• Hey, guest user. Hope you're enjoying NeoGAF! Have you considered registering for an account? Come join us and add your take to the daily discourse.

Returning member after a long absence, how would you rate the overall health of this forum?


Hello, everyone. I left gaf about the time of the great schism. Back then, the forum was pretty cancerous, and the moderation staff extremely incompetent. If anyone else from that time is still around, how is the forum now as opposed to before? Sorry for the low-effort post.


I lurked for years and only got posting access this year, so I don't know if I'd be considered "from that time," but for me it's night and day.
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As one who was slack-jawed at the overflowing stupidity of the place during the Great Dumbshit, I, for one, am quite happy with how it's shaping up since.

Every once in awhile I'll pop in over at the other place, have a look around, and confirm that, yep, we're doing just fine over here. 👍


Needs more activity but at least seems that you won't get banned for having a different or unpopular opinion.

Low consistent current active user count based on front page stats that hasn't really improved from what I've seen. It's possible Evilore has better stats to show off though.

The community that has stuck around/returned has been fairly active though. Discussion has improved with a moderation philosophy that focuses more on dealing with disruptive behaviour than opposing viewpoints.

There are some members of this site that have me a little concerned that it could skew too far into alt-right territory at times but it's tempered by a few solid individuals who value critical thinking over entrenched political ideologies.

I still post more at Reset but I find myself coming here more and more at times.
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I wish there was more activity in the Gaming section, but overall I'm happy with the forum. Speaking your mind without getting banned is always a plus.


Depends on what you mean by overall health. If you mean level of activity, its still down from the peak. If you mean able to disagree and debate without asinine bans around every corner, the place is thriving.


Gold Member
Well, I don't have to rethink what I post 5 times to make sure it's not even offensive to the bug in the trash outside, which is a good thing.
There ain't much activity any more but that's not surprising given that the people who are on 24/7 have all left.


New threads are basically the same 2/3 people with nothing else to do – as a result, quality of posts, especially in the gaming section, have dropped substantially in quality iMO.

A lot of 'new members' from circa january 2018 who just seem to complain about EVERYTHING (irony in me complaining about this, but hey)

mods are better


As one who was slack-jawed at the overflowing stupidity of the place during the Great Dumbshit, I, for one, am quite happy with how it's shaping up since.

Every once in awhile I'll pop in over at the other place, have a look around, and confirm that, yep, we're doing just fine over here. 👍

Low consistent current active user count based on front page stats that hasn't really improved from what I've seen. It's possible Evilore has better stats to show off though.

The community that has stuck around/returned has been fairly active though. Discussion has improved with a moderation philosophy that focuses more on dealing with disruptive behaviour than opposing viewpoints.

There are some members of this site that have me a little concerned that it could skew too far into alt-right territory at times but it's tempered by a few solid individuals who value critical thinking over entrenched political ideologies.

I still post more at Reset but I find myself coming here more and more at times.

These two posts have more or less answered my question. Catphish would have likely been banned for posting that back at that time lol, so it's nice to see that being right wing in any capacity isn't a bannable offense. On the other hand, it's comforting to see posts like Proteus', that the other side still feels comfortable posting here. I probably could have predicted that overall traffic would have gone down, but perhaps that's a good thing.

Well, I don't have to rethink what I post 5 times to make sure it's not even offensive to the bug in the trash outside, which is a good thing.
There ain't much activity any more but that's not surprising given that the people who are on 24/7 have all left.

Holy shit, a name I recognize lol.


I've lurked for years, only recently started posting, the board has changed, from I guess a more left leaning board to a right leaning one, which isn't a bad thing, but there are times when I think the board is becoming The_Donald lite, but as the above poster mentioned, there is opportunity to have proper reasoned discussion......sometimes.

I also noticed that ResetEra is brought up alot by members here..... like alot alot....... in threads that have absolutley nothing to do with it.

Eg "Hey guys, just watched the new incredibles movie, kinda dissappointed"
Reply "Well piss of back to Reset!!!!!!!REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!"

Old wounds I guess.....


Forum is still in recovery phase. I think the activity level is actually fine for now, but the activity quality is lacking. We need better posts in the gaming section.

That said, the direction the forum is moving in is great and the new mods are doing a fine job.

I’ve actually decided to stop posting on ERA because it’s just unhealthy. Instead I read Gematsu and listen to podcasts for news. I feel more peaceful already.


The gaming section to reinvigorate itself, but for me the quality of discussion is much better than in recent years.


These two posts have more or less answered my question. Catphish would have likely been banned for posting that back at that time lol, so it's nice to see that being right wing in any capacity isn't a bannable offense.
Just curious.. what in my post gives you any inclination that I'm right wing?
NPD thread for June, with NPD threads being a GAF staple, is only three pages.

A thread about how ND has an agenda is nineteen.

If you follow the pattern over to OT, the Gunn thread is eleven pages long, longer than my Starbucks thread a couple of months ago, which made it to ten.

The health of the forum? Well, it's not on its deathbead, but it's not exactly out of physical therapy in the hospital, either. If it goes the way of The Blaze (current recent hot tread is based upon a story run by The Daily Caller, for example), GAF will remain wheelchair-bound: still alive, but not living its best life.


As someone who's been here since the EZBoard days, I think there's a lot to be optimistic about. The shape of the forum is still fluid, obviously, but at some point, GAF as a thing just became too unwieldy to the point where everything was just noise.


Gold Member
Forum is still in recovery phase. I think the activity level is actually fine for now, but the activity quality is lacking. We need better posts in the gaming section.

That said, the direction the forum is moving in is great and the new mods are doing a fine job.

I’ve actually decided to stop posting on ERA because it’s just unhealthy. Instead I read Gematsu and listen to podcasts for news. I feel more peaceful already.

This is where I stand as well.



A large chunk of traffic is gone, makes things a lot more quiet. On the flipside, things are easier to follow.

The most obnoxious, toxic, extreme left members are gone. Good riddance. Moderation has relaxed, that's good too. More honest discussions as a result.

While you'd expect a move more to the center, and in many ways it has, there's also more often than not some weird Reddit-like topics/posts. ugh.


It's a lot better now. The pace will grow again in time as more people find that other places are not the green pastures they thought they were.

I like the fact that right wing users are more confident in posting and replying rather than fearing the banhammer. I'd forgotten what actual debate was like!


Forum is improving.

More users coming back, especially after the dumpster fire that's Resetera's moderation policies.

As others have mentioned Gaming is still a bit slow but OT is offering a healthy mix of differing opinions in any of the political threads.

The main thing is that people can speak their peace now without having to worry about being told they are on the wrong side of history followed by a ban.
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Gold Member

Just check the reasons why they ban people on Era. Posting in bad faith, accusing people of white-shaming. Wow, this is another level of totalitarian control on interwebs forum. Another galaxy, I would dare to say.

Just for comparison I've been contacted by the mods couple of times for my, in their judgement, inappropriate behaviour in a civil and respectful way.

I am telling you, there was a conscious shift in late 2012 the Maya were leading on to, it was not the "end of days". There is no coincidence all this wackiness is intensifying and the Mandela Effect is more stronger than ever since that date.

If I had a dime for how many times I see people say something about the timeline being messed with, lol. We were left behind or shifted into Idiocracy land. :/
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Forum certainly needs more activity. Also, while I love that there is much more open discussion now, there’s definitely a movement to make this forum here more in line with the_donald and kotaku in action.

I would love this forum to become an open place to discuss opinions on both moderate sites of the spectrum, but there’s certainly some way to go to get there, as extremists from both sides of the spectrum are trying to make their opinions the most prominent.

We‘ll see where this goes. I‘m mostly a lurker with a very little amount of posts in the old place, but I‘m very open to this place evolving to a nice place.

Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member

Low consistent current active user count based on front page stats that hasn't really improved from what I've seen. It's possible Evilore has better stats to show off though.

The community that has stuck around/returned has been fairly active though. Discussion has improved with a moderation philosophy that focuses more on dealing with disruptive behaviour than opposing viewpoints.

There are some members of this site that have me a little concerned that it could skew too far into alt-right territory at times but it's tempered by a few solid individuals who value critical thinking over entrenched political ideologies.

I still post more at Reset but I find myself coming here more and more at times.

I’d agree with this, though I’ve quit posting at Reset and will just skim gaming for news a few times a week. It’s just too negative and politically focused over there.

That said, I have seen some posts here that give me pause hat this place could skew too much toward the alt-right territory and make it the opposite of Reset if it ends up similarly politically focused and just on the opposite side. Time will tell on that. I like that divergent opinions aren’t shot down out of hand here though. Just a matter of them not allowing extremists on either side to run it into the ground in the name of prioritizing ad views in what’s a MUCH slower site than before.

The main drawback is the gaming side is just very slow and seems like the same handful of people in most threads. If I don’t stick around that would be the most likely reason as I tend to like more active communities. OTs seem slow as hell here so things like specific game subreddits may end up being more my thing. But I’m willing to give this place a chance to continue bouncing back.


Darkness no more
Traffic is a lot slower, but I find myself posting more then I used to. The moderation is a lot better and it doesn’t feel like a constantly hostile environment.

The base to build on is solid. Traffic feels like it slowly picks up a little more each month. I dont expect it to return to the old levels ever. Forums are not as popular as they used to be.

Community forum threads are still mostly dead.


Well, I don't have to rethink what I post 5 times to make sure it's not even offensive to the bug in the trash outside, which is a good thing.

Quoted for truth.

During the election I remember reading the thread about Trump kissing a woman on her cheek and that being sexual humiliation or something like that. I stepped in and tried my best to discuss the thing as politely as possible, even trying my hardest to understand people who thought Trump was plainly evil. While it was good to see it was possible to see some things Trump had done as not inherently evil and write it without getting banned, I remember how damn careful I felt myself the whole time there. It surely helped to write long and thought-through posts with actual content in it but the feeling of "I'm stepping in to a place I shouldn't be in" was horrible. It was like a feeling of a constant hard knot in my belly. It's not an easy thing to go and write an opposing view reply in a topic about Trump's evil kiss after someone has posted there without a single ounce of irony that "this is why feminism needs to be taught at school."

Most other threads about social topics felt exactly like that. It didn't feel at all like you were free to post there your thoughts.

I haven't felt that anymore at all ever since the mass exodus happened. Before writings had to be written with a great deal of insecurity hampering the thing down, but now that's gone. I wonder though if the people who left would now feel the way I felt before if they came back to write here... That would not be a good thing either.

I've done it a few times that when some new controversial news arise, I check out Reset to see what their threads for that look like. It always ends up me starting to feel the same pressuring feeling and I end up thinking that's exactly how it was here before and that's how it would be here now had the exodus not happened and I'm just "no thanks" and close the tab.


If you really want to see the difference, start going through your own post history (since you started as a member back in 2014) and read some of the off-topic threads. It's amazing how bad it started getting in 2012/2013ish and gradually became the internet's largest lunatic containment facility.


Coming from a new join, I feel the forum is in a pretty good spot. Personally I'd ban anyone that admits to posting on reset as they should be confined to their echo chamber, but that's just my opinion. Newgaf is a nice level of small but active forum.


Gold Member
Holy shit, a name I recognize lol.
Colour me surprised that someone would even recognize me...

I've lurked for years, only recently started posting, the board has changed, from I guess a more left leaning board to a right leaning one, which isn't a bad thing, but there are times when I think the board is becoming The_Donald lite, but as the above poster mentioned, there is opportunity to have proper reasoned discussion......sometimes.
I think that despite everything most people on GAF are not at all right leaning. It's just that brainwashing "if you're not with us you're right" you have to get rid of. The world isn't black and white, no matter how much the left want you to believe it to make you feel guilty about being against some of their views.
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Gaming side is pretty much dead but off topic can be pretty active depending on the topic and there's actual room for discussion even with the more extreme left and right viewpoints popping in occasionally.
Coming from a new join, I feel the forum is in a pretty good spot. Personally I'd ban anyone that admits to posting on reset as they should be confined to their echo chamber, but that's just my opinion. Newgaf is a nice level of small but active forum.

I joined a long time ago. Although I stopped posting a few years before the schism due to a lost password.

Of course it's not as busy as before, but it's more like how it used to operate when I first joined. I saw a lot of quality posters either leave or catch permabans in the years leading up to the mass exodus. I'm not going to name names, but some of the old mods showed glaring double standards and would ban people over ridiculous things.

I think the openess and freedom of Neogaf will attract new and returning posters. Reset is an echochamber. Page after page of "samey" "me too" replies.


NPD thread for June, with NPD threads being a GAF staple, is only three pages.

A thread about how ND has an agenda is nineteen.

If you follow the pattern over to OT, the Gunn thread is eleven pages long, longer than my Starbucks thread a couple of months ago, which made it to ten.

The health of the forum? Well, it's not on its deathbead, but it's not exactly out of physical therapy in the hospital, either. If it goes the way of The Blaze (current recent hot tread is based upon a story run by The Daily Caller, for example), GAF will remain wheelchair-bound: still alive, but not living its best life.

I thought the NPD threads died when they stopped releasing how many games sold.


This forum likes to project the image that it is now somehow an infinitely better place because all the crazy 'leftists' have moved over to ResetERA. But don't be fooled.

ResetERA is indeed a hell hole of extreme left viewpoints but it does not reflect the reality of society at large. Actually talk to left-wing inclined people in the real world and, not talking shit online, and you'll realise they are generally varied viewpoints of differing passion and intensity. Resetera is a fringe element, a caricature of the left, where only one type of viewpoint is allowed. It's best as a place to be either ignored, or go to the gaming side to find the occasional breaking news, for which it is excellent.

NeoGAF, however is the mirror image of ResetERA. Just as ERA is extreme left, NeoGAF edges further and further to the right and extreme right. You can see that any time you pop into Off-topic. Just take a quick glance at the numerous Trump threads and how there is overwhelming love for the lunatic. When both the left-wing and right-wing media condemns Trump, and even his own passionate supporters at Fox News have started turning their backs on him and are criticising him for sucking Putin's dick on the world stage, a large number of members find it in their hearts to show their love and for them Trump can do no wrong.

Quite simply, NeoGAF is a lighter version of /r/the_donald.

It has become a right wing, homophobic, transphobic racist forum with a hatred/dislike of feminism and indeed women itself. You'll notice the absolute lack of any females posting here. It is the complete opposite of how it was last year and is a mirror image of ResetERA.

What NeoGAF was, it will never be again. Ever. That is simple reality. Evilore can send as many e-mails as he like begging for banned members to return, and at best he'll get a trickle returning. Look at the average number of members that are signed in on the main page on any given day. Always around an average of ~150.

People nowadays have too many different avenues to talk about their favourite games, the number one choices being a combination of Reddit, Discord, Twitch, Youtube and Twitter along with individual gaming forums. NeoGAF's name is forever tarnished. Do a Google Search for NeoGAF and look at the first page of results. In todays current political climate, it's simply not the place for people to come and make home because of what happened in October.

God knows what direction the management here plan to take, but the current members here are pretty transparent with their hateful views. The official reason for this is that NeoGAF is now more tolerant and open to discussions and opposing viewpoints.

The unofficial and true reason is... the left wing memberswill never return and, hey, you have to get this page views somehow. May as well embrace the right. Because the gaming media, the websites that used to reference NeoGAF as a source for their articles, have completely and utterly rejected NeoGAF now (and indeed frequently reference ResetERA as I learnt recently).


With Nintendo looking strong with the Switch, port begging is at an all-time high.

There's always traffic to be generated through the system wars!

True but most system wars are done by number of games sold or lists of exclusive games coming out each year. Both aren't what they use to be when this gen first started. Sony bowed out of last E3 , Microsoft is same old same old, and Nintendo is too baffled by the fact that the Switch is selling to release AAA exclusives for the console. This kinda kills system wars.


Gold Member
I thought the NPD threads died when they stopped releasing how many games sold.

With Nintendo looking strong with the Switch, port begging is at an all-time high.

There's always traffic to be generated through the system wars!

I was just going to say, it is definitely the system wars that keeps them going now more than before. But the NPD guys Mat, etc., are over at Reset now. Those threads really do not generate much like they used to either. With all that traffic they barely got off the 3rd page in the fist several hours. They are a shell of their former selves unless something not expected charts higher, but it is nothing but warz back and forth since it is revenue based and no units to go on.
True but most system wars are done by number of games sold or lists of exclusive games coming out each year. Both aren't what they use to be when this gen first started. Sony bowed out of last E3 , Microsoft is same old same old, and Nintendo is too baffled by the fact that the Switch is selling to release AAA exclusives for the console. This kinda kills system wars.

Microsoft is the new Nintendo as they're the punchline of every joke: Exclusives??? WHAT ARE THOSE???

Sony still has relativity, as it is considered the go-to AAA console. We're not that far removed from God of War and Detroit, after all.

Nintendo fanboys are...insatiable. You can't talk about any indie games whatsoever without someone saying "not interested until it's on the Switch!"

Meanwhile, consoles are scoffing at PC because few games look great enough to merit the cost of entry (this is because companies downscale to port to as many platforms as possible), meanwhile, PC enthusiasts laugh when they get games like Destiny 2 practically for free through Humble Bundles, while they remain at or near full-price on consoles.

I think the System Wars are still going on strong.

I was just going to say, it is definitely the system wars that keeps them going now more than before. But the NPD guys Mat, etc., are over at Reset now. Those threads really do not generate much like they used to either. With all that traffic they barely got off the 3rd page in the fist several hours. They are a shell of their former selves unless something not expected charts higher, but it is nothing but warz back and forth since it is revenue based and no units to go on.

You were typing as I was. Agreed.
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I like the overall tone of GAF now. I’m more relaxed about posting, since the departure of the extreme left wing zealots.

The moderation seems to be doing a really good job. I think I visit GAF more that I ever have and it’s much easier to follow and participate in discussion.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
This forum likes to project the image that it is now somehow an infinitely better place because all the crazy 'leftists' have moved over to ResetERA. But don't be fooled.

ResetERA is indeed a hell hole of extreme left viewpoints but it does not reflect the reality of society at large. Actually talk to left-wing inclined people in the real world and, not talking shit online, and you'll realise they are generally varied viewpoints of differing passion and intensity. Resetera is a fringe element, a caricature of the left, where only one type of viewpoint is allowed. It's best as a place to be either ignored, or go to the gaming side to find the occasional breaking news, for which it is excellent.

NeoGAF, however is the mirror image of ResetERA. Just as ERA is extreme left, NeoGAF edges further and further to the right and extreme right. You can see that any time you pop into Off-topic. Just take a quick glance at the numerous Trump threads and how there is overwhelming love for the lunatic. When both the left-wing and right-wing media condemns Trump, and even his own passionate supporters at Fox News have started turning their backs on him and are criticising him for sucking Putin's dick on the world stage, a large number of members find it in their hearts to show their love and for them Trump can do no wrong.

Quite simply, NeoGAF is a lighter version of /r/the_donald.

It has become a right wing, homophobic, transphobic racist forum with a hatred/dislike of feminism and indeed women itself. You'll notice the absolute lack of any females posting here. It is the complete opposite of how it was last year and is a mirror image of ResetERA.

What NeoGAF was, it will never be again. Ever. That is simple reality. Evilore can send as many e-mails as he like begging for banned members to return, and at best he'll get a trickle returning. Look at the average number of members that are signed in on the main page on any given day. Always around an average of ~150.

People nowadays have too many different avenues to talk about their favourite games, the number one choices being a combination of Reddit, Discord, Twitch, Youtube and Twitter along with individual gaming forums. NeoGAF's name is forever tarnished. Do a Google Search for NeoGAF and look at the first page of results. In todays current political climate, it's simply not the place for people to come and make home because of what happened in October.

God knows what direction the management here plan to take, but the current members here are pretty transparent with their hateful views. The official reason for this is that NeoGAF is now more tolerant and open to discussions and opposing viewpoints.

The unofficial and true reason is... the left wing memberswill never return and, hey, you have to get this page views somehow. May as well embrace the right. Because the gaming media, the websites that used to reference NeoGAF as a source for their articles, have completely and utterly rejected NeoGAF now (and indeed frequently reference ResetERA as I learnt recently).

This forum likes to project the image that it is now somehow an infinitely better place because all the crazy 'leftists' have moved over to ResetERA. But don't be fooled.

ResetERA is indeed a hell hole of extreme left viewpoints but it does not reflect the reality of society at large. Actually talk to left-wing inclined people in the real world and, not talking shit online, and you'll realise they are generally varied viewpoints of differing passion and intensity. Resetera is a fringe element, a caricature of the left, where only one type of viewpoint is allowed. It's best as a place to be either ignored, or go to the gaming side to find the occasional breaking news, for which it is excellent.

NeoGAF, however is the mirror image of ResetERA. Just as ERA is extreme left, NeoGAF edges further and further to the right and extreme right. You can see that any time you pop into Off-topic. Just take a quick glance at the numerous Trump threads and how there is overwhelming love for the lunatic. When both the left-wing and right-wing media condemns Trump, and even his own passionate supporters at Fox News have started turning their backs on him and are criticising him for sucking Putin's dick on the world stage, a large number of members find it in their hearts to show their love and for them Trump can do no wrong.

Quite simply, NeoGAF is a lighter version of /r/the_donald.

It has become a right wing, homophobic, transphobic racist forum with a hatred/dislike of feminism and indeed women itself. You'll notice the absolute lack of any females posting here. It is the complete opposite of how it was last year and is a mirror image of ResetERA.

What NeoGAF was, it will never be again. Ever. That is simple reality. Evilore can send as many e-mails as he like begging for banned members to return, and at best he'll get a trickle returning. Look at the average number of members that are signed in on the main page on any given day. Always around an average of ~150.

People nowadays have too many different avenues to talk about their favourite games, the number one choices being a combination of Reddit, Discord, Twitch, Youtube and Twitter along with individual gaming forums. NeoGAF's name is forever tarnished. Do a Google Search for NeoGAF and look at the first page of results. In todays current political climate, it's simply not the place for people to come and make home because of what happened in October.

God knows what direction the management here plan to take, but the current members here are pretty transparent with their hateful views. The official reason for this is that NeoGAF is now more tolerant and open to discussions and opposing viewpoints.

The unofficial and true reason is... the left wing memberswill never return and, hey, you have to get this page views somehow. May as well embrace the right. Because the gaming media, the websites that used to reference NeoGAF as a source for their articles, have completely and utterly rejected NeoGAF now (and indeed frequently reference ResetERA as I learnt recently).

I keep shopping this post, but you've more or less revised my assessment of GAF in May, and indeed, not much has changed.

Particularly concerning is as you have said: there is a notable absence of women on this forum.

And even if they are here, they are likely reticent to identify themselves. <+)O Robido O(+> <+)O Robido O(+> spoke on their identity, and someone straight up told them that they didn't give a damn because "**** identity politics."

I mean, you're going to struggle with attracting folks who do not identify with the incel movement if the only real rule is to "not directly insult each other."

Threads titled "Elizabeth Warren Supporter Does Something Bad!!!" is eye-roll worthy propaganda and punditry, lol.

It's been nearly 24 hours and nobody has made a thread about the mass-shooting in Toronto. Why? Because it looks bad for people who are in favor of private citizens owning guns, and gun ownership is more precious to conservatives than abortion.
Never been a member of resetera, so have no idea how that site is. Kinda liked Slaent but haven’t visited in ages. Seems like the video game topics are still pretty ok, although much shorter. Sports threads like the NBA for example are barely alive.

Then you have the occasional “but what about” people on the politics threads, which makes you think you are visiting some weird NRA forum, but otherwise this is just a much smaller version of the GAF.


This place is way more laid back and welcoming now. All different povs are welcome (although some may be having a hard time adjusting). Mods are great.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
I keep shopping this post, but you've more or less revised my assessment of GAF in May, and indeed, not much has changed.

Particularly concerning is as you have said: there is a notable absence of women on this forum.

And even if they are here, they are likely reticent to identify themselves. <+)O Robido O(+> <+)O Robido O(+> spoke on their identity, and someone straight up told them that they didn't give a damn because "**** identity politics."

I mean, you're going to struggle with attracting folks who do not identify with the incel movement if the only real rule is to "not directly insult each other."

Threads titled "Elizabeth Warren Supporter Does Something Bad!!!" is eye-roll worthy propaganda and punditry, lol.

It's been nearly 24 hours and nobody has made a thread about the mass-shooting in Toronto. Why? Because it looks bad for people who are in favor of private citizens owning guns, and gun ownership is more precious to conservatives than abortion.

Make a thread, then. You just put in more effort complaining about the lack of a thread than would've taken to make a thread about it.
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