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PewDiePie calls someone a "fucking n****r" during PUBG livestream

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Excuses like this have always blown my mind. No one in America (especially black people) are running around and saying "nigger" all of the time. It's not a thing that happens in objective reality. "Nigga" is said more frequently, but even then it's not said by everyone (not even all black people).

"Nigga" != "Nigger" and PDP made sure to emphasize the hard-R. It's weird to me that you seem to be able to distinguish the difference between "to" and "too" in your post ("it's" and "its" is a different story), but somehow you just can't accept that a word used by racists to say racist things is different than a word used by members of the black community (not everyone)

I'm fully on the "fuck him" train but you can somewhat excuse the lack of ability to distinguish the two forms by him being a non-native English speaker.

EDIT: JESUS CHRIST, nobody is even reading what I'm saying here. I'm not defending any of his shit. Just saying he might know not there even is a difference between the two forms as brought up above.


edit: The original comment here was a simple comment on his presumed poor vocabulary including the finer distinctions between the two terms mentioned above. The word "excuse" in the sentence seems to tick everyone off, as if I was somehow trying to excuse what he said in general which is most fucking definitely not the case, see my earlier posts in this thread for fucks sake.

To summarize:
excuse of behavior = 0
speculation about poor vocabulary = 1

That. is. all. Not stop piling onto this.


They use the word in Europe too . Where they had colonies for centuries. It's not just American history you would have to be beyond ignorant to not know.

There's something to be said that it's not used much in Europe though. I never hear it used here in the UK. Can't say I hear it online either.

That all said, I think that makes it all the worse that PewDiePie said it. You really have to go out of your way to actually think that's a good word to use in my opinion. It's not something that just slips off the tongue, lol.
People in Europe just casually use the n word with the hard er?

What the fuck.
Definitely not. At least, not from what I've heard.

Then again, can't say I know many racist people... (That I know of...)


Pewdiepie should get banned from Twitch or Youtube or however he streams. I don't think companies should be allowed to dictate which content creators get to use their products.

Why not?

I'm all for PewDiePie getting punished, but why should YouTube and Twitch not get to decide who uses their service?


It's definitely not a "both sides" situation. The only racist here is PDP. And Campo Santo's intentions are 100% good. I just worry about it setting precedent for other publishers with less than noble intentions. Last thing we want is a situation where a company like WB gets to determine who's allowed to review their games on YT based on who's been favorable to them in the past.

That precedent has already been set.

Campo Santo don't have the power to influence that. It is both the decision of the law and YouTube. My opinion is that while companies have the power to do this, whilst the world would be a better place to exist if they never had it at all, if they do they might as well do some good with it.
My roommate loves Pewds...he probably won't care smh.

Racism has been so normalized in gaming that I wouldn't be surprised if this was the reaction for a lot of people. It reminds me of when I was watching a twitch stream with Destiny (the streamer) and he was taking a break and eating some food and the chat was nothing but n word, n word, n word, the jews, jews this and jews that.


Well it kind of is. From London to Moscow people use that word. Black people too. And looking at how its being thrown around among black people in America, no wonder people think its acceptable. PDP should know better and all his streams should be a scripted preformance.... ugh cant wait until the FCC gets control over streaming. Yes its wrong, no he should not have used it but its so common it will continue to be said on streams until its regulated. With regulation many other words will be banned and soon you cant see or say anything remotly offensive on a stream anymore.

So the FCC getting involved is more of a problem for you than someone using that word.
I'm fully on the "fuck him" train but you can somewhat excuse the lack of ability to distinguish the two forms by him being a non-native English speaker.

He himself knew the difference. I'd maybe agree with you if the rest of that stream wasn't posted and he wasn't a worldwide unsheltered popular dude.


He really didn't learn anything from the whole prank video thing, this is indefensible and the way he said it with such hostility is very telling. I hope Pewdiepie crashes and burns to be honest, he has legions of fans that will support him no matter what, just like JonTron, but he is still a big influence to impressionable children and its pretty awful that they're going to think this is ok.

Little kids swearing and shouting racial slurs has always been thing in online gaming, usually with the "I'm just trolling bro, stop being so serious" excuse, but even more so today the amount of foul racist garbage I hear kids and adults spewing, and all the swastika emblems I see people running around with in CoD and Battlefield is pretty discouraging.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
I'm fully on the "fuck him" train but you can somewhat excuse the lack of ability to distinguish the two forms by him being a non-native English speaker.

He speaks perfect English


Did you read the rest of it or just the first part?

I read your whole post, but the only time it's really even remotely acceptable (in my mind) to say any kinds of slurs at all is in an 'educational' context, or within a discussion about them.

Calling someone a nigger makes you a racist. Period, lol. He 'corrected' himself by saying asshole, which means that he thinks niggers, aka black folks, are assholes.

Which is racist.


As a fellow Dutchman I kind of understands what he means but no I don't agree.
Good because even here in The Netherlands calling someone who is black, colored or even foreign looking a "neger" won't sit well with many of them. Hell, I've been called a neger here and there and I'm part italian. It just doesn't make any sense at all.


Pewdiepie should get banned from Twitch or Youtube or however he streams, but I hope the CS DMCA request fails. I don't think companies should be allowed to dictate which content creators get to use their products.

Isn't that standard practice in the TV/movie world?


What makes it even worse, way worse in fact is how he used it. A white person saying something like "wassup n***a" is wrong, nasty and needs to be adressed. But this was straight up with a hard R and also as a pure insult. Straight up calling someone black as a way of saying that person is bad, and ALSO doing it with the worst possible and rightfully taboo word. I'm at a loss.


After his last stunt that pretty much forced youtube into this new ad revenue position. I feel you're going to see a lot of other content creators come out against him. He's fucking up their money.


Here is the rest of that section if it hasn't been posted from the stream

In which he says


damn and this makes everything worse

What a fucking piece of shit. He doesn't deserve any of his success. There are thousands of people who could do this shit better than he can and at the same time actually be a decent human being. Not someone who "doesn't give a shit" about anything he says despite millions of kids watching his content and making a lot of money of it.


Maturity, bitches.
'It's not racist in Europe'
'He didn't mean it in a hurtful way'
'We should all be able to use the term in the name of equality'
'But rap music!'



Guy makes millions off views from people from all nationalities. Id hate to hear how he talks when not streaming. People love this guy and he couldnt give 2 shits.


I'm fully on the "fuck him" train but you can somewhat excuse the lack of ability to distinguish the two forms by him being a non-native English speaker.


Jesus Fucking Christ.

At the end of the got damn day, he called called somebody a word that means BLACK people and then immediately switched it out to ASSHOLE.

Regardless if nigger is used as a slur in whatever fucking country you live in, he still used a word meant to refer to BLACK people in place of asshole. Stop being so fucking dense.


time to take my meds
I'm fully on the "fuck him" train but you can somewhat excuse the lack of ability to distinguish the two forms by him being a non-native English speaker.
No no no no no no.

Everyone knows the difference. Even if he said the other one. Every one knows its bad.

Stop defending him.


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
What makes it even worse, way worse in fact is how he used it. A white person saying something like "wassup n***a" is wrong, nasty and needs to be adressed. But this was straight up with a hard R and also as a pure insult. Straight up calling someone black as a way of saying that person is bad, and ALSO doing it with the worst possible and rightfully taboo word. I'm at a loss.

He also doubles down on it hard and says 'I was looking for the worst possible word'. There's no coming back from this. Oh and the other guy in the vid is a hardcore piece of shit as well

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
Nigger does not equal nigga
someone else mentioned 'people in the eu dont know the diff!??!'

i would claim that non native english speakers may not hear/know the diff (it happened in dutch media semi recently to the uproar of gaf) but this is absolutely NOT the case here. Pewdiepie was extremely angry, he knew what he was saying and he meant it. watch his face while he says it, that was hate


I remember the shitstorm over him laughing at an antisemitic joke and articles came out calling him alt-right. I brushed it off as an overreaction, but this is different. This motherfucker let the word slip too casually. So he clearly says it on the regular.

It takes a measure of courage to admit a change of heart so I mean this with full sincerity: thanks for this post

I thought the same when reading that response. I really hope all those that defended him the first time have the strength of character to decide when enough is enough.

Random Human

They were trying to grab your prize. They work for the mercenary. The masked man.
Or maybe we can build a society where children are taught from a young age that words have meaning and impact.

Or we build a society where people don't "want" to say those words.
One of the things that's become apparent over the last few years, starting with Gamergate and through to the election, is how deeply unhealthy it is to grow up in online environments so ruled by irony that nothing said has meaning. It just destroys empathy and twists you into something gross and incapable of functioning in a world where words do have consequences (for the most part).


I'm fully on the "fuck him" train but you can somewhat excuse the lack of ability to distinguish the two forms by him being a non-native English speaker.
But he used it as an insult and later switched it out for "asshole". So what's the difference which "version" he actually meant to say?
It's still really weird to me that so many popular YouTube celebrities are bigoted pieces of shit. Also weird to me that Google isn't more concerned about the reputation of their platform. They're normalizing this shit. I mean, you can't come out much more racist than Jontron and his most recent video has like 3+ million views.

All these laissez-fair tech companies were a mistake.



I'm from Germany, Europe, and sorry this is commong knowledge. The excuses for racism get more and more obtuse.


He's European and was born in a low social class and thus has no concept of race. If you really sit down and think about it, the concept of racism is really a first world American privilege.

I am born in a low social class and i turned out fine, thank you. And that last part is just as ridiculous.
People in Europe just casually use the n word with the hard er?

What the fuck.
Yep every time I leave my house people come up to me saying "hello nigger" and I smile and wave to them, thanking them for being kind enough to aknowledge my existence.
I wish I could block people using gaf on my phone. Would make these threads so much more bearable

Jesus Fucking Christ.

At the end of the got damn day, he called called somebody a word that means BLACK people and then immediately switched it out to ASSHOLE.

Regardless if nigger is used as a slur in whatever fucking country you live in, he still used a word meant to refer to BLACK people in place of asshole. Stop being so fucking dense.

Seeing how the threads go on Gaming and OT, this should be pinned in the OP, quoted on every page, or just make the title this whole post.


I'm fully on the "fuck him" train but you can somewhat excuse the lack of ability to distinguish the two forms by him being a non-native English speaker.
Why the hell would a white person ever use either version, especially in that context. That excuse is horrible.


Fuck no, this could set a nasty precedent for DMCA abuse.
There would be very few greater moral uses of DMCA takedowns than not allowing racists to propagate their success.

Some "views" and "opinions" deserved to have their voice snuffed out by any and all means necessary. It's the morally right thing to do.
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