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PewDiePie calls someone a "fucking n****r" during PUBG livestream

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i don't know where you come from so i may not get it, but where i'm from, the difference between "nigga" and "nigger' is common knowledge among black people, they are not even the same word at this point and clearly divided between non hateful and hateful specifically.

What your arguing, generally what i've seen used as a notion by whites to dismiss any criticisms of white people saying it. 'BLACK PEoPLE SAY IT SO why CANT I SAY IT!?"

I agree with what you're saying in the 2nd paragraph. I've talked about it before here on GAF (The last time it came up was when Piers Morgan was trying to make the same "How come white people can't say it" point people are misguidedly trying to make in THIS thread), so I'm just gonna quote from that convo:

It's said/spelled differently as a means to more closely replicate how the word/phrase is said out loud in speech. It's not a conscious choice that denotes a subtle difference in intent. It's literally the exact same word, it's just a matter of pronunciation based on the regional dialect you're using - although there are some people who believe the definition of the word DOES change based on its pronunciation, and that seems to have come about based on the continued misunderstanding that what's important is the vowel sound at the end of the word, and not the race and intent of the person using it. That misunderstanding is often kept afloat by white boys hungry to find a loophole that allows them to say the word they know they shouldn't be saying, pass or no pass.

Usually when the "er" is being used, it's a subtle (maybe even subconscious) means to use correct (i.e. "white") pronunciation to make the usage even more pointed, thus buying into and reinforcing (even on a small scale) the power structure that caused the word to be used, and the need for the word to be reclaimed in the first place.This feeds back into ingrained bullshit people have been taught at a young age regarding which races are allowed to speak english "correctly" without fear of social repercussion - but that doesn't change the fact the word is exactly the same regardless the pronunciation. It's a matter of who is using it, and the manner in which they're using it.

What we're talking about here is the idea that pronouncing the word correctly is considered "talking like a white person." That's why the word tends to take on a harsher tone when it's pronounced correctly, because it sounds like it did coming out of the white people in power who made sure to keep the black populace of America as uneducated as they possibly could.

The focus on the different spelling/pronunciation only really came about once hip hop albums started purposefully misspelling words (including that one) in song titles and album names as a way to make the titles stand out/be stylized. It didn't make the words new words because they were being purposefully misspelled, though.

A LOT of white kids who wanted to be down and appropriate that culture saw the fact it was spelled differently, heard the fact it was pronounced differently, as their "in" towards using that word without getting their shit wrecked for it. From there, this false distinction has been further confused and even adopted by some people as legitimate reasoning, not too different from the people who believe fag has to do with burning gay people, or that sagging your pants is an invitation to get topped.

Black people are expected to have their own, race-specific dialect regardless of what region they live in, and that expectation has been grown and fostered over a century now. That expectation is very tightly intertwined with this country's lowered regard for minorities in general. It's in and of itself an example of internalized, ingrained racism. "Black people talk like this, white people talk like this," ba-dum tisshhh.

White people would like for "nigga" to mean something different than "Nigger" because then it means it's easier for them to appropriate that culture so they can feel cool. Nobody feels cool being an outright racist, so if they can believe (and get others to believe) that the word doesn't mean the same thing simply because it has a different pronunciation, then they get to take part in the reclamation of the term without any of the discomfort that can and SHOULD go along with a white person using it.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
Oh. You should totally go with the slavery angle to really get that white guilt going

there is no such thing as white guilt. Just white responsibility. There are many white folks who see the damage their kind has caused over the years and seek to make amends. That's not guilt, as it wasn't their fault as individuals. But it is taking responsibility for their forebears action by trying to clean up the mess known as systemic and socioeconomic racism against blacks that disproportionately hurt us even today.


Why does gaming in general attract so much stunted scum?

Have you seen sports cutie? Those fans sometimes even kill eachother (huge rivalry between clubs) or even innocents (hooligans).

But yeah gaming has alot of scumbags sadly too calling in SWAT to streamers they dislike, twitch chat being worse then even youtube comments those are kinda tame even compared to that, Gamergate, 4chan, Hate against women, nazi's and racists and way more.

Sadly huge groups of people also bring out huge groups of bad people out and it's a shame it still happens so easily without any punishment or consequences at all, just a slap on the wrist.


Gold Member
Excuse me, are you just calling me a racist because of my post?

You don't know me, or my background. Do you tend to walk around accusing people solely on the basis of throwaway assumptions?

I'm astounded that you're from the UK but yet somehow think that somebody should be able to say that while on the job without consequence.

Nobody is assuming anything by the way, you made it pretty clear for all to see with your previous post.
I'm not gonna catalog every non-black rapper that says the n-word. But you can start with Puerto Rican rappers. They get a pass in the Bronx apparently
Not going to get into whataboutism. Point is you don't hear that stuff from non-black mainstream artists for a reason. The word clearly has historical significance and is offensive to anyone with a shred of empathy.

Excuse me, are you just calling me a racist because of my post?

You don't know me, or my background. Do you tend to walk around accusing people solely on the basis of throwaway assumptions?

You don't think the guy should lose his jobs for using slurs, why is that? You must not be employed because if anyone else goes into work firing off the n word they're getting fired.


Well, that is a rational reaction. Take away his livelihood, because he said a word.


He's a grown adult who has a history of ignorant shit.

This isn't a case of finding an old video or blog from when he was a teenager where he said something stupid with no history of it since. It's not an ignorant 14 year old on Xbox Live who will look back on himself with embarrassment.

This is the latest in a pattern. He is a grown man who used the word towards another person as an insult.
Have you seen sports cutie? Those fans sometimes even kill eachother (huge rivalry between clubs) or even innocents (hooligans).

But yeah gaming has alot of scumbags sadly too calling in SWAT to streamers they dislike, twitch chat being worse then even youtube comments those are kinda tame even compared to that, Gamergate, 4chan, Hate against women, nazi's and racists and way more.

Sadly huge groups of people also bring out huge groups of bad people out and it's a shame it still happens so easily without any punishment or consequences at all, just a slap on the wrist.

we need a cure for the disease.
Excuse me, are you just calling me a racist because of my post?

You don't know me, or my background. Do you tend to walk around accusing people solely on the basis of throwaway assumptions?

You are an apologist for racists, at best, which is incredibly shitty, and in the grand scheme of things, almost just as bad. Normalization of racism and bigotry happens because of people with your attitude enabling it and caping for it, even if you aren't a racist yourself**

There are actually some people in here defending him? What the fuck. I'm surprised types like that have lasted any extended period of time no GAF to be outed by defending something so obviously awful.

It happens almost every time a popular head in the industry shows his ass. People will go amazing lengths or take every opportunity to defend the person or show their own ass.

Permanently A

Junior Member
on a related note: The pronunciation of the word doesn't really matter. Never did. Still doesn't. The word is the word. It doesn't somehow change properties depending on how its last syllable is pronounced. It's not some sort of racial language alchemy being performed.

The "a" vs. "er" split is artificial, a post-facto explanation built on the notion that "black people talk like this, and white people talk like this" is a matter of biological fact.

I don't agree with this. "Nigga" and "nigger" are not the same. I understand where you are coming from - too many people try to argue "oh he said nigga not nigger so its fine!" but the words are different. The context matters though - someone yelling "fucking nigga!" after being killed in a game makes no sense, because nigga is a term of endearment.


Just thought i'd mention an interesting side thing that has appeared during this controversy. As well as calling it out, a few youtubers are blaming pewdiepie for the whole 'adpocalypse' that has been happening on youtube lately. Seems like other youtubers are starting to push back against their most famous video creator.


Wow, haven't watched Nerdcubed in a long time but it's nice to see him come out against this. I'd wondered about him.


Hate to break it to you but every single person on the face of this earth has used that word. Kind of a common slang.

I guarantee you this is false.

And I FURTHER guarantee you that not everyone uses it as an insult when they're talking about people they don't like.
Just thought i'd mention an interesting side thing that has appeared during this controversy. As well as calling it out, a few youtubers are blaming pewdiepie for the whole 'adpocalypse' that has been happening on youtube lately. Seems like other youtubers are starting to push back against their most famous video creator.


This needed to happen yesterday.


As a foreigner I was once wondering about the same thing. If a word is such an insult to a group of people, how can said group of people use it like nothing? But I guess this is just an American thing. When you're in America, you do as what Americans do.

There's this thing called reappropriation, look it up.


never left the stone age
there is no such thing as white guilt. Just white responsibility. There are many white folks who see the damage their kind has caused over the years and seek to make amends. That's not guilt, as it wasn't their fault as individuals. But it is taking responsibility for their forebears action by trying to clean up the mess known as systemic and socioeconomic racism against blacks that disproportionately hurt us even today.

I hadn't thought about it that way before. I like that point of view a lot, taking responsibility for past fuck ups, being decent to others and doing what you can to give everyone a fair try in life.

So basically, no guilt over the past, just owning up to it, accepting that it happened and doing what you can in the present to promote equality. I'm sorry for being ignorant, our history lessons here didn't even bother mentioning the slave colonies we used to have. Not an excuse, just some context, but now I understand better so thanks.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
Oh please. If you actually "forgave" you wouldn't have dragged his name into this thread like that situation was at all similar to this blatant racism. What exactly is gained by continuing to shame Max for an accident that he apologized for multiple times and hasn't repeated since?

i don't care if you want to defend max. But if someone uses a word that is taboo and hurtful, you should not dismiss their usage of it. I don't consider Max a bad person or a racist, but for those of us who have been called that word with the intent to hurt or seen it thrown out quite easily, there will always be a question for us as to what they or others really think when they aren't surrounded by cameras or people to hear them

Random Human

They were trying to grab your prize. They work for the mercenary. The masked man.
At a certain point people have to come to terms with the fact that one of the biggest personalities in gaming, probably one of the biggest personalities in children's entertainment as a whole, is racist, and says racist things publically to his huge audience. The gaming press, other YouTubers, his fans, places like NeoGaf and especially Reddit need to acknowledge that this guy has no business being anywhere near an impressionable audience. The sad thing is, while gamers have shown an amazing capacity to go after people and companies they don't like (often for the prettiest of reasons), here you can expect mostly silence from those who actually have power to do something. They'll just ignore it, and hope it's a while before his next gas chamber joke.


Excuse me, are you just calling me a racist because of my post?

You don't know me, or my background. Do you tend to walk around accusing people solely on the basis of throwaway assumptions?

it's like there was something wrong with your first post that would cause that to happen


Man, just to think I used to like him and watch his videos.

How might fall he has fallen, its just pathetic at this point. He is just phishing for attention now.
Hate to break it to you but every single person on the face of this earth has used that word. Kind of a common slang.

It's true. I said it one time when I was six years old. Right before my father spanked my ass and dragged me into the bathroom and washed my mouth out with soap.


This isnt true at all....PDP isnt just some random no name kid on the internet - he is one if not the biggest YT guy and has a big following. There is no way any public figure be it a mayor politican, celebrity or athlete in ger, uk, ita, spain etc. could just casually use that word without it having negative impact on that person. There is a reason why people dont use it...it has nothing to do with "burn him at the stake" ...the bigger and more known you are the bigger the response will be.

I cant even think of any public figure that would or had used it a while....its a PR nightmare, This europe excuse doesnt fly at all...especially in the internet/social media age we live in. You would have to be a total shutin to not know how using this word in the public could be an issue.

but he knows it can be an issue,nobody is arguing that
but it's (probably,as stated on my first post here,i only know the guy by fame of being the guty with the most subscriber on youtube and being hated on gaf,that's all) a way bigger deal for an US citizien than it is for other people in the world (in the main examples in this thread,some countries in europe), so it's possible for a guy that isn't racist to use that world lightly, even if he knows it's wrong.

even risking bringing out godwin's law..think about nazi imagery...in the US you have people parading with swastikas flags, and people debating if that's or not their right to do that...in germany,where nazism is a topic that has even more weight than in the US,doing so would bring your ass straight to jail no questions asked.

it is possible that something that it's universally considered bad or inappropriate,it's considered WAY more inappropriate on certain countries than in others...what I said in my first post,it's just that the weight of the word in the Us culture is immense, way bigger than in any other culture i heard of, so while in the US only someone who is racist to the bone or wants to go for shock value would use the word in public...outside of it it's possible that someone will not use the same care when using it,that's all.

it has nothing to do about "europe does not have racism" or "pewdipie didn't know what the n word means"
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