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Are you happy with GAF's current pace?

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Neo Member
Anyone who really cares about GAF already moved on from useless circular arguments and are doing what they can to make the place what they want it to be. I won't be replying to anyone.


Neo Member
I've always been curious about this community (have heard it being sourced for gaming news related articles).

Been trying to join since 2014... I believe...

Got an email saying that my account finally got validated.

Well, here I am.

Seems to be really interesting so far. :)


Well I'd like explanation how they aren't same old vocal people when they are banning discussion because of non-gaming reasons ?
Regardless, it sounds like a good policy - not every dim-witted blowhard deserves a platform for their simple minded world views.


You completely misread their post. They were saying that this forum safe for minority groups to congregate not that she had issues with agreeing or disagreeing. If the idea we should kill people, which is still a fucking crime regardless your minority status, is a simple disagreement to you then I don't know what to say.


The disagreements we felt safe from were the people calling us niggers and telling us the myriad ways that we're worthless, should leave, or just die.

And by safe it's not like we were some precious thing that needed internet refuge. No. We just wanted a better signal to noise ration. The mods got rid of the noise. No cucks to be heard... to the endless outrage of those we have no interest in hearing out. People who's opinions we already know. Because it's mainstream.

You've never had to defend your opinions before, eh?

Make a claim, back up a claim.

And soleil bringing up a gater as an inappropriate ban speaks volumes.

I don't know the context of this but soleil is an idiot piece of shit alt account.
Well I'd like explanation how they aren't same old vocal people when they are banning discussion because of non-gaming reasons ?
Why should they give a platform to a gamergater if he's not willing to defend his views in a way that isn't insulting? Not sure why people are going to bat so hard for a community that literally calls this site NeoF*G.
I'm not sure about the "pace" of the forum. I've visited small forums before and had a great time.

You guys don't seem to be having a great time.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
Not at all. I like activity on my forums and that was the main thing that first attracted me to this place. :/


Tbh, I'm an alt account (I was originally Aristion) and I only made this account because I was perma-banned for saying that sucker-punching Neo-Nazis (not in an act of self-defense) is illegal and shouldn't happen (something the Supreme Court has agreed with me on time and time again; I guess they must also be "Nazi sympathizers"). Search my post history in my Aristion and you'll see what I mean.

I just wanted to express how ridiculous it is that none of the previous bans have been looked into, especially the ones that resulted in pointless perma-bans. I sent an email to Tyler (or whoever runs the contact address) months ago and there has been absolutely no response.

Anyhow, I've already moved onto the other side and this account isn't likely to be used.

EDIT: And I'm sorry for making an alt; I know it's frowned upon and a big no-no. I have no excuse and I knew it was wrong and shouldn't have done it. It's okay if you have to ban me, I understand.


Tbh, I'm an alt account (I was originally Aristion) and I only made this account because I was perma-banned for saying that sucker-punching Neo-Nazis (not in an act of self-defense) is illegal and shouldn't happen (something the Supreme Court has agreed with me on time and time again; I guess they must also be "Nazi sympathizers"). Search my post history in my Aristion and you'll see what I mean.

I just wanted to express how ridiculous it is that none of the previous bans have been looked into, especially the ones that resulted in pointless perma-bans. I sent an email to Tyler (or whoever runs the contact address) months ago and there has been absolutely no response.

Anyhow, I've already moved onto the other side and this account isn't likely to be used.

EDIT: And I'm sorry for making an alt; I know it's frowned upon and a big no-no. I have no excuse and I knew it was wrong and shouldn't have done it. It's okay if you have to ban me, I understand.

The only way this site has 196k members is because 150k of them made alt accounts. The reason you got banned was you went against the hivemind. Can't do that when you're in an echo chamber.

leng jai

This forum is pretty much cooked right now. It's literally like 5% as active as it was 3 weeks ago, and that doesn't even even feel like an exaggeration.

powdered milk

Neo Member
You know what's fucked up? The only threads that get any replies are the ones complaining about Neogaf.Like Neogaf is just a forum to complain about Neogaf.I have never seen pages from yesterday on the first page before,that's just crazy to me.


I’m still getting a feel on the new vibe. Prior to the incident, I rarely posted in Off topic because it just seemed you’d get blasted for posting an opinion that was different than some people, so I rarely bothered because there was no point in having an actual discussion.

I definitely like the slower pace for now, it gives people time to actually post some meaningful comments that can spark a discussion rather than a one-sided debate.

I like what I'm seeing so far.
Yeah you’re not wrong, but the silver lining is the creative and energetic posters pretty much lived on the forum and it became a echo chamber. I looked at the other settlement, Slayven is a mod. Slayven.

I dont really remember Slayven, what is the issue? what was he like?


Not even subtle with that alt, bruh.

I was hoping maybe it's second chances for everyone? I tried to make it crystal clear I'm not hiding under a different nick. Posted on GAF for 12 years, would be nice to be welcomed back.

The vibe right now is 2005 - 2010 GAF albeit slower paced.


Gold Member
We need to refresh this site.

A great way to start would be something like opening a topic for UI improvements, design changes, general suggestions like that. How about bringing back animated avatars? That would be a start.

Hope Evilore and the new staff are reading this.
Heh, my entire subscription folder is all grey except like 4 threads.

My subscription list hasn't even come back yet except for two topics. Even from the OT community and the old OT. For some reason, the Autism GAF thread is locked now. My post history isn't back either. It's all screwed up. It's rather sad when you can get to yesterday's posts in a page or two.


The change I like the most is the lack of hundreds of reactionary one-liner no-substance responses that plagued many threads of the past. Every news thread was filled with pages and pages of no content posts which you had to sift through to read something with substance.

Threads were longer and moved faster, but large part of the "content" was reaction posts repeating the same sentiment over and over.

This is a good point, but things are still way too slow for my liking.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Yeah, now perpetual bitches like Cream and Morrigan have a new home where they can be unlikable to a whole bunch of new people.

Yeesh. Some of you really need to find something else to talk about if you want this forum to have a future that isn't just a sad angry circle jerk about how shitty GAF was.
Perhaps we can deep-6 the community subforums and combine them into their respective gaming and OT boards until traffic picks back up?
You're right. All 30k members are Gaffers or banned Gaffers. *eyeroll

Shit, if Era managed to steal 15% of this site's most active members, this place is truly fucked.

Gaf has 195K registered members including the ones that were banned waay before "the incident"

Terra has 26K members as of today: NOT the 30K you pulled out of your butt hole.

So let's do the math here, shall we Math Fail Charlie?

15% of 195,000 = 29,250, that's still about 3,250 more members than what Setera has right now. So to be more accurate the entire population of Estera is about 13.4% of the overall GAF registry... Just, I repeat just 13.4% of GAF's registered members throughout the last 18 years.

My original argument was of course, all the past banned members who were banned long time ago, migrating to Reset, your "active members" argument doesn't apply here. And how do you exactly measure "active GAF member" after last week's mass account suicides?

You seem to be convinced that about 15% of GAF migrated over there... (that includes past banned members of course) So again, tell me if it's so shocking to believe that only 13.4% of GAF's population migrated there?

Maybe you should've payed attention in your grade 5 math class, instead of rolling your eyes. What say you?


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Hey now, this is the new forum and not the old one, we don't do this stuff anymore.

Yeah this is new GAF where all we talk about is how shitty old GAF was and airing our grievances. Nothing says a bright future like bitterness and grudge holding.


That's subjective. I'm sure you and most people on resetera thought the old GAF was about as perfect of an internet community as you can get, so of course you're not gonna think the moderation is strict. Just because they leave little messages after a ban doesn't make them any more transparent.

No, it actually is't... The moderation there is factually less strict. People post things there that I know for sure would of been banned here for saying it. People are warned more before they are banned as well. These are less strict policies, you can't argue against it really.

Also, yes them leaving a message does make the warning/ban more transparent. I am not sure how you can argue that it doesn't considering the alternative was just seeing a "Banned" tag below their name and that was it, people had to individually check their post history to find out why they were banned.

Knowing why a person was warned/banned immediately on their post makes it where you can dispute the reasoning and that is exactly what happened several times (in the DNC Clinton thread) with the mod publicly understanding and backing off.

You mean the folk who were banned here in the last decade or so for terrible or viable reasons. "Not registered on GAF" is quite inaccurate.

Your statements are more inaccurate than mines man. You are putting an absolute values on who is on the other website which is showing your bias to me.

Maybe you could comment on those two points in context of certain forum banning any thread about Colin Moriarty to not give him a platform ?

Unfortunately I can't since I don't even know who that is lol.

There are important details in it, worth mentioning.
First, when you ban someone, people get more cautious and might even not post at all.
Second, it is very wrong, when banned user doesn't get what he/she was banned for.

You do realize there are plenty of "alt-right" racist people who could be banned and truly not understand why they were banned, right? I know I am being extreme here, but the excuse of not knowing, doesn't absolve the person of their actions.

It is not GAF's responsibility for people to use some common sense before posting. I do agree that a ban is not the appropriate first action, warnings or letting the user take in the responses they are getting would hopefully be enough.

It was a thread about his interview. I'd expect it to contain reasonable discussion about his argument and why it is wrong. Instead, it turned into what it turned (I doubt it recovered on later pages)

I am not saying all discussions were like that, certainly not all, but still a lot of threads I checked were filled with "I am so very very enraged" followed by "yeah, I am even more enrage" comments.

Its Bannon bro... though I do agree there is no need for such posts, most of the things he say and believe is common sense to be against. I know you are trying to use him as an example, but him and Trump are on the extreme side.

When coming across something I couldn't grasp, I was asking questions. Most of the time it appeared like most active proponents of <whatever> couldn't answer them. That's not very progressive, to be honest.

They couldn't answer them or you just felt their answers weren't sufficient?

I don't think the people I mentioned were active posters at all.
Insider information isn't something you post on daily bases.
Too bad if they left for good.

I am confused as to why you think insiders go to big websites/forums if not for the active user base. We are not just talking about people who post in threads, but those who make quality threads. Those people give the content which bring people here, which in turn bring insiders here, which then bring more people here.

It is not specifically about the people you mentioned, but the state of GAF is undeniable currently, the people I mentioned largely left.

The thread was specifically about a model that decided to make a statement by showing hairy legs. There were a lot of us that said that being threatened with rape and insulted was disgusting, but we just weren’t into the whole hairy leg thing. In my case it’s just not attractive to me. I think it’s perfectly ok to have that opinion. I somehow avoided the banhammer, but that’s probably because I made it specific and very apparent that I was against the threats and insults. I still nervously logged in wondering if I had been banned for a while.

Some people were banned for having the same thoughts I did but didn’t explain themselves right away. That kind of fear can easily earn you a ban for simply not wording your thoughts in the specific manner the mods wanted. Certain mods got off on that.

I think the only mods I found approachable and could talk about whether to post something or not were Cyan and ThoseDeafMutes. Duckroll was pretty good too but Besada was basically the new bishoptl

It is perfectly okay to have an opinion, the issue is some people do not know why their opinion would net them a ban. Context matters and that guy that I responded to probably did not word his post well as you just stated you said the "same thing" as that guy without getting banned. Conversation is important, knowing how to engage in it is also very important.

If you go into a thread about a certain conversation, you must tone your post with that in mind. So, I wouldn't for example go into a thread about a model getting rape threats and leave a post saying "I don't like hairy legs" and leave expecting not to get dogpiled.

Your post only tells me there needs to be a warning before a temporary ban, while permabans should be left for more extreme posts.
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