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So I had to use lady deodorant today


I've been having a semi-bad week. On Monday night, I was washing my hair in the shower. When I turned around to rinse the front of my head, my foot slipped and I did a flying elbow smash a la the Macho Man Randy Savage directly through the porcelain hand soap holder on the shower wall. I got a flapping gash out of the deal, which was not a good time. A few stitches - nothing serious, but it was ugly and bled all over the place as flapper flaps are apt at doing - and I at least had that part covered:


Unfortunately, that left my shower unusable until I have a chance to fix it this weekend (the wall is partially exposed and I don't want to get water in it and potentially have a mold problem). So I've been forced to use my roommate's shower in the meantime. Unfortunately, because of her work and sleep schedule, this leaves me showering in the morning. I don't like getting up early to begin with, but throwing a compulsory shower into my routine is a recipe for disaster.

So naturally I wake up late today - not just late for the earlier time I had to get up and shower, but late for my normal, non-showering time. No problem, I'll just take a cologne bath and throw some extra deodorant on - it's worked for grandpa for years. Maybe. Anyway, guess whose deodorant was empty. If you said "this guy", you'd be absolutely correct. I checked all of my cabinets for a new one, but it wasn't happening. Then I remembered - my roommate had some deodorant on her bathroom vanity. I could try it and at least get my pits in order.

So I went for it - good old Secret. You know the one: "strong enough for a man, but pH balanced for a woman" or whatever the ads were. I took a little sniff. I had expected it to be flowery or something, but to my surprise, it was powder-based and reminiscent of Snuggle fabric softener. I dove in and gave myself some good strokes of it. I was about to put it back and leave, but then I thought "she probably doesn't want this back now," so I took it with me and sent her a text of apology. I'll buy her a replacement on the way home.

So I'm driving (quickly) to work when I notice - "hey, this stuff smells really nice." It isn't strictly feminine smelling, especially once it mixed with my man skin. Over the course of the morning, I keep getting little whiffs of it like it's actively working - kinda like those battery powered air fresheners that spritz the air every fifteen minutes or so. The kicker came when one of my old lady patients came in and told my unwashed ass that she loved whatever I was wearing. I told her it was a gift from my roommate.

Overall, 8.5/10, would use it again if I had to.

edit: spoilered my nasty arm

edit 2: unspoilered nasty arm in favor of regular link


used it alot in highschool

my logic? I never smelled my sister's armpits.

really could have gone without the coral reef gash


Nothing wrong with buying product marketed for women if it does its job...its all marketing...If you're more afraid of what other people think of you using a product of the other gender, I don't have answer for that.


I've done before in a pinch, no regrets.

Don't listen to all the squeamish people OP, I have no qualms with the large picture of your sutured elbow ballsack


We all know it's bullshit marketing.

Anyways, imo, female deodorant works and smells better. I love smelling powdery fresh.
I exclusively use "ladies" deodorant and general bath products (esp razors).

We need to get over this gender assignment of inanimate objects. It's okay.


Should've kept that pic a Secret :/

Also, nothing wrong with women's deodorant. I've had to use it in a pinch a few times and was like damn I should just buy this lol.

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
Anyone that has lived with a girlfriend has had to do this at least once.

It was a nice break for a day to get away from whatever musky Old Spice scent my girlfriend picked out last. I wouldn't use it every day because we already use the same shampoo and body wash so I don't want to smell exactly like her.
Aren't mens razors generally better and cheaper? In the UK at least.

Anecdotal but my impression is that men who have to shave everyday are a bigger source of revenue for that industry and they are taken advantage for it.

I have a thick beard that needs to be shaven every morning but even if I let it lapse a few days, I have an easier time getting it off my cheeks with a $2 set of 6 womens' blade than i do with any singular $6 "man" razor cartridge.


Lady deodorant is fine. In fact, in a lot of cases it's less offensive than dude deodorant; lady deodorant mostly just smell basic, not flowery, while most dudeorants smell somewhere between an animal carcass and high-schooler's-idea-of-grown-up smell.

I once bought an Old Spice deodorant that my GF was having no part of; she gave me her Secret stick that she just bought and chucked mine aside. I gotta say, I smelled way more fresh with the lady stick than I did with whatever I bought. I bought a couple more after that, but eventually settled back on Old Spice Fuji, cuz I like it :)


I've used my sisters' before when I've ran out for something to use in a pinch. Works really well. Better than the alternative, which is not wearing any at all and smelling like pits all day long.
I have been using lady deodorant for year and I'm glad I switched off, it irritates less, the fragrance is way better and lasts way longer, never going back.


Unconfirmed Member
One time my armpit got super dry and cracked, it was the weirdest thing. I used Dove because of all the moisturizer in it, and it worked great. I still use it from time to time, but I've been using the Dove for Men lately, mostly because I prefer the wider stick. That's literally the only reason haha.


I really love that a lot of you appreciate the Secret and others as I have learned to. Sorry about the gore before I spoiled it :(


I use woman's Dove deodorant for years now. It's really strong and it smells really nice and it doesn't irritate my skin like most men deodorants.
This reminds me, my friend refuses to use the 'for ladies' deodorant. Tells me it's on average more expensive. So she uses the 'men's' stuff.


I've been using the Axe white label spray deoderant for the past little bit. I was skeptical of their claim of 48 hours of freshness but I'll be damned if that isn't the case as long as I don't go to the gym or something. I've had some rough nights waking up places where I didn't have my stuff with me and my pits still smelled fine. No funk.
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