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Star Wars: The Last Jedi trailer


Unconfirmed Member
Literally everything ABOUT Rey in TFA is ambiguous.
I would disagree with this. We get a good sense of her personality, we know some things for sure about her background, and we know what's important to her.
Do you really think the look Chewie gives her.. just before they touch down on the island, is nothing? A single shot with only him in the frame, looking at Rey?
This is what I'm talking about. I think you're misreading this scene and several others. By time the movie ends, Chewie has been through a lot with Rey. They've grown considerably closer just from the events of the film itself. And what works against reading these types of scenes in this way is if Han, Chewie, or Leia knew anything, they'd say something.
Everyone in the audience will say 'who?'

Which is why, if they did reveal it (which they won't because he isn't Ezra), then the way to do it would just let Snoke be Snoke in the movies, but for those who watch Rebels, reveal that Ezra becomes Snoke. The twist isn't that Snoke is Ezra, but that Ezra is Snoke. It would be a reveal that is irrelevant to the movies. The most the movies would need is "he studied the ways of the Jedi and came to a different conclusion". Which is admittedly in keeping with the TFA novelization, in which he values light and dark, but that's just dumb details.


The average Star Wars fan doesn't even care for Rebels.

Snoke isn't going to be a character from some 3D cartoon almost nobody watches.


I would disagree with this. We get a good sense of her personality, we know some things for sure about her background, and we know what's important to her.

This is what I'm talking about. I think you're misreading this scene and several. By time the movie ends, Chewie has been through a lot with Rey. They've grown considerably closer. And what works against reading these types of scenes in this way is if Han, Chewie, or Leia knew anything, they'd say something.

I meant everything about Rey, like.. who she is, where she comes from, is completely ambiguous. All we learn about her in the TFA is that she wants to do the right thing and that she's the hero of the trilogy.

Yeah, you could interpret it is nothing and it's just Chewie randomly looking at her for basically no reason and that it's just them being "close", if you want. But you can still argue that it's evidence of something else.

Why.. would you assume they'd say something? That's part of what makes it a surprise, or something that a future movie can build on.

Some things are revealed for specific reasons, or sometimes they're just revealed when the time is "right".

Leia: I Know. Somehow.. I've always known.

Or, (yeah, I know the story changed over time) Obi-Wan misleading Luke when he knew about Vader and who he really is.

Or, Yoda, knowing who Luke is but messing with him and testing him until he left it was time to reveal who he really is.

SW does this shit all the time. If they want, they can even change the story completely to fit a narrative they'd like to pursue.


I'd be into that, definitely. They described him as a player that watched everything from the sidelines, if he's from before even the Old Republic would be an interesting place to take that character.

I'm pretty sure they say he's 900 years old, which would make him just a little older than Yoda was in RotJ.


Is currently staging a hunger strike outside Gearbox HQ while trying to hate them to death
Probably been asked already but is there a desktop version of the new poster?
But if she vanquishes the Dark Side then there is no more conflict
I feel like it's a never ending cycle. The conflict will always be there. Anakin destroyed the Sith in Episode VI and brought balance to the force. And yet the balance has been shifted again with Snoke and the First Order. I guess as long as there is room for conflict in the hearts of individuals, the dark side will always be around. Now whether or not that means that there must always be a chosen one is up to debate since Anakin is as far as I know the only person called by prophecy according to Qui-Gon.

Rey can vanquish the dark side. That will once again bring balance to the force. The question is whether or not the dark side will ever permanently disappear.
It's heavily suggested in TFA. I just don't know exactly what it is. I do think there was something significant that happened to/with Rey that caused someone to drop her off on a desolate planet.

It wasn't by chance. Something big set it into motion.
Very true. She has a destiny that everyone is trying to go after. Both Snoke and Luke have the potential to bring Ray over to one side. I'm not saying that she will be interested in the dark side, but that Snoke will try anything in his power to either bring her over to his side or to destroy her. Luke has the ability to help her, to temper her power so that she can bring the full force of it out. But as the trailers show he isn't looking forward to that. Why? Maybe it was the idea that Rey might become a new Kylo Ren. Or maybe Rey has a hidden power that even a Grand Master like Luke is unnerved with.

What I'm trying to say is that Rey will be a part of something huge. TLJ and Episode IX will see to that. I think that it might be something that none of us has speculated yet. And it excites the heck out of me!


Serkis said Snoke was around long enough to see the rise of the Empire, but that's it.

The TFA character who is co turned to be older than Yoda is Maz, who was already running her castle bar thing 1000 years prior.


Serkis said Snoke was around long enough to see the rise of the Empire, but that's it.

The TFA character who is co turned to be older than Yoda is Maz, who was already running her castle bar thing 1000 years prior.

This is the way I remember it. But I don't think we have confirmation about approximately how old Snoke is.


Serkis said Snoke was around long enough to see the rise of the Empire, but that's it.

The TFA character who is co turned to be older than Yoda is Maz, who was already running her castle bar thing 1000 years prior.

If the First Order wrecked my century-long running bar, I'd be mega pissed.
tldr ezra? or gimme me a few sentences, wtf is he? :S

The main protagonist of Star Wars Rebels, a parallel to Luke in that he's a kid from the outer rim who discovers he can wield the force. No-one is quite sure of his fate, though the lack of mention in ANH on has led many to believe he's not making it out of his own show alive - same deal with Kanan, his teacher.

Some however have speculated him to be Snoke because:
A) He's a force user who exists
B) He's dabbled in the dark side a bit
C) His love interesting is called Sabine Wren. Yes, people are willing to stretch even that.


I'm betting she shows up to tell somebody about how she got the saber

And hopefully exhibits some cool force abilities that aren't super flashy, more for storytelling purposes
She's probably just going to help the resistance by getting her pirate friends together to join them.
The main protagonist of Star Wars Rebels, a parallel to Luke in that he's a kid from the outer rim who discovers he can wield the force. No-one is quite sure of his fate, though the lack of mention in ANH on has led many to believe he's not making it out of his own show alive - same deal with Kanan, his teacher.

Some however have speculated him to be Snoke because:
A) He's a force user who exists
B) He's dabbled in the dark side a bit
C) His love interesting is called Sabine Wren. Yes, people are willing to stretch even that.
Just for the record, I do not think Snoke will be Ezra, but to add a few extra points as to why he seems to be a focus of a lot of fan theories:

1. Ezra is fond of dumb names.
2. He has, technically, been around since the rise and fall of the empire (born the day it was founded).
3. Has encountered and fought Darth Vader in person.
4. Has experience and knowledge of ancient Jedi/Sith weapons, history, & artifacts.
5. First Jedi/almost-Jedi/force-sensitive character and first protagonist for TV created under Disney-era for the new Canon, his creation and development (development of Rebels series) coincident with the creation of Snoke (development TFA).

If Snoke is to be a character drawn from the existing canon that has had a visible presence in books, films, TV, etc, and fits the known details of Snoke (knowledge of the force, interest in light/dark, around at least to see rise/fall of empire, knowledge of who vader is). Ezra is the best candidate. HOWEVER, Snoke is Snoke.


I don't personally think they would go out of their way to make a big reveal that is from one of the shows.

Largely cuz most people would be like

Wait what? Who?


Aftershock LA
I rewatched TFA yesterday and I can't shake the feeling that there's so much more to Rey (not even focusing on her lineage) than we see. It's the exact same way I felt when I left the theater the very first time.

Han, Chewie, and Leia all treat her as though they know more about her than the audience is aware of. JJ said that it was a mistake that he had Leia hug Rey instead of Chewie. Is it possibly actually because it leaned too much on stuff that will be expanded on in TLJ/EP9?

Then, there's the scene where Leia deliberately approaches Rey and says " Rey - may the force be with you". This is coming from someone she hasn't even been formally introduced to.

Chewie and Han are staring at her in what seems to be deliberate shots.

I certainly hold to the theory that Rey’s memories have been altered in some way.

I also thought back when I first saw TFA that it was Kylo Ren that dropped her off on Jakku. The way he calls her a “Scavenger,” and the way he freaks out when his subordinate mentions “the girl,” after the Falcon escapes Jakku makes me think he knows more about Rey than she does. I also like that Kylo mentions the island when he’s probing her mind. She’s already seen the future and doesn’t seem to recognize it. I thought that maybe during the early years, before he destroys the academy, Rey was a very gifted student at the Jedi academy. Ben gets corrupted by Snoke, who orders him to wipe out the academy, but he can’t bring himself to kill this little girl that he views as a sister, (his constant struggle with the light making him momentarily weak), and he takes her away to Jakku, uses his mind tricks to block her memories, and went back to Snoke like, “yeah, I took care of the academy! You don’t have to verify that!”

But on another angle:
The meaningful looks that Han gives Rey, especially the kind of sad look he gives her as they land at Maz’s temple when she says she’s never seen that much green before. It’s like he feels bad, but for a deeper reason than just her seeing green for the first time. I got the impression that he and Leia know more about Rey than they let on. The cut away after Maz asks Han who Rey is seems also very telling. I feel like if it was nothing, they’d have just continued with Han saying something like, “I don’t know,” or “Just some stray I picked up on Jakku,” or anything. It felt like a deliberate omission.

I also think they filmed more of the Rey being left on Jakku flashback than what they showed in TFA. Probably so they can use the same little girl for any future extensions of that scene. The way Rey reacted to seeing little Rey begging for whoever left her to come back made me think that it was a new memory for her too. Like she hasn’t seen it before either. Perhaps it was a blocked one that became unblocked when she touched the child killer, uh, I mean Luke’s lightsaber.

While I’m not so hung up on who Rey is as I was back when TFA came out, I can’t help but feel that there were deliberate omissions that they’ll address in the next two movies. Chances are answering those questions while TFA was already struggling to establish the new status quo of the post RotJ Star Wars universe, would just lead to more questions that the movie didn’t have the room to answer. I think TLJ is going to be quite a character piece, and was always going to be.
I don't personally think they would go out of their way to make a big reveal that is from one of the shows.

Largely cuz most people would be like

Wait what? Who?
The best argument against Ezra, and it is a mighty doozy, is that the show is not popular enough or important enough to have any impact on the films, and despite the desire for a cohesive canon, I doubt they'd ever be willing to let a show, comic, book, or anything else be anything other than a side story, or background expository fodder.

However, unless he was somebody important (or descended from somebody important) and well known from the films, any reveal of Snoke would be similarly met with "who?" Which is why I can't imagine any twist reveal like that would even be worthwhile in the films.

They have shown a willingness to give expository, but unessential, background and origins on characters like Phasma in books. So if Snoke isn't someone pre-existing and important (Ezra is arguably more important, being a protagonist of a TV show than any minor movie or book character) and there is a minor reveal that he is Ezra, then fans of the show would be rewarded, and like every other new character, there would be a thing for Lucasfilm to point to and say "watch Rebels to find out more!".

And him being Ezra wouldn't affect the movies. Who Snoke is and, if he is Ezra, who he was, are separated by decades. There is a lot of time in the Interim for Snoke to become Snoke and do Snoke things and create twists for the movies unaffected by the show. The show would basically be a footnote about his childhood.


I certainly hold to the theory that Rey’s memories have been altered in some way.

I also thought back when I first saw TFA that it was Kylo Ren that dropped her off on Jakku. The way he calls her a “Scavenger,” and the way he freaks out when his subordinate mentions “the girl,” after the Falcon escapes Jakku makes me think he knows more about Rey than she does. I also like that Kylo mentions the island when he’s probing her mind. She’s already seen the future and doesn’t seem to recognize it. I thought that maybe during the early years, before he destroys the academy, Rey was a very gifted student at the Jedi academy. Ben gets corrupted by Snoke, who orders him to wipe out the academy, but he can’t bring himself to kill this little girl that he views as a sister, (his constant struggle with the light making him momentarily weak), and he takes her away to Jakku, uses his mind tricks to block her memories, and went back to Snoke like, “yeah, I took care of the academy! You don’t have to verify that!”

I've always liked this theory, but unfortunately the timeline precludes it. Rey was left on Jakku years before Kylo destroyed the academy. I believe the destructions of the academy happened roughly 6 years before the events of TFA. Rey is 19 during the movie and young Rey in the flashback was played by an 8 year old girl.


Aftershock LA

Luke doesn’t have to be a straight up dark side user to be an antagonist. An antagonist is just someone who’s goals conflict with the protagonist. In the case of this movie, our protag Rey wants to be trained by Luke, while Luke doesn’t want to train Rey. He’s her antagonist for at least a portion of the film in that regard. Then there are the more overt antagonists in Kylo Ren and Snoke.

Or, it’s just a cool looking poster, and because Hamil plays such a huge role in this movie compared to TFA, they wanted to make sure people saw him front and center this time around.
Luke doesn’t have to be a straight up dark side user to be an antagonist. An antagonist is just someone who’s goals conflict with the protagonist. In the case of this movie, our protag Rey wants to be trained by Luke, while Luke doesn’t want to train Rey. He’s her antagonist for at least a portion of the film in that regard. Then there are the more overt antagonists in Kylo Ren and Snoke.

Or, it’s just a cool looking poster, and because Hamil plays such a huge role in this movie compared to TFA, they wanted to make sure people saw him front and center this time around.

If Luke dies they probably would put him front in center in a lot of marketing as a way to honor his contribution to the franchise and to get audiences familiar with the major characters.
The trailer didn't even give us a taste of who del toro is playing, did it? I remember there was a magazine story with some pics of some fancy Star Wars costumes with some fancy characters but I don't think we saw any of that in this trailer.


Snoke is Plagueis

Yall will see

Pablo said Snoke is someone we have never met.

Remember that time we met Plag-


i mean.....she is carrying a staff that literally looks like what he used damn it.....It would make sense for him to be plageuis since he could manipulate life basically.

MAN, if thats the case it would be soooooo good. Plageueis is literally equal to Palpatine in prime power and was near Exar Kun levels

wait......what if Exar Kun is snoke.......


The trailer didn't even give us a taste of who del toro is playing, did it? I remember there was a magazine story with some pics of some fancy Star Wars costumes with some fancy characters but I don't think we saw any of that in this trailer.

He plays a smaller part that's bigger in 9 apparently. Kinda like Phasma in 7.


I certainly hold to the theory that Rey's memories have been altered in some way.

I also thought back when I first saw TFA that it was Kylo Ren that dropped her off on Jakku. The way he calls her a ”Scavenger," and the way he freaks out when his subordinate mentions ”the girl," after the Falcon escapes Jakku makes me think he knows more about Rey than she does. I also like that Kylo mentions the island when he's probing her mind. She's already seen the future and doesn't seem to recognize it. I thought that maybe during the early years, before he destroys the academy, Rey was a very gifted student at the Jedi academy. Ben gets corrupted by Snoke, who orders him to wipe out the academy, but he can't bring himself to kill this little girl that he views as a sister, (his constant struggle with the light making him momentarily weak), and he takes her away to Jakku, uses his mind tricks to block her memories, and went back to Snoke like, ”yeah, I took care of the academy! You don't have to verify that!"

But on another angle:
The meaningful looks that Han gives Rey, especially the kind of sad look he gives her as they land at Maz's temple when she says she's never seen that much green before. It's like he feels bad, but for a deeper reason than just her seeing green for the first time. I got the impression that he and Leia know more about Rey than they let on. The cut away after Maz asks Han who Rey is seems also very telling. I feel like if it was nothing, they'd have just continued with Han saying something like, ”I don't know," or ”Just some stray I picked up on Jakku," or anything. It felt like a deliberate omission.

I also think they filmed more of the Rey being left on Jakku flashback than what they showed in TFA. Probably so they can use the same little girl for any future extensions of that scene. The way Rey reacted to seeing little Rey begging for whoever left her to come back made me think that it was a new memory for her too. Like she hasn't seen it before either. Perhaps it was a blocked one that became unblocked when she touched the child killer, uh, I mean Luke's lightsaber.

While I'm not so hung up on who Rey is as I was back when TFA came out, I can't help but feel that there were deliberate omissions that they'll address in the next two movies. Chances are answering those questions while TFA was already struggling to establish the new status quo of the post RotJ Star Wars universe, would just lead to more questions that the movie didn't have the room to answer. I think TLJ is going to be quite a character piece, and was always going to be.

Good post. And yeah, you can certainly interpret Han's reaction as that. I'm more interested in what happened in Rey's past that connects with her present and future, than her lineage or who her parents were, honestly.

The best argument against Ezra, and it is a mighty doozy, is that the show is not popular enough or important enough to have any impact on the films, and despite the desire for a cohesive canon, I doubt they'd ever be willing to let a show, comic, book, or anything else be anything other than a side story, or background expository fodder.

However, unless he was somebody important (or descended from somebody important) and well known from the films, any reveal of Snoke would be similarly met with "who?" Which is why I can't imagine any twist reveal like that would even be worthwhile in the films.

They have shown a willingness to give expository, but unessential, background and origins on characters like Phasma in books. So if Snoke isn't someone pre-existing and important (Ezra is arguably more important, being a protagonist of a TV show than any minor movie or book character) and there is a minor reveal that he is Ezra, then fans of the show would be rewarded, and like every other new character, there would be a thing for Lucasfilm to point to and say "watch Rebels to find out more!".

And him being Ezra wouldn't affect the movies. Who Snoke is and, if he is Ezra, who he was, are separated by decades. There is a lot of time in the Interim for Snoke to become Snoke and do Snoke things and create twists for the movies unaffected by the show. The show would basically be a footnote about his childhood.

Well yeah, I think any reveal that's gunna leave 90% of the audience like.. wait what? Is probably not a great route to take if you're looking for a twist or surprise. Which is partly why I think Plagueis is not going to happen (among many other reasons).

Not to say they WON'T ever do something with the shows in the main films, but I think part of creating sequels is trying as best you can to pave your own path and not rely too much on preexisting characters and backstories.

Considering TFA already used many of those characters and stories as a backbone for the foundation of the new films, I think there will still be connections and callbacks to the main films and possibly other mediums/stories, but they'll largely break out into their own stories.

I don't think there's going to be any twist regarding past storylines involving Snoke honestly.

Which is partly why RJ joked around with the "Your Snoke Theory Sucks" thing. He already stated he's not going to be delving too much into Snoke's backstory and hinted that he'd like to keep him a mystery.
Well yeah, I think any reveal that's gunna leave 90% of the audience like.. wait what? Is probably not a great route to take if you're looking for a twist or surprise. Which is partly why I think Plagueis is not going to happen (among many other reasons).

One flashback to the Palp/Anakin opera scene and another flashback to Qui-Gon learning Anakin had no father is about all that it would take to understand it, let alone with someone like Luke explaining it.

The reason I believe in the Plagueis theory is also because of Luke's actions.

The Luke we see in The Last Jedi is worlds away from the optimist we last saw in The Return of the Jedi. He has gone through training his promising nephew, Kylo Ren (Adam Driver) only to see him turn to the Dark Side. But is that enough to make Luke denounce the world and the Jedi ways? Hamill told EW:

“[Luke] made a huge mistake in thinking that his nephew was the chosen one, so he invested everything he had in Kylo, much like Obi-Wan did with my character. And he is betrayed, with tragic consequences. Luke feels responsible for that. That’s the primary obstacle he has to rejoining the world and his place in the Jedi hierarchy, you know? It’s that guilt, that feeling that it’s his fault, that he didn’t detect the darkness in him until it was too late.”

Guilt is a strong emotion, to be sure. But when the galaxy is at stake and a new evil, The First Order, is threatening the planets, how can his guilt be so strong as to override his hero complex? (Because Luke definitely has a hero complex, let’s be honest.)

Johnson acknowledged this, saying:

“The very first step in the writing of this was figuring out why he’s on that island. We know that he is not a coward. He’s not just hiding because he’s scared. But we also know that he must know his friends are in danger. He must know the galaxy needs him. And he’s sitting on this island in the middle of nowhere. There had to be an answer. It had to be something where Luke Skywalker believes he’s doing the right thing – and the process of figuring out what that is and unpacking it is the journey for Rey.”

It's basically a confirmation that Luke isn't on the island simply out of bad feelings about Ben Solo. There's a deeper reason. The reason almost certainly surrounds Snoke.

Now whatever this thing is could obviously come out of right field, but if its what the popular theory is in regards to the Skywalker origins, then it makes sense.


One flashback to the Palp/Anakin opera scene and another flashback to Qui-Gon learning Anakin had no father is about all that it would take to understand it, let alone with someone like Luke explaining it.

The reason I believe in the Plagueis theory is also because of Luke's actions.

It's basically a confirmation that Luke isn't on the island simply out of bad feelings about Ben Solo. There's a deeper reason. The reason almost certainly surrounds Snoke.

Now whatever this thing is could obviously come out of right field, but if its what the popular theory is in regards to the Skywalker origins, then it makes sense.

Yeah, you could use a flashback, but I think you need the context of the PT, Palp, and Anakin to have it resonate. Otherwise it's just kinda like oh, it's the emperor's master..?

I dunno. Yeah, you could do it, but I'm failing to see a way to implement it effectively.
Yeah, you could use a flashback, but I think you need the context of the PT, Palp, and Anakin to have it resonate. Otherwise it's just kinda like oh, it's the emperor's master..?

I disagree that it lacks resonance. When people watched the OT for the first time and heard old Ben talk about the "Clone Wars", the former "Republic", "Anakin Skywalker", etc., they didn't need flashbacks to have it resonate. The PT existing and having additional context is just a bonus.


I disagree that it lacks resonance. When people watched the OT for the first time and heard stuff about the Clone Wars, the former Republic, Anakin Skywalker, etc., they didn't need flashbacks to have it resonate. The PT existing and having additional context is just a bonus.

I'm open to it if it's executed well. But I'm not sure introducing the Clone Wars in the OT would have achieved the same level of wonder and mystery had the PT existed beforehand and told everyone exactly what it was.

That was still a new story and new content, in the film, even though it happened in the past.

This is different, because you already have the story set up for you. And in this context I think you need to have experienced the films in the PT to have that content resonate for such a reveal.

But like I said, I'd love to be proven wrong.
For what it's worth I think we'll find out in two months. This isn't the sort of thing you leave until the very end of a trilogy imo. If there isn't a big reveal in TLJ, then I think the theory is dead.
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