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Nintendo has taken back potentially stolen Nintendo Switch

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Title change would be really helpful

Just so people know it wasn't from a retailer, and there are multiple stolen Switches out there that changed hands


Was that PS4 stolen?

You don't understand what happened here. That guy didn't receive a stolen PS4.
I said that i don't remember what the circumstances were with PS4 but surely however did he get it it was neither official nor approved by Sony so... yeah...
Yeah FUCK NINTENDO for taking back stolen goods off a guy who lied.

read the OP

What are you talking about? Nintendo asked for the Switch back, nothing more. This is a console that is not released yet. It's not a revision or anything, which has happened before where stuff has been sent out early.

THESE ARE STOLEN UNITS. There are most likely a ton more out in the wild and Nintendo will, and have the right, to track them down.

Jesus, some of you people are such fanboys that even the facts will go over your head. Trump fans too?

Yeah i read the OP before replying to the thread the first time but thank you for assuming that i didn't, i stand by my opinion that if only a dozen or so of consoles went missing/stolen they should've had taken the hit for the ones already in the hands of people.
Find the thief and let him rot in jail all his life but leave alone the guys that already have the thing that probably didn't knew any better and just took the occasion like everyone else here in this very forum would have done.
Sure if the bleeding of consoles was major then going after every single unit would have been fair because that would be a major loss of profit but that probably didn't happen because otherwise we would have tons of videos from various people that told life, death and miracles of the console.

Also real classy of you comparing me to a Trump supporter only because i have a different opinion on the matter, really... be ashamed.


So, I just read a post with photos that imply hiphoptherobot, or someone claiming to be him, attempted to do something with the console
We should not get any more details, close the thread and just leave Hiphop alone. He already said he dealt with the problem directly with Nintendo and doesn't want to talk about it anymore.
People are jumping to conclusions based on partial information, so yes, we definitely need more details before condemning either side. Deal with it. (thread should definitely be closed, though.)

I feel bad for bot, but leave him alone? Dude, the cat's out of the bag and he let it out.


It sucks, but if it was hot, Nintendo probably had the means of knowing what units were stolen and could have remote bricked them (not too likely) or banned them from online use. Might have saved yourself a future headache.


Turning this Switch back to Nintendo was the only logical option. Anything else would be opening a massive can of worms. People who think Nintendo owes hiphoptherobot anything are delusional.


Fuck that shit. They would have had to take my ass to court to pry something I paid for from me. I wouldn't hand anything over until a judge told me to. Petty ass company.
I mean, keeping stolen goods is against the law. You'd probably not have much of a chance in court.


Fuck Nintendo. This is the biggest bullshit I've ever heard of. I am never buying another one of their products again and I'm selling the ones I have.

We don't know the whole story yet. There might be some justifiable complications that compelled Nintendo to take action; besides, our hero hiphoptherobot is fine and seems to be treated with some respect.


Guys, HipHop didn't feel comfortable in owning a stolen product after he learned it was stolen.

But yeah, fuck Nintendo for asking about the system and HipHop willingly giving it back.
You know that would probably end up with you in jail, right?

No it wouldn't. They would have to prove that the person knew it was stolen at the time of purchase. Good luck. I would make them prove in court that it was lifted before I surrendered the product. People have rights.

read the OP

(it's fun having to repeat this so many times /s)

I read the op.

2017 and we still have fake internet tough guys lol

Tough guys? I'm saying I would exercise my right instead of giving into a petty billion dollar Corp right off the bat. If that makes me a "tough guy" than I guess some of you are made of paper.


Unconfirmed Member
I really wish that business law was a required class for people... A lot of it involves a lot of every day occurrences, and then people would know what is and isn't actually legal, and what you can/cannot even sue for.


Yeah i read the OP before replying to the thread the first time but thank you for assuming that i didn't, i stand by my opinion that if only a dozen or so of consoles went missing/stolen they should've had taken the hit for the ones already in the hands of people.
Find the thief and let him rot in jail all his life but leave alone the guys that already have the thing that probably didn't knew any better and just took the occasion like everyone else here in this very forum would have done.
Sure if the bleeding of consoles was major then going after every single unit would have been fair because that would be a major loss of profit but that probably didn't happen because otherwise we would have tons of videos from various people that told life, death and miracles of the console.

Also real classy of you comparing me to a Trump supporter only because i have a different opinion on the matter, really... be ashamed.
Clearly no bias in this post. Nope. None.


I said that i don't remember what the circumstances were with PS4 but surely however did he get it it was neither official nor approved by Sony so... yeah...

Yeah i read the OP before replying to the thread the first time but thank you for assuming that i didn't, i stand by my opinion that if only a dozen or so of consoles went missing/stolen they should've had taken the hit for the ones already in the hands of people.
Find the thief and let him rot in jail all his life but leave alone the guys that already have the thing that probably didn't knew any better and just took the occasion like everyone else here in this very forum would have done.
Sure if the bleeding of consoles was major then going after every single unit would have been fair because that would be a major loss of profit but that probably didn't happen because otherwise we would have tons of videos from various people that told life, death and miracles of the console.

Also real classy of you comparing me to a Trump supporter only because i have a different opinion on the matter, really... be ashamed.
You're saying they should go after the thief and that would require them to take the dudes console to help them.


Yeah! Fuck them! I'm gonna start a bonfire with all of my Nintendo games! Anyone want to meet up for a game burning with us?
Dude you need to chill out. It's like you're mad at every opinion on Nintendo when clearly a bunch of these posters didn't even read the OP.

Some of the narrative building here that GAF is against Nintendo is hilarious. Something unusual happened, so you're going to get a wide spectrum of posts regarding it. Take it for what it is and don't form some dumb bullshit.


Yeah you got me, this is the only piece of hardware that's ever been out in the wild 2 weeks early.

yeah you're missing the key detail here

the console was not obtained legally. if it was this thread wouldn't exist and hiphop would still have his Switch.

Darkman M

It's also not the first piece of hardware that's been stolen with a legal owner that wants it back.

Indeed, I'm not upset with Nintendo or anything it's just the first time I've ever heard of a large company personally confiscating something like this from a person. They are well within their right to do so, it's just odd to me.
I have the feeling that this thread is going to put this guy in legal troubles. I already can see miss informing head lines on big gaming sites damaging the image of Nintendo with this. Two weeks before the release of the system, with this kind of thing is going to make some people angry at Nintendo.

Don't think this thread will reach people outside of the bubble. Only time will tell


I know people have a hate boner for Nintendo, and I sympathize with hiphoptherobot, but if there was some shady shit going on involving an unreleased system then I suppose he dealt with properly. I just hope he gets reimbursed eventually or gets the system when it comes out.


Last I heard this guy got it shipped to him from a retailer early. If there's been more developments I don't know about them and the OP certainly doesn't say anything.

For god's sake

I'm going to get a mod to change the title


No it wouldn't. They would have to prove that the person knew it was stolen at the time of purchase. Good luck. I would make them prove in court that it was lifted before I surrendered the product. People have rights.

...no they wouldn't. "I didn't know" as a legal defense would be laughed out of court for everything from manslaughter to a relatively tiny theft like this, it would also land you in jail at worst or with a criminal record at best.
Fuck that shit. They would have had to take my ass to court to pry something I paid for from me. I wouldn't hand anything over until a judge told me to. Petty ass company.


they never would have known had he not leaked video showing info that outed him

That said... if it WAS a stolen system they might have opted to hard ban any of the serial numbers associated with the stolen shipment

this could have gone many ways my man


Neo Member
Fuck Nintendo. This is the biggest bullshit I've ever heard of. I am never buying another one of their products again and I'm selling the ones I have.


It's times like this that I'm ashamed to be a paying GAF Gold member. I can only hope this is a phase we're all going through. Politically and gaming-wise, lately I don't know what's going on with some of my fellow human beans...


Indeed, I'm not upset with Nintendo or anything it's just the first time I've ever heard of a large company personally confiscating something like this from a person. They are well within their right to do so, it's just odd to me.

I don't think we know that. The OP is all over the place, because we don't have the full story and most likely never will. Nintendo most likely contacted the authority. I don't see a Nintendo employee knocking on hiphoptherobot's door asking him to return the stolen Switch.


Dude you need to chill out. It's like you're mad at every opinion on Nintendo when clearly a bunch of these posters didn't even read the OP.

Some of the narrative building here that GAF is against Nintendo is hilarious. Something unusual happened, so you're going to get a wide spectrum of posts regarding it. Take it for what it is and don't form some dumb bullshit.
Just sick of the "fuck Nintendo" mob mentality when they've done nothing wrong here. It's like the smallest bit of information (or rather, misinformation) and everyone's foaming at the mouth, ready to sell all of their games and burn the witch essentially. Also, it's not hard to read a damn OP.
...no they wouldn't. "I didn't know" as a legal defense would be laughed out of court for everything from manslaughter to a relatively tiny theft like this, it would also land you in jail at worst or with a criminal record at best.

The burden of proof is always on the plaintiff. Every time. Some of you guys really don't know your rights.


Indeed, I'm not upset with Nintendo or anything it's just the first time I've ever heard of a large company personally confiscating something like this from a person. They are well within their right to do so, it's just odd to me.

It's obviously a law/security firm that requested it not NoA.

You guys do realize the corporations themselves aren't the one scouring the internet sending out DCMA/Cease letters right?
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