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Playtonic removes JonTron from Yooka-Laylee.

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L Thammy

Well he was defending the character designs in EO. I used to somewhat agree with him (that a number of the designs in the games are great)... But then he'd go and defend stuff like the EO4 dancer and the thread would basically be over at that point.

Hi Mauricio!

Yeah, I didn't mean to hate on them or anything, always sad to visit an old thread and see a name you recognize. Hi Mauricio!


Sure it's their decision but maybe what he said was not fully into context? I don't know his whole story but it seemed as if he blured this one twitch stream late at night talking with someone else.

Maybe you should educate yourself on the subject of the thread before defending a racist.


Sure it's their decision but maybe what he said was not fully into context? I don't know his whole story but it seemed as if he blured this one twitch stream late at night talking with someone else.


2016 showed me that social media is almost entirely dominated by the alt right and gaming specifically by maladjusted young men. Sucks but you kind of have to ignore it.
No. Ignoring the problem doesn't make it go away.


Not only did he make his positions very clear over two hours, but he then made a follow up video where he clarified those positions even further.

I didn't even know he made a video well then yea that's fucked up then. Point taken. I thought he just blured some funny racist joke.
Was gonna wait for a sale on this one, would probably not have bought the game at all if i had known Jon was in it. But with his removal, boom. Day One.
Sure it's their decision but maybe what he said was not fully into context? I don't know his whole story but it seemed as if he blured this one twitch stream late at night talking with someone else.
Not to be rude but you should listen to the Destiny interview where he banged on the same racist bullshit for nearly an hour and a half never once second guessing himself or stopping to think twice before saying it's just personal opinions.
How did he see you as a non human? Did he say Ms Galaxy is a non human?

To clarify, do you think that David Duke doesn't think of a black person as subhuman because he didn't individually claim that he was?

(protip: if you make statements against all immigrants, you make statements against all immigrants)


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Sure it's their decision but maybe what he said was not fully into context? I don't know his whole story but it seemed as if he blured this one twitch stream late at night talking with someone else.
I think you'd best be served to just read the statements and make your own decision before commenting further. There's no proper context for what are racist, hateful comments and I think we don't need to assume the best here. He said many completely egregious things.


Make sense, make a racist comment and you will get punished for it. So I applaud Playtonic for making that decision especially as a brown skinned person.

Though it's cute to see the vocal minority failing to understand how free speech exactly works or the fact that Playtonic is a British developer and the UK doesn't have the first amendment, not that they fully understand the first amendment either as they are in their own little bubble failing to understand how the real world works.

Being an asshole. He picks fights with people for no reason, while shouting off racists views


That comment was why Nintendo was quick to drop him as they didn't want to be associated with him.

So not really surprised to hear that he harbour racist views.


Un Rama
Not only did he make his positions very clear over two hours, but he then made a follow up video where he clarified those positions even further.

And he alluded to those positions numerous times before the debate. And talked to Sargon (known bigot shithead) about commulism.

Nah I'm sure he was taken out of context lol. He was just tired he didn't know what he was saying. When he said "blacks are genetically inclined to commit crime" he actually meant "all races should get along". It's an easy mistake to make.


I'm just disheartened THERE'S SO MANY OF THEM...

The pic is getting a lot of RT love right now and a lot of that is going Playtonic's way, I mean I have fuck all followers so it's not exactly a horde but I think if word gets out Playtonic are happy for white supremacists and their fans to skip the game then they'll see support from the wider community grow.

But yes it's fucked up that there is now a not insignificant number of people who are just garbage.
Sure it's their decision but maybe what he said was not fully into context? I don't know his whole story but it seemed as if he blured this one twitch stream late at night talking with someone else.

"Hey guys I don't know he whole story, but this seems like it's being blown out of proportion. These witch hunts are getting out of control."

Assuming you aren't being completely disingenuous, maybe go educate yourself on exactly what old Jonny boy said (and the context of why the conversation started) before you start clutching your pearls about a disproportionate response.

I'll give you a hint - it's hard to miss the context of 'immigrants are diluting the gene pool' and 'black people are genetically predisposed to commiting crime'.


I think you'd best be served to just read the statements and make your own decision before commenting further. There's no proper context for what are racist, hateful comments and I think we don't need to assume the best here. He said many completely egregious things.

And not everyone reads the whole internet is very easy to not get the whole story. Hence I said I don't know the whole story.


I don't know anything about this but I'm here to set y'all straight

lol, exactly

or as it was said earlier

Hey guys I just wanted to drop in here and say that I don't know what this Jon guy said and I don't want to watch any videos of the debate or on the subject or read over transcripts or even summaries of what was said and am woefully ignorant on how free speech actually works from a legal perspective in the U.S. let alone the U.K. and I claim to have no political or emotional stake in the discussion but I think it's kind of scary that this guy was kicked from this project just for having an opinion. This seems like a real first amendment issue that this guy can't just have an opinion and not lose his job over it. Think about the damage this kind of censorship does to art and free speech. I think the answer is somewhere in the middle because being racist is bad but being too not racist is just as bad.


Agree, I backed Yooka Laylee day one on Kickstarter and the game funded 40 minutes into the campaign. I literally had never heard of him until a week or two ago.

The game was hinted at for months and months before its unveiling and the Kickstarter and people had their laser focus on it when it was still a concept.


Boycotting a product that someone that someone isn't primarily involved in seems a bit silly. Do you boycott Apple if you find out one of their employees is a Republican? Or stop watching a TV show if one of their cast members is pro-life?

If you applied your rule consistently you'd never buy anything or experience any sort of cultural product.

I know something very awful about a person who works at a game studio I am/was in love with and to be honest it did change my view. Not about the studio at large, I'm sure they don't know what he did, but it does bother me that by buying the games I love I'm helping contribute to money in his pocket. What he did though is very different from what we're talking about here.


Sure it's their decision but maybe what he said was not fully into context? I don't know his whole story but it seemed as if he blured this one twitch stream late at night talking with someone else.
Then why comment? I don't walk into examination rooms and say" don't know what you are doing but it's wrong"

Take a few minutes to educate yourself. The quiz is open book and not timed


Sure it's their decision but maybe what he said was not fully into context? I don't know his whole story but it seemed as if he blured this one twitch stream late at night talking with someone else.

LOL, there is zero way the diarrhea that spewed from his mouth could ever be said to taken out of context. Dude was spewing shit you could find on Stormfront. Hes a god damn racist, thats the end of story. You're free to go watch it, but a lot of us already have and can tell you that a racist is a racist


If you didn't know the full story then why bother commenting on it?

Is the story in the OP? ......lol no it's not it's just how the game devs kicks some YouTube's out of voice acting by something that he had said I was obviously misinformed my appologize for that. I'm not racist..lol
I wasn't crazy about people saying they wouldn't buy their title of Jontron had a minor role, but ultimately they made the decision and I support them. I applaud their stance as this might result in a loss of some sales from people who think it's the 'politically correct' folks trying to shut down dissenting voices.

You had my money regardless Playtonic. I mean literally. I was part of the Kickstarter. Lol.
Is the story in the OP? ......lol no it's not it's just how the game devs kicks some YouTube's out of voice acting by something that he had said I was obviously misinformed my appologize for that. I'm not racist..lol

No, but you don't seem to be taking in what people are telling you - you must DIG for the story before you can comment on it and expect to be taken seriously.

Otherwise just move along.


I want to kill myself

please be at least a little self aware

The world doesn't revolve around the internet everyone has a real life. You can't expect people to understand a whole story it's also very easy for anyone to think something totally different then you. Maybe think about it just a little but more.
The world doesn't revolve around the internet everyone has a real life. You can't expect people to understand a whole story it's also very easy for anyone to think something totally different then you. Maybe think about it just a little but more.
I'm saying don't chastise people for jumping to conclusions when you came in here and jumped at a whole bunch of conclusions
The world doesn't revolve around the internet everyone has a real life. You can't expect people to understand a whole story it's also very easy for anyone to think something totally different then you. Maybe think about it just a little but more.

You are on the internet trying to speak to a story you don't know the backstory to, but know enough that there is a backstory.

I expect you to go figure out as much as you can if you want to get involved before you run your mouth.

The only person in this thread that has more thinking to do is you.
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