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A Compilation of Hilarious Animations in Mass Effect Andromeda

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Oh I agree with this completely, granted Im having a fun with all the .gifs but this game should never have been released in the state it's in.

So that kinda thing is cool, I just find the whole B Team nonsense to very ugly with the way it gets used.

Makes sense. Every "new" team needs to get experience by making games for the first time.
This is all just an echo chamber video.

Real fans will be happy.

Edmonton has a second group working on Dragon Age. The guys making Mass Effect are basically the DLC squad flung into making a Mass Effect game with presumably no guidance on how to do so.

I see, didn't know anything of that. Thanks.


Who thought that these looked acceptable?

Even the models look a lot more cartoony than in the original three games.

I don't mind that it looks a touch more cartoony and I actually really like lady Ryder but the way they all emote and move is what sends it over the edge for me.


:( I'm bummed for everyone on the team. There's no way anyone wanted to ship it like this.

After 5 years and probably development troubles, either EA didn't want to wait any longer and told them to ship (hence the sudden announcement of a release date, the last minute cancellation of the MP test) or Bioware Montreal simply had enough and wanted to finish the project and ship it.

Regardless, both EA and Bioware must have been aware of how bad the game looks in its narrative presentation and for some reason just decided to send it out there.

Monday's reviews will be interesting
Manveer Heir is the game designer on ME:A and he is a well known and open racist posting pictures of himself drinking out of a cup with the writing "white tears" among other things.

The other guy seems to be getting all the blame for the ending in ME3

While browsing Manveer's twitter I came across this little gem he posted December 26, 2015:


I guess he used that as the inspiration for facial modeling in the game ending up with the toot toot faces.

But seriously with all the cries of racism and SJW bs that people have said has been plaguing the studio for some time now doesn't explain this shitstorm.

It's obvious the people that made ME:A just gave no fucks. They completely ignored established Lore, didn't bother writing a good story, terrible character designs including lackluster bad guys that even though are to be found in a different galaxy don't seem like fresh or different enemies than what we have seen previously.

All theses screenshots just prove how little anyone at EA/Bioware cared and none of them bothered to make an actual effort.

I was hoping for something great from ME:A.. but son I am disappoint.

cool, another junior suicide


Is truly a shame. Because the actual gameplay looks decent enough.

Sure, but also looking at the result, they may have been related to some serious development issues.

(I guess in the case of Schlerf, the game script may have been already finished a long time ago)

I know, just trying to make it easier for the Bioware fans out there who are hating this negativity and for the various people who might be familiar with what has gone down.


From Captain Zyrain over in the trial thread (his gif, not mine).


I am losing count of all the glitches, jank and signs of poor development.


That's a really disingenuous comparison. The video creator obviously has an agenda and fishing for youtube views. That's an ME1 squadmate that could possibly be part of every scene and gameplay. The other in MEA is at best, an NPC you see now and again. That video needs to compare Cora with Ashley. I've played the trial so I could do just that to prove the video wrong.

I did notice that lower lip bending inwards at multiple NPCs.


After all these ridiculous animations and horrible lines/acting of the dialogue I seriously question if I want the game. I have ME:A pre-ordered through Best Buy special at $38 with Visa checkout discount, but what will happen though if I cancel it - the first half of the order was Yakuza that I already got.


This is all just an echo chamber video.

Real fans will be happy.

I don't know, man. I'm a huge fan and bought the special editions of all the other games on the PC and since the first real video of this game I've been wary of it. I must have put in over 1000 hours into Mass Effect 3 multiplayer and it was my most played multiplayer game of all time, however, I just haven't been feeling this game at all. I'm sure I'll pick it up at some point, but I don't have that excitement like I did with ME3 or even ME2. I hope it turns out good, but I'll be waiting to see on this one.
The "T pose" seems to be a very common and often repeated glitch in this game. It's popping up all over the place

At this point this is beyond "janky", the game is obviously unfinished/buggy.

Indeed it is, a 14 year old PS2 game has more impressive facial animation that ME:A. Here's a couple more examples.



TBF SH3 facial animations are still better than a lot of modern games.


Hahaha Crowbat plis.

Maaan :'(
As I understand it for most of this team this is their first time shipping a large scale AAA game totally on their own. There are some series vets on it but for the most part the most they've done in the past is some ME DLC. And that's certainly starting to show
Make sense if thats true. It's really showing its flaws. It's incredible but I think ME2 is better in every way to this.
What the hell is "real fans"?

ME 2 was in my top 3 games of last Gen, and ME3 while having issues was one I enjoyed.

ME A has been my number 1 most hyped game since it's reveal and everything about what has come out has me completely hype deflated and if I don't love it, it won't make me any less of a real fan.

now if this was said in jest I will say flat out I'm an idiot and missed the sarcasm :)
ME2 is probably one of my all time Fav games, I never really liked 1 as it played really bad to me, and I enjoyed 3 while the ending was.... you know... But this game, I don't find a single aspect worth or improvement on the series in any way.

I know it sounds hyperbole or whatever catch-phrase will be used to describe my view, but this game is pretty damn terrible for a series who have otherwise been my go to Sci Fi series for story and more RPG game feel.

Character creator is hot garbage (over stating it, yes) but the animations, glitches, characters vanishing and spawning during cutscenes or just general gameplay, lack of gameplay feedback, the enemies sponge, the cover system and so on all feel like a huge downgrade.

Playing myself on Insane and watching others made it feel like a poor mans attempt at Gears while playing on lower settings just made it running past everything as they still take a magazine to kill so whats the point?

MP would been the redeemer for me, but if you don't have issues with one of the players causing the whole lobby to lag, weird hit detection, small maps and audio bugs its still the general combat/cover system which its not a great experience to me. And I know, people will say its due to low level gear, but if you still have the same points after 10 hours without much improvement, it's very bad game design to me.
Who in their right mind design hordemode to be a huge bulletspongebob fest until you invest 15, 20 or more hours into the game? It's a major turnoff...
Also the recoil / spread system is so broken an SMG (or any weapon for that matter) is more effective single fire close and long range at the enemy head/weak spot than anything else. Melee is messed up too, the delay, locked camera and lack of feedback, again, leaves you wondering if you even hit the damn thing or if you missed.

HP/DMG is the worst scaling for difficulty there is, and that is more or less all it seems to be, that and overwhelming numbers which makes certain objectives close to impossible and artificially so, at least in the first 10 hours.
How can a game that brings so much joy get such bad impressions I'm so confuce

Remember that next time someone decries a game because it "looks like a PS2 game!"

Now to be fair very few PS2 games get up to that level
but still wrecks shit on many games made even today
What the hell is "real fans"?

ME 2 was in my top 3 games of last Gen, and ME3 while having issues was one I enjoyed.

ME A has been my number 1 most hyped game since it's reveal and everything about what has come out has me completely hype deflated and if I don't love it, it won't make me any less of a real fan.

now if this was said in jest I will say flat out I'm an idiot and missed the sarcasm :)
That word lost its meaning. Real fans should be the most critical. Not stans.

This was my most anticipated title for this generation and I am deeply disappointed by what I've seen so far. As a fan I'll speak with my wallet and buy the game post patches and dlc.


Its incredible the low quality of everything. This is an insult to the players and above all to their fanbase.

It doesnt actually look low quality.

The textures and the world look great but it just looks they had to scramble together cutscenes to ship the game.


Sad to see that the game is in such a rushed state (mostly animation wise). I'll still buy it though as the gameplay looks ace.


It doesnt actually look low quality.

The textures and the world look great but it just looks they had to scramble together cutscenes to ship the game.
Except the face and hair textures. Faces (human ones) are either really shiny or really dull. Hair still looks like that weird, waxy, plastic they had in DA:I.

Other than that it's lovely in terms of graphics.


"real fans"

You can really taste the insecurity.

Bioware has been on a downhill for a while now, and this might just be the lowest point yet. There's no way this game should be looking this bad at this point. This isn't a DA2 rushed development situation either.

Oh wow, the MP and shootbang seems to be the best thing about it... that's nice. Yeah, that's really the main thing "real fans" fell in love with about Bioware games so many years ago.
Is it too soon to say "I told you so"?

I'd hold off a bit, you never know the game itself may be great, just buggy.

But I do think we can all safely say now that this is why the marketing cycle was the way it was. There is no way development was smooth if its releasing with this many issues. Clearly the reason EA were so hush hush on this until the last second had nothing to do with a "late push" and more to do with, trying to clean the game up and make it presentable.

Considering how much gets finished / polished in the last push for AAA games, I'd hate to see what shape this was in even say 4 months ago


Indeed it is, a 14 year old PS2 game has more impressive facial animation that ME:A. Here's a couple more examples.



To preface, I'm massively disappointed in the current state of affairs with this games (as evident by previous posts) but I don't these are comparable. It's the same reason why people here are comparing Horzion/Fallout to MEA and not say Tomb Raider or Uncharted. One is a hand crafted or captured experience that neither has the same amount nor the same intent pertaining to narrative structure. Unlike those non-RPG games games like MEA/Fallout/ES/Horizon have to rely to some form of procedurally generated or blended animations for uttering words as part of lines of dialogue. That's all these games, no matter how good, look far behind during these dialog animation sequences compared to the best of linear and non-choice SP games.

My personal disappointed comes from the lack of progress in that department from Bioware when others have made significant strides. And that's even before going into non-verbal movement and twitches of the eye, face and body to sell the emotion and tone- something that looks completely incongruous to the dialogue at times in ME:A.
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