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Daily Show host Trevor Noah says people see Antifa as "Vegan Isis"

That there isn't a unifying ideology How about Anti-fascist, which you know is the entire purpose.

Doesn't seem like the entire purpose if the movement doesn't denounce anarchist and anti-capitalist groups who call themselves Antifa and rather go burning cars of normal people because fuck corporate or something instead of protesting Nazism.


The civil rights movement was much longer and messier than you probably think. It wasn't some organized group all on the same wavelength ideology-wise.

Right but they all generally wanted the same thing. Incredibly easily identifiable institutional racism is easy to unite against, even when there any defined leadership--what was this group of ANTIFA protesting? That's why BLM and ANTIFA and other leftist movements are currently in this terrible place where the opposition can just say "well if you look at it this way...". Fox News and the right and our politicians and our damn president can spin the shit out of everything with false equivalence.

You couldn't do that when blacks and whites couldn't use the same bathroom. When they couldn't vote. That's why that movement, and others like it across the world, succeeded.

We're in an era where we know that institutional racism and rampant crony-capitalism exists, academically and anecdotally, but it's damn hard to get everyone on the left to agree on how to handle it and what to unite behind.

The internet makes this even worse, as everyone can so very easily lock themselves in a room with others and masturbate about and affirm their given view of the world.

But that's my opinion. I, like everyone else, find it incredibly hard to see the entire picture and find solutions.
The FBI goes after right-wing terrorist groups often.

Some of you need to get off this binary thinking trap. The FBI makes one comment about antifa and suddenly they're letting the Timothy McVeighs of the world walk free? It's ridiculous.

And yet Neo Nazis and white supremacists have not been despite actually now having a body count and identifiable leaders instead of a nebulous existence like antifa.


horseshoe theory applies when it comes to both being against the EU, against trade, against NATO, Pro-Russia and so on.

daily reminder that 'horseshoe theory' exists to marginalise effective leftist criticism of the neoliberal bipartisan consensus by equating the people making that criticism with far right wing extremists


So he goes out of his way to keep that dumbass idea going.

Thanks Trev

I'm surprised you've singled that part out because he's spot on. Fox News and the far right media will take anything they can regarding Antifa and twist it in such a way as to make them look like they're the equivalent to white supremacists and the radical right. The president essentially reiterated this point. The story can be twisted to stop being about what the Antifa people are standing up against.


Your argument falls flat because the bolded is contradictory. The opposition will ALWAYS portray you out to be villains regardless if you show up empty handed or not.

That does not make the argument contradictory, it just points out how unfair the playing field is. Which is all the more reason why I don't think we shouldn't tolerate stupid mistakes falling under our names like that.

Also, I think you misunderstand exactly what i mean to avoid when i say "the opposition can twist your words".

It's not the "opposition" that you dont want to hear the wrong message, it's the people who are susceptible to you being viewed as opposition who otherwise would have been more receptive to your message.

If you're fighting the people on the other side, it would be wise to push the people in the middle more towards yours. This is what stations like Fox News are so good at.

The statements within this seemingly contradict.


Or B?

These are two different ideas within opposing viewpoints. A would suggest Neo-Nazi change tactics. B would suggest that Antifa should in fact, get some of the tool Neo-Nazis are using.

Which is it?


The A quote is suggesting that you should be aware of how others will perceive your message when you set out to make one. If you skip this step BEFORE you set out to make a message, you are vulnerable to others (who don't like your message) turning your own actions against you. But if you see it coming, perhaps you can mold your strategy around it.

The B quote is just pointing out how slanted of a situation we're in concerning this issue. Like Trevor pointed out, the current POTUS has clearly supported Alt-Right groups, and at every turn has opposed protest groups like BLM. Trying to beat them at their own game is a losing battle.


The fact that you see people marching in the streets advocating for genocide while the leader of the country nods in tacit approval and your first concern is with those people's rights as citizens tells me that extrajudicial violence is indeed necessary.

Edit - also lol at the establishment and perpetuation of racial segregation actually being about the rights of bus seats

Suspending due process, eliminating civil rights, and executing political violence. Glad you finally discarded any pretense of being against fascism lol

Whatever. Kill whoever you want to kill. Just stop pretending like you're doing anyone a favor.
This is exactly how white supremacy will get the "both sides" normalization. When you have every single media outlet and people like Pelosi bringing attention to it and framing the whole national discussion around it, it just makes it look like trump was right when he did the "both sides" for charlottesville.

When bad optics is the primary argument against something, you need to step back and think about who are the ones that are really creating those optics. Places like The Daily Show don't have to draw attention to it, and if their biggest worry is optics then they need to look in the mirror here.

Every large political movement will have its kooks that does bad things in its name. What's important is what the movement represents.

I am not concerned about optics, or destroying property damage.
I am concerned about the posters who in-between-the-lines-are-excusing violence on these people because they are hateful. I don't want to underplay them, but to me they look like a bunch of inbred redneck losers- Not literal nazis. The concern I have is that these guys don't exist in a vacuum.
If the argument is that I should be blessed by liberals to take a tire iron and go destroy some nazi scum / kill him, because he is hateful, then why doesn't that argument extends to other hate groups? What about far right islamist and christian sects who preach death to others with all their bigoted bullshit? Am I not in my right to go hurt them?

Secondly, lots of republicans and conservatives in general are hateful. 48 million of them are neo-nazi sympathizers- How many of them are we allowed to hurt?
What I don't like about antifa is what I've seen in protests I've been when I was younger- anonymity inevitable breeds violence, as your self is deduced in uniform. You stop being a responsible individual, and becomes much more free of consequences- That is why weak people will try to amp each other in groups like the fucking losers they are. But you see it everywhere. The war crimes of the soldiers in Iraq. Police officers who commit brutality- football hooligans who beat the living shit of the opposite team. It always plays out the same way.

I don't trust civilians to have the unbiased morale compass to dictate what is hate speech and what isn't. You have people like far-right jewish pro-Netanyahu groups who accuse everyone who oppose them of being anti semetic and of hate speech. That term itself is getting thrown so much as a hail marry to dismiss someone you don't want to argue with completely, and I don't want to see a scenario where someone can accuse someone of hate speech, and the then appropriate response being that I can physically hurt them.

In my old neighbourhood, there is a conclave of sunni muslims running for office to instate sharia laws that would have homosexuals be put to death- I don't see how own violence on white supremacists wouldn't extend to these people.

But it's not that simple, because who is the hateful one? Particularly when there is hate hateful infighting between so many sub communities here. So the shias do something fuck up and heckle and do hateful shit when a powerful sunni clergyman has passed away- Is violence then made okay on those people? And who the fuck is it, who is going to decide what is right with regards to violence here?

We're talking about here ultimately is that the people, not the police should have the authority to pass judgment. the slippery slope of the past is brought into to argue that this is an imminent threat and 250 inbred rednecks is directly comparable to the rise of Hitler in the 1930s.
There is no fucking comparison, and if you want to argue that these people are "literal nazis" because they wave these fucking flags, then you wouldn't have a problem with people making similar leaps to excuse violence on fundamental radical religious and ethnic groups due to what their types have done in the past at some point.

I don't give a shit about destroying property, setting cars on fire or whatever. But the insinuation that the collective should be okay with violence against those who they feel speak hate because their liberal values are about peace and love, are fucking hypocrites. Don't forget that half the country believes that abortion is baby genocide. You cannot fucking argue with that leap in reasoning, and it stands to reason that if they feel that strongly (150 million+ people) about that, then the idea that violence towards people you hate and who you see as a threat to your existence and way of life, is going to have a ripple effect.

white supremacists do not exist in a vacuum, so stop arguing like this is just some provisional thing that antifa is only going to take advantage of. If the left wants to trade a violent response as a go-ahead against the intolerant, then it only hinges on who you are and who you deep intolerant and insufferable. You cannot walk a line where you get to be violent and not expect others to.
As soon as white people start getting lynched in mass beatings, it wont be 250 fucking losers marching with suspenders, but many many white people who'll respond with racial xenophobic from the snippits they see on fox news.
Fox News orchestrating right-wing damage control regardless of what antifa does or doesn't, doesn't mean its a fucking good idea to lynch these assholes in public and not expecting PR.
The US (and Europe) are deeply racist and this is something that is deeply rooted in power structures way way way before the founding of the US. Nazi idioms are totally besides the point. It's just loaded symbols that give people who wear them, notoriety and attention. It's a cheap way to get people to notice you and get them to talk to you- Something that leftists in the US keep getting played into.

Throughout all of human history, if you didn't like someone you'd go over them and shove a spear through their fucking neck. The only reason we don't is not because we're above our primal violence today, but because we have a mutual understanding and domestication to obey the rule of law, and we've decided that chaos emerges when civilians start acting out justice on their own whim, because it's an eye of the beholder situation. People in the US cannot even agree on what a fucking life is, never the less what righteousness, freedom or hate speech is.

So, no, it has nothing to do with optics or this centerist garbage or property damage. People need to think about the long term impacts of what physical violence against [whoever you hate] means.
Many people on this forum have expressed the idea that everyone who voted for trump is a neo-nazi sympathizer, so it begs the question of how many of those 48 million people deserve to be utterly destroyed.
The problem is that you cannot say "but its just the nazis!" like that fucking means anything. Nazis are not in some parallel dimension who are abide by different laws.
Joe Shmoe sees that we solve problems through violence, and he is completely within his right to think about what really separates this hateful being from the countless terrible groups and organizations that also serve hate and bigotry.
All this is, is just an exercise on where you want to move the goal post, and AFAICS lots of people in this thread only looks at white supremacists in a vacuum, like a isolated thinking exercise where it's easy to encourage violence against conservatives behind their computers and root for masked edgy revolutionaries with ski masks.
I worry a lot about some Baker Vs Carr type analogy, where it makes sense and feels convenient to ostracize those we hate with violence, because when verbal communication (and all fails) good old physical beatings is always there to help save the day.
But while you get results on a superficial level immediately, it tends to have backwater consequences later, and it's seriously concerning that not a lot of people are willing to take this serious or at least think about it.
Am I really the only one who is worried that this could come back to bite them in the ass? we fuck them up today, what if in a generation or two, this morphs into something else that betrays everything, and then we'll truly have normalized mass violence?

Posters here have pointed out narrow specific examples to where violence historically helped make the country better.
But there are so many anecdotes from history you can take, where a rebel mob fighting against hateful beings, turned out to be a bad plan down the road.
It's really easy- And it doesn't require a lot of thought to just run on the emotional response of wanting to be violent against those you hate.
I feel it too.
But we must not forget that the rift between the left and right is so large that there is little to no understanding, and the right wont respond to left wing arguments.
It will fall on deaf ears, just like nobody on the left can seriously comprehend why they would think that anti abortion laws are needed to save babies from being killed. It's not going to register in the way, the left wants to be understood, and that lack of understanding when the left wants to go off rogue and endorse violence from beyond the scope of the police force or government, is going to have ramifications.

If I was a right-wing person, and I saw the left was engaging in violence, there would be no reason for me not to do it too. The left arguments fall on deaf ears, and my feelings of what is genocidal hate and mass murderer falls on deaf ears for them too, so there is no point in having any debate. Fuck them all. They opened this, now we do what we must against those violent leftist pricks.

I believe democracy is the best system we have. It's an unsatisfying truce between various groups of people who cannot tolerant each others existence, but decide to not kill each other under the understanding that if they don't harm them for whatever shit they say, the opposite won't happen to them. If you take that away, then what are you left with?
There is no way that the other side will hold back. A majority of republicans are happy with trumps decisions. A majority of conservatives got him elected. This is not just about violence on a few nazi cosplaying losers. Those people are in it too.
daily reminder that 'horseshoe theory' exists to marginalise effective leftist criticism of the neoliberal bipartisan consensus by equating the people making that criticism with far right wing extremists

there is a difference between the normal Left and the radical Left.

there are many people on the Left who do admirable work and help advance causes.

sadly, it's the far-out nutsoids who hijack the Far-Left and give the normal Left a bad name


daily reminder that 'horseshoe theory' exists to marginalise effective leftist criticism of the neoliberal bipartisan consensus by equating the people making that criticism with far right wing extremists

people who want economic equality are basically the same as genocide proponents


Suspending due process, eliminating civil rights, and executing political violence. Glad you finally discarded any pretense of being against fascism lol

Whatever. Kill whoever you want to kill. Dress up in black tights while you're at it too. Just stop pretending like you're doing it for anything other than your pathetic little ego.

Who said anything about killing people

Or wearing tights for that matter

I don't know why you are making this about murder and gender now but that's weird
The A quote is suggesting that you should be aware of how others will perceive your message when you set out to make one. If you skip this step BEFORE you set out to make a message, you are vulnerable to others (who don't like your message) turning your own actions against you. But if you see it coming, perhaps you can mold your strategy around it.

The B quote is just pointing out how slanted of a situation we're in concerning this issue. Like Trevor pointed out, the current POTUS has clearly supported Alt-Right groups, and at every turn has opposed protest groups like BLM. Trying to beat them at their own game is a losing battle.

The tangible outcome of A is moot though, as the situation in B shows. Especially in the case when you have an opposition that will, as evidenced, making up actions against you in the case where they don't exist.

Again, the ideas are opposed because the tangible outcomes are opposed.

You couldn't do that when blacks and whites couldn't use the same bathroom. When they couldn't vote. That's why that movement, and others like it across the world, succeeded. .

Actually, the news media and general public did at the time. And they were wrong. This is a poor read of history. Again, many prefer a civil injustice, to a justice that is at times uncivil.


Who said anything about killing people

Or wearing tights for that matter

I don't know why you are making this about murder and gender now but that's weird

Hey, you're the one who brought up Bane! I was just rolling with the Batman metaphor


Haven't there been lots of inaction from cops regarding Nazis as of late too?

daily reminder that 'horseshoe theory' exists to marginalise effective leftist criticism of the neoliberal bipartisan consensus by equating the people making that criticism with far right wing extremists

Fish hook theory is more applicable in reality anyway.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
There are a few issues with the premise, but the strongest one.

Wouldn't Fox News do the same regardless? See their current stance against BLM. If they don't have something... they, just make something up.
This is true, and a fair point.

However, one could argue that a naive centrist watching Fox News making shit up would go, "haha, stupid Fox News making shit up", but if Fox News actually has facts on "their side" for once (even if they distort it, it would at least be a true incident that they'd cite), a naive centrist might "well... they have a point" and alienate them further from leftism.

Don't give them ammo, basically. Centrists are unfortunately easily swayed by alt-right tactics, as ContraPoint explains in her video.


Right but they all generally wanted the same thing. Incredibly easily identifiable institutional racism is easy to unite against, even when there any defined leadership--what was this group of ANTIFA protesting? That's why BLM and ANTIFA and other leftist movements are currently in this terrible place where the opposition can just say "well if you look at it this way...". Fox News and the right and our politicians and our damn president can spin the shit out of everything with false equivalence.

You couldn't do that when blacks and whites couldn't use the same bathroom. When they couldn't vote. That's why that movement, and others like it across the world, succeeded.

We're in an era where we know that institutional racism and rampant crony-capitalism exists, academically and anecdotally, but it's damn hard to get everyone on the left to agree on how to handle it and what to unite behind.

The internet makes this even worse, as everyone can so very easily lock themselves in a room with others and masturbate about and affirm their given view of the world.

But that's my opinion. I, like everyone else, find it incredibly hard to see the entire picture and find solutions.

your arguments are ahistorical.


here's the only real similarity between the far right and the far left: they both recognize that the current structure of society is unsustainable, given the accelerating pace of crises driven by wars, climate change, and the various other failures of global capitalism.

the right thinks we're in the middle of a culture war and wants to maintain the current levels of inequality with their class on top by liquidating undesirables.

the left thinks there's enough resources to go around and wants to eliminate hierarchical economic structures that keep people in poverty and prevent us from creating real representative governments.

if you think those are at all equivalent then you're enabling the status quo that keeps the right ascendant.


I am not concerned about optics, or destroying property damage.

Excellent post.

your arguments are ahistorical.

Can you elaborate? Like I said, that's my own interpretation of events. I'd love to hear yours or where I was factually incorrect.

I mean, the way American society works is through institutionalized white supremacy that has culminated with a sociopathic, likely demented, white supremacist in our highest office and an entire party behind him that's more than willing to look the other way to hold onto their power, and that's just me being nice and assuming that they're not all giddy about what's happening.

Is "that's not the way society works" supposed to be a compelling counterpoint?

Succinctly. I completely agree with the bolded, but what Antifa did at that protest is not what changes it. That truly is not how change happens in our modern society.


This is true, and a fair point.

However, one could argue that a naive centrist watching Fox News making shit up would go, "haha, stupid Fox News making shit up", but if Fox News actually has facts on "their side" for once (even if they distort it, it would at least be a true incident that they'd cite), a naive centrist might "well... they have a point" and alienate them further from leftism.

this is a unicorn


say, I'm a Liberal Party of Canada voter. To them, I'm a Fascist because I'm to the Right of them just for voting for Trudeau. That's ANTIFA's problem, everyone is a Fascist.

You're not a fascist, just naive. They outflanked the NDP on the left in their campaign and then proceeded to break the majority of their promises to progressives

"ah! you brought your kids to watch the Ice Capades by using your car?" Smashes car windows. that's who they are

Yeah this happens all the time /s


And yet Neo Nazis and white supremacists have not been despite actually now having a body count and identifiable leaders instead of a nebulous existence like antifa.


Look, Antifa has a LOT of issues. The lack of central leadership and message is bad, full stop. The fact that anarchists go around burning cars, beating journalists and breaking windows is horrible.

But we have to accept that anyone who tries to take the reigns and build a formulated message, will NOT be treated fairly by our justice system, because despite most of the extremist violence in this country coming from the right, they have the sanctioning of our government. Hell our fucking police force is pretty much a wing of this extremism.

So the question isn't whether Antifa is bad, or good. It's clearly both.

The question is, WHAT ELSE CAN BE DONE? Expect our justice dept to handle it, when they're going after 1.5 million ppl who just so happened to go to a protest website?
Shits bad and getting worse.

As I said earlier, I see Antifa as a auto-immune response in the US. It's not "good," it can cause irreparable damage, but it's also necessary to fight off the infection. A infection which if left to linger is just going to spread and get worse. A infection that's been untreated for the entire existence of our country. Many white ppl just want to let it linger, because actually treating it is going to hurt. But it HAS to be treated. We have to, at some point, pull out that knife and cut it out.
Lol, it seems rather obvious to me that there are structural incentives for cops to defend each other. Antifa are just random community members.

You think antifa are just "random citizens"? You don't think there are incentives for antifa to look out for their own? Asking them to police themselves is all we need to do? I think we're done here.
This is true, and a fair point.

However, one could argue that a naive centrist watching Fox News making shit up would go, "haha, stupid Fox News making shit up", but if Fox News actually has facts on "their side" for once (even if they distort it, it would at least be a true incident that they'd cite), a naive centrist might "well... they have a point" and alienate them further from leftism.

Don't give them ammo, basically. Centrists are unfortunately easily swayed by alt-right tactics, as ContraPoint explains in her video.

The ammo will be manufactured and found.

You cannot, across hundreds of protests and millions of people - especially on protests of this topic - end without any sort of violence occurring. That should be taken care of by law enforcement on that local level. As such, the ammo will exist and if it doesn't, it'll be created wholesale or expanded on weaker incidents.

You statement on the centrist brings me back to my first post. If you are willing to stand neutral on the idea of nazism, are your truly a moral actor? Again, what's the centerline here between the white suprecmacists/neo-nazis and the antifa? That certain races are segregated again?

Is that a tenable, logical space to live in? Isn't trying to be the "centrist" there a bit of moral malpractice? Why is understanding for poor action extended to some, but not to others?

My questions here are aimed at a specific point. To use a metaphor of a library, you're expected to be quiet. That's the etiquette. If someone was in the library screaming, you found them, and they have a broken leg. What do you do? Do you admonish them for screaming? Probably not. You would either potentially move them, or call of help and deal with the broken leg, which would take care of the screaming.

In this case, we're focusing on the screaming - which again, I've said is a problem and once that should legally be taken care of - and not the broken leg itself. A misapplication of focus.


Excellent post.

Can you elaborate?

the CRM was portrayed as a bunch of violent thugs by the media and public officials. The Black Panthers? The same thing. All of the things that they did back then, they're doing right now.

Antifa and BLM are two totally different things with two different ideologies with some overlapping goals. I'm not itching to join but they're willing to out there and confront white supremacists so they're good in my book as a black guy. But your attempt to cite history is just wrong. You should read about how violent/non violent black liberation movements in this country are/were and how the media and govt. responds every time
I see plenty of examples of liberal denunciations of antifa being used as supporting evidence for false equivalencies. Are there any actual examples of antifa being dissuaded from violence by public liberal denunciations?

the CRM was portrayed as a bunch of violent thugs by the media and public officials. The Black Panthers? The same thing. All of the things that they did back then, they're doing right now.

Antifa and BLM are two totally different things with two different ideologies with some overlapping goals. I'm not itching to join but they're willing to out there and confront white supremacists so they're good in my book as a black guy. But your attempt to cite history is just wrong. You should read about how violent/non violent black liberation movements in this country are/were and how the media and govt. responds every time

Right but they all generally wanted the same thing. Incredibly easily identifiable institutional racism is easy to unite against, even when there any defined leadership--what was this group of ANTIFA protesting? That's why BLM and ANTIFA and other leftist movements are currently in this terrible place where the opposition can just say "well if you look at it this way...". Fox News and the right and our politicians and our damn president can spin the shit out of everything with false equivalence.

You couldn't do that when blacks and whites couldn't use the same bathroom. When they couldn't vote. That's why that movement, and others like it across the world, succeeded.

We're in an era where we know that institutional racism and rampant crony-capitalism exists, academically and anecdotally, but it's damn hard to get everyone on the left to agree on how to handle it and what to unite behind.

The internet makes this even worse, as everyone can so very easily lock themselves in a room with others and masturbate about and affirm their given view of the world.

But that's my opinion. I, like everyone else, find it incredibly hard to see the entire picture and find solutions.

Martin Luther King didn't become popular amomg white people until he was dead.



Look, Antifa has a LOT of issues. The lack of central leadership and message is bad, full stop. The fact that anarchists go around burning cars, beating journalists and breaking windows is horrible.

But we have to accept that anyone who tries to take the reigns and build a formulated message, will NOT be treated fairly by our justice system, because despite most of the extremist violence in this country coming from the right, they have the sanctioning of our government. Hell our fucking police force is pretty much a wing of this extremism.

So the question isn't whether Antifa is bad, or good. It's clearly both.

The question is, WHAT ELSE CAN BE DONE? Expect our justice dept to handle it, when they're going after 1.5 million ppl who just so happened to go to a protest website?
Shits bad and getting worse.

As I said earlier, I see Antifa as a auto-immune response in the US. It's not "good," it can cause irreparable damage, but it's also necessary to fight off the infection. A infection which if left to linger is just going to spread and get worse. A infection that's been untreated for the entire existence of our country. Many white ppl just want to let it linger, because actually treating it is going to hurt. But it HAS to be treated. We have to, at some point, pull out that knife and cut it out.

There are tons and tons and tons of sociopolitical movements going on in this country, all at once. Nobody has to see them as the singular response to the alt-right anymore than people have to see BLM as the singular response to police brutality.


Neo Member
You think antifa are just "random citizens"? You don't think there are incentives for antifa to look out for their own? Asking them to police themselves is all we need to do? I think we're done here.

Yes, because they are. Do you have evidence suggesting otherwise? Of course I wouldn't expect an antifa to turn to the carceral state for justice except as a last resort. And yes, this is how social relations work generally.
Succinctly. I completely agree with the bolded, but what Antifa did at that protest is not what changes it. That truly is not how change happens in our modern society.

Which protest?


The only thing Antifa did there was protect counter protesters from the neo nazis.
Can you elaborate? Like I said, that's my own interpretation of events. I'd love to hear yours or where I was factually incorrect.

Gallup has you covered with historic polling data.


MLK and his ideals weren't portrayed as good and pure by the general American public - like the centrists in that era - until after the laws had been passed and he was dead.

Look, Antifa has a LOT of issues. The lack of central leadership and message is bad, full stop. The fact that anarchists go around burning cars, beating journalists and breaking windows is horrible.

But we have to accept that anyone who tries to take the reigns and build a formulated message, will NOT be treated fairly by our justice system, because despite most of the extremist violence in this country coming from the right, they have the sanctioning of our government. Hell our fucking police force is pretty much a wing of this extremism.

So the question isn't whether Antifa is bad, or good. It's clearly both.

The question is, WHAT ELSE CAN BE DONE? Expect our justice dept to handle it, when they're going after 1.5 million ppl who just so happened to go to a protest website?
Shits bad and getting worse.

As I said earlier, I see Antifa as a auto-immune response in the US. It's not "good," it can cause irreparable damage, but it's also necessary to fight off the infection. A infection which if left to linger is just going to spread and get worse. A infection that's been untreated for the entire existence of our country. Many white ppl just want to let it linger, because actually treating it is going to hurt. But it HAS to be treated. We have to, at some point, pull out that knife and cut it out.

Just don't do things that people can view as actions of criminal thugs. You say that things aren't fair, then all the more reason to not do something stupid. Everytime this group attacks as an agressor, or breaks/burns something they are playing into fascists' hands and handing them a PR win on a platter. Then Trump gets to point fingers at "the alt left." I do not understand how some here are posting as though they're incapable of seeing this.

Until Antifa learns to clean up its act, it'll be seen as nothing more than a home for anarchists and criminals by people.
I'd be more sympathetic to some arguments if they didn't exactly mirror for example arguments for why BLM shouldn't block traffic, halt a pride parade, ask cops not to march in uniform in pride parades, etc...


Neo Member
Just don't do things that people can view as actions of criminal thugs. You say that things aren't fair, then all the more reason to not do something stupid. Everytime this group attacks as an agressor, or breaks/burns something they are playing into fascists' hands and handing them a PR win on a platter. Then Trump gets to point fingers at "the alt left." I do not understand how some here are posting as though they're incapable of seeing this.

Until Antifa learns to clean up its act, it'll be seen as nothing more than a home for anarchists and criminals by people.

hot take: anarchism and crime are very good


I'd be more sympathetic to some arguments if they didn't exactly mirror for example arguments for why BLM shouldn't block traffic, halt a pride parade, ask cops not to march in uniform in pride parades, etc...

you could copy paste these arguments in practically every BLM protest thread


the CRM was portrayed as a bunch of violent thugs by the media and public officials. The Black Panthers? The same thing. All of the things that they did back then, they're doing right now.

Antifa and BLM are two totally different things with two different ideologies with some overlapping goals. I'm not itching to join but they're willing to out there and confront white supremacists so they're good in my book as a black guy. But your attempt to cite history is just wrong. You should read about how violent/non violent black liberation movements in this country are/were and how the media and govt. responds every time

I don't think we actually disagree. I said that it was easy to unite those in the CRM movement, not that it was easy to fight against the deeply entrenched and horrendous racism that was and, in a lot of ways, continues to be the US. To be honest, I think violence back then was necessary. I'm not saying the CRM was and should have been a peaceful, non-violent protests. I'm glad it wasn't, because I'm not sure it would have worked.

I agree that Antifa and BLM are fighting for good things. I'm all for protesting and confronting those spewing racist thoughts and policy. My ultimate point is that if you were blind and just reading the law books, everything is pretty much equal. The end goal here is so incredibly fuzzy that violence is not going to help spur change like it did in the CRM.

Institutional racism is very real and still deep, but it's retreated into the shadows and it's incredibly difficult to pin down. It's not in the law books, it's in the hearts and minds of many of those running the country. That's so hard to root out with violent protest because in order for that to work you have to have a clear and simple message like "blacks and whites should be equal in the eyes of the law." That's just human rights. Easy to unite behind. What do they unite behind now? How do we sway the general public when they can simply ignore or spin everything you're doing?

I'm right there marching with BLM and other movements like this. Block traffic, disrupt, make noise. But violence isn't the tool we want to bring out here, because the game board has changed.

It's a good thing Antifa doesn't care about what moderates think and will continue to protect people

How are they protecting people?


There are tons and tons and tons of sociopolitical movements going on in this country, all at once. Nobody has to see them as the singular response to the alt-right anymore than people have to see BLM as the singular response to police brutality.

Oh absolutely, hell I don't think "Antifa" in particular is the correct group given their context in other countries, but they're the one that's taken root, like BLM has taken root as the primary response to polce brutality.

I would love for a group to pop up with the message that Nazis will be protested and they will do everything in their power to protect non-violent protesters. I think that is a better and more singular message.

Basically an armed militia group on the left that does not provoke violence, but steps in when they are needed. The right would still villify them regardless.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
this is a unicorn
Haha, you are right, I didn't phrase that correctly. To clarify, I didn't mean a centrist that watches Fox News every night (unless they hate themselves I guess) and takes it seriously, but more like someone who comes across as a news clip, be it from Fox News or whoever, on their social media feed, and might go "they have a point".

And this is no unicorn, sadly. We all know people take their news from social media, and clips can go viral and be seen by people who don't watch the original network whatsoever.

The ammo will be manufactured and found.
True, but there's no reason to help the manufacturers and provide them with more, in this case.

You statement on the centrist brings me back to my first post. If you are willing to stand neutral on the idea of nazism, are your truly a moral actor? Again, what's the centerline here between the white suprecmacists/neo-nazis and the antifa? That certain races are segregated again?

Is that a tenable, logical space to live in? Isn't trying to be the "centrist" there a bit of moral malpractice? Why is understanding for poor action extended to some, but not to others?
I don't know why you're asking me these questions. I do not defend centrist, nor am I a centrist. In fact I despise "both sides" fuckery with a passion. However, I think the best path isn't to give the right more ammo so that they can rally even more centrists to their cause. When antifas harm innocent people as "collateral damage", they essentially play themselves.

Trevor is liberal centrist trash.
You forgot the /s right?
Gallup has you covered with historic polling data.


MLK and his ideals weren't portrayed as good and pure by the general American public - like the centrists in that era - until after the laws had been passed and he was dead.

If he hadn't been assassinated, the right would despise him at least as much as they do Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson, if not more so.
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