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People who cook dinner late at night is the bane of my existence


Hey OP, I feel your pain. My old upstairs neighbour was the the worst. Piece of shit would stomp around in high heels for up to 4 hours before going out and then thunder home at 3 in the morning to stomp around for another hour or so before going to bed every single weekend. Week nights it sounded like she dragged chairs and tipped over cupboards from 11:30pm onwards. Ended up calling the police for noise complaints very often, thankfully she was evicted from the building earlier this year.

Anyway, I ended up buying these to deal with it and now sleep with them every night, surprisingly very comfortable and they will block out most noise.



You what annoys me? People who are opening and closing drawers and doors, running water, and yapping to who the hell knows at 5:30 am.
Had the same problem in an old house. My room was next to the kitchen and someone would always wait until it was empty to start cooking. Usually around 11pm. The only solution was to move.

The Ummah

OP do us a rough plan of your apartment and I'll space plan for you, I'm a professional.

Try living under a 4 year old toddler who runs around above your bedroom at 6 am. Or screams at 1am for 45 minutes straight, While also living next to a fucking jack Russell terrier that barks at everything that moves. I seriously hate children and dogs more since having had to deal with that shit for two years. Never having stupid fucking kids or raising those dependant needy little shit fucking asshole creatures. I have no shame. I hate your dog, I hate your kids. Get them out of my face.
Sometimes I make next days lunch or breakfast the night before bed so I don't end up eating fast food the next day. Sorry OP get some earplugs?


I cook dinner at 2AM sometimes. Though I often get off work at midnight. You wouldn't like to live with me. Though it's mostly one pan meals like spaghetti or something.


My apartment spans the whole floor of the building so no next door neighbors to worry about fortunately. I never hear a peep from downstairs but the couple upstairs can be a pain in the ass sometimes. Once every few weeks the guy will stagger up the stairs steaming drunk and they get in a huge shouting match in the middle of the night. I really want to record it one time and go play it back to them.


Besides my night shift comment earlier, this is a perfect example of why living in a house is worth it if it’s affordable.


I usually have dinner late 8-9pm most days as that's just what I enjoy. I usually fall asleep around midnight to 1 am and get up at 9am. eating dinner at 6-7 means I'd be hungry near bedtime.
9-11PM seems perfectly normal to me. Plenty of people get off work at 6-7 - especially if they're working a corporate job. Add in gym/a decent commute after work and you end up cooking dinner after 10PM. I do it most nights and I don't consider it particularly unusual.


I don't think I've ever been able to hear any of my neighbors cooking. Only toilet flushes.

I do agree that anything after 10 PM is really late to be cooking up something big that makes a lot of noise.


That depends on the country where you live. In my country you can't make excessive noise between 22:00-6:00. You can call the cops if you find someone to be too loud, but it's just better to start with a polite conversation instead of making new enemies.
9-11 is not late at night. That's a perfectly reasonable time to cook dinner if you work in the evening, or to cook before work if you do a night shift.

If you have to be up at 5:30 then it's you with the unusual pattern and they shouldn't have to avoid cooking to work around you.
I was expecting something like midnight. 9-11 pm is not unusual. I think the problem is not your neighbor, it's that the walls in your apartment are made of cardboard.
9-11 isn't late at all. That's when I cook my food. I don't like eating earlier. That being said, people have different schedules. You can't expect them all to be able to fit around your schedule. It's just how it is unfortunately


It's after midnight here and I just finished making a salad, some garlic bread, a chicken breast and some fettuccine.

I'm probably gonna go make tea and have a bowl of ice cream, too.

I just felt you should know that, OP. Things could be worse.


Professional food. Hey, if you want to produce amateur food in your home with your partner, that's your business. I know some people prefer the raw stuff, but I personally find it a bit creepy.

/s ?

Most of the restaurant don't exactly have the good quality anymore like back then. Many of them just buy prepackaged these days and just reheat the food in the bag and put it nicely on a plate.

Edit: That's my experience in Germany and it's big problem with apprentices because they don't really learn to cook anymore.
I always seep with a fan so most noises aren't a problem, but smells might keep me awake and that sucks

Professional food. Hey, if you want to produce amateur food in your home with your partner, that's your business. I know some people prefer the raw stuff, but I personally find it a bit creepy.

Well this is some low-key poor shaming if not /s
Professional food. Hey, if you want to produce amateur food in your home with your partner, that's your business. I know some people prefer the raw stuff, but I personally find it a bit creepy.

You find actually having learnt to cook creepy?

What else weirds you out? Cleaning your own clothes? Vacuuming your own floor?


Since moving out of my parents house, I've lived in about 10 different houses/apartments. One thing I've encountered in every single one of the places I've lived in is having somebody within earshot of my room who cooks dinner late at night. I expected stuff like that to happen when I was in college, but I'm a bit shocked with how much I've run into it since moving out of college neighborhoods. I don't know if I've had bad luck, or if it's a lot more prevalent than I thought.

Anyway, it's driving me bonkers. The act of cooking dinner produces a lot of bassy thuds from slamming pantry doors, placing things on counters, and pacing around the kitchen. Those bassy thuds are freaking impossible to block out with white noise machines. The bass cuts through everything, and in order to block it out adequately, you basically have to create your own bassy sound, at which point you become the annoying bass sound for your neighbors.

I don't really know where I'm going with this. I understand that people work night shifts and everything. I guess I'm just venting because my current situation is the worst I've had so far. The wall my bed is against is literally sharing a wall with my neighbor's kitchen, and he cooks dinner between 9 and 11pm. I have to wake up at 5:30am...

Noise canceling headphones or ear muffs might help
Or some kind of white noise machine
Seems like a petty thing to cry about. Some people work late and don't have a choice. I suggest moving somewhere built better or a secluded house.


If I want to make pancakes at 11pm, I'm going to make pancakes. If you weren't such a dick OP I'd invite you over for some pancakes.


Professional food. Hey, if you want to produce amateur food in your home with your partner, that's your business. I know some people prefer the raw stuff, but I personally find it a bit creepy.

What did I just read?

I'm assuming you are a terrible cook then if you can't cook food properly by yourself.


One of the reasons I chose a flat with good walls... in the previous one, I was hearing my neighbours snoring, their alarm clock and, well... you-guess-what.

At least, it's now quiet, and I don't bother anyone either.

As far as cooking late, well, I come back at 10PM and sometimes later than that, so I cook pad 11PM most of the time...
lol I was expecting something like 2am not 9-11pm. Downside of living in a condo/apartment I guess. As a person who has never lived in one. Is good sound insulation a thing that isn't standard by condo developers, and are you allowed to attempt adding it in yourself after ownership?


Gold Member
Channel you anger and frustration into saving more money or earning more money in order to get your own place.

You can't control what time other people do basic things like cook and eat.


I don't really know where I'm going with this. I understand that people work night shifts and everything. I guess I'm just venting because my current situation is the worst I've had so far. The wall my bed is against is literally sharing a wall with my neighbor's kitchen, and he cooks dinner between 9 and 11pm. I have to wake up at 5:30am...

Have you considered moving your bed to another spot?
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