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'Trump Slump,' a Devastating Drop in Tourism to the United States

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Though they may differ as to the wisdom of the move, the travel press and most travel experts are of one mind: They are currently drawing attention to an unintended consequence of the Trump-led efforts to stop many Muslims from coming to the U.S., pointing to a sharp drop in foreign tourism to our nation that imperils jobs and touristic income.

It’s known as the “Trump Slump.” And I know of no reputable travel publication to deny it.

Thus, the prestigious Travel Weekly magazine (as close to an “official” travel publication as they come) has set the decline in foreign tourism at 6.8%. And the fall-off is not limited to Muslim travelers, but also extends to all incoming foreign tourists. Apparently, an attack on one group of tourists is regarded as an assault on all.

As far as travel by distinct religious groups, flight passengers from the seven Muslim-majority nations named by Trump were down by 80% in the last week of January and first week of February, according to Forward Keys, a well-known firm of travel statisticians. On the web, flight searches for trips heading to the U.S. out of all international locations was recently down by 17%.

A drop of that magnitude, if continued, would reduce the value of foreign travel within the U.S. by billions of dollars. And the number of jobs supported by foreign tourists and their expenditures in the United States—and thus lost—would easily exceed hundreds of thousands of workers in hotels, restaurants, transportation, stores, tour operations, travel agencies, and the like.

While, earlier in the year, the Administration had boasted of saving 800 jobs in the Carrier Corporation, the drop-off in employment resulting from the travel ban would eclipse that figure.

According to the Global Business Travel Association, in only a single week following announcement of the ban against certain foreign tourists, the activity of business travel declined by nearly $185 million.

Other observers, including local tourist offices, have reached similar conclusions. In referring to New York City’s $60 billion tourist industry alone, the head of the city’s tourist effort complained that his agency’s effort to portray the United States as a welcoming destination to foreign citizens “was all in jeopardy.” Several other tourist officials have made like statements.


Unconfirmed Member
For a long time I've asked for less tourists in NYC so that I could get to work more easily, but now I wish they'd stay.

To clarify I always appreciated tourism to this city, but unfortunately it's always concentrated in midtown Manhattan where I've always worked. Make more popular tourist attractions in the other boroughs, god damn it.


I imagine tourism will continue to decline when you consider that many plan for trips well in advance and it is not so easy to change plans.


Who would have thought that if you make your country a persecutive police state for foreign nationals that people won't want to come to your country? Paging the Kim family.


Junior Member
The hilarious part about this is that Trump is primarily involved in real estate and tourism. He's literally burning his own customer base.
I live in a tourist town, so I guess we're going to have an amazing summer with no traffic and open beaches, and then we're all going to starve to death.


yeah i'd be avoiding a trip to America right now if it was an option and i'm a straight white male, so i can't imagine how anyone outside of those parameters must feel.
Yeah. I was going to take the family to Florida later this year for a Disney trip, but trump winning scotched that. We'll be just going to Spain as per usual instead. (We are from the UK)


Interesting, when would companies start reporting their financial reports that could possibly show this overall decline in revenue? If Disney starts hurting you know thats going to send alarm bells.
I'm only going to the US in April because I have the chance to meet my family in NYC, otherwise I would not go.m as well.

The demonization of foreigners is shameful for a country built on foreigners' back.
I loved America when I went last May but it definitely seems like a stranger, uneasy place to go now. Everyone who comments on going now has reservations.


Joining the pile of anecdotal remarks, I cancelled my summer plans too, heading to Canadian Rockies instead. Nobody has time for the kind of BS that's going on in the USA right now. I'm white as hell and still got hassled almost every time I crossed the border before, I can't even imagine what it'll be like now.


Even ignoring Trump and the increased vetoing the MXN has lost so much value over the USD I wouldn't even consider it. I imagine that had something to do with it.


I love Pokken!
I always wanted to visit the US, specifically New York and LA, it's one of my dream travels. Too bad I won't be able to do it in the next four (eight?) years.
And this will only get worse. Sadly, the only swing state that I think could be significantly hurt by a drop in tourism is Florida. The rest of them that wet red with Trump don't depend on tourism as much.

On the other hand it makes me wonder if Trump's America may be the best time to visit Disney World, though.... less waiting lines for Splash Mountain!

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
Kinda wonder which Trump voters will be hurt by this? Florida for sure...do places like Jackson Hole and other parks see a lot of international tourists?

Trying to understand if this disproportionately hurts blue states/cities more than red states/cities and if the Republicans base will care or not.
Don't really have a choice on my visit this summer, but wow, its being tough especially on the asking for access to social media and phone, that's really uncomfortable


The company I work for is all B2B w/ the hospitality industry, we should start feeling the affects of this if it continues for much longer.
Kinda wonder which Trump voters will be hurt by this? Florida for sure...do places like Jackson Hole and other parks see a lot of international tourists?

Trying to understand if this disproportionately hurts blue states/cities more than red states/cities and if the Republicans base will care or not.

Without looking up any numbers at all, I believe I can say with certainty that this will disproportionately impact blue states, where almost all of the major international destinations are located. Florida is the exception.
As someone who is taking his family to Disney World next month, I hope this makes it more bearable - with smaller lines and less crowds. :)
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