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PewDiePie calls someone a "fucking n****r" during PUBG livestream

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I can already hear the pitter-pattering of "If you stop racists assholes from making money off video games, where does it stop???? Slippery slope! Both sides!".
He's an idiot. Any sliver of benefit of doubt continues to shrink. Dude's run out of chances with me. You don't just accidentally use that word in that context with that pronounciation. I've never watched his content, but if I did I'd stop now (Already have with Jontron)

Just feel bad for the actual good people on YouTube who have their names shit on because of people like this

And while there are some extreme posters on GAF like that old post, most people here aren't that irrational. You can find crazier things on any site


Yeah also, a decent child knows the word is wrong. He's not a child, he's a moronic adult.
Some people don't have to grow up, because their actions are never reprimanded.

The bigger issue with celebrities and people with fans. They are constantly fed into a cycle, where they are right. As a celeb you will always find someone on your side, so you don't have to grow up from that. Which hinders you from growth. I mean imagine constantly being told you are right, would you stop.

Sad thing is, that hinders growth mentally. It's problematic. Same way it's important to not constantly go to yes men.

Velcro Fly

I don't like DMCA being used as a weapon like this. You were basically fine with it for however long and now based on something not at all related to fair use and the like you are suddenly not? It just doesn't sit right with me.


I think this is a really dangerous precedent and Gaf should be seriously wary of supporting it. I understand that a publisher/developer might not like their game to be played by a person who doesn't share their values. However Let's Play videos are already in uncertain legal territory. Even if they are supported across the board or not. If this is allowed to happen it could potentially mean that a YouTuber cannot make a let's play video of a game unless they are pre-approved by the publisher. This is bad news because it could lead to vetting of YouTubers so only brand loyal ones are approved who will give favourable coverage.

I understand the strong feeling to take action but this is not the way.

And who is creating this type of environment where such vetting is necessary?

People stood by and allowed this environment to fester and this is the consequence.

This is what happens when an anti-Semitic, misogynist and anti black racist is the face of youtube and LP's.

Good that somebody's doing something about this racist asshole tbh.
I don't get "this isn't too bad, but it's a slippery slope that can lead to something bad!!!"
If that ever happens, you can protest against it. Until then, it's fine.
It's a perfectly valid situation since the dev wouldn't want to be associated with someone who consistently spews hateful and racist things.

I don't think the dev or the game is being associated with hateful and racist things. It seems to me that usually things only become damaging to the brand when the product that a streamer/youtuber is putting out could actually be reasonably confused with the original work and official brand. A video of the game being played does not even come close IMO.

More publishers should take down revenue for anything Let's Play related and I don't know why people here always defend Let's Play peoples' "rights" for internet money. The OP video, what is this even. Some talentless edgelord in chat with another edgelord filming himself consuming an ugly videogame that someone else created. There's nothing "transformative" about this or whatever braindead argument people from that genre use as a defence when they are threatened with less income. There's zero talent involved with this particular kind of gaming video. And when people that have zero talent and the mental state of a 14 yo accidently strike gold with their videos, they start thinking that they are just "like South Park, because I'm saying outrageous shit - I kill jews XDDD". Cut the money, so the internet isn't further flooded with such worthless content that's open for children.


I can already hear the pitter-pattering of "If you stop racists assholes from making money off video games, where does it stop???? Slippery slope! Both sides!".

Except of course that publishers have already been abusing DMCA takedowns to silence people. Makes it hard to claim it a slippery slope fallacy.


I think this is a really dangerous precedent and Gaf should be seriously wary of supporting it. I understand that a publisher/developer might not like their game to be played by a person who doesn't share their values. However Let's Play videos are already in uncertain legal territory. Even if they are supported across the board or not. If this is allowed to happen it could potentially mean that a YouTuber cannot make a let's play video of a game unless they are pre-approved by the publisher. This is bad news because it could lead to vetting of YouTubers so only brand loyal ones are approved who will give favourable coverage.

I understand the strong feeling to take action but this is not the way.

Nah, I'm cool with not giving racists a platform.


Not that I needed another demonstration of this, but the reaction to this really drives home the attitude that some people have where being called racist is the worst thing in the world. At this point he's given already ample indication that he is racist and so many people are reacting to him using a racial slur with "I don't think he's racist." Why? What indications has he given that he isn't racist (vs. the many he's given that he is). Why do we need to handwave this away as him merely being an idiot?

It's like when people were being outed for taking part in Charlottesville and people rushed to their defense. "Well, I personally don't agree with his views but this self-identified white nationalist who traveled over 1000 miles to take place in a rally where he literally chanted Nazi slogans just said he's not racist in an interview. What a witch hunt, huh?"

it's pretty fascinating

instead of asking themselves "how can I change my behavior to not be racist in the future?" they instead ask themselves "how can I skew things to make my racism not look racist?"


I think this is a really dangerous precedent and Gaf should be seriously wary of supporting it. I understand that a publisher/developer might not like their game to be played by a person who doesn't share their values. However Let's Play videos are already in uncertain legal territory. Even if they are supported across the board or not. If this is allowed to happen it could potentially mean that a YouTuber cannot make a let's play video of a game unless they are pre-approved by the publisher. This is bad news because it could lead to vetting of YouTubers so only brand loyal ones are approved who will give favourable coverage.

I understand the strong feeling to take action but this is not the way.

I'm pretty sure "We don't like to see our brand involved in work by antisemitic and racist producers" is a better use of copyright than "He's saying our game is bad". But sure, move them posts until they fit.

Honestly, the variants in this thread of defending this shit and trying to downtalk people who try do do something about it is embarassing.

My friend, of course I don't support the use of the n-word! You are mistaken in saying that concerns about requiring publisher approval for Let's Play is actually tacit support for racism. We can discuss this without throwing out insults.


again with this nonsense

PDP is extensively Americanized. PDP knows exactly the context of the words he's saying.

As if saying 'fucking ni**ger' is some sort of worldwide phenomenon or some shit, ffs...

Well it kind of is. From London to Moscow people use that word. Black people too. And looking at how its being thrown around among black people in America, no wonder people think its acceptable. PDP should know better and all his streams should be a scripted preformance.... ugh cant wait until the FCC gets control over streaming. Yes its wrong, no he should not have used it but its so common it will continue to be said on streams until its regulated. With regulation many other words will be banned and soon you cant see or say anything remotly offensive on a stream anymore.


I can already hear the pitter-pattering of "If you stop racists assholes from making money off video games, where does it stop???? Slippery slope! Both sides!".
But it's not a slippery slope. Because the things at the end of the slope literally already happened. Abusive developers did try to silence criticism, precisely by using DCMA strikes.
PewDiePie the person in which is the perpetrator in this case is who? A Internet personality. Who specifically was doing what? Playing a online video game.

My (rhetorical thought) question was more about the ignorance and the casual use of racial words used in the mutliplayer gaming community at large.

My point is that as long as black people exist, it's impossible that the origins of the word nigger as a racial slur will ever be forgotten, because people will not stop using it to hurt them. They never have. The idea of it just morphing into a generic online multiplayer slur is kind of absurd. Black people use the internet for fuck's sake. We all communicate with each other through this medium.



Follow the money....

The money literally leads back to Rupert Murdoch.


Well it kind of is. From London to Moscow people use that word. Black people too. And looking at how its being thrown around among black people in America, no wonder people think its acceptable. PDP should know better and all his streams should be a scripted preformance.... ugh cant wait until the FCC gets control over streaming. Yes its wrong, no he should not have used it but its so common it will continue to be said on streams until its regulated. With regulation many other words will be banned and soon you cant see or say anything remotly offensive on a stream anymore.

I can't even with this bullshit

now it's black people fault, somehow


I don't like DMCA being used as a weapon like this. You were basically fine with it for however long and now based on something not at all related to fair use and the like you are suddenly not? It just doesn't sit right with me.

When it comes to copyright law, you have complete and arbitrary control over how people use derivatives of your work. Whether or not let's play content is considered derivative is still up in the air, but it's the law which ultimately decides that.
Well it kind of is. From London to Moscow people use that word. Black people too. And looking at how its being thrown around among black people in America, no wonder people think its acceptable. PDP should know better and all his streams should be a scripted preformance.... ugh cant wait until the FCC gets control over streaming. Yes its wrong, no he should not have used it but its so common it will continue to be said on streams until its regulated. With regulation many other words will be banned and soon you cant see or say anything remotly offensive on a stream anymore.

What is this

If a radio or television personality had said it live during their broadcast, it's likely they would face a ban. Get caught saying it in a bar or a restaurant, and you're going to be banned from that venue.
A lot of youtube personalities complain about not being considered legitimate celebrities, if they want that legitimacy, they need to take it both ways and the responsibility that comes with having a platform.


lol at people trying to claim that this Campo Santo thing "sets a dangerous precedent" in this thread. Like the DMCA was this unsullied thing that was only ever used with the purest of intentions until now. Are you really this clueless?


My friend, of course I don't support the use of the n-word! You are mistaken in saying that concerns about requiring publisher approval for Let's Play is actually tacit support for racism. We can discuss this without throwing out insults.

maybe learn that this isn't the subject to whine about perceived DMCA abuse


Well it kind of is. From London to Moscow people use that word. Black people too. And looking at how its being thrown around among black people in America, no wonder people think its acceptable. PDP should know better and all his streams should be a scripted preformance.... ugh cant wait until the FCC gets control over streaming. Yes its wrong, no he should not have used it but its so common it will continue to be said on streams until its regulated. With regulation many other words will be banned and soon you cant see or say anything remotly offensive on a stream anymore.


Blaming black people now for a racist thing a privileged white person said? Wow.
If this a "weaponization" of a DMCA takedown... what is the legit way of making sure that people you regard as racist can't make money off content you own?

If you don't want to black-flag all streamers via content ID, but only certain ones, is there any other way? Could Campo Santo have done it any other way that...idk, might have more correct albeit slower?!??


Well it kind of is. From London to Moscow people use that word. Black people too. And looking at how its being thrown around among black people in America, no wonder people think its acceptable. PDP should know better and all his streams should be a scripted preformance.... ugh cant wait until the FCC gets control over streaming. Yes its wrong, no he should not have used it but its so common it will continue to be said on streams until its regulated. With regulation many other words will be banned and soon you cant see or say anything remotly offensive on a stream anymore.

Or maybe we can build a society where children are taught from a young age that words have meaning and impact.

Or we build a society where people don't "want" to say those words.
I'm pretty sure "We don't like to see our brand involved in work by antisemitic and racist producers" is a better use of copyright than "He's saying our game is bad". But sure, move them posts until they fit.

Honestly, the variants in this thread of defending this shit and trying to downtalk people who try do do something about it is embarassing.

Sure it's a better use, but I can't be logically consistent in condoning it. DMCA as a tool is in place to protect them, in part, from having their brand damaged, and I don't think this stream/VOD does that.
Using a racist slur doesn't make you a racist. It's a stretch, but it's possible. Context is often important but, this is someone using the term out of anger and it's being a synonym for "asshole". It's part of his developed English lexicon because he wouldn't have grown up exposed to the word via family members saying it.

If this had been once incident of PewDiePie saying something like this, I think people might be willing to see it as a mistake and accept an apology but it's not. It's not the first and it won't be the last. This isn't a kid trying to look like a big man online, this is an adult and he should be treated the same way any adult who finds Nazi jokes and racism funny. Treat them with utter contempt.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
This is super weird. from 'the drama' that this guy had (im not a fan and caught up due to news) i actually agreed with most of his drive that i saw.

not gonna try and defend that though holy shit ive changed my mind.
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