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The latest Middle Earth Shadow of War trailer captures the true spirit of Tolkien


Is currently staging a hunger strike outside Gearbox HQ while trying to hate them to death
Jesus Tapdancing Christ.

I was all over this when they announced it, but since then they have gone out of their way to make me fucking despise it. WB's handling of this game has been tone-deaf from the outset.


It's almost like they don't want me to buy this game. Was hyped, then less hyped after they released more shitty looking media and info, and now this...I just don't even...


Are you really surprised? They try their best to appeal to everyone but Lord of the Ring fans.

Tolkiens skeleton is rolling in its grave.

Not really imo. Just its shame that everything little negative gets attention all the time but when they have a big livestream, some new good trailers nobody is bothering. Doesnt mean this trailer is abit odd. But doesnt have to been blown up. I think their previous Tribe trailers were fine.




Holy shit, i've never seen a more out-of-touch trailer.

This is fucking hysterical

The LoTR trilogy is my all time favorite series of films, and yet nothing about what Monolith is doing bothers me.

If they want to go nuts with the fiction, let them. It's a video game.

You do realize they are books, right? The movies were great because they actually kinda did justice to the source material.

This game on the other hand, does not.


Wow! their marketing dept doing an absolute masterful job of triggering Tolkien purists ha ha!

Game looks great, but yeah, I cant help but cringe when I see this


When this game tanks it will be because no one wants single-player games anymore, not because of this *eyeroll*


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.



Reminds me of Marilyn Manson used for Dragon Age: Origins trailer. About as fitting.

Wow I forgot about that. Spot on.

However, even though DA: Origins [EDIT: Not origins, the third one...i'm not very smart] gets lots of hate, I actually loved the game. Had it's flaws for sure but, idk, I liked it.

When this game tanks it will be because no one wants single-player games anymore, not because of this *eyeroll*

Dear GOD please don't put this idea in their heads...


Unconfirmed Member
This Dev team truly wishes they hadn't been made to work on this property.

So do all who live to work in such studios, but that is not for them to decide.

All they have to do is decide what to dev with the IP that is given to them.


Wow I forgot about that. Spot on.

However, even though DA: Origins gets lots of hate, I actually loved the game. Had it's flaws for sure but, idk, I liked it.

I think you're getting DA: Origins confused with the piece of shit that came after it.
The reveal of the game was actually interesting for me, but since then the game looks more and more worse. They really went all in with this game in terms of marketing, didn't they?


No gonna lie: when I read the title I all but cackled with glee at the thought of more entertainment from these crazy devs. The trailer did not disappoint. Truly the Tolkien legacy is in safe hands right now.


I really enjoyed the first game, but this looked too similar from the beginning... and this trailer is not helping...


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
It's like someone read LOTR and thought "I need to blingee this whole thing."

I'm surprised there was no dancing Snoop in that video


Not Wario
I mean, maybe they're on to something. If there's anything I learned across the trilogy and the Silmarillion, it's that jewelry has wayyyyyyyy too much power in this universe.
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