• Hey, guest user. Hope you're enjoying NeoGAF! Have you considered registering for an account? Come join us and add your take to the daily discourse.

Returning member after a long absence, how would you rate the overall health of this forum?


So... no?

You know where I’m from. If you’re trying to marginalize my opinion because of my geographical location, you’re going to have to try a different tactic. We have both grown up, at least partially, in the Internet age and have been exposed to the same media. This is a much bigger factor than the “lived experience” rhetoric that gets trotted out. In fact, as an outsider, I’m likely to take a much more objective approach to the facts and evidence.

Womp womp, try again champ.


Welcome back!

I'm also a returning member (actually, lurker) and I remember someone (I have forgotten who exactly, sorry!) summarising it quite well: "Most of the people responsible for the atmosphere back then went over to resetERA. Ironically, the reset happend over here.", I am paraphrasing but I think that this is on point.

I think “chemo” is more accurate.
You know where I’m from. If you’re trying to marginalize my opinion because of my geographical location, you’re going to have to try a different tactic. We have both grown up, at least partially, in the Internet age and have been exposed to the same media. This is a much bigger factor than the “lived experience” rhetoric that gets trotted out. In fact, as an outsider, I’m likely to take a much more objective approach to the facts and evidence.

Womp womp, try again champ.

Actually you are less likely because you have less experience and observation capabilities. If you can't tie the data to the experience you have an even more narrow and less accurate view. So how do you fill the gaps? With something that you don't actually have.
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Actually you are less likely because you have less experience and observation capabilities. If you can't tie the data to the experience you have an even more narrow and less accurate view. So how do you fill the gaps? With something that you don't actually have.
Ah, the old "if you're not part of [group], you are automatically unqualified to talk about [group]” argument.
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Um... FTFY.

Thanks. I can apparently chew and walk at the same time, but I can't walk my dog and write a post on GAF on my cell phone at the same time, lol.

Not exactly the Winston Churchill of our times are ya

You mean this guy:

In 1937, he told the Palestine Royal Commission: "I do not admit for instance, that a great wrong has been done to the Red Indians of America or the black people of Australia. I do not admit that a wrong has been done to these people by the fact that a stronger race, a higher-grade race, a more worldly wise race to put it that way, has come in and taken their place."

There are few things more admirable than to strive to be unlike Churchill.

Um... FTFY.

Thanks. I can apparently chew and walk at the same time, but I can't walk my dog and write a post on GAF on my cell phone at the same time, lol.

Not exactly the Winston Churchill of our times are ya

You mean this guy:

In 1937, he told the Palestine Royal Commission: "I do not admit for instance, that a great wrong has been done to the Red Indians of America or the black people of Australia. I do not admit that a wrong has been done to these people by the fact that a stronger race, a higher-grade race, a more worldly wise race to put it that way, has come in and taken their place."

There are few things more admirable than to strive to be unlike Churchill.

Busy threads are an indication of debate, and their position on the front page is due to regularly being bumped. Controversial topics will outlast more mundane ones. In that threads lifetime, how many gaming posts have been made across many other game related topics? I'm assuming you have this data from the database? This is where all the arguments put forward by people with the only intention to disrupt fall apart. Under any sort of scrutiny. I think you have a case of positive discrimination given the threads that you are drawn to. 36/40 threads on the main page are about games. 3 are about political implications of press/developers, and I'll even give you the Kingdom Come one as a favour ;) So that's 90%.

The example was to prove the illogical stance of the original post. I'm glad you took that from it, it was intended.

Again like Shiki_ you talk about enemies and revolutions. Yet, you sit on a videogame messageboard - to what effect? You think this community is here to serve you. The community serves itself. If people aren't coming round to your point of view, your arguments are weak, your points lack substance (i.e. actual data and content) or you are failing at articulating your viewpoint.

I could go on gaming and create or bump year(s)-old threads on gaming side to make it 40/40 but that would not impact the site's impetus. Busy threads are an indication of interest, not necessarily of debate. As others have indicated, they are relieved that GAF no longer dog-piles, and the reduction of users has resulted in a reduction of speed, so that the first 2-3 pages of a thread comprises of posts that are more than drive-by posts like "Good," or "I agree" or "**** 'em."

If it's quantitative arguments that rocks your boat rather than qualitative, if one page is 50 posts, and it's four pages long, well, that far exceeds the interest of a thread created this week that did not get enough replies to even be two pages, and is now on the third page of the board. But the threads I mentioned garnered hundreds of replies in just a few days, in contrast to a thread about the GTX 1100 series being created in March to reach its 200 posts.

So no, simply pointing to how many "new" threads on gaming isn't indicative of much more than minority participation. But the heart of a message board like this one can be measured with a thread like this with thirteen pages; or, behold the contrast of the "Rational Left" thread, which includes Jordan Peterson and has been around for awhile, and the recently-created thread about "Jordan Peterson Debunks White Privilege," that is multiple pages.

If this community served me no purpose, I would abandon it. But there are some folks here that make it worth sticking around.

As far as "winning" people over to my view, there's no argument that I can provide that would convince [_________] that brown people aren't boogeymen, or for [___________] the irrationality of their love for guns.

As I know Phoenix is a conservative individual. So I don't know what you call him far-left.

Everywhere I go, folks ascribe me as the antithesis of whatever that place's dominant political ideology is.


Thanks. I can apparently chew and walk at the same time, but I can't walk my dog and write a post on GAF on my cell phone at the same time, lol.

You mean this guy:

There are few things more admirable than to strive to be unlike Churchill.

Thanks. I can apparently chew and walk at the same time, but I can't walk my dog and write a post on GAF on my cell phone at the same time, lol.

You mean this guy:

There are few things more admirable than to strive to be unlike Churchill.

Everywhere I go, folks ascribe me as the antithesis of whatever that place's dominant political ideology is.



Gold Member
No longer being the majority opinion does not mean it now sucks for you. You know what really sucks? Not being allowed to share your opinion in fear of being banned. We have a saying here in Australia: “eat a spoonful of cement and harden the fuck up.”

That is just your Toxic Masculinity™ of your country's patriarchy coming out there, mate. Have a Foster's and relax a lil'bit. ;)


Darkness no more
But the threads I mentioned garnered hundreds of replies in just a few days, in contrast to a thread about the GTX 1100 series being created in March to reach its 200 posts.

So no, simply pointing to how many "new" threads on gaming isn't indicative of much more than minority participation. But the heart of a message board like this one can be measured with a thread like this with thirteen pages; or, behold the contrast of the "Rational Left" thread, which includes Jordan Peterson and has been around for awhile, and the recently-created thread about "Jordan Peterson Debunks White Privilege," that is multiple pages.

Threads that get tons of replies are generally topics that anyone can read and comment on. They hit a bigger audience. Threads about new video cards are only going to get replies from people that are into cutting edge PC graphics and expensive new PC hardware. They hit a smaller audience.
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First time Im logging in since my account was approved last year and my God has shit changed , I left for Era with everyone else and got an account approved within 2 hours took Gaf months.

Do industry experts still post on here ?


I’ve always just been a lurker in threads reading everything. When everything went down, I popped in at the other place as well to see how well the community would thrive. Honestly, the dynamic is very oppressive in my opinion. I didn’t ever post over there for fear of being banned for having a different opinion than the general population. Gave it a go, wasn’t for me. Honestly it’s good To be back here. Hoping to get more involved in the community too.


Actually you are less likely because you have less experience and observation capabilities. If you can't tie the data to the experience you have an even more narrow and less accurate view. So how do you fill the gaps? With something that you don't actually have.

so you prefer anecdotal evidence instead of facts. Thats fine, just be honest you like to use limited data to back up your facts rather than show the whole picture. There is nothing wrong with being disingenuous to make your point!
This site has never been better. It's like it had a major surgery to remove a cancerous tumor and now we're in remission.

Unfortunately the tumor accidentally got dropped in radioactive waste and became a sentient being called ResetERA
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Gold Member
I like the site but it's just so political now. I miss all the fun threads we had =[
What did you expect bro? It's like the floodgate has been opened and you can finally talk about stuff that was forbidden for so long.

I said it before.... Give it a bit time. It'll settle as new members join in and start to outnumber the older folks.


Well it's still filled with alt right idiots who complain they can't drop the n-word because they are white, so I would say shaping up just as intended after everyone left and the vacuum demanded to be filled with something. Which in this case was the very group of people who created VOAT pages to dox and whine how they got banned for being racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic and all around horrible people.


Hipster Princess
Well it's still filled with alt right idiots who complain they can't drop the n-word because they are white, so I would say shaping up just as intended after everyone left and the vacuum demanded to be filled with something. Which in this case was the very group of people who created VOAT pages to dox and whine how they got banned for being racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic and all around horrible people.


Car to back up even a single one of those claims?


Gold Member
Oh I know, it can be very hard to keep up with the shifting times of... the last 400 years

They used thay word 400 years ago? Thought it was a new thing spawned in the Civil Rights era? So if that word is the same as the other one, why is it used so liberally in pop culture?

Your argument is weak it what I am telling you. There are better examples you can use, than you trying to act like the word "nigga" is the same as the 400 year old one, lol.


Usually the only people who bitch about not being able to say "nigga" are racists white people who feel like because "nigga =/= nigger" they have a license to finally say that forbidden word because of a technicality.

Just proving me and everyone else who looks at this shithole of a site right.

Now that I mentioned it, I really do wonder what the crossover between people from VOAT is with the new GAF.
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Hipster Princess
Usually the only people who bitch about not being able to say "nigga" are racists white people who feel like because "nigga =/= nigger" they have a license to finally say that forbidden word because of a technicality.

Just proving me and everyone else who looks at this shithole of a site right.

Oh look, a far left authoritarian jumping on the racist card. What a surprise :rolleyes:


Hipster Princess
I thought this site was about open thought and sharing of ideas? All of a sudden you have your views challenged and you call me authoritarian?


I'm not surprised you couldn't see how disgustingly moist with irony your post was.

Shitty stuff? Like what?

Facts, statistics, evidence, discussion.

Ya know, instead of the feelings, bigotry and fascism of old.
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I'm not surprised you couldn't see how disgustingly moist with irony your post was.

It's always funny to see the very people who felt vilified because they had their horrible views challenged (and not be allowed to be blatantly racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic) are still so openly fragile when someone who isn't far right calls them out.

Actually, no it's not, because the far right that populates this board are mainly just fragile and hypersensitive to any non-far right ideas or challenges.

I do like how you call anyone who doesn't like racists and the such "authoritarian", it paints a flattering picture of yourself.
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Hipster Princess
It's always funny to see the very people who felt vilified because they had their horrible views challenged (and not be allowed to be blatantly racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic) are still so openly fragile when someone who isn't far right calls them out.

Actually, no it's not, because the far right that populates this board are mainly just fragile and hypersensitive to any non-far right ideas or challenges.*

I do like how you call anyone who doesn't like racists and the such "authoritarian", it paints a flattering picture of yourself.**

*Goodluck with trying to get anyone around here to believe that. I'd suggest you look at the political compass thread.

**Aww, that's cute. you think I or anyone else around here likes racist people. News flash for you, not every transgression is due to racism. You'd understand that if you stepped outside of your authoritarian echo chambers for just a few seconds.


*Goodluck with trying to get anyone around here to believe that. I'd suggest you look at the political compass thread.

**Aww, that's cute. you think I or anyone else around here likes racist people. News flash for you, not every transgression is due to racism. You'd understand that if you stepped outside of your authoritarian echo chambers for just a few seconds.

I'm glad you got the brochure on buzz words to use when feeling slightly challenged, it must come in handy anytime you talk to someone who is liberal.

Be sure to mix it up from time to time, nobody likes to read the same phrase over and over again!
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Funny, I could say the same about your argument and debate tactics :rolleyes:

It's pretty obvious you're obsessed with your own world view to the point where you fell hand over heels over a fake video of an old women getting arrested for asking a question about muslims or something.

Usually people with a single skeptical braincell in their skull see a video like that and go "huh, this seems really odd, I wonder if there is more to it than this"

But who needs to think when there are people to complain about!

Boy, you really do like to complain about how the western world is giving non-white people special treatment, you sure you don't have some type of ulterior motive?
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Hipster Princess
It's pretty obvious you're obsessed with your own world view to the point where you fell hand over heels over a fake video of an old women getting arrested for asking a question about muslims or something.

Usually people with a single skeptical braincell in their skull see a video like that and go "huh, this seems really odd, I wonder if there is more to it than this"

The benefit of the doubt disappeared when Dankula got arrested and oh would you look at that, half the reason she got investigated and arrested was because of the the phrase "have a gay day"

Boy, you really do like to complain about how the western world is giving non-white people special treatment, you sure you don't have some type of ulterior motive?

Oh boy, if the thread was still open I could ask you the same question I asked the others.



Worst 5 minutes spent in Paint.

I still believe in a lot of ideology of liberalism, I just don't fall in line with everything.

I don't like Jordan Peterson, I listened to him for five minutes and how he complained about female leaders in Europe and blamed it on some rubbish like "women have a feeling to help". Which makes zero fucking sense considering Margaret Thatcher existed, gender does not dictate political beliefs :p

I still believe in rights for trans, gay people. Climate change and protecting the environment.

I pretty much fall in line with everything except I'm a capitalist (and I'm a soft capitalist, I still believe in government assistance to a degree) and I don't agree with the political environment in Europe. I absolutely loathe God Emperor Jean Claude Junckner.

I don't particularly care for the UKIP or AfD but they kind of have a point about Brussels overstepping it's boundaries and dictating policies for sovereign nations that were not voted on by the people. I find it suspect that I've been seeing articles from the New Yorker, Guardian, etc. About how Poland is "Turning away from democracy". When their main complaint is that the immigration planned by the EU was never voted on. The president of the EU is attending Karl Marx birthday parties in China praising the legacy of Karl Marx and it's Hungary and Poland that are turning away from democracy. :unsure:

Trump is equally as dangerous but on the other side of the spectrum.

Dr. Claus

Vincit qui se vincit
This site has never been better. It's like it had a major surgery to remove a cancerous tumor and now we're in remission.

Unfortunately the tumor accidentally got dropped in radioactive waste and became a sentient being called ResetERA

Sadly, we occasionally get those cancerous cells trying to come back in with their trademark calls of "ALT RIGHT, ALT RIGHT, ALT RIGHT, EVERYTHING IS ALT RIGHT". Though occasionally you get one or two that scream "RACIST" or "SEXIST".

Usually the only people who bitch about not being able to say "nigga" are racists white people who feel like because "nigga =/= nigger" they have a license to finally say that forbidden word because of a technicality.

Just proving me and everyone else who looks at this shithole of a site right.

Now that I mentioned it, I really do wonder what the crossover between people from VOAT is with the new GAF.

Hey, look! A perfect example to prove my point. Got to love those "morally correct" resetters who like to come in and insult another forum they are "so done with", just to prove how much *better* they are.
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Sadly, we occasionally get those cancerous cells trying to come back in with their trademark calls of "ALT RIGHT, ALT RIGHT, ALT RIGHT, EVERYTHING IS ALT RIGHT". Though occasionally you get one or two that scream "RACIST" or "SEXIST".

Hey, look! A perfect example to prove my point. Got to love those "morally correct" resetters who like to come in and make whiny insults, just to prove how much *better* they are.

As someone so has been around for a bit this form is getting progressively more racist. The roaches slowly multiply and the thing about racists is that most of them aren't sociable. This place is going to get uglier with them here.


Gold Member
As someone so has been around for a bit this form is getting progressively more racist. The roaches slowly multiply and the thing about racists is that most of them aren't sociable. This place is going to get uglier with them here.

I am not going to discredit how you feel, because there may be some merit to your observation, but it is not like the forum (and their new one) when it was authoritarian-"left" was not racist/sexist on the other end of the spectrum. Pile-ons and lots of white hate gone unchecked, and defintiely straight male pile-ons, even worse if one was perceived white. So the bigotry is just more balanced now if anything, lol.
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Oh that's an easy one

Now show the context of what D Dunki was responding to. Pretty sure it was regarding the Kendrick Lamar incident where he got a white girl up on stage then feigned offense when she sang the lyrics he wrote.

English is also not his native tongue and so he sometimes has trouble expressing himself clearly.
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I still believe in a lot of ideology of liberalism, I just don't fall in line with everything.

I don't like Jordan Peterson, I listened to him for five minutes and how he complained about female leaders in Europe and blamed it on some rubbish like "women have a feeling to help". Which makes zero fucking sense considering Margaret Thatcher existed, gender does not dictate political beliefs :p

I still believe in rights for trans, gay people. Climate change and protecting the environment.

I pretty much fall in line with everything except I'm a capitalist (and I'm a soft capitalist, I still believe in government assistance to a degree) and I don't agree with the political environment in Europe. I absolutely loathe God Emperor Jean Claude Junckner.

I don't particularly care for the UKIP or AfD but they kind of have a point about Brussels overstepping it's boundaries and dictating policies for sovereign nations that were not voted on by the people. I find it suspect that I've been seeing articles from the New Yorker, Guardian, etc. About how Poland is "Turning away from democracy". When their main complaint is that the immigration planned by the EU was never voted on. The president of the EU is attending Karl Marx birthday parties in China praising the legacy of Karl Marx and it's Hungary and Poland that are turning away from democracy. :unsure:

Trump is equally as dangerous but on the other side of the spectrum.

The modern left is highly illiberal. Liberalism/conservatism aren’t necessarily tied to left/right.

If you’ve only listened to 5 minutes of Peterson before dismissing him, chances are you haven’t given him a fair shake. Go watch the Cathy Newman interview and you will understand his popularity a bit better.


Less "strict" moderation here than before and on ERA is good, but gaming side is so dead and there way too much politics here. I have no problem with talking politics, but political "based" threads like the Naughty Dog agenda thread has a ton of pages while "big" announcements barely gets any, most games doesn't have an OT and if they do, be lucky with 2 pages and community is still dead.
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