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PewDiePie calls someone a "fucking n****r" during PUBG livestream

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Permanently A

Junior Member
Ian Miles Cheong doesn't miss a beat in defending racism!


Man I forgot playing videogames makes it okay to use the word nigger as a pejorative.

Some people, man. Some people.


There's this thing called reappropriation, look it up.

That's actually an interesting concept, and I've experienced things similar myself. It's still weird that a word used so much in pop culture is actually unspeakable in real life. There are other words that have undergone this reappropriation process, but none of them you can hear on a daily basis.


Pewdie Pie seems the type of guy that uses the n word, other slurs, anti-semitic jokes and muslim stereotypes as "jokes". Like, they seem to use these words and expressions as shock value or edgy jokes within a weird context.

I've seen this in person and it's honestly hard to know what they are thinking. Personally I think it is with malicious intents and hateful but some of these people would hold some liberal views so are they just not aware of how hurtful this shit is? Do they just not know better? Maybe I try to find excuses for these people because it's hard to believe some people can be this vile on knowingly (they are still vile, racist and there's no excuse for that behaviour).

It's a weird bubble that some internet communities have fostered. It's vile and terrible and this dude is kinda the face of it in a way. And even if he isn't racist he definitely should know better since he isn't some ignorant 14 year old. There's no excuse for this.


To put it another way, your average European racist isn't as knowledgeable as to go straight to "nigger" when trying to think of a racist slur in English.

I simply refuse to believe that at all, not with the overall proliferation of American media culture where the word is used in the racist context.


A popular ~gamer~ is a piece of racist human garbage? I wish I could say I was surprised.

Hope this results in him having to, uh, work for a living.


My youngest brother spent all of his teen years listening to streamers and youtubers that use language like faggot and nigger casually. So he uses them while he is playing games online too. It's awful. He's a rural Canadian teen that hasn't even ever met a black person and has no idea of the impact of his words, but he also has no interest in learning enough to understand because it would inconvenience his gaming vocabulary. Thanks for ruining my brother PewDiePie and his contemporaries.
The moment I saw this thread I knew there'd be juniors pulling out the "gamers talk like this all the time so it's not racist in context" and "but rap music" defenses. I should have anticipated the "it's different because Europe isn't racist" defense but for some reason I didn't.

You could make a bingo card out of the defense you see from burner accounts in these topics.
Well. I guess that's that. What a piece of shit. His career is dead. He'll need to do a lot more than just apologize to repair his image after this one.


Man, Pewds can't seem to go 5 mins without doing something racist. It's kinda disgusting that YouTube and twitch still give him a platform. I mean, obviously there are endless amounts of similar assholes in the gaming scene, but you'd think with how many eyes pewdipie has on him he'd have been made an example of by now.

This isn't even him making an edgy joke or anything else that can be construed as satire or comedy. This is just him using a racial slur because he's mad.


The past few years have been really depressing because I used to be like "us gamers!!!" and now it's like "...us gamers :(".

When I was younger, I used to look at the gaming and comic communities as some of the most open minded, progressive and, you know, not fucking racist people around.

It's amazing how much that idea has been turned on its head over the past few years.
The past few years have been really depressing because I used to be like "us gamers!!!" and now it's like "...us gamers :(".

I really wish we didn't constantly come out with this takeaway. We surround ourselves with the comments and actions of gamers on the internet so we feel keenly aware of them. Yes these people suck. But so do thousands of other assholes on the internet that have no interest in games. I saw worse things in a FB comments section of a local newspaper article recently than half of the shit YouTubers pull.

As for PDP, can't say I'm surprised at all. Can't wait to see who he blames for this one.

Edit: I don't see this shit and think less of gamers. I do continually think less of humanity.
I was following this thread and kinda scared to ask if 50% of the white characters in Pulp Fiction are racists because they say nigga a lot.

Quentin Tarantino's filmic fetishes are a whole 'nother discussion, really. But yes, a lot of the white people in Pulp Fiction are very casually racist. Quentin just happens to think very casual racism is cool in the sort of "edgy," "badass" way a lot of dumb '90s white kids (myself included) used to.


The past few years have been really depressing because I used to be like "us gamers!!!" and now it's like "...us gamers :(".

gamergate exposed the entitlement within the industry that's been building up for at least a decade, and the terrible, mostly white guys who are pretty shitty when their dumb hobby is being threatened by any perceived outside force, for any reason. by now it's pretty ingrained and while there are devs pushing back (positive female roles, lgbt relationships, more roles for poc, etc), i think that whole generation might be lost to bigotry and hate.
Kinda related but there are a lot of white, Pokemon-based YouTubers i.e. off the top of my head HoodlumScrafty, that used this word a lot and it always makes me feel uncomfortable. I guess they're not high-profile enough to garner widespread attention.
Why am I not surprised that Ian Miles Cheong, who literally did a 180 on gamergate because he was upset about an 8/10 review of a game he liked, is rushing to his defense?


never left the stone age
When I was younger, I used to look at the gaming and comic communities as some of the most open minded, progressive and, you know, not fucking racist people around.

It's amazing how much that idea has been turned on its head over the past few years.

I still believe there are more open minded people than not. It's just that when you have a nice, freshly mowed, well kept lawn, the neighbors dog taking a huge shit on it will be noticed.
Is n***r that offensive??? I'm from EU and had to watch the video to know what n***r actual means...

I'm not that in into US culture... were does the word really come from? sounds like a variation of negro.

I don't give a fuck about PewDiePie to be true I may have just whatsched it two times and quitted his videos 'cause found them annoying.


Literally everything you wrote is bullshit of the highest order.


The way he said it makes it obvious this isn't a one time thing. The dude and his friends must spout tons of hateful shit in private.


At no point in my life have I ever felt the need or urge to say that word. Even without the context it sounds like a gross word.

There does seem to be a trend where clips are posted on reddit mainly livestreamfails, where said streamer or tv personality says "it." I first saw it in a video called something like Mia Khalifa says it. Now she was kind of tricked into saying it but I kinda get the idea that she new exactly what she was doing.

These clips of streamers and personalities saying "it" are like a quick way to get attention because they always end up on reddit.

Lets be honest in relation to his yt sub count being like 55+million, his streaming presence is a fraction of that. He gets like 20k viewers and its on yt gaming which is much weaker than Twitch in that realm. With monetization changing on yt there is probably much less to be made there which is why h3h3 and PP started streaming.

I think he did this because he is a racist and to draw eyes to his stream by saying "it." Really sad.
Just thought i'd mention an interesting side thing that has appeared during this controversy. As well as calling it out, a few youtubers are blaming pewdiepie for the whole 'adpocalypse' that has been happening on youtube lately. Seems like other youtubers are starting to push back against their most famous video creator.


Follow up, total biscuit is saying the same thing.



Junior Member
Christ, this was a thing that happened? WTF...

That ol' trick, lol.

Where they want to justify the view so they try to equate it to something actually offensive.

Not to be confused with someone trying gain moral leverage with the ol', "wtf, don't say that opinion, that's like calling a black person a ni****! Unless that's okay to call them ni****s all of a sudden! that's bad, do don't have the other opinion!".

That line gets a bit of play on here from soon to be grayed out ppl.

Permanently A

Junior Member
The context absolutely matters, no doubt. I go into it further in this post here from another poster responding along these same lines.

Short version: Essentially, white kids trying to loophole their way into using the term in the early 90s clouded the issue enough that their attempt ended up securing some purchase, but not enough to allow them to fit it between their teeth as easily as they'd have liked, but just enough to continue confusing others as to what is and isn't off-limits.

Nice post, I agree. Wow, the "AAVE vs English" dichotomy never even occurred to me.


I don't care for the guy since I don't even follow his videos or anything. He made an ugly mistake, fact, but I think some people just want to destroy him for whatever mistake he commits.


There's a big difference between saying an offensive word and using said word as an insult.

Even just saying the word is not ok, but can be excusable, but using it as an insult like PDP did is inexcusable.


The context absolutely matters, no doubt. I go into it further in this post here from another poster responding along these same lines.

Short version: Essentially, white kids trying to loophole their way into using the term in the early 90s clouded the issue enough that their attempt ended up securing some purchase, but not enough to allow them to fit it between their teeth as easily as they'd have liked, but just enough to continue confusing others as to what is and isn't off-limits.

Honestly, this dude has always been a douchebag. I think I remember a time when GAF loved this dude, defended him at every turn.

That was bullshit because this dude has always been an idiot. But weird parts of gamer GAF thought hey a gamer guy succeeded let's defend him even though his ideas were always idiotic, his actions always puerile and misconceived. But he donated to charity guys!

Well no shit he donated to charity. Anyone in his position WOULD do that if they had a soul. FFS.

The guy is a millionaire for acting like an 9 year old random crazy kid.

I feel bad for the guy, I would hate to wake up in the morning and realize everyone that likes me is half my age or less and completely ignorant of the actual world out there.
Yikes. My intial thought was that if I could give Max a pass, I could probably give one here too, but that... That wasn't accidental. I mean, saying it out loud was, certainly.


I despite this dork. It's sad that kids look at him like some sort of cool figure to follow. I hope that he doesn't get away with murder with this. People who have platforms like this douche, must have responsibility for their actions. And for the people defending him and trying to normalize the actions of this dickhead with lame rethorics about culture, heat of the moment, etc. You are not better than him.

Random Human

They were trying to grab your prize. They work for the mercenary. The masked man.
Follow up, total biscuit is saying the same thing.

It would also be cool if he said racism is bad instead of just looking at this through his bottom line, but hey I guess I'll take whatever I can get from these youtube guys.
Just thought i'd mention an interesting side thing that has appeared during this controversy. As well as calling it out, a few youtubers are blaming pewdiepie for the whole 'adpocalypse' that has been happening on youtube lately. Seems like other youtubers are starting to push back against their most famous video creator.


Fucking finally, a Youtuber calls Pewdiepie out. The dude's actions led to adpocalyse and now he's doubling down on causing more damage to the Youtube platform for content creators. Good on DanNerdCubed.

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