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Ubisoft censors and redraws classical art in Assassins Creed Origins Discovery Tout to be more inclusive


Why would anyone want this? Its history? People have been like that in the past, why whitewash it now?

Whats next, changing the history books to not include slavery because its unfair against PoCs? This is some F'd up behaviour that needs to stop. The sooner the better.

Giant Robo

Neo Member
Whats next, changing the history books to not include slavery because its unfair against PoCs? This is some F'd up behaviour that needs to stop. The sooner the better.

Naw, they'll keep those to point out how evil white people were and still are.


Looks like something from a soft-core porn movie. Cover up the hairy bum with a conveniently placed pot plant in the shot.


Golden Boy
Recently ex prime minister of Italy covered statues when Iran premier came to visit him.
(not Berlusconi , the Mr.Bean one) :)
I think this is the same case in a way.
Ubisoft is french based and is influenced a lot by french society.
European societies generally speaking are really aware not to "hurt" some religion, or some minority, or whatever.
In Usa this got an extreme where the minority is discriminating the majority, but in Europe the background of this is more "philosophical".
I dont agree because history is history, we should not modernize Bibble or Quran, put makeup on Mona Lisa or cover Cappella Sistina bodies.
Also considering what happened in Aleppo some months ago we could arrive to an extreme that we destroy history art because it "may" offend someone...

Let's make a laugh of ourselves dear europeans :)

This concept is really strange to me.
“Assume something might offend someone and remove it”
I think this is the absolute wrong way to go with. Especially when its concerning cultural goods, people should be a little more accepting and open minded generally. If there is doubt, its always easier to ask before if something might be offensive. Who knows, mabe the Iranian Premier would have enjoyed the statues? Now we’ll never know.
And generally we seem to be heading into a direction of people being offended all the time by so many things.
What happend to having “a thick skin” or “not letting it get to you”? Lets be honest here, many of the things people nowdays complain about are extremely exaggerated to the point where it becomes ridiculous.

Overall I think historical accuracy is something that should never be trifled with, simply because it is something we can learn from, especially if it was negative. If we cover things up for whatever reason, we may essentially start rendering ourselves blind for the past.


This is the same bullsh*t with a lot/some Germans still thinking they're responsible for Hitler. Nobody of the Volks back then where responsible, it was a matter of "go with it or die now" kind of thing. And yet, Germans today keep being all concerned about Germanys past. Its ridiculous.

Like any USA-American nowadays still feels sorry for Hiroshima. They never did. (To not categorize: some probably did.)
I think the following about this move:
  1. I'm baffled by the classroom thing.
They probably made that change for the base game. It's only in the specifically historically accurate Discovery Mode that it matters, and that's where Ubisoft is pointing it out.

With all the controversy Ubisoft has had because of Watch Dog 2's vaginas and Assassin Creed Untiy's male protagonist it's an easy enough change to add girls to a classroom. In a series with evil Popes and mind control apples, it doesn't really matter.

Why would anyone want this? Its history? People have been like that in the past, why whitewash it now?
Because it's better to censor nudity than not being able to use Assassin's Creed at all?

It's a valuable learning tool that will get more kids interested in history than otherwise would be. Ubisoft is breaking new ground here. Get mad at the rating agencies and parents that forced Ubisoft to make these changes.
I remember a compilation of really racist wartime cartoons. They were shown unedited, but also prefaced by a speech from a black actress (Whoopi?) explaining that deleting those cartoons would be akin to negating their existence and that would make it much worse.

Don't rewrite history. You literally can't. You can either teach history or tell lies.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
If this is enough for you to regret a purchase you didnt like the game anyway.


I remember a compilation of really racist wartime cartoons. They were shown unedited, but also prefaced by a speech from a black actress (Whoopi?) explaining that deleting those cartoons would be akin to negating their existence and that would make it much worse.

Don't rewrite history. You literally can't. You can either teach history or tell lies.

I agree with this. Either don't add those cartoons or add them unedited.
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Aside from the censorship area...

(I'm assuming this game is out)
Are they aloud to edit content that you a costumer have already purchased?
It's not like a bug fix update as that would be something around distributing a faulty product.

If it was before release then ok?? (well it's not but meh)
But if they are updating peoples purchased content, then that seems out of order?


Recently ex prime minister of Italy covered statues when Iran premier came to visit him.
(not Berlusconi , the Mr.Bean one) :)
I think this is the same case in a way.
Ubisoft is french based and is influenced a lot by french society.
European societies generally speaking are really aware not to "hurt" some religion, or some minority, or whatever.
In Usa this got an extreme where the minority is discriminating the majority, but in Europe the background of this is more "philosophical".
I dont agree because history is history, we should not modernize Bibble or Quran, put makeup on Mona Lisa or cover Cappella Sistina bodies.
Also considering what happened in Aleppo some months ago we could arrive to an extreme that we destroy history art because it "may" offend someone...

Let's make a laugh of ourselves dear europeans :)

This video should be included in OP... :)


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
Aside from the censorship area...

(I'm assuming this game is out)
Are they aloud to edit content that you a costumer have already purchased?
It's not like a bug fix update as that would be something around distributing a faulty product.

If it was before release then ok?? (well it's not but meh)
But if they are updating peoples purchased content, then that seems out of order?

This isn't altering the original game in any way, this is a separate product / DLC that is being targeted as an education tool.

If you buy Assassin's Creed Origins (not just the standalone tour thingy) you can still see statues with boobies.


This isn't altering the original game in any way, this is a separate product / DLC that is being targeted as an education tool.

If you buy Assassin's Creed Origins (not just the standalone tour thingy) you can still see statues with boobies.

Ahh rite rite.
So I take it this DLC isn't out yet?

I guess it's a daft idea but if that's the way they want to play it.
Vote with your wallet peeps.
I see neoGAF has adopted the RED BOX OF SHAME from the other forum.
Can we please have a forum that doesn't try to shape thought and keep members on a specific message?


if they want to go full force sesame street "edutainment" with this mode, that's cool.

i just find it weird considering the base game isn't particularly G rated. like why would 8 year old little johnny even be in posession of this in the first place. but it's whatever


You used to see a lot of nudity on TV even in commercials in Europe like 20 years ago but today it's all gone.

I remember visiting Europe most summers as a child and television was crazy.
That had this show that was basically America's Funniest Home Videos, except almost every video featured full, uncensored nudity.

It was on at, like, 9 PM on the hotel's basic cable.


if they want to go full force sesame street "edutainment" with this mode, that's cool.

i just find it weird considering the base game isn't particularly G rated. like why would 8 year old little johnny even be in posession of this in the first place. but it's whatever
Kinda my take on it. Even someone with a passing knowledge of videogames would hear "Assassin's Creed : Origins" and would know "oh, you must assassinate people in this game". Going edutainment with it is odd. But like you said it's whatever.


They said, in an interview, that many teachers wanted to use their game in classrooms but the age restriction was a problem. So they took changes, along the 'missing' hostility between characters, for the discovery mode, for it's being made for the widest audience possible. I don't see any problem here. And I think people don't understand what "censor/censorship" means.

down 2 orth

I stopped caring about Ubisoft games years ago. It still boggles my mind that a company can go so long putting out games with poor QA and game breaking bugs, that it took pretty much the whole of the internet beating on them to change their ways. Still, I'll never give money to that company.
I stopped caring about Ubisoft games years ago. It still boggles my mind that a company can go so long putting out games with poor QA and game breaking bugs, that it took pretty much the whole of the internet beating on them to change their ways. Still, I'll never give money to that company.

Actually their games are pretty good. A bit formulaic and repetitive sure. But fun IMO. And they've been supporting their games long after release.
I used to be an Ubi hater. Not anymore. Of all the big publishers Ubisoft is the lesser of evils.


I stopped caring about Ubisoft games years ago. It still boggles my mind that a company can go so long putting out games with poor QA and game breaking bugs, that it took pretty much the whole of the internet beating on them to change their ways. Still, I'll never give money to that company.

I think they got better with resent Assassin's Creed Origin. Can't wait to get Far Cry 5.
I understand they cut the nudity due to the PG rating they were aiming for with the educational marketing for this DLC. As for the other stuff, it's silly but whatever. The game is still good and deserves praise on that basis.


This is a silly and stupid answer to legitimate their cultural/commercial problem on showing nudes.
I think the problem here is the law, not Ubisoft for once. I'm no expert for foreign law, though, because I'm from Germany and our country is pretty relaxed when it comes to nudity – I think many people know about the naturism (FKK) beaches in Germany. But if that's the law (for schools) and they want their mode to be used, they simply have to obey the law. Ubisoft is then not the one to blame.
like why would 8 year old little johnny even be in posession of this in the first place. but it's whatever
Because little johnny didn't have to. The discovery mode can be purchased seperately. I think people need to start to think of it as a stand alone educational game that just uses assets from the base game. Game owners getting it for free is basically a gesture.


They said, in an interview, that many teachers wanted to use their game in classrooms but the age restriction was a problem. So they took changes, along the 'missing' hostility between characters, for the discovery mode, for it's being made for the widest audience possible. I don't see any problem here. And I think people don't understand what "censor/censorship" means.
Especially because it should be used in schols this is baffeling to me. School material should never alter things, they should never hide facts, and always be historical accurate. Same with universities. Who cares if you feel uncomfortable many things in life should make you feel like this to understand it.


Who cares if you feel uncomfortable
Parents. Parents care. I work as a teacher and you don't want to mess with parents these days.

You can prevent hiding facts from telling them that this (topic's example) isn't accurate and there was a lot of nuditiy in that period and those statues didn't has shells on their breasts. Media education is an importan subject in school, too. You also teach to be critical about ANY media you use and how to assess the given media.


The discovery mode can be purchased seperately. I think people need to start to think of it as a stand alone educational game that just uses assets from the base game. Game owners getting it for free is basically a gesture.

ah i see. i was under the impression you needed the base game.

makes perfect sense in that regard


They could and should provide the option to turn the censoring off. Even if it ends up a separate release for ratings reasons.


Parents. Parents care. I work as a teacher and you don't want to mess with parents these days.

You can prevent hiding facts from telling them that this (topic's example) isn't accurate and there was a lot of nuditiy in that period and those statues didn't has shells on their breasts. Media education is an importan subject in school, too. You also teach to be critical about ANY media you use and how to assess the given media.
Than maybe parents should shut the fuck up :p

But seriously I can see how schools would be scared by parents outrage but then schools also have an education function. And something like this is education. But America in this regard always felt strange to me. Not only strange but pretty sad actually that guns are more accepted than actual uncensored classical art...


I have some questions to you guys then:

are nudes censored on all regions of this DLC?

why they covered non animated statues when PEGI 12 allow them to show without problem?

Android market is full of PEGI 3 to PEGI 12 educational apps with penis and vaginas :)

So why they auto-censored statues?
1) I think it's easier to create one version instead of different versions for different countries. The official Formula 1 game has a similiar problem: there are cars that get sponsored by alcohol companies like Johnny Walker and Martini. All those ads are entirely removed in every version of the game. One specific F1 team wears a special livery in Martini colors and shapes (those red and blue stripes) on their car and they (devs) removed the red stripes of the Martini design, to make it NOT look like Martini. The reason is that alcohol is banned, or not allowed for the targeted audience's age, in countries they are publishing their game and they didn't bother to assimilate different versions. And yeah, it sucks. There's one race, in real life, where drivers are not allowed to drink champaign at the victory ceremony, because alcohol is completely prohibited.

2) I don't think they want to meet PEGI's criterias but those of schools. It's possible that schools can't or won't or don't want to use it for young students despite what the PEGI evaluation says, which is only a recommendation anyway. Just because PEGI says "it's fine for kids at the age of 12 and higher" doesn't necessarily means that schools (and parents, teachers, etc.) feel the same.

3) see 2).

To answer your question of why they auto-censor their game, I guess it's to avoid any problems that could arise and to avoid using more resources for publishing different versions, and to make it accessable by as many people as possible. In Germany, Bethesda did the same with Wolfenstein and removed any Nazi and Third Reich reference, removed names and terminology, not because it is prohibited by law, but because they wanted to avoid any possible (legal) issues.
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To answer your question of why they auto-censor their game, I guess it's to avoid any problems that could arise and to avoid using more resources for publishing different versions, and to make it accessable by as many people as possible. In Germany, Bethesda did the same with Wolfenstein and removed any Nazi and Third Reich reference, removed names and terminology, not because it is prohibited by law, but because they wanted to avoid any possible (legal) issues.

What are you talking about? The reproduction of Nazi symbolism in Germany is forbidden by law except for educational purposes. Furthermore the depiction of nudity is not verboten in schools even on lower classes and sometimes even shown on covers. My god look at it, so many glorious tits, asses and schlongs:


The same goes for pretty much every other country in Europe. Also I'm pretty sure 'historical sexism' is not a thing in European schools.
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Golden Boy
Germany is ridiculous.
They do know that symbols didn't cause Nazis to be Nazis.
It’s to avoid people from gathering under that symbol and reactivating the National Socalism movement.
Of course they do in secrecy, and hide the symbols and others during public appearances, but the message is that its illegal and punishable.
Same goes for Austria by the way.
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What are you talking about? The reproduction of Nazi symbolism in Germany is forbidden by law except for educational purposes. Furthermore the depiction of nudity is not verboten in schools even on lower classes and sometimes even shown on covers. My god look at it, so many glorious tits, asses and schlongs:
I'm talking about the stuff you have linked and you just said yourself. It is forbidden except for educational purposes and, you forgot, in art. And video games are considered as art since, I think, 2007. Wolfenstein, back then, was banned due to its violence and because video games were heavily critized back then. It's a myth that Hakenkreuze or any other Nazi symbol is not allowed per se in video games. Most publishers and developers, however, won't take the risk due the problematic subject.

I also never said that nuditiy is forbidden.
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It’s to avoid people from gathering under that symbol and reactivating the National Socalism movement.
Of course they do in secrecy, and hide the symbols and others during public appearances, but the message is that its illegal and punishable.
Same goes for Austria by the way.
It is not forbidden in other media only in video games. Hell Wolfenstein 2 had NO absolute NO reference to nazis. be it their specific words, be it Hitler which they changed or any other reference. Same with South Park.

As for Symbols otherwise they are forbidden in public but not in your own home.
Large companies have to tip toe around everything in today’s social climate. You never know when you’ll become the next target on Twitter.
In today's social climate? I'm sure this has been a thing for decades since gaming became popular. Blame Christian principles.


Golden Boy
It is not forbidden in other media only in video games. Hell Wolfenstein 2 had NO absolute NO reference to nazis. be it their specific words, be it Hitler which they changed or any other reference. Same with South Park.

As for Symbols otherwise they are forbidden in public but not in your own home.
The point is that its not even really forbidden in games. There was never a precedence case and the law does not include videgames at all. Its allowed on TV, so if a point was made in court that a videogame is to be treated the same as films in that respect then it’d be legal.
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The point is that its not even really forbidden in games. There was never a precedence case and the law does not include videgames at all. Its allowed on TV, so if a point was made in court that a videogame is to be treated the same as films in that respect then it’d be legal.
no it is not allowed in video games. The reson why you can see this in movies, TV etc is because this counts as art while videogames still are not considered as art. And of course there was never a court case because that would be sucide for companies. So unless no developer/publisher fights for it we will never see them here.

In fact companies are going even a step further and removing everything related to nazis here. Again best example that they changed Hitler in Wolfenstein 2. Honestly it is pretty disgusting but given how fucked up our gov right now is this is not something worth fighting for since we have much more serious problems. But I will still ignore every game that is being censored for these kind of reasons. It suck that I never could play Wolfenstein 2 on PC since its geolocked but this is something I will stand for.
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Lol, a lie directly in the headline. This has nothing to do with inclusivity, and more to do with the rules for education in schools.

Remember, you're living in a country where sex ed is "controversial" for some reason, where mentioning contraception, homosexuality, or how sex works in class is banned, and where teachers have to explain how a condom works using a sock. That's what Ubisoft is catering to, it's where they plan to expand with the education angle.

And unfortunately, they're right to do so. There've been worse shitstorms by that kind of religious zealots over less.

The very idea that *ubisoft* is ~censoring~ nudity for the eeevil lefties is downright hilarious. It's ubisoft. They're French. Have you *seen* French advertizing or sensibilities on nudity, like, ever? Man, people with an agenda sure have warped world views. Sure like being in europe where that kind of crazy isn't common.
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Golden Boy
no it is not allowed in video games. The reson why you can see this in movies, TV etc is because this counts as art while videogames still are not considered as art. And of course there was never a court case because that would be sucide for companies. So unless no developer/publisher fights for it we will never see them here.

In fact companies are going even a step further and removing everything related to nazis here. Again best example that they changed Hitler in Wolfenstein 2. Honestly it is pretty disgusting but given how fucked up our gov right now is this is not something worth fighting for since we have much more serious problems. But I will still ignore every game that is being censored for these kind of reasons. It suck that I never could play Wolfenstein 2 on PC since its geolocked but this is something I will stand for.
Do you speak german? If so then you should read the link i posted before.
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Do you speak german? If so then you should read the link i posted before.

Laut Paragraph 86 des deutschen Strafgesetzbuches wird die öffentliche Darstellung von verfassungsfeindlichen Symbolen - oder von Symbolen mit großer Ähnlichkeit - mit einer Freiheitsstrafe von bis zu drei Jahren oder mit einer Geldstrafe geahndet, es sei denn, das betroffene Werk trägt zur Förderung von Kunst und Wissenschaft bei oder dient der politischen Aufklärung im Sinne der Verfassung. Diese Ausnahmeregelung wird in der sogenannten Sozialadäquanzklausel festgehalten und erlaubt etwa Lehrbüchern oder Dokumentarfilmen die Verwendung von NS-Symbolen.

Für eine gewisse Verwirrung sorgt aber, dass scheinbar auch in reinen Unterhaltungsfilmen wie Indiana Jones oder Inglourious Basterds ohne Probleme Hakenkreuze vorkommen dürfen, während die Verwendung von Hakenkreuzen in Computerspielen bis heute untersagt ist. Dieser Ungleichstellung wollen wir in unserem Artikel auf den Grund gehen und anhand von Beispielen verdeutlichen, mit welchen Schwierigkeiten die Spieleindustrie in dieser Hinsicht in Deutschland zu kämpfen hat.

Dadurch, dass die USK Spielen mit Hakenkreuzen die Kennzeichnung verweigert, ergibt sich ein Teufelskreis für die Spielepublisher in Deutschland: Die Hersteller können - oder wollen - es aus wirtschaftlichen Gründen gar nicht zu einer Gerichtsverhandlung kommen lassen, da sie ohne ein USK-Siegel ihr Produkt in Deutschland nicht guten Gewissens verkaufen können. Ein Spiel ohne USK-Kennzeichnung kann nämlich von der Bundesprüfstelle für jugendgefährdende Medien (BPjM) indiziert werden, und das Werk darf dann weder öffentlich verkauft, noch darf Werbung für das Produkt gemacht werden. Zudem ist nach einer möglichen USK-Kennzeichnung nur die erste Hürde für einen Publisher bewältigt, denn die USK ist kein Gericht und so kann die Staatsanwaltschaft ein Verbot und die Beschlagnahmung eines Titels auch nach der Veröffentlichung mit USK-Alterskennzeichnung anfordern.


Golden Boy
As you can see in your quote, the issue is mostly with the USK. Not the fact that the law directly prohibits it. If a publisher was interested they could have a court case started, which however would likely be futile due to a missing precedence case.

And lets be honest here. Most politicians and public humanitarian organizations would criticize such a campaign openly, so there is 0 chance this has any success anyway.

I for one will keep on importing such games fom the uk, as i refuse to have them censoring me.
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Frankly I'm just disappointed that there's 3 pages and no reference at all to the Simpsons episode Itchy & Scratchy & Marge.
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