has not replied to elaborate on anyone person who used violence to suppress people's opinions. If they are banned, it will be because their opinion was not well formed, used a strawman, and was a drive-by.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
Not to kiss your ass twice in a row, but if everyone on neogaf approached discussion the way you do here, it would be a much better place.

A cool head and an open mind are all you need

Oh you're right, my bad :p

oh, lol, i thought you were arguing against me before you cause you brought up my anime avatar(since that is apparently a thing..)

Holy shit I had no clue this was a thing. I thought I heard he was a Bernie supporter last year.

Well it's a good thing his videos haven't been good for over a year now. It's sad that someone with so much talent decides to shoot himself in the foot like this. But fuck it, if he wants to act like this, he deserves the consequences.

So was Amazing Athiest at one point. And look at him.

There is a very thin line on the fringe that divides Bernie supporters and Trump supporters, and given a certain mindset, one can easily fall prey to hatred if they are already predisposed to that kind of viewpoint.


I never had a problem with Liam, dont see how he's an issue. But he's left SBFP recently and is also going to therapy for his own health as he's stated. So wish him good luck in his new endeavors.

Eh, I used to get a bit of a creepy anime vibe from him, that's all.
I haven't kept up with their content in a while! Hope he pulls through of course.


I really enjoy his content and H3H3 (up until recently).

Wish these guys would have just focused on entertainment and kept their politics locked away.

Nah, it is fine to bring up your politics. But their flimsy excuses need to start being challenged because, at this point, I am starting to question whether or not they really want a discussion or if they want to act victimized in order to receive internet pity from the gullible.
He's also friend of Nostalgia Critic, Pat the NES Punk and other people from Channel Awesome, looks like people is trying to drag James into this shit show just for the collaborations he made with JonTron and AlphaOmega.

That is true.

I'm not lumping Rolfe with the Gamergater hate mob but I did say that those collaborations aren't helping his case or my image of him. Thats all.
Not that I have found, no (I do a check on everyone I subscribe to lol)

One thing is, I'm surprised Mark hasn't really had any big controversies like this. He got in it a bit in a video w/ JackSepticeye who is pro-GG and anti-feminism, but he apologized for his comments afterward. It seems as though Mark is just kind of a bang up guy unless I missed something really offensive he's done lol

Yes, we take a pretty hard stance against Richard Spencer, which Jon doesn't apparently?

Oh great, another one.

Okay pbg is still a good guy thank god.
Yay. Knew Jontron was a shithead for a while, but it's good to hear that not all the Normal Boots folks are as garbage as him.
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