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Playtonic removes JonTron from Yooka-Laylee.

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OMG.. Talk about overreaction.. Personal viewpoints should never ever have an affect on an effin' job..
I could not care less who is making the voices of a video game characther.. it could be Hitler, stalin and Mao and the whole of islamic state who was doing the voices and I would not care one bit as long as the voices are good anf fit the chracter..
The world has gone sooo mad.. you have "freedom of speech", but if you say a single thing "wrong" online, even a personal opinion, then you can get fired, get thrown in jail and get your whole life destroyed in a few seconds.. political correctness is the root of this evil..
I will actually consider not buying the game now because of the crazy decision to completely remove someone's voice acting, because Playtonic doesn't agree with his personal opinions..

And I say all of this without knowing anything about the guy or what he said.. as that should never even matter in the first place..

Talk about overreaction..
I could not care less who is making the voices of a video game characther.. it could be Hitler, stalin and Mao and the whole of islamic state who was doing the voices and I would not care one bit as long as the voices are good anf fit the chracter..

Sit down for a moment and reflect on the fact that you just wrote that.


OMG.. Talk about overreaction.. Personal viewpoints should never ever have an affect on an effin' job..
I could not care less who is making the voices of a video game characther.. it could be Hitler, stalin and Mao and the whole of islamic state who was doing the voices and I would not care one bit as long as the voices are good anf fit the chracter..
The world has gone sooo mad.. you have "freedom of speech", but if you say a single thing "wrong" online, even a personal opinion, then you can get fired, get thrown in jail and get your whole life destroyed in a few seconds.. political correctness is the root of this evil..
I will actually consider not buying the game now because of the crazy decision to completely remove someone's voice acting, because Playtonic doesn't agree with his personal opinions..

And I say all of this without knowing anything about the guy or what he said..
as that should never even matter in the first place..
So you're speaking in ignorance, then?

Poor guy...

I genuinely pity people who are too ignorant and oblivious to have any human decency and respect. People who suck this much sure miss out on a lot, as they should.


Really disgusting that someone lost his job (which, based on the press comments, was very good at) based on his political view. I dont care if its a nazi, a communist, or a communazi.

What's really disgusting is seeing people cry over a white supremacist losing a gig. If you want to go on the defense for white supremacists, you're in the wrong place.


JonTron became worse at doing his job by revealing these vile views of his. When his role is to be liked, his recent controversy is terrible for business. From a purely practical standpoint, Playtonic made a prudent business decision here because Jon damaged his own brand.

That said, I don't think you should need logical rationale like that to decide not to associate your product with a bigot. As Jon was free to express his views so too is any person or business free to decide who they form a contract with. His freedoms are not being infringed upon.

This is a good point, and I defend it as libertarian. Im not suggesting ban or punish somehow playtonic. They are free to do whatever they want.


The world has gone sooo mad.. you have "freedom of speech", but if you say a single thing "wrong" online, even a personal opinion, then you can get fired, get thrown in jail and get your whole life destroyed in a few seconds.. political correctness is the root of this evil..

You have no actual understanding of freedom of speech as a right if you're under the impression it extends to private organizations on individuals.


Really disgusting that someone lost his job (which, based on the press comments, was very good at) based on his political view. I dont care if its a nazi, a communist, or a communazi.

I'm perfectly fine with people who have disgusting ignorant viewpoints who think other people are below them losing their jobs because of that. The stuff JonTron said under no circumstances should be tolerated.


Im not downplaying anything. Im just defending the right to work to people that thinks completely opposite to me. What are you suggesting, ban any single racist from job market? Next steps on that plan must be very scary.

Would you like to clarify what you're accusing people of here? You may want to tread carefully.


Would seeing 1 name drastically ruin ur enjoyment of the game after beating it?

Again I need to reiterate that i dont support john in anyway but i also find it distirbing that seeing a name could cause a 180 degree change in phase for sum ppl. Its just a series of grunts. There is no way that could suddenly turn ppl into white supremacist. If ppl are so worried that such a thing could happen then they should be questioning their own ethical disposition, Not platonic's.

If you're ok with people working with actual nazis, go ahead.
In my country, companies that did this were nationalized as punishment for collaborating.
I won't do business with companies who are ok working with actual nazis.
As a reminder if you are an actual nazi and disclose it in your immigration form you cannot enter the US.
It's not actually ok to be a nazi.
Why the fuck do I have to type that to begin with.

If I see Herman Goering in the credits of a movie I want to buy, I'll fucking not buy it and if I already bought it it's going into a dumpster and I'm actually going to put it on fire.
The credits roll?

Not many people actually read that do they.

Which I guess it's good that they're being upfront about it

Maybe the Devs wanted to do it for themselves? Maybe having bigot associated with their work didn't sit well with them.

The timing is extremely convenient though.

I wish I was you so I could live in a world where everyday "isn't" a battle wih racism.

Who cares? Are your words only relevant to things going forward? You shouldn't face consequences for things you earned on the past because why? You're literally sympathising with an actual white supremacist because he cant be a gruntimg voice in a series he likes.

Where are your priotities?

Hm, I don't feel like I'm sympathising with Jon, but you're right that I'm somehow defending him. This is a case where I would try to separate the person from his work, since none of his views are even in it.

I'm not following how it's dishonest. They didn't mince words on why he was removed. Their freedom to change their game is their own.

Fair enough. It truly is in their freedom. My whole gripe is when this statement came out, but that's really inconsequential I guess.

Well some people care and he was removed because of that. Your apathy doesn't make it mean any less, so if you don't care, then why are you going on about it?

I think you're forgetting that the devs are in fact real people too. And apparently these very real people aren't huge fans of blatant racism.

It's on them to make decisions about who they want in their game. Not everything/body is about gaining support or making money off other people. Sometimes people just have standards/morals that they stick to.

Like these awesome guys.

I guess you're right. I'll rest on this topic then.
No i totally get that. Playtonic made the right choice but what im not getting is how an invidual could somehow hear a series of grunts n think how this bucket with eyes is obviously a white supremacist and suddenly not find the game enjoyable.

Letting such a 1 off thing in the game drastically change ur interpretation of the game just doesnt make any sense to me. Imo its an unfair generalization to make towards the devs who pretty much delivered on what was promised.

Because we all have easy access to google now.
Hopefully developers will think twice next time before hiring a YouTube for anything just like that. You never know when their ugly hace will be shown and you're stuck with a scumbag who's now in your product because you didn't know any better.


Canadians burned my passport
Im not downplaying anything. Im just defending the right to work to people that thinks completely opposite to me. What are you suggesting, ban any single racist from job market? Next steps on that plan must be very scary.

Are you under the impression that being a racist won't get you fired from almost any other job in the world already?


Yes, they are. I keep seeing people say this, I guess because people want to keep believing in the idea of "tolerating all political views" while still not tolerating

We just have to admit that some political views can't be tolerated.

Saying they are political views gives them an air of being legit
OMG.. Talk about overreaction.. Personal viewpoints should never ever have an affect on an effin' job.

No one forced him to defend the purity of the gene pool in fromt of thousands of people. You can have any political view (racism is not a political view) you want, you share it with the world you don't get a pass.
OMG.. Talk about overreaction.. Personal viewpoints should never ever have an affect on an effin' job..
I could not care less who is making the voices of a video game characther.. it could be Hitler, stalin and Mao and the whole of islamic state who was doing the voices and I would not care one bit as long as the voices are good and fit the character..
The world has gone sooo mad.. you have "freedom of speech", but if you say a single thing "wrong" online, even a personal opinion, then you can get fired, get thrown in jail and get your whole life destroyed in a few seconds.. political correctness is the root of this evil..
I will actually consider not buying the game now because of the crazy decision to completely remove someone's voice acting, because Playtonic doesn't agree with his personal opinions..

And I say all of this without knowing anything about the guy or what he said.. as that should never even matter in the first place..

This post literally demonstrates that you have no idea what freedom of speech means. Protip: Freedom of speech is not freedom from consequence.

Also, I don't think "black people are inherently violent because of African culture" is the "PC gone mad" hill to die on. But who knows, maybe his opinions resonate with you?
OMG.. Talk about overreaction.. Personal viewpoints should never ever have an affect on an effin' job..
I could not care less who is making the voices of a video game characther.. it could be Hitler, stalin and Mao and the whole of islamic state who was doing the voices and I would not care one bit as long as the voices are good and fit the character..
The world has gone sooo mad.. you have "freedom of speech", but if you say a single thing "wrong" online, even a personal opinion, then you can get fired, get thrown in jail and get your whole life destroyed in a few seconds.. political correctness is the root of this evil..
I will actually consider not buying the game now because of the crazy decision to completely remove someone's voice acting, because Playtonic doesn't agree with his personal opinions..

And I say all of this without knowing anything about the guy or what he said.. as that should never even matter in the first place..

Like goddamn clockwork, the juniors with less than 50 posts awaken from their slumber to inform us all how poor Jonathan lost his job (??) and how political correctness is the root of all evil, while simultaneously claiming they don't know anything about what Jonathan said.
Really disgusting that someone lost his job (which, based on the press comments, was very good at) based on his political view. I dont care if its a nazi, a communist, or a communazi.

Really disgusting that someone on GAF thinks that being a Nazi should put you in a protected class, preventing you from losing your job for spewing hate speech on social media.
Expect they will receive complaints from some but I applaud that they stood my their own ideals. Helpfully this avoids them being effect by association with jontron.


Not many people actually read that do they.

Which I guess it's good that they're being upfront about it

The timing is extremely convenient though.


You mean they made the choice after he went on several bigot ranks? Including a white supremacy greatest hits 90 minute debate? No shit.
He is another popular Youtube dude. People like him (I guess) so I guess they now want him in the game. Nothing to with JonTron.
I got that much but I didn't understand why Dunkey specifically was the one everyone wanted. Popular YouTube gamers are a dime a dozen. Why Dunkey in particular? Maybe I'm just old and out of touch but whatever. I'd rather they hire professionals but on the other hand I know it's only noises and grunts so who knows.


Im not downplaying anything. Im just defending the right to work to people that thinks completely opposite to me. What are you suggesting, ban any single racist from job market? Next steps on that plan must be very scary.

Ban? Who was banned from what? If a racist company wanted to hire a racist, what precedent did this set that would affect that? Whose 'right to work' was infringed here? Have you never interviewed for a job in which they took anything other than your qualifications at task?


If anyone feels like personal opinions shouldn't affect their job, how about you go on you Facebook or Twitter and spew some horrible racist/misogynistic/bigoted drivel and link your boss.

See how that goes.
OMG.. Talk about overreaction.. Personal viewpoints should never ever have an affect on an effin' job..
I could not care less who is making the voices of a video game characther.. it could be Hitler, stalin and Mao and the whole of islamic state who was doing the voices and I would not care one bit as long as the voices are good and fit the character..
The world has gone sooo mad.. you have "freedom of speech", but if you say a single thing "wrong" online, even a personal opinion, then you can get fired, get thrown in jail and get your whole life destroyed in a few seconds.. political correctness is the root of this evil..
I will actually consider not buying the game now because of the crazy decision to completely remove someone's voice acting, because Playtonic doesn't agree with his personal opinions..

And I say all of this without knowing anything about the guy or what he said.. as that should never even matter in the first place..

Overreacting while complaining about an overreaction.
Pushing freedom of speech = freedom of consequence
Boycotting a game because the devs made a personal decision to remove a white supremacist in their own game.
Admits to know nothing about the person at the center of the controversy.

10/10 quality post.


Really disgusting that someone lost his job (which, based on the press comments, was very good at) based on his political view. I dont care if its a nazi, a communist, or a communazi.
I don't think someone losing his job over racist remarks is disgusting.

L Thammy

Do you all really think Jon's an example of high-octane racism?

I see it more as him being holding some deeply racist ideals, but I can't imagine him throwing salutes at a nazi rally for example.

I think Jon is a horrible and harmful bigot, but I'd put him a few rungs below someone like Richard Spencer.

Maybe I'm getting something wrong here? Asking in good faith if anyone would like to educate my ignorant ass.

Well, judge for yourself. I think this post makes a good case for him being worse than ignorant:

Congratulations, this is what you've put yourself on record as saying is not too bad:

- Foreigners dilute the gene pool
- Black crime in America is the same as in Africa (like, he fuckin' brought this up TWICE)
- Racial issues can be summed up via mixing different colors of paint
- Statistical data means nothing because Clinton lost the election
- Destiny wants to kill black people
- Black Lives Matter is a violent organization
- the richest black man commits more crimes than the poorest white man
- Tribalism is a valid theory
- Immigrants are destroying every single country they are let into
- America is gonna become Mexico
- Racism is over
- Muslims are organizing to make it seem like Christians are protesting abortion clinics

From the OP of the thread you couldn't bother to read.

(Obviously the person I'm quoting was replying to someone, that doesn't apply to you.)
Im not downplaying anything. Im just defending the right to work to people that thinks completely opposite to me. What are you suggesting, ban any single racist from job market? Next steps on that plan must be very scary.

As opposed to going around espousing hate speech because "mah political views."


Really disgusting that someone lost his job (which, based on the press comments, was very good at) based on his political view. I dont care if its a nazi, a communist, or a communazi.

Oh my fucking god



But totaly deserved !

Also ..."controversial" ? I kinda want to kick the gamesindustry.biz for that word =P
Arin must feel like he dodged the biggest bullet ever

And they replaced him with like the most likeable chill dude ever.
If Dan ever pulls a Kramer I will never trust again. :(

I still maintain the belief that Arin saw this coming a mile away and that's why JonTron isn't on GameGrumps anymore
I've heard everything from "Arin split over dropping n-bombs during the recordings/opinions expressed privately" to "Jon was a dick to Suzy" to "they just wanted to pursue different stuff." If I had like 10 wishes I might use one to learn the truth.


I don't think someone losing his job over racist remarks is disgusting.

I think you would lost or keep your job based on performance. Policital / philosophical / whatever would be out of the equation. But yeah, that world does not and wont ever exist.

Ray Down

Really disgusting that someone lost his job (which, based on the press comments, was very good at) based on his political view. I dont care if its a nazi, a communist, or a communazi.

Please, it's not like Jon was living of this gig.

He should have been removed after all his shit.
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