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Capcom's difficult position

Just make Resident Evil 8 a third-person action shooter again, Capcom. We, the majority, will be there to buy it like we were the last couple times.
Idk why they don't try pushing a Dino Crisis in that style of game. I think they could have another big franchise that sold well so they didn't have to rely so heavily on Monster Hunter, Street Fighter and Resident Evil. Resident Evil fans get their more Survival Horror focused game while action RE fans get Dino Crisis.
Im not interested in RE7 at all because it is a FPS.

And a SSFV wont save SF5. They need a to make a SF6 or a new Alpha with graphics like Arksys games.


Junior Member
Im not interested in RE7 at all because it is a FPS.

And a SSFV wont save SF5. They need a to make a SF6 or a new Alpha with graphics like Arksys games.
I wouldn't expect SFVI until 2022 at the absolute earliest, maybe 2023 to account for extra marketing time.


I think we can all agree that Mega Man Legends 3 is the answer to all of Capcom's woes.

They can't use the previous demo material though. That looked bad so they'll need to start fresh.
Give it a mid sized budget (the previous games were less than 10 hrs long anyway), and release it on current platforms and I would say there's a good chance it could do well.

Heck, they love remasters so much, why not remaster the games for current platforms.


And a SSFV wont save SF5. They need a to make a SF6 or a new Alpha with graphics like Arksys games.

I actually agree with this. They do need to make a new Alpha with graphics similar to that or at least a style that's away from this IV/V style they have right now. That style's good for what it was but we need something new. A SSFV will do the game some good but it's not going to "save" it in the eyes of others. A decade from now SFV will be looked at like the 3 series. A series that had amazing gameplay but had a lot of decisions and bad areas focused around it. It'll be just another odd numbered SF game that most people put behind the others.
What ? SEGA latest PC ports performed over expectations. And their PC still sell really well.
They literally had to give Binary Domain away. Vanquish sold around 90k, but immediately stalled after that. Bayonetta sold a bit better. Capcom's remasters and PC ports have proven far, far more successful.


They just need to get to a similar position as Sega and Bamco meaning solid products developed on reasonable budgets with reasonable expectations. Look at Yakuza and Tales. Both series only sell like 500k to a million but both companies continue to crank them out and are happy with results.

Resident Evil 7 was a step in the right direction in that it was a great game with solid sales that was clearly cheaper to make than 5 or 6 or something like Dragon's Dogma.

Honestly I think they've actually improved lately. Following Street Fighter V they've released a fantastic new RE game, the Disney Collection, announced the most compelling looking new Monster Hunter in years and based on footage and impressions from EVO, MvCI is looking a lot better (disappointing roster aside).


Junior Member
Im not interested in RE7 at all because it is a FPS.

And a SSFV wont save SF5. They need a to make a SF6 or a new Alpha with graphics like Arksys games.

Yeah the well is poisioned. Best for them to just ride SFV out until the end and do better next time.
Or maybe it was the lack of faith based on the issues that RE6 had as well

Frankly, capcom needs to start going strong on appealing to fans, and start showing cool stuff that makes fans go "take my money" or other, for example:
- SFV needs a Super rerelease with new mechanics like more supers/Vtriggers/Vskills, etc., like a free update to SFV owners and a 40$ Physical release with all content unlocked
- MvCI, the game is apparently super fun to play, but general art direction and presentation is something left to be desired, we know there'll be a day 1 update that'll fix some things, Marvel is fucking this up with the "no X-Men" thing, but now they need to show new, non-returning characters
- RE7, they need to hurry and release the "not Chris" free DLC, as well as finally show anything from REmake 2
- DMC, its high time they show something new like DMC5
-MHW, for me this game looks great, its actually making me want to play MH since MH1, i just wanna see more

Then theres all of their other IPs that have been out of the picture for years like Megaman, sure we have the 2nd collection coming but they need something new, like a new MMX, or even restart development of MML3, do another Dragons Dogma, and lets not go into all their other ips like BoF, LP, etc.

Here we have a company that have a plethora of ips that rival nintendos and we've barely seen anything from them for years.

Imagine if Panta Rhei engine ran DMC 5?


I feel like there aren't nearly enough data points to draw that conclusion. Are you talking about ports? Spinoffs? There haven't been any real mega man games since 9 and 10, which even still were just retro throwbacks. There hasn't been a flagship megaman game in years.
Look at how many Mega Man games have sold over a million.

All the Mega Man game sales together equal 31 million, which sounds like a lot until you learn that's over 130 games.

The only way to make profitable Mega Man games is to make them dirt cheap. Unfortunately, that becomes harder the further away you get from the last Mega Man game.


They just need to get to a similar position as Sega and Bamco meaning solid products developed on reasonable budgets with reasonable expectations. Look at Yakuza and Tales. Both series only sell like 500k to a million but both companies continue to crank them out and are happy with results.

I'd definitely cry if Capcom ever reached Sega status. I'd cry a lot.


Or maybe it was the lack of faith based on the issues that RE6 had as well

Frankly, capcom needs to start going strong on appealing to fans, and start showing cool stuff that makes fans go "take my money" or other, for example:
- SFV needs a Super rerelease with new mechanics like more supers/Vtriggers/Vskills, etc., like a free update to SFV owners and a 40$ Physical release with all content unlocked
- MvCI, the game is apparently super fun to play, but general art direction and presentation is something left to be desired, we know there'll be a day 1 update that'll fix some things, Marvel is fucking this up with the "no X-Men" thing, but now they need to show new, non-returning characters
- RE7, they need to hurry and release the "not Chris" free DLC, as well as finally show anything from REmake 2
- DMC, its high time they show something new like DMC5
-MHW, for me this game looks great, its actually making me want to play MH since MH1, i just wanna see more

Then theres all of their other IPs that have been out of the picture for years like Megaman, sure we have the 2nd collection coming but they need something new, like a new MMX, or even restart development of MML3, do another Dragons Dogma, and lets not go into all their other ips like BoF, LP, etc.

Here we have a company that have a plethora of ips that rival nintendos and we've barely seen anything from them for years.

They're cash-strapped as fuck and all they can really do is re-release ports of their older stuff to keep that cash flowing. Whenever they did get around to doing something, they did revelations 2, which broke the game up in to pieces which made it instantly less appearling, they did umbrella corps to try to break into the eSports shooter market, because... reasons. About the only thing they seem to do do consistently right is MH, and that franchise seems to be the only one that can support itself without needing cash from other sources to prop up its development.


I'd definitely cry if Capcom ever reached Sega status. I'd cry a lot.
I can understand that sentiment. But at the same time, Capcom is mostly known for gameplay centric franchises. I'd miss proper AAA efforts, but I think a lot of what they release these days would still be around.


(original article title is a bit over dramatic)


Much more at the article.

While the article is a bit over dramatic, the core of it is on point. Capcom has found difficulty is obtaining it's sales goals over the past generation. As mentioned, Street Fighter V still hasn't reached it's 2 million sales goal two years later. Resident Evil 7, while not posting bad numbers in the slightest and is profitable, has hit a brick wall in terms of sales longetivity and has the steep decline of 1.5 million under Resident Evil 6 in the same time frame.

Also in the article is the fact that Dead Rising still hasn't reach a million sales when the original sales goal was 2 million. The franchise is most likely dead in it's current form.

Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite has also had mixed reception due to it's meme worthy character models which look to be of poor craftsmanship and a lacking roster (no X-men at all).

There's much more at the article, but the bottom line is that Capcom is struggling this generation. Their new company wide engine, Panta Rhei, has been MIA for almost 4 years, same as Deep Down. They've failed to create any lasting new IP in the past 5 years. Their games are missing their stated sales targets. They have more dead IP than active IP at this point and it would seem likely they have lost another major IP (Dead Rising) since the fourth entry crashed and burned. And none of of their mobile initiatives have worked out for them. Capcom is in a tough situation.

It's 2018 already? SFV came out in 2016.


I missed this meme. You hardly see it anymore cause both companies turned to shit.

Dont lie, You'd buy a capcom made Castlevania in a heartbeat...

fucking I would.

They're cash-strapped as fuck and all they can really do is re-release ports of their older stuff to keep that cash flowing. Whenever they did get around to doing something, they did revelations 2, which broke the game up in to pieces which made it instantly less appearling, they did umbrella corps to try to break into the eSports shooter market, because... reasons. About the only thing they seem to do do consistently right is MH, and that franchise seems to be the only one that can support itself without needing cash from other sources to prop up its development.

1) Fans have been asking for ports of older games for years, what's wrong with that? it's not like it's eating into developing new games. Mega Man Legacy, Dead Rising 4 and Dragons Dogma PS4 are all games that I've been asking for and they're happening so Im damned happy about it. (though Dogma 2 would make me shit my pants)

2) Revelations 2 was hardly a cash cow, and it did episodic content correctly. Each episode had tons of content to revisit and play over again until the next one came out and it was a better game than REV1 and game pacing and structure wise better than RE6. Also Moira and Barry are the best Bro-daughter-Dad relationship in gaming.

3) Why the fuck does umbrella corps or Raccoon city chronicles even exist....why....FUCKING WHY!? WHO THOUGHT THIS WAS A GOOD IDEA!? Just repackage Resident Evil Mercs 3D with RE6,RE4,RE5 maps with all characters from across those games and makes fucking big banger bucks.

4) Monster hunter prints money for capcom in Japan, but they're still cautious of western appeal.
The vast majority of Square's success came from Sony platforms and they're doing very well for themselves two decades later, so I'm not sure what you're talking about here. lol

I'm referring to back then, fool. They had to sell a chunk of their shares to Sony after that movie bomb and other mistakes to get operating cash. It was only after they merged with Enix that those shares and Sony's controlling interest diluted.

And their vast majority of success came from diversifying, like all healthy companies, not from going all in on one platform.
They literally had to give Binary Domain away. Vanquish sold around 90k, but immediately stalled after that. Bayonetta sold a bit better. Capcom's remasters and PC ports have proven far, far more successful.

Eh, Binary Domain litterally released 5 years ago on Steam. It's not a recent release or new port. What does it even have anything to do ? I mean, if you're going for that old, Valkyria Chronicles sold close to a million units.

Vanquish sold around 90k. Bayo around 250k and smashed their expectations according to Sega. So, I dont know what point are you trying to make.


I can understand that sentiment. But at the same time, Capcom is mostly known for gameplay centric franchises. I'd miss proper AAA efforts, but I think a lot of what they release these days would still be around.

Sure, but the narrative on GAF that they've taken a stake and driven it into the heart of their franchises would still be ongoing if the "low budget RE7" commentary is anything to go by.

The thing about Sega is that they've driven their IPs to the ground. If people think Capcom is bad at IP management then they really need to take a long, hard look at Sega. Valkyria Chronicles turned into a shitty low budget trashy action game that nobody wanted just like what they did with Shining Force. Virtua Fighter is non-existent at a time where fighting games generally do very well in the market. Yakuza has been milked to death in Japan and has virtually zero western mind/market share. Sega's only saving grace right now is Atlus.

So yeah, I'd cry a lot if Capcom ever reached Sega's level. Thankfully they're nowhere near and a lot of the concern and hate here is unwarranted (and some justified).


It would greatly affect the FGC and how they operate.

EVO and some other events heavily sponsored by Capcom maybe but otherwise you're overestimating how much it would actually affect things.

The FGC isn't this single thing... Rather it's a bunch of small communities playing their own games.
Vanquish sold around 90k. Bayo around 250k and smashed their expectations according to Sega. So, I dont know what point are you trying to make.
Vanquish is dead in the water. That's the point I'm trying to make. After the reasonably decent sales of Bayonetta, Vanquish crashing into a brick wall wasn't expected at all. On the other side of the fence, Capcom have released one PC port after another that has sold gangbusters.
EVO and some other events heavily sponsored by Capcom maybe but otherwise you're overestimating how much it would actually affect things.

The FGC isn't this single thing... Rather it's a bunch of small communities playing their own games.

I see NRS taking Capcom's spot in making sure EVO and majors stay funded and attracts TV broadcasts.


You mean SEGA Japan ? Cause SEGA Europe is doing really great and keeps expanding.
Also, if Sega's saving grace is Atlus... Welp. Not a good outlook worldwide.

Yeah I'm talking about Sega Japan. Sega Europe won't even publish Persona 5 so I'm not really sure what they're about tbh.

And yes, definitely not a good outlook for Sega worldwide, but nothing really new or surprising there. Their downward spiral began decades ago.

Capcom has a long, long, looooong way to go before they become Sega or Konami.
Vanquish is dead in the water. That's the point I'm trying to make.

Lol. So you talked about all these PC releases to claim Vanquish port is dead... When it can always sell more ? That's weird. Unless you expect it to never move a sale unit anymore.

But then again, you dodged a lot of points. I mean, you've been back to 5 years old Binary Domain. But I didnt heard you about 3 years old Valkyria Chronicles, which is sitting at 930k units sold. And I certainly didnt heard you about Football Manager 2017 (Over a million units sold) and Total War Warhammer (Over 1.6 million units sold).

Vanquish is dead in the water. That's the point I'm trying to make. After the reasonably decent sales of Bayonetta, Vanquish crashing into a brick wall wasn't expected at all. On the other side of the fence, Capcom have released one PC port after another that has sold gangbusters.

Vanquish crashed ? Lol come on with the hyperbole. Bayonetta sold well. Not decently. This is a 8 years old game being ported here. And Sega claimed it surpassed their expectations. Vanquish released litterally a month after. Just give it time maybe ? Also, Vanquish sold better than Capcom's latest port, Ultimate Marvel VS CApcom 3.
they need to have a long hard look at what they are doing wrong.

Where is the dragon's dogma sequel?

Where is the breath of fire RPG

where are the games people want?

They need to not do console exclusives also. Dead Rising could have been a monster hit if multiplatform.
Yeah I'm talking about Sega Japan. Sega Europe won't even publish Persona 5 so I'm not really sure what they're about tbh.

And yes, definitely not a good outlook for Sega worldwide, but nothing really new or surprising there. Their downward spiral began decades ago.

Capcom has a long, long, looooong way to go before they become Sega or Konami.

That's the big problem with SEGA. How they basically became 3 entities: Sega Japan with Atlus, Sega Europe and Sega America/Atlus USA.
Japan taking all Console decisions, with Atlus USA following without any saying and SEGA Europe doing their own stuff.

SEGA Japan has been dragging the whole thing with their dumb focus on Japan first.


I see NRS taking Capcom's spot in making sure EVO and majors stay funded and attracts TV broadcasts.

Has NRS ever supported a game for more than two years?

If Capcom dies, then majors just fall off and get smaller. There's nothing other than smash that has people supporting games in numbers that SF does, and it's obvious that there's a huge contingent of players that play Capcom games or nothing at all.


they need to have a long hard look at what they are doing wrong.

Where is the dragon's dogma sequel?

Where is the breath of fire RPG

where are the games people want?

They need to not do console exclusives also. Dead Rising could have been a monster hit if multiplatform.

WHERE IS MY DRAGONS DOGMA SEQUEL?....no seriously....where the fuck is it. No I mean it,......where the fuck is Dogma 2.

Where is a new Breath of Fire RPG? or a New Ghouls and Ghosts, or DMC5, or Mega Man Legends 3, Darkstalkers 4, Power Stone, Final Fight, Okami, Rival Schools, Viewtifu Joe,...i could go on....

SFV and Dead Rising were games where the console makes literally helped and financed the development of the game....capcom isnt going to turn down making a game for half of the cost, I dont think any company would.
Vanquish crashed ? Lol come on with the hyperbole. Bayonetta sold well. Not decently. This is a 8 years old game being ported here. And Sega claimed it surpassed their expectations. Vanquish released litterally a month after. Just give it time maybe ? Also, Vanquish sold better than Capcom's latest port, Ultimate Marvel VS CApcom 3.
Point taken.
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