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People who cook dinner late at night is the bane of my existence

Basically. Don't want to share a wall with someone else? Then don't live in an apartment.

Unless you get a good unit location. For instance, I share only one wall - which is my bathroom and closet, so it's away from everything. All other walls are either outside or facing a hallway with like no traffic because it's on the end.

Below is a garage. There is a unit above, but I've never heard them. Ceilings are like 12' high.
It wasn't until I traveled to Italy that I encountered the late night eaters for the first time. My family always ate a 5pm, 6 at the latest. When we went out to eat in Italy for the first time, it was already 8pm. We walked into the only restaurant that was open, and there was no one at the host area. We went further inside and we saw that the place was totally empty and the staff and chefs were still eating. It blew our American minds that 8pm was early for these folks. Personally, if I eat after 8pm I get mad heartburn when I go to bed. Maybe they all go to bed later then we do I don't know.


Unless you get a good unit location. For instance, I share only one wall - which is my bathroom and closet, so it's away from everything. All other walls are either outside or facing a hallway with like no traffic because it's on the end.

Below is a garage. There is a unit above, but I've never heard them. Ceilings are like 12' high.
Yeah same, I'm lucky in my current apartment. We don't even share a single wall with our neighbors. You can sort of hear them if they're being super loud through the front door, since their front door is diagonally right next to ours. What we hear most are the people walking upstairs with shoes sometimes and when they vacuum every once in a while.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
It could be worse. You could live near me who does that and also is probably drunk.
I usually don't make a super big meal at that time but I have some meds that require being taken at night and with food or else I feel sick so I usually have my last meal around 9-9:30pm daily.


I have neighbors who live above me and they fucking walk like elephants and I can hear it all. They are even doing it now. Drives me crazy, especially cause I have to get up at 6AM.

And yes, I've tried ear plugs, they don't work.


People are on different schedules than you, OP.
Seems like if this is a problem you've *always* had, in TEN different locations, somewhere along the line the blame is on you for not vetting your potential apartments better than having one that shares a wall with a neighbor's kitchen.

I don't know if I've had bad luck, or if it's a lot more prevalent than I thought.

It's not bad luck, nor does it not deserve to be "prevalent." The problem is that you're moving into places (TEN TIMES!) that don't fit your needs and then assuming you can either ignore the problem or complain until strangers living their lives conform to you.

Do you know what the definition of insanity is?


Is it safe to wear noise cancelling headphones all night? It seems like there would be some bacteria issues or something with wearing headphones for a long period of time.
Thats a horribly designed apartment. Usually the units are made to mirror each other, so your kitchen should be on the otherside of theirs. Unless your in a studio, in which case your fucked.


we all knew her
I'm with you, OP. People who cook are the worst. I don't want to see your amateur food; I don't care if it's more "real and passionate" than food that's produced for money. Leave it to the professionals.
The fuck is this nonsense?


Unconfirmed Member
Soundproofing should be mandatory. Seems like every newish apartment has paper thin walls and everyone hears every little sound.


Junior Member
Many cultures/ppl eat dinner 930 and later .

Also 11pm is pushing it . MAny appt complex have quiet hour rules but don't remeber anything before 11. You can ask them politely explaining your situation to see if they could be quieter but they are under no obligation to do it. Etc


I have neighbors who live above me and they fucking walk like elephants and I can hear it all. They are even doing it now. Drives me crazy, especially cause I have to get up at 6AM.

And yes, I've tried ear plugs, they don't work.

Same for us. The second her kids get home or her boyfriend walks in the door it’s like a parade is going on. So much so it rattles all the stuff in our cupboards. Super annoying.

But we have a newborn and I feel zero fucks when he is screaming at 3am and I know it wakes her up at times too.

Dynamite Shikoku

Congratulations, you really deserve it!
one of my dumbarse neighbours doesn't use the range hood (i guess) and his smoke alarm goes off every single night around dinner time


Thats a horribly designed apartment. Usually the units are made to mirror each other, so your kitchen should be on the otherside of theirs. Unless your in a studio, in which case your fucked.

It's a studio and the neighbor I'm sharing a wall with is a one bedroom. His apartment is at the end of the building, so I think that may be why the kitchen is up against my wall. They didn't want to put the kitchen up against the end of the building.


Same for us. The second her kids get home or her boyfriend walks in the door it’s like a parade is going on. So much so it rattles all the stuff in our cupboards. Super annoying.

But we have a newborn and I feel zero fucks when he is screaming at 3am and I know it wakes her up at times too.

The worst is that it's not even a family, it's only one person that lives above me. Unless they start having guests over of course, then all hell breaks loose.
one of my dumbarse neighbours doesn't use the range hood (i guess) and his smoke alarm goes off every single night around dinner time
I had a little basement apartment and the fire alarm was so close to the oven that the heat released from opening the oven door would set off the alarm, even without any smoke.

I had to yank the battery anytime I wanted to bake anything.


you want to try some noise generators. a fan or an app playing pink noise.

i've lived in a lot of apartments, and this sort of thing can happen from all sorts of stuff. Having a place near the elevators is a big one.


Junior Member
one of my dumbarse neighbours doesn't use the range hood (i guess) and his smoke alarm goes off every single night around dinner time

Legitimately I had a roommate once who had no idea what a range hood was, she was watching me cook and I flipped the switch for the fan and she was like whaaat? She had been cooking without using the fan for over a year.


I'm with you, OP. People who cook are the worst. I don't want to see your amateur food; I don't care if it's more "real and passionate" than food that's produced for money. Leave it to the professionals.

... Sarcasm?

Plenty of people really enjoy cooking and are very good at it, despite not being professional chefs.
My shift ends at 1 am. I don't get home until 2 a.m. Sounds like the acoustics in your apartment building suck ass though. My last 2 apartments I couldn't hear my neighbors at all. My first place I could hear it when they opened their stove. Maybe start looking for a better place?
How do you hear that? And who the fuck designs a bedroom next to a kitchen. If there's a fire there you're fucked.

I rarely hear my neighbors day to day business. Once in a while I hear sex and once in a while a door or whatever.

Get some earplugs. They not supposed to eat?


you want to try some noise generators. a fan or an app playing pink noise.

i've lived in a lot of apartments, and this sort of thing can happen from all sorts of stuff. Having a place near the elevators is a big one.

I do have a white noise machine (the dohm one), but it doesn't work for bass sounds. It does help if I turn the thermostat down so the AC is running nonstop, but I feel guilty about wasting so much electricity with that, and it won't be an option when it gets cold outside.

Ear plugs don't work either. I think the only thing I have left are noise cancelling headphones. I should research those.


If you live with someone and slam shit making a bunch of noise, you're a piece of shit. Tell him to fuck off, OP.

My dumbass upstairs neighbor is this way. I've talked to her several times and she still doesn't get it. She has a bicycle that I suspect she hangs on a wall hook, and somehow manages to drop the fucking thing on the floor like 9/10 times she is getting ready to leave. Also opens and closes her door like at least three or four times per exit, as if she keeps forgetting her keys or whatever else she needs for the day.

Like, lady, how can you fuck up just leaving the apartment for the day so badly, every fucking day of your life. Is it that hard?


Junior Member
I thought this thread would be about how late cookers make you super hungry at night, which is terrible for your metabolism.

That shit is the worst.


It's 11:25pm here, and I'm making homemade dumplings.

I'm sorry, I just have a weird work schedule.

Dr.Guru of Peru

played the long game
It's too bad your apartment walls are so thin and apartment is so poorly designed. In my current apartment, I've never heard my neighbours cook. Actually, come to think of it - I barely hear them at all.

Outside of moving, I don't think there's anything you can do. I wouldn't even bother talking to your neighbour, since he really isn't doing anything wrong.


Can you move your bedroom? Swap it with a living room or something?

Maybe you can invest in some sound dampening decorations. Like thick rugs on your wall. Honestly if you can't avoid it and you're in your lease for the long haul, I would staple some insulation of some kind on the wall and put up a false wall on top of that using drywall/sheetrock.

My neighbor (that my bedroom wall connects with) was a stripper & now an escort and she's constantly coming home at all hours of the night. The kicker is that she NEVER takes her fucking heels/boots off while pacing up and down her hardwoord floor. SO fucking irritating, I have told her probably over a dozen times, no joke, to please simply take her shoes off if she's planning on walking around her apt. She is a mess. At least it doesn't seem like she brings any Johns to her apartment.
I generally made dinner around 5-6pm when I lived in my own house, but my family is living with our friends, and they have a power plan on Monday through Friday where energy costs are double noon to 7pm, and then 50% at all other times... so now I have to cook, do laundry, etc at super later or super early hours. It's stupid, especially because it means they can't use the AC during the day, and they live in Arizona...


I used to have a bedroom that shared a wall with the kitchen, I can sympathize. I used to work late shifts so I slept past 11am a lot, roommate cooking breakfast at 7 would always wake me up.


People have different schedules. It is what it is. Just get a fan and put it on high. You'll be surprised how the white noise blocks off everything else.
I hear it when I go to bed for the night. I don't notice anything while awake.

Use a fan for white noise or earplugs. It's crazy cause I can't hear my neighbor when they cook lol. That's not normal in terms of the layout and insulation of the rooms.
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