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Colin Moriarty is leaving Kinda Funny Games.

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Mildly interested as Rogan is longform and Colin on his own will get asked a lot of questions. A lot of political questions. So if anyone is going to want an A-Z of Colin this will probably be that "interview".
Joe has a tendency to lean into what his guests opinions are, so idk that Colin will really be pushed on too much

I imagine a lot of their discussion will be centred around PC culture and oversensitivity though. I wouldn't be surprised if Colin tries to push a witch hunt angle that people attacked him over a joke no one possibly could have been offended by



Joe has a tendency to lean into what his guests opinions are, so idk that Colin will really be pushed on too much

I imagine a lot of their discussion will be centred around PC culture and oversensitivity though. I wouldn't be surprised if Colin tries to push a witch hunt angle that people attacked him over a joke no one possibly could have been offended by


He doesn't really know Colin, so it should be fun at least. It'll still be a decent A-Z of Colin, and probably cover many political positions, so everyone can stop staying what he is and just timestamp what will probably be a 2 hour+ video.

Joe will chameleon as always, but Colin will do a load of talking. Politics talking. As for what he will or won't say, I guess that's the surprise for everyone. Will he won't he, we'll all find out soon!

As much as Joe is a softball there isn't really a better place to expose yourself than in a room talking for 2+ hours. By expose, I mean in general. You'll relax and talk about so much your brain will dump a ton of things. So Colin can prepare all he wants but if he's going to say anything daft it'll be on Joe's podcast. Rubin will have been easier than this. Strap in Colin, microscopes will be out!


Joe Rogan is an alt-righter. Of course Colin is going on yet another right wing podcast/show.
I should have taken bets on this

Let's have a look, shall we? The Twitter list:

Christina Sommers ("Sommers is known for her critique of contemporary feminism." "People also search for: Milo Yiannopolous")
Joe Rogan (Has a comedy special called "Triggered")
Steven Crowder ("Hippies and Muslims hate me!")
Adrian Chmielarz ("He clearly feels that Gamergate ... had a purpose.")
Jon Jafari/JonTron
Glenn Beck

So who's next?
Let's have a look, shall we? The Twitter list:

Christina Sommers ("Sommers is known for her critique of contemporary feminism." "People also search for: Milo Yiannopolous")
Joe Rogan (Has a comedy special called "Triggered")
Steven Crowder ("Hippies and Muslims hate me!")
Adrian Chmielarz ("He clearly feels that Gamergate ... had a purpose.")
Jon Jafari/JonTron
Glenn Beck

So who's next?

TheBitBlock. He's not as big, but he's just as shit-tier



Let's have a look, shall we? The Twitter list:

Christina Sommers ("Sommers is known for her critique of contemporary feminism." "People also search for: Milo Yiannopolous")
Joe Rogan (Has a comedy special called "Triggered")
Steven Crowder ("Hippies and Muslims hate me!")
Adrian Chmielarz ("He clearly feels that Gamergate ... had a purpose.")
Jon Jafari/JonTron
Glenn Beck

So who's next?

Chuck Todd? Joe Scarborough? Mika Brzezinski? All recent follows. Why play this game?

Two Words

Because the argument is ridiculous. It had nothing to do with where the author came from. Horizon is literally the most forward thinking game in the last decade, and he's right to criticize the author.

Even Greg agrees! He says later on 'Are we really gonna pick on one word?'. So is Greg a cunt too? No because he's on the left. As for Colin, let's blindly attack him. Did you even listen to the podcast?
And then Colin goes on to act as if cultural appropriation never happens.
Okay how is Joe an alt-righter? I've heard this nonsense for the nth time and it only sounds more ridiculous every time I hear it.

Alt right is a way to identify anyone who ever disagreed with you about a thing in the past for some people, it seems.

Idk what Joe Rogan is. He likes to smoke weed and he likes MMA.


Colin on Rubin, Beck, now Rogan.

Continue to not challenge yourself and remain in your safe space while shouting at everyone outside of it.


That's why I don't talk about it on GAF. People just laugh at you and troll. The only positive libertarianism GAF had was when Gaborn was still around, at least from what I've seen in my time here.

From my brief exposure of Colin's material, he strikes me as more libertarian that say, Gary Johnson. But that's not trying too hard I suppose.

As for libertarian extremists, I think we've mostly moved onto ancap, (though I've been seeing the alt-right try and take over there). This is probably due to the fact the party has been shifting more and more conservative with each passing year for the sake of being palatable.

The Rothbard derived stuff(as well as the Rand stuff) is certainly more relevant to libertarian extremism in a modern context, but the old school individualist anarchist guys were even more 'extremist' in their rejection of the state, but they also found themselves in more extreme times, what with the fight against slavery.

I personally like Spooner's natural rights perspective more than Thoreau's transcendentalism, but I may have been biased by the degree to which modern leftists have tried to claim Thoreau because of his environmentalism. Also hippies. :p


Would have never expected that Colin Moriarty's departure would create such a huge thread. Did people already hate him during his IGN days?


Did they say when Colin will be on Rogan's podcast?

Can't say, probably one of the next few episodes. Joe shits out podcasts at some rate. The guy must spend days on end in that studio lol. I'd get so tired talking. My phone pops up Joe Rogan is live constantly. I've watched like 5~10% of his podcasts.

I mostly tune in for scientists, and names like Harris, Theroux, deGrasse Tyson and the occasional political commentator. Not bothered about UFC, and ironically, comedy. As in I don't really listen to Rogan for comedy nor care to wade through all the comedians he brings on I don't know. Although, occasionally I just put a random guest I don't know on for background audio when working. Still not UFC though as I have zero interest..

Dr Rhonda Patrick is pretty ace, she was a random podcast I put on then followed up by listening to all her appearances.


I imagine a lot of their discussion will be centred around PC culture and oversensitivity though. I wouldn't be surprised if Colin tries to push a witch hunt angle that people attacked him over a joke no one possibly could have been offended by


This is probably exactly what is going to happen. I think Joe is a libertarian also so they'll probably talk about that too.

Colin's taking steps to get his name out there to people that may not know him from kinda funny. A one man show with Patreon support discussing gaming, politics (of course) and all things pop-culture would probably go over well with his supporters. He could call it "Unapologetic" or something like that lol.
Rogan's not an alt-righter, just an anit-pc pothead who'll have just about anyone on. Sometimes he shows more sack than some of these "liberal champions" people have but we'll see
Okay how is Joe an alt-righter? I've heard this nonsense for the nth time and it only sounds more ridiculous every time I hear it.

Maybe I'm wrong but it feels like we're reaching a point with the term alt right that we reached long long ago with calling someone a SJW. Where it becomes hollow and ineffective.

There was a Joe Rogan thread in OT recently that went banana pants with several users saying he's alt right. It was nuts.

It's crazy that this last week has made a lot of non-gaming eyes start looking at Colin. Enough to the point got him to resign from Kinda Funny and seemingly starting a career in political commentary. Rogan's podcast is listened to by a lot of people and he has almost 3 million followers on Twitter. Nick is a huge Rogan fan, so I'm sure he's happy.

I wish the best for KF and this is going to be a growing pain where they'll lose some viewers and work towards gaining more. In the end, I wouldn't doubt that both KF and CM will continue to have successful careers. It does suck that the chat on Twitch is so mean spirited towards Tim. Got to meet him a couple of times, incredibly approachable and nice.

I was really surprised reading this thread at how many people either hate or dislike Greg. Sure, he's high energy and can be crazy, but he's not hate worthy. While we only see part of his life, he seems genuinely like a kind, good person.

Edit: Audioboxer, my man. Dr. Rhonda Patrick is the best.
Colin on Rubin, Beck, now Rogan.

Continue to not challenge yourself and remain in your safe space while shouting at everyone outside of it.

He's shouting at everyone outside of his bubble? Because all I see is nearly this entire site shouting outside its bubble on every "issue".

"Trump voters are racist and assholes" yadda yadda yadda yadda



Joe is much more of a Libertarian than anything. He isn't an alt-righter.

Association game. Some people watch Joe's guests like hawks and then that's enough to say he is x. At worst he's a friends with everyone fence sitter, in over his head on many issues. He is the kind of host who sheds his skin to try and make sure anyone who goes on his show will come back again. It's entertainment not an interrogation.

You can't knock the pedigree of some of the guests he gets. Of course, if some want to stay consistent I want to see them chase down De Grasse Tyson, Sam Harris and Louis Theroux and tell them they are alt-right for daring to speak to Joe Rogan. If you're going to play that kind of association game, play it equally.

Maybe I'm wrong but it feels like we're reaching a point with the term alt right that we reached long long ago with calling someone a SJW. Where it becomes hollow and ineffective.

There was a Joe Rogan thread in OT recently that went banana pants with several users saying he's alt right. It was nuts.

It's crazy that this last week has made a lot of non-gaming eyes start looking at Colin. Enough to the point got him to resign from Kinda Funny and seemingly starting a career in political commentary. Rogan's podcast is listened to by a lot of people and he has almost 3 million followers on Twitter. Nick is a huge Rogan fan, so I'm sure he's happy.

I wish the best for KF and this is going to be a growing pain where they'll lose some viewers and work towards gaining more. In the end, I wouldn't doubt that both KF and CM will continue to have successful careers. It does suck that the chat on Twitch is so mean spirited towards Tim. Got to meet him a couple of times, incredibly approachable and nice.

I was really surprised reading this thread at how many people either hate or dislike Greg. Sure, he's high energy and can be crazy, but he's not hate worthy. While we only see part of his life, he seems genuinely like a kind, good person.

Edit: Audioboxer, my man. Dr. Rhonda Patrick is the best.

She's awesome! Totally glad I randomly tuned in one day. Joe's podcasts are so long I don't always have time for randoms, but "Dr" caught my name following in line with me trying to stick to science based guests on his show.

Gave me a small fitness drive listening to her as well :p Probably partly why I avoid UFC stuff. I know I do not do enough health wise lol.


He's shouting at everyone outside of his bubble? Because all I see is nearly this entire site shouting outside its bubble on every "issue".

"Trump voters are racist and assholes" yadda yadda yadda yadda


I dunno, I see people on Gaf willing to actually have conversation with people outside their bubble. Thats more than can be said for Colin.
You're all going to make Colin more popular than he's ever been. Dude's going to receive a thread for every single thing he does now, isn't he?
Maybe I'm wrong but it feels like we're reaching a point with the term alt right that we reached long long ago with calling someone a SJW. Where it becomes hollow and ineffective.

There was a Joe Rogan thread in OT recently that went banana pants with several users saying he's alt right. It was nuts.

It's crazy that this last week has made a lot of non-gaming eyes start looking at Colin. Enough to the point got him to resign from Kinda Funny and seemingly starting a career in political commentary. Rogan's podcast is listened to by a lot of people and he has almost 3 million followers on Twitter. Nick is a huge Rogan fan, so I'm sure he's happy.

I wish the best for KF and this is going to be a growing pain where they'll lose some viewers and work towards gaining more. In the end, I wouldn't doubt that both KF and CM will continue to have successful careers. It does suck that the chat on Twitch is so mean spirited towards Tim. Got to meet him a couple of times, incredibly approachable and nice.

I was really surprised reading this thread at how many people either hate or dislike Greg. Sure, he's high energy and can be crazy, but he's not hate worthy. While we only see part of his life, he seems genuinely like a kind, good person.

Edit: Audioboxer, my man. Dr. Rhonda Patrick is the best.
There's just a lot of hyperbole in this thread. Joe has guys like Alex Jones and Milo on his show so people lump him into the alt-right. Joe has his own pretty glaring faults, but he still has a lot of more liberal ideas and I don't think he should be branded with that label


Maybe I'm wrong but it feels like we're reaching a point with the term alt right that we reached long long ago with calling someone a SJW. Where it becomes hollow and ineffective.

You could also probably add the word "Nazi" to that list after the recent election. Attacking ideas by labelling them "X" instead of going after the ideas themself seems to be the go-to strategy for both extremes of the political parties at this point. And meanwhile, not a single conversation of any sustenance is had between the two sides.

I dunno, I see people on Gaf willing to actually have conversation with people outside their bubble. Thats more than can be said for Colin.

Kinda Funny frequently had debates on politics in which the others disagreed with Colin, but they didn't deep-dive into it, each were just throwing out their own interpretations. Also, if you listen to his interview on Rubin Report they remark about how they'd totally disagree with each other about government intervention in economics. This illustrates an ability to talk to people outside his bubble, and find common ground.


Joe isn't alt-right, he's high as fuck.


Can't disagree with Ninja.

One thing I don't really care for on his show. Which is why I always tune in for the guests words, not so much Joe's. Occasionally he tells some funny ass stories though.

More often than not he's just a completely high dudebro. I know when he starts talking UFC or fitness he does know that pretty well.
Association game. Some people watch Joe's guests like hawks and then that's enough to say he is x. At worst he's a friends with everyone fence sitter, in over his head on many issues. He is the kind of host who sheds his skin to try and make sure anyone who goes on his show will come back again. It's entertainment not an interrogation.

You can't knock the pedigree of some of the guests he gets. Of course, if some want to stay consistent I want to see them chase down De Grasse Tyson, Sam Harris and Louis Theroux and tell them they are alt-right for daring to speak to Joe Rogan. If you're going to play that kind of association game, play it equally.

Agreed. That's like saying Bill Maher is alt-right because of some of the guests he's dared to have on (and who have dared to go on) his show. It doesn't make sense.

It seems that "alt-right" has now become what some people here call anyone who has a different opinion is, or any one who isn't a 100% diehard liberal (on the issues people want them to be). It really has gotten out of control now.


AFAIK Rogan doesn't pine over needing to protect western ethno-cultural supremacy, so I wouldn't place him in the same basket as the alt-right, even if both seem to love Alex Jones.

Can't say, probably one of the next few episodes. Joe shits out podcasts at some rate. The guy must spend days on end in that studio lol. I'd get so tired talking. My phone pops up Joe Rogan is live constantly.
I literally got a notification of another one ~an hour ago (it wasn't Colin)


Agreed. That's like saying Bill Maher is alt-right because of some of the guests he's dared to have on (and who have dared to go on) his show. It doesn't make sense.

It seems that "alt-right" has now become what some people here call anyone who has a different opinion is, or any one who isn't a 100% diehard liberal (on the issues people want them to be). It really has gotten out of control now.

It's a bit like when Marilyn Manson would go on a show and parents would freak out. Mansons been on Bill's old show lol (can't remember its name). Not that I think there's much wrong with Manson other than rocker attitude. The guy was pretty decent on Maher, and on Larry King, and other shows. You know what I mean though, a guest that freaks people out, sometimes for understandable reasons.

A lot of talk show hosts subscribe to the mantra of I'll give you the rope and you can hang yourself. Main reason being they wouldn't get some guests on if it was clear some of them thought they were walking into a bear trap. General curiosity leads a lot of humans to wanting to try and understand what makes some people tick. You all have to have a bit more faith simply because people get subjected to dubious beliefs or thoughts doesn't mean everyone instantly flip flops and can't help themselves adopting shitty beliefs. Most of us know when we're dealing with crazy and can laugh at it/shoot it down after trying to dissect why it exists.

Alex Jones being on Rogan was like a circus showing how much of a fucking idiot he is. From some clips I seen Joe was even egging him on to make an utter fool of himself. I wasn't listening to that 5 hours of high nonsense or whatever it is, and I hate Alex Jones anyway. Doesn't mean I hate Joe though. As I said many pages ago in here blame the individual for their shortcomings, don't just hate everyone associated with them too.


Joe sees Milo as a troll (who may or may not believe the things he says) who is just shit stirring for attention and that the response has been disproportional. The Colin thing may seem like a very light version of the Milo situation.
Gave me a small fitness drive listening to her as well :p Probably partly why I avoid UFC stuff. I know I do not do enough health wise lol.

She did the same for me! I've lost 80 pounds in the last year. There was a show with her and Rogan that got me really motivated and wanted to live a healthier life. Made me think about possibly dying young due to obesity.

Maybe Colin will bring some dank Yharnam nugs for this Joe guy.

I'm kind of curious about this, if Colin is shifting his focus on political commentary, will he embrace smoking weed or try to hide it?


She did the same for me! I've lost 80 pounds in the last year. There was a show with her and Rogan that got me really motivated and wanted to live a healthier life. Made me think about possibly dying young due to obesity.

I'm kind of curious about this, if Colin is shifting his focus on political commentary, will he embrace smoking weed or try to hide it?

Damn, good on ya! The wonders of podcasts. I don't know if you knew who she was or just randomly listened too. She's just a great orator and gives you confidence she knows her stuff with diet and general health.

Sometimes listening is a lot easier to take in than trying to read pages of advice. Chalk this up to one of the times where Joe's actual knowledge lined up with a guest for an educational listen! As I've already admitted a ton of the time Joe is out of his depth and firing off what are most likely high "hot takes". Sometimes though he knows what he is saying.


GAF is a bubble? Damn. Guess you're going to be banned :( All these other posters on this page better watch out too!

Gaf has gotten less restrictive from what I can tell. There are quite a few conversations/exchanges I've read since the election that I'm surprised weren't banhammered, which I'm happy for since I enjoy debate. In any case, a forum, regardless of it's moderation policy, is going to be a bubble in comparison to interacting with people in real life. I view twitter and Facebook in essentially the same way.


Do you follow PlayStation closely? Cuz if not then you would be confused.
Even if you don't follow the playstation family closely, you don't really have to look hard to find stuff about them here. There were weekly threads about Colin Was Right episodes leading into the past week's events and KF/PSILY threads weren't uncommon before that.
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