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Could Final Fantasy remake 7 greatly suffer from episodic release?


Not episodic as in Hitman. Think of it more like a duology or trilogy.

It's definitely a risky move, one that I think they were pretty much forced to take considering the scope of the game.

If the multi part plan works then we should be in for a treat, multiple in fact.


Biggest issue I'm seeing is if there's a generational jump during the releases and the issues of keeping data between them. Personally, if it doesn't turn out to be a complete mess, I'm waiting for the full release when I'm riddled with arthritis and having a robot butler do the heavy lifting. Until then, I'm just fascinated by what Square have undertaken.

A once full game now divided up is considered a trilogy not an episodic game? What am I reading? Do the people citing the discs remembers how much content was on each disc comparative to one another? I know Square has released some games without proper endings recently, but it's a lot harder to swallow when everyone knows what the ending is and the beats along the way. Each episode might be 60 hours long, but that doesn't hide that there is an ending; more likely make the extra stuff feel like unnecessary padding.

I'll point out that I don't have a problem with releasing it in parts as I get taking something the size and scope of VII into 202X as a single title would be a money pit, but let's not try and make it anything more than that.


No more design by community/committee please. I hope they make some tough, artistic calls themselves and only really take feedback on the combat and game balance.

I disagree, it just depends on how they split the different parts IMO. If part 1 is Midgar you could easily skip it and start with part 2, especially with the whole Nibelheim flashback at Kalm that gives you a lot of backstory. Part 3 could start after awakening of the WEAPONs for example, where the original had a time skip (of a few months if I recall correctly) and the world was significantly altered.

If people can skip KH games and start half-through the series, I'm sure they will be fine with FFVII:R.

People skip to sequels to some extent all the time, but not in significant amounts or at least for things with such a strong narrative focus.

They'll market each one as being a fine starting point anyway though. I guess we'll see.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
The thing is that in some ways the episodic nature of the game will feel bigger than ever before, and in some ways it will feel smaller.

They are no doubt going to polish every major story sequence, and make sure every dungeon and town is larger and meatier enough to satisfy modern gaming standards. In that sense it will be "more" than the original.

But of course it being multiple episodes means that it won't have the whole story or gameplay in a single release, and that's going to make it feel smaller. And no I don't think playing them all back to back will really add up to the experience of one big game.

The way I see it, this is not the original game. It's a new series of games based off of a classic game scenario. We'll have to judge it on its own merits because it will not be the original at all.
It depends on how much resources and money are put into the successive sequels, how many sequels there are, and how well the first part is critically received.

The first episode is no doubt going to sell incredibly well. It's probably where they'll put most their effort in polish and production. There's a good chance it could rival and surpass FFXV in sales numbers.

The next few episodes depend on more factors. Will they market them as full fledged games ala sequels or will they keep the whole episode moniker? Will the spend as much resources in them as the first part and if so will it take as much time? Less people are probably less likely to buy the future parts if it takes a long time for them to come out. A quicker turnaround will probably encourage more sales. However, all this is dependent on the first episode being warmly received. If it isn't, there could be a drastic decrease in sales numbers.


The thing is that in some ways the episodic nature of the game will feel bigger than ever before, and in some ways it will feel smaller.

They are no doubt going to polish every major story sequence, and make sure every dungeon and town is larger and meatier enough to satisfy modern gaming standards. In that sense it will be "more" than the original.

But of course it being multiple episodes means that it won't have the whole story or gameplay in a single release, and that's going to make it feel smaller. And no I don't think playing them all back to back will really add up to the experience of one big game.

The way I see it, this is not the original game. It's a new series of games based off of a classic game scenario. We'll have to judge it on its own merits because it will not be the original at all.

I agree with this as gameplay changes are to be expected and also it will come to entirely new console lol.


If the PS5 rumour is true, we could be seeing episodes split across console generations... just think about that.

Sony is not going to repeat the mistake of the PS3 - the PS5 will likely be of similar architecture to the PS4, and FF7R will be a cross-generational game
It's one continuous narrative though. They're not going to radically alter the story to the point you can skip one part and play another, so it's ultimately episodic either way.

It seems like this is going to be episodic in the same way the Trails games are and they've had great success with the bolded. Those games are made on an incredibly modest budget though and Falcom has their priorities straight in a way SE doesn't.

It can be done. Can SE do it? Who can say.

I have trouble fully getting into Trails, and its episodic nature is a big part of it. Sure, each game is packed with content, but there's a clear arc that is broken with long delays which takes me out of things. This may just be a personal thing, but I associate JRPGs, and certainly FF, with a whole world (or at least one part of a world with a fully self contained narrative) that you can dip into and explore as part of one big unbroken experience.

But sure, if each episode has internal narrative cohesion, which Trails does a pretty good job of (well, TiTs anyway, Cold Steel 2 really jumped the shark I felt), 7R could still be great. Of course, this is what XV lacked and is slowly being patched in, and that was one self contained title, so I'm increasingly leary of SE on this front.

Well if they want to be faithful and keep everything somewhat Intact with modern conventions they have to do this to justify the cost and this new approach.. inb4 people just wanted fresh hd coat ala crash.

I know, not second guessing the decision in face of the impractical alternative. But 7 was an experience for me of the sort I cannot imagine being spread over 6 years with long breaks.


I think it's going to suffer greatly no matter what, honestly.

It doesn't sound like they have a concrete vision for it. It doesn't even really sound much like they want to make it.


Gold Member
the more i think about this project, the more i appreciate just how doomed it is :) ...

squeenix's best best? ditch the realistic graphics for something simpler/stylized, & just focus on the gameplay (or, better yet, just leave it as it was?). under these conditions, ffvii remake might actually see the light of day :) ...
the more i think about this project, the more i appreciate just how doomed it is :) ...

squeenix's best best? ditch the realistic graphics for something simpler/stylized, & just focus on the gameplay (or, better yet, just leave it as it was?). under these conditions, ffvii remake might actually see the light of day :) ...
You want a game for the old fanbase that grew up with this.


We have very very little information still on how it's being handled. All we know is that they said it'll be full games akin to the XIII series.

My hope is that it'll be 3 games max (preferably 2) with the next installment being in development alongside the previous to speed up the gap between release.
After the release of the 1st episode, I think most fans will realize that they dont really like FF7 as much as they thought they did. I doubt SE finishes remaking the whole the game due to low sales and loss of interest after maybe the 2nd episode.


It could be released as pay as a service and people would still pay for it.
please squenix,
don't do that
the more i think about this project, the more i appreciate just how doomed it is :) ...

squeenix's best best? ditch the realistic graphics for something simpler/stylized, & just focus on the gameplay (or, better yet, just leave it as it was?). under these conditions, ffvii remake might actually see the light of day :) ...

I don't see how you can appreciate a project being "doomed". Seems extremely petty.


Only part I hated about Hitmen is Online shoved into the single player campaign...

Episodic is fine but S. Enix is legendary in announcing games too early so i will skip their episodic business idea.


I have no problems with it being episodic. Now if they take 2-3 years in between releases that changes my mind entirely.
Likely bet is it will be 3 titles, pt 1: midgar launching cross generational on ps4 and ps5, with pt 2: the life force and pt 3: sepiroth or whatever they decide to call it launching exclusively on ps 5 with xbox 2 and pc ports later down the line in a collection. 7 easily splits into 3 games, i think they will eschue an open world gaia in favor of linear progression across multiple open areas


As long as it has a story It should be decent to me. The gameplay already looks good. I just want a full story and not a 15 situation


I personally believe this will be one of the biggest disappointments in gaming history.
I hope it isn't though.


Can’t stump the diablos
Episodes are guaranteed to mess it up.
It's a greed play that will degrade the quality of the final product.

This is especially true as the later episodes will likely be after the next console release.


It could definitely hinder the VII Remake series.

The game was one concurrent story with multiple threads. What are they going to do to get people to not be upset when the first game ends while there's still a decent amount of story to tell? It's going to be a huge challenge for them to overcome this. It's their bed and they have to lie in it.

However, I'm really excited regardless. I desperately want this game to be one to remember forever. I want VII to be in the realm of greatness once again.
Square never even said it would be episodic. When it first broke in Dec of 2015 they said it would be "Multiple Parts" and each one would be comparable to full game. I don't think it can be compared to Telltale, Life is Strange or Hitman. Way bigger in scope.

This. Depending upon how they split it up maybe the pacing could suffer but at the same time it's also possible that pacing will be improved since each installment will need to end at a proper climax point.

It doesn't sound like they have a concrete vision for it. It doesn't even really sound much like they want to make it.

We already know the overall story and I don't mind the idea of additions to it to further flesh it out and fill out the multiple games where needed.

Seeing that PSX gameplay trailer and how good the game looks I think their vision is exactly what I've been waiting for since the old PS3 FF7 concept teaser. The PSX trailer looked like it's following through on "this is what FF7 looked like in my imagination and how it would have looked had it been possible at the time".

The visual style and presentation of the combat was so well realized in that PSX trailer that it was really impressive, if that's representative of what the game really looks and performs like when it's finally ready of course.


Im thinking its a trilogy, but as other posters have pointed out, if the first is not a success, there in trouble.


I love Pokken!
While it is not episodic like TT games or Hitman, i still worried about spliting it into 3 games. A lot of filler content will be there. It reminds me when Peter Jackson decided to split The Hobbit into 3 movies, and what we got is some of the most boring fantasy movies ever.
It's not episodic, and the only thing i'm really worried about is how long its going to take to wrap this thing up. If the first game releases in 2019, and the other games take 4 years to make, it wont be done until 2027.

I'm hoping they will have another development team working on the sequels at the same time, using the same combat system, UI, same area's, just doing different scenarios.
Episodic release wil be fine.

Original game was split into discs. Basically the same deal


I seriously do not understand the logic or reasoning behind this episodic bullshit. Why couldn't they have just done a straight-up remake?

I'm calling it now, this won't even be a true-to-the-source-material remake. Structurally it will be a lot different than the original. That's my guess.


With the proper artistry and care, any format can be used to make a great game. And by the same turn, s-e could fuck up anything.


I'd almost rather see them dole out content in a Hitman-esque dripfeed rather than turning it into a trilogy. Give us Midgar to start, then the world, and release new story content on a regular basis.


Yup.Its extremely risky.

I am really worried about uneven quality/design ,and most of all about other parts of the game being stuck in dev hell or having a change in direction.

Moreover, Square Japan has never actually handled sequels well...Ever.


Original game was split into discs. Basically the same deal

But when I was done with Disc 1 I wasn't forced to wait (potentially) years before I was allowed to pop in Disc 2. So not quite an apt comparison.

Hopefully they don't release anything until they're confident they can release the following episodes in a timely manner. I'd be fine with a year in between entries like some of the big multi-part movie series.
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