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Returning member after a long absence, how would you rate the overall health of this forum?


Gold Member
I've also been away for quite a long time, but after yet another temp ban over at RE (essentially for arguing that immigration costs money - not that immigrants are bad or that we shouldn't have them) I thought I'd check this place out again. And I have to agree that it seems to have swung pretty far right. I view myself as center-right, but that's in Swedish terms, so an American would probably consider me to be on the left. I support universal healthcare and all the other tax-financed support systems we have here in Sweden, I'm 100% for equal rights for everyone, I will never understand Trump supporters, etc. But I also like capitalism, and people being able to make money if they work hard (although the wealth distribution has gone bonkers). So yeah, somewhere in the middle.

I'm a very strong believer that everyone is entitled to their opinion and should never be banned for that (unless it's plain personal attacks or advocating murder or something), so it's great that that seems to be the new direction here, but I do hope this place can become a bit more balanced than it currently seems to be. I'm not gonna like it here if it turns into a right-wing echo chamber the way RE often seems to be for the left.



Did I just read that?



There you go, add it to your vocabulary.


As someone so has been around for a bit this form is getting progressively more racist. The roaches slowly multiply and the thing about racists is that most of them aren't sociable. This place is going to get uglier with them here.

I’ve seen it too in the last couple of days with someone spouting “we wuz kangs” shit. That user has since been banned. However, as DeepEnigma DeepEnigma intimated, that stuff is on par with the straight white male hate. I would rather neither be acceptable but I think there are enough of us here who are willing to call it out from either side.

What I have noticed fans the flames more than anything is when someone will vilify straight white males and then turn around and complain about “alt-right racists/sexists”. It is completely hypocritical and encourages people to say edgy shit to piss you off, even if they don’t believe it themselves. And I don’t mean you specifically, but there are many users here - mostly the black identitarians like Phoenix, Robido and Cauliflower - who don’t seem to understand that they need to look in their own backyard first.


it seems fine, there's no definite bend left or right. people discuss things, shits often get heated, but discussions move forward and nobody gets banned for expressing themselves.

it's a discussion board again, not an authoritarian nightmare.


it seems fine, there's no definite bend left or right. people discuss things, shits often get heated, but discussions move forward and nobody gets banned for expressing themselves.

it's a discussion board again, not an authoritarian nightmare.

As long as people aren't expressing racism, sexism and discrimination I don't see a problem with that.
I've also been away for quite a long time, but after yet another temp ban over at RE (essentially for arguing that immigration costs money - not that immigrants are bad or that we shouldn't have them) I thought I'd check this place out again. And I have to agree that it seems to have swung pretty far right. I view myself as center-right, but that's in Swedish terms, so an American would probably consider me to be on the left. I support universal healthcare and all the other tax-financed support systems we have here in Sweden, I'm 100% for equal rights for everyone, I will never understand Trump supporters, etc. But I also like capitalism, and people being able to make money if they work hard (although the wealth distribution has gone bonkers). So yeah, somewhere in the middle.

I'm a very strong believer that everyone is entitled to their opinion and should never be banned for that (unless it's plain personal attacks or advocating murder or something), so it's great that that seems to be the new direction here, but I do hope this place can become a bit more balanced than it currently seems to be. I'm not gonna like it here if it turns into a right-wing echo chamber the way RE often seems to be for the left.

As someone who lives in Europe would you say that immigration has somewhat sidelined the topic of climate change and environmental protection in most European countries in the form of public perspective?

From the outside it looks like the green parties have kind of been put in the back seat. The reason I ask is with the USA laying off under the Trump administration I was kind of hoping Europe would pick up the slack. :cry:


Users like Arans are still alowed to post here even when they have been banned before, so I don't think your claim is correct.

Because unlike our authoritarian friends, we think people deserve second and third chances. How do you know he’s not on a final warning?

Dr. Claus

Vincit qui se vincit
Users like Arans are still alowed to post here even when they have been banned before, so I don't think your claim is correct.

I am sorry, did I jump into bizarro land where 99% is actually 100%?

Also, AranS/Sephyr had been warned/banned multiple times and is most likely on thin ice at this point. Unlike the moderation you seem to want (and have elsewhere), these mods like giving people multiple chances instead of outright banning them as people can change and discussion can grow. Also, while I disagree with much of what he says, very little of it is 'racist'. You and your type have been playing a bit too much "the boy who cried wolf".


I thought this site was about open thought and sharing of ideas? All of a sudden you have your views challenged and you call me authoritarian?

He's not trying to silence you. But he can still call you an authoritarian.

And what you did here, "challenging his views" is a charitable description to say the least.

Dr. Claus

Vincit qui se vincit
Hey' it's the same as ResetEra! But whatever you like to think, user with the pic of the King of Knights.


Yes, that definitely seems like proper, non-biased moderation that is willing to give second and third chances. /s

You were proven wrong about it before and you even had to be replay banned to the thread because of it. Keep pushin' that false narrative, Shiki_.
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Neo Member
As a long time lurker, as in 13 years or so and having seen the forum that i have enjoyed so much turn into a place where people will be offended at the slightest thing, I feel the forum is in a mentally healthier state where discussion can be had in a healthy way. I do feel that some posters whom are very right leaning are very vocal and as such can make the forum seem very right politically leaning but Neogaf had this before (as in 7-10 years ago) and could foster discussion between different groups responsibly once again.


Sadly, we occasionally get those cancerous cells trying to come back in with their trademark calls of "ALT RIGHT, ALT RIGHT, ALT RIGHT, EVERYTHING IS ALT RIGHT". Though occasionally you get one or two that scream "RACIST" or "SEXIST".
I like it. When they don't have the power to ban and censor people and art for wrongthink I don't mind them being around at all.



Yes, that definitely seems like proper, non-biased moderation that is willing to give second and third chances. /s

You were proven wrong about it before and you even had to be replay banned to the thread because of it. Keep pushin' that false narrative, Shiki_.
I was checking out that listed thread on gamergate and it's quite chilling to see how they basically police thought there. Many accounts banned for "hate group rationalization".

FTR I had been lurking on GAF for about 3 years but stopped since it was becoming a waste of time. When I decided to check it out again (around February) I did not understand what had happened. Funnily enough this kinda coincided with a change of my own perspectives and realization that all this far left stuff is nonsense. Checking that forum is kinda like looking at a looney bin that has overstayed its welcome, at least for me.

GAF seems to be doing well. The quality of posts seems to have gone up. I do miss the more casual threads, but that kind of content I can find on various subreddits.
For information: this user requested a ban via PM
Quite bad honestly.

There are still bans based on the whims of mods for no reason and now they are adopting the Reset approach of the literal Scarlet Letter to announce to everyone why you're banned.

It's utter shit. I've been waiting for two weeks for my account to be deleted and the mods have done nothing after repeated requests.

Dr. Claus

Vincit qui se vincit
Quite bad honestly.

There are still bans based on the whims of mods for no reason and now they are adopting the Reset approach of the literal Scarlet Letter to announce to everyone why you're banned.

It's utter shit. I've been waiting for two weeks for my account to be deleted and the mods have done nothing after repeated requests.

You know you could just... not use the site right? It really isn't that hard.


Quite bad honestly.

There are still bans based on the whims of mods for no reason and now they are adopting the Reset approach of the literal Scarlet Letter to announce to everyone why you're banned.

It's utter shit. I've been waiting for two weeks for my account to be deleted and the mods have done nothing after repeated requests.
Why do you need your account to be deleted? Why should anyone bother to delete your account, and why should you expect people to do that for you? If you don't wanna use the site why not just stop using it?


Quite bad honestly.

There are still bans based on the whims of mods for no reason and now they are adopting the Reset approach of the literal Scarlet Letter to announce to everyone why you're banned.

It's utter shit. I've been waiting for two weeks for my account to be deleted and the mods have done nothing after repeated requests.


Deleted member 12837

Unconfirmed Member
Why do you need your account to be deleted? Why should anyone bother to delete your account, and why should you expect people to do that for you? If you don't wanna use the site why not just stop using it?

Well, if he lives in the EU, then due to GDPR / the "Right to be forgotten", NeoGAF is legally required to delete his account upon request, no?

There's nothing strange about an individual wanting their online data to be removed when leaving a service. In fact, IMO it should be encouraged.
Well, if he lives in the EU, then due to GDPR / the "Right to be forgotten", NeoGAF is legally required to delete his account upon request, no?

There's nothing strange about an individual wanting their online data to be removed when leaving a service. In fact, IMO it should be encouraged.

I've looked into this and it's a grey area apparently. From what I understand the new GDPR rules don't actually address forums, surprisingly enough.

Dr. Claus

Vincit qui se vincit
Well, if he lives in the EU, then due to GDPR / the "Right to be forgotten", NeoGAF is legally required to delete his account upon request, no?

There's nothing strange about an individual wanting their online data to be removed when leaving a service. In fact, IMO it should be encouraged.

Interesting, did not know of the GDPR thing. However, if you are banned - it doesn't delete your information. It just prevents you from logging back into the account. What you said still remains using the same username that you have for that account. If their "account info" is problematic, they can go into the options and set it to hidden so only specific people can look at it (which you can set to "nobody") which provides the same end goal. Ultimately, all they need to do is not come to the site anymore and set their privacy settings correctly.


Well, if he lives in the EU, then due to GDPR / the "Right to be forgotten", NeoGAF is legally required to delete his account upon request, no?

There's nothing strange about an individual wanting their online data to be removed when leaving a service. In fact, IMO it should be encouraged.
I don't know what the law is, but after that post I wouldn't lift a finger for him.


Gold Member
Usually the only people who bitch about not being able to say "nigga" are racists white people who feel like because "nigga =/= nigger" they have a license to finally say that forbidden word because of a technicality.

Just proving me and everyone else who looks at this shithole of a site right.

Now that I mentioned it, I really do wonder what the crossover between people from VOAT is with the new GAF.

I think it's more that people are just pointing out how childish it is that one group believes they can say a particular word and the other can not. Not that they actually want to say it.

Deleted member 12837

Unconfirmed Member
Interesting, did not know of the GDPR thing. However, if you are banned - it doesn't delete your information. It just prevents you from logging back into the account. What you said still remains using the same username that you have for that account. If their "account info" is problematic, they can go into the options and set it to hidden so only specific people can look at it (which you can set to "nobody") which provides the same end goal. Ultimately, all they need to do is not come to the site anymore and set their privacy settings correctly.

He didn't ask to be banned. He said he asked for his account to be deleted, which I imagine would entail removing his username from all of his posts (and replacing it with "deleted user" or something. Reddit does that, for example).

Anyway, as I said, I'm not sure GDPR applies to a forum like GAF, and really it only legally has legs if the user is from the EU. The only reason it's such a huge deal and so many US-based companies (Google, Facebook, etc) have been scrambling for the past year or 2 is because they have tons of European customers, and it's not very plausible to design a special system just for them, so they end up adding compliance for all of their customers.
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This place is slowly getting better. It's sad that the owner had to be dragged along kicking and screaming, but things are better now. I have no doubt that he would go back to the old days if he could, but that is impossible. I'm glad that i burned one of my accounts here when the forum was melting down. You reap what you sow Evilore. Maybe you can learn something from all of this.
For the people wondering why we talk about ReshitERA so much, it's because everytime meta topics come up they brigade the forum calling everybody racist, sexist (insert ist here).

I thought this site was about open thought and sharing of ideas? All of a sudden you have your views challenged and you call me authoritarian?


At least we allow our viewpoint to be challenged.


Gold Member
As someone who lives in Europe would you say that immigration has somewhat sidelined the topic of climate change and environmental protection in most European countries in the form of public perspective?

From the outside it looks like the green parties have kind of been put in the back seat. The reason I ask is with the USA laying off under the Trump administration I was kind of hoping Europe would pick up the slack. :cry:
Yeah, definitely. The climate is not one of the top political questions here in Sweden, and our Green Party has so low support that they might not even stay in the Parliament after the next election. Sweden is still one of the most environmentally progressive countries though.
Well, if he lives in the EU, then due to GDPR / the "Right to be forgotten", NeoGAF is legally required to delete his account upon request, no?

There's nothing strange about an individual wanting their online data to be removed when leaving a service. In fact, IMO it should be encouraged.

I'm going to go out on a limb here and assume that "SutekhTheDestroyer" isn't this person's real name. This is significant.


This place is slowly getting better. It's sad that the owner had to be dragged along kicking and screaming, but things are better now. I have no doubt that he would go back to the old days if he could, but that is impossible. I'm glad that i burned one of my accounts here when the forum was melting down. You reap what you sow Evilore. Maybe you can learn something from all of this.

I think he wouldn't. Perhaps EviLore EviLore is somewhat disappointed that he didn't react earlier. But that's just my opinion.


Mod Team and Bat Team
Staff Member
Hey' it's the same as ResetEra! But whatever you like to think, user with the pic of the King of Knights.

I can speak for myself that RE is RE and Gaf is GAF. Us moderators here are doing our best to moderate GAF and to allow discussion.


I think it's more that people are just pointing out how childish it is that one group believes they can say a particular word and the other can not. Not that they actually want to say it.
This is the biggest Issue for me. You can not discriminate by Race or gender. Sorry but no matter what it is. NO.

Also we live in a media culture that uses this word on a daily basis. To tell especially teens who grew up with this that they can not sing along a song for example is ridiculous in my opinion.

Deleted member 12837

Unconfirmed Member
I'm going to go out on a limb here and assume that "SutekhTheDestroyer" isn't this person's real name. This is significant.

From what I understand, that's also irrelevant. As long as the username is unique on the site (meaning, no one else can sign up with that name), it counts as PII as far as GDPR is concerned.


I'm seeing quite a lot of bans lately when browsing GAF. Like we're having the adaptation of the movie Purge ;)


RE amazingly is worse than old GAF used to be. They banned someone for simply daring to state that not all Trump voters are racist. That place is a joke.
From what I understand, that's also irrelevant. As long as the username is unique on the site (meaning, no one else can sign up with that name), it counts as PII as far as GDPR is concerned.
Nope. It's about personal information. Anonymised information - such as statements made under pseudonyms that cannot be reliably tied to a person - do not fall under "The Right To Be Forgotten" because they are, technically, already anonymised and forgotten, detached from the real person. Also, the jurisdiction of GDPR extends to data managed in European regions. Whilst other regions around the world will surely follow in due course, as of today, geography is a factor. Facebook know this and have taken steps to work around it.

That said, the European Commission is not GDPR compliant even though it was responsible for the new GDPR law, but has excused itself to the tune of "Er.. we're exempt because we say we are".
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