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People who cook dinner late at night is the bane of my existence


I like cooking at night. It's the best time of the day to cook, actually. I can cook most things and dont need to put them on the fridge to eat on the next day, which I would have in case I would cook them earlier.
I'm with you, OP. People who cook are the worst. I don't want to see your amateur food; I don't care if it's more "real and passionate" than food that's produced for money. Leave it to the professionals.


That is not what he said at all? Unless this is some unfunny "joke" you are trying to make?


The first thing I did when I moved into my apartment was introduce myself to my neighbors and tell them if I ever made too much noise to let me know and they said they would do the same.

I think you should simply just speak to your neighbors. If it's still a problem then maybe time to move to another apartment.

I often cook late at night mainly because it's when I'm used to eating. Never been a problem with my neighbors and I try to be considerate and not bang stuff around.


Deep into his 30th decade
I've decided that I'm not going to say anything to the neighbor. He's never gone past 11pm with his kitchen stuff, and he hasn't made any noise at all, in fact, after 11pm. So he is a pretty good neighbor. But I will be grateful when my lease runs out and I can find a better apartment.

Be careful, you might move next to that gaffer that smokes pot constantly in their apartment.


I looked into people in Spain eating late because of this thread. My mind is kind of blown by their standard schedule.

Davey Cakes

you want to try some noise generators. a fan or an app playing pink noise.
Yeah, I use my floor fan. It doesn't produce enough noise to be disturbing itself, but it does enough to muffle the sound in the hall between my roommate's bedroom and the kitchen.

(Or does it? I don't know. My roommates never made a stink and I've asked them about it.)

This is why I want to move into a studio. I don't give a shit about the lack of space; I just don't want to feel like I'm affecting anyone else's space in a negative way. I want to do my own thing.

What's interesting is that a lot of people in this thread seem to be talking about their neighbors. I mean, I understand noises coming from roommates, but neighbors? That's never been an issue. Then again, our building is built with brick in between the apartments so it's probably decent at canceling noise.


Try living under a 4 year old toddler who runs around above your bedroom at 6 am. Or screams at 1am for 45 minutes straight, While also living next to a fucking jack Russell terrier that barks at everything that moves. I seriously hate children and dogs more since having had to deal with that shit for two years. Never having stupid fucking kids or raising those dependant needy little shit fucking asshole creatures. I have no shame. I hate your dog, I hate your kids. Get them out of my face.
When the kid grows up he'll be playing piano for you all day.
The first thing I did when I moved into my apartment was introduce myself to my neighbors and tell them if I ever made too much noise to let me know and they said they would do the same.

I think you should simply just speak to your neighbors. If it's still a problem then maybe time to move to another apartment.

I often cook late at night mainly because it's when I'm used to eating. Never been a problem with my neighbors and I try to be considerate and not bang stuff around.

I have done this. I usually give them a couple of quid and my number and tell them if my speakers are too loud don't phone the cops, just ring and I'll turn it down.

As for op, deal with it I guess, unless it's obscenely louder than regular cooking sounds.


9-11PM isn't really that late. In my building we have rules to not make noise after midnight so for example you can still ride the elevator at 11PM (elevator makes the most noise of all if you live right next to it). People use their washing machines at 10PM etc.

Floor fan is a good method if it really bothers you.


Gold Member
Weird. I've probably lived in 15 different apartment units over my lifetime and I can't say I ever heard a neighbor cooking.
I actually wouldn't suggest asking them to be quieter unless they're using blenders and stuff. There's certain noises that you just can't be expected to do anything about and it's entirely expected that people will cook dinner when they want to eat dinner.

I would probably complain to the landlord though. Maybe you can get reduced rent or be moved to a quieter unit?

Other than that you just have to start thinking of moving out.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Why not move to an apartment with better sound isolation, like one made out of concrete? At least you won't hear your neighbors. I know I don't, except in some rare occasions.


I sometimes cook dinner late because when my roomies cook, there is no space to work in, and then when I go to wait for them to finish I just loose my appetite for a while and have to just deal with waiting another hour until I feel peckish enough to cook, and by then it may be 21:00 or later.

Luckily, none of us have to sleep early to wake up early, and I rarely if ever use any loud stuff like blenders and other machinery so I tend to be quiet. Don't like to loudly bang pans against surfaces either so I do avoid that.


I'm with you, OP. People who cook are the worst. I don't want to see your amateur food; I don't care if it's more "real and passionate" than food that's produced for money. Leave it to the professionals.
I feel you. I used to wipe my own ass but now that I got a professional ass wiper life couldn't be better. No more amateur wipes that leave dingleberries behind, just professionally clean ass cheeks. I had to upgrade my toilet from an amateur one to a professional one that measures how much you shit and if you're healthy now. Couldn't live without it. I just typed this with my professional iPhone 7+ as it wouldn't been possible with an amateur one. Poor people are the worst. Ughughughughugh


I have done this. I usually give them a couple of quid and my number and tell them if my speakers are too loud don't phone the cops, just ring and I'll turn it down.

As for op, deal with it I guess, unless it's obscenely louder than regular cooking sounds.

Why are you giving them money?


Walking around, setting pots on the counter, and opening cabinets? Wow, sounds like people living their lives. They’d better not have children!

Life is better spent watching tv on the couch (with headphones or course!) or silently browsing GAF.

In all seriousness I’d try to find an apartment that doesn’t share a bedroom wall with a kitchen and get used to wearing earplugs. Sleep is serious business but living in close quarters with others will always be noisy.


I've cooked big meals past 12am sometimes. If I'm in the mood to cook, I'm gonna cook. I don't even eat that late, sometimes I just want to get something done and prepared and I'll cook it right then in the spur of the moment and package it up and store it for the next few days.

I'd say its more how your building is laid out as its stupid if your bedroom is sharing a wall with a neighbors kitchen. My kitchen and my neighbors kitchen share the wall just as our bathrooms do too.

I am a night owl though and tend not to be up at the crack of dawn like more common folk.


Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
he cooks dinner between 9 and 11pm. I have to wake up at 5:30am...
You wouldn't like me either, I cook at 8pm - but I also have to get up at 5:30, so we could share the alarm!


What did I just read?

I'm assuming you are a terrible cook then if you can't cook food properly by yourself.

I'm an excellent cook. I'm very passionate, ask anyone. But producing food to eat myself, or for the consumption of others, just feels a bit exhibitionistic. I'm surprised my post is getting this much hostility from people; I'm not some puritan suggesting you all stop eating in public. I'm allowed to be creeped out by amateur food producers. Sounds like the OP and I are on the same page.
I'm an excellent cook. I'm very passionate, ask anyone. But producing food to eat myself, or for the consumption of others, just feels a bit exhibitionistic. I'm surprised my post is getting this much hostility from people; I'm not some puritan suggesting you all stop eating in public. I'm allowed to be creeped out by amateur food producers. Sounds like the OP and I are on the same page.

Makin' a fucking stew or stirfry for myself or others means I'm an exhibitionist "amateur food producer"?

lmao wtf

This may be the strangest hang-up I've seen in a very long time
I'm an excellent cook. I'm very passionate, ask anyone. But producing food to eat myself, or for the consumption of others, just feels a bit exhibitionistic. I'm surprised my post is getting this much hostility from people; I'm not some puritan suggesting you all stop eating in public. I'm allowed to be creeped out by amateur food producers. Sounds like the OP and I are on the same page.
Sure you are, Donald.


I cook and eat late. I don't have an excuse I'm just trash.

Gotta defend the spanish though, they're in the wrong timezoone. They live in French time but geographically they should be on British time. So a 9PM dinner is at atime of day that looks like 8PM.



Just call me Bane, then. I'm about to grab dinner, & 7 PM is an early dinner for me.

Some nights I don't even get home until 8, so that plays a part in it. If I'm not at work late, I'm running errands. Thankfully, I don't live in an apartment right now, but I'll try to be mindful of my schedule when I can move back out. That said, it's still not something I can control.
Just cooked up a diced potato omelette with cheese, bacon and red onion. Late night cooking is the best. Add a joint and a portable speaker and you've got yourself a killer night lol.

Sera O

Since moving out of my parents house, I've lived in about 10 different houses/apartments. One thing I've encountered in every single one of the places I've lived in is having somebody within earshot of my room who cooks dinner late at night.

This is pretty 'princess and the pea' type of stuff. Is your hearing way too good? Try standing next to the amp next time you see a band play. If you've been picking up late cooking sounds in every single place you've ever lived in, it makes me think that they aren't being unusually loud. Odds are low that you would have a loud cupboard slamming, knife-chopping whiz in every single place you ever lived at.

You need to be smarter when you're looking at apartments. You are the one with the unusual schedule/sensitive ears if neighbor noise from 9-11pm disrupts your life. Why are you still trying to live in buildings that aren't concrete, or don't have other features that make a building quieter?


Going to bed at 10 is not out of the ordinary. I'll let everybody who I triggered win with all the other points they brought up, but that's one point where you guys are wrong. The proof is in the shitton of traffic I have to deal with during my work commute. If my schedule's so weird, then where's all this traffic coming from?
My upstairs neighbor works from home with his desk being directly above my bed, and he's in there as early as 5 a.m. some mornings and as late as 4 a.m. other mornings. I can't block out all the noise from him pacing, rolling around in his chair, and seeming dropping shit on the floor, but I have a white noise machine (a "LectroFan") and a big HEPA air purifier that together help a lot.

(so fucking jealous of you folks than can go to bed by 10 p.m.)


Will QA for food.
I do almost all my baking after dinner, which is like 8pm-11pm for me. I try not to be too noisy and won't use things like a blender after 10pmish


I feel for OP but sometimes people work odd schedules. I try my hardest to be quiet when I cook late, but, hazard of apartment living. You want peace and quiet rent or buy a home.
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