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(Oneangrygamer.net)Agenda Driven Game Journalists Are Ruining Gaming

Ulysses 31

I read that the video game industry now is bigger than the music and movie industry so that could explain why it gets targeted so much. =(


Unconfirmed Member
Gaming journalists?

You mean the people that don't play videogames?


"Lara Croft is a white savior, you should feel guilty!"

"I have a problem with Spider-Man because he helps the cops!"

"Kingdom Come is too white!"

Its a good thing these fake game journos are quickly losing credibility.


Yep. Tbh, you do you with your political views, but fuck man, remember when games were about gameplay first and then "we need to make sure we tick a bunch of boxes or the crying that will ensure will bury us"?
Honestly, we need to go back to the day of niche fansites ruling the roost (I'm talking Myspace/Geocities era). All of the good information is already tucked away in forums like GAF, shmups.system11, across numerous Youtube channels, etc. It's the hobbyists who are interesting nowadays anyway. Aggregate sites and forums can keep you up-to-date on news, too.

Traditional game journalism is dead. They could turn it around really easily: behave like traditional journalists and be an advocate for customers. A journalist doubts and interrogates their subject matter. They're not a branch of the corporate PR machine. If journalists wrote articles about which games were glitchy, how long games were, if they did interviews about bad DLC practices and called for boycotts, that's the videogame journalism I could get behind.

Instead, they call for boycotts based on what imaginary genitals are between an imaginary main-character's legs. So woke.
These "game journalists" aren't here for the enjoyment of video games. They're using video games as a proxy to instill their extremist ideologies in the medium and gain a cult following. People who just want to play games and have fun are cast aside and labeled with a bunch of epithets just because they disagree.

What needs to be done is to get as many gamers aware of this ideological push from the fake game journalists and inform them of sites that actually report and give all games a fair shake.


The nicest person on this forum
Thank god that most Japanese developers don't let journalist like that change how they like make their games. If they did then we wouldn't have games like......

These "game journalists" aren't here for the enjoyment of video games. They're using video games as a proxy to instill their extremist ideologies in the medium and gain a cult following. People who just want to play games and have fun are cast aside and labeled with a bunch of epithets just because they disagree.

What needs to be done is to get as many gamers aware of this ideological push from the fake game journalists and inform them of sites that actually report and give all games a fair shake.

I definitely agree with this. Using video games as a platform to push ideologies and beliefs is unfair to the developers and creators of this very expensive to create form of entertainment.


Their insistence on forcing political issues whenever possible is tiring for sure but I don’t consume IGN, kotaku, waypoint, etc so it’s a non issue for me. I only ever encounter that stuff when it gets reposted to be mocked.

Modern day game journos seem more concerned about broadcasting their wokeness rather than putting out quality content. Makes it incredibly easy to ignore.

YouTube has me covered on just about everything so it’s all good.


Gaming journalism seems to make things worse these days. I rely on forums like this and a handful of Youtubers to untangle the mess. It's not just the political slant the journalism tends to take, it's that the information gets screwed up in interviews as things get simplified while important questions go unasked. Couple that with the attitude some journalists have, especially when they take to social media to insult gamers as a whole, and I don't trust them anymore.

I shouldn't have to watch YongYea to piece together what Bioware is doing with it's future games because the articles written about it were not the whole story. If the articles written have enough issues in them that the developers themselves have to take to Twitter to calm fears and answer questions then that article failed to deliver what it set out to. I follow developers on Twitter just to know what's happening now, I don't need an uninterested middleman mucking it up.

Even sites I do like occasionally have this "the consumer is wrong" slant to their writing that pisses me off. I swear it's a requirement or something, like you can't run a gaming site without attacking gamers at least once a month, lol.

I won't lie, gaming journalism has severely damaged games for me. I love being a part of fandoms. It's been damn hard to be in fandoms around games I like, particularly if they have sexy art, due to the constant scrutiny and insults that certain journalists sling at it.

I seriously thought we would get more variety in games, like more romance and LGBT options when this kind of writing popped up around 2012. Now it's clear they don't care. They don't care that there are no romance options in Bioware games now because they were never part of the fandom that did care.

Quite a few games/series have lost their appeal to me. If I say anything all I get is insults from journalists telling me what a loser I am for even caring to begin with. That's not the type of people that game devs should be listening to. The article author is right, companies need to listen to their consumers, the people who care about their product. How this is not common knowledge I'll never know.

I am very thankful for companies like Capcom that are trying to appeal to me again after a few high profile failures. I will absolutely buy those SFV Darkstalkers costumes! Finally, Felicia!


Gaming journalists?

You mean the people that don't play videogames?
It's funny you say this, but I quit reading and making a fuss over reviews a longtime ago. Yet, it was a huge eyeopener for me when I saw a couple of gamespot guys review Driveclub, one of the guys had no idea how to use a PS4, he didn't even know basic things about the system or even explored the game which he was reviewing, but yet persons are blowing gaskets over these guys opinions. Not saying there aren't real gamers reviewing games, but with this and what happened with that IGN guy, I mean, we really have to take stock in who's opinion we trust.....

As for me, I know what games I like and buy them regardless, but any journalist who politicizes everything and wants to curate the type of games people make or play is certainly not right for this industry or for me......


The Tribe Has Spoken
I agree with this guy.

The industry people jumping on the virtue-signalling bandwagon who are well into their thirties like me, should be embarrassed and ashamed of themselves as they are old enough to know better.

It’s like an adult joining in a game of playground ring-a-ring-a-rosie with children. It’s pathetic.


Darkness no more
This is why I grab most of my gaming news from places like this site and watch reviews on Youtube from people that are really into games. I haven't visited any of the more well known gaming sites in years.
It's funny you say this, but I quit reading and making a fuss over reviews a longtime ago. Yet, it was a huge eyeopener for me when I saw a couple of gamespot guys review Driveclub, one of the guys had no idea how to use a PS4, he didn't even know basic things about the system or even explored the game which he was reviewing, but yet persons are blowing gaskets over these guys opinions. Not saying there aren't real gamers reviewing games, but with this and what happened with that IGN guy, I mean, we really have to take stock in who's opinion we trust.....

As for me, I know what games I like and buy them regardless, but any journalist who politicizes everything and wants to curate the type of games people make or play is certainly not right for this industry or for me......

I'm agreeing with thelastword - OMG.

I agree, I feel that most of the "gaming journalists" are social activists and failed writers, who write about games because it's the job they could get. Whenever I see them play games, I suddenly feel like I am the best gamer on the planet (and I KNOW I am far from that). They often seem like they have never used an analog stick before, and just, in general, don't seem like they could possibly have EVER played games much, because the play is always horrible - I'm talking as bad as someone who is playing a videogame for the first time horrible. I stopped paying attention to the gaming "media" a long time ago.
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I'm agreeing with thelastword - OMG.

I agree, I feel that most of the "gaming journalists" are social activists and failed writers, who write about games because it's the job they could get. Whenever I see them play games, I suddenly feel like I am the best gamer on the planet (and I KNOW I am far from that). They often seem like they have never used an analog stick before, and just, in general, don't seem like they could possibly have EVER played games much, because the play is always horrible - I'm talking as bad as someone who is playing a videogame for the first time horrible. I stopped paying attention to the gaming "media" a long time ago.

I get the feeling that most have degrees that they can’t use and fell into games writing so they didnt have to work at The Gap.

I suppose activism gives them some sense of meaning to what otherwise is dismal and pointless work.

The intolerance shown to people who aren’t sufficiently part of the games media mainstream,I don’t understand though, eg Moriarty. And the hostility towards creators like the Kingdom Come guy I dont get either. It is like they want to fire anyone who isnt like them.
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What I also hate is seeing some game developers continue to listen to sites like Polygon, Waypoint, and Kotaku to gauge gamers interests. Game dev should take BFV debacle as a sign on how "progressive" gaming sites are so out of touch.


What I don't get is how so many "games journalists" are now like religious cult members, all singing from the same hymn sheet.

If you go back and look at the history of many of these people, they never used to be SJWs. In fact, many of them were opposed to that kind of bullshit, including people like Ben Kuchera, Jim Sterling and Leigh Alexander. I'm just not buying that all of these people just happened to change their opinions in major ways that all align.


This war between the gaming press and gaming fans has been going on for a long time now. It’s not working out so well for the gaming press now that YouTube and Twitch are stealing their lunch money as former readers, who didn’t feel like they had many options a few years ago, are now moving on from shit-stirrers like Polygon and Kotaku.

Stirring shit is all gaming press is really good for now. Save for the rare in-depth piece about an actual game, most of the content produced is out there with the sole purpose of pissing off readers and getting them to engage. It’s the only way they can survive in this “anyone can do it” world. As long as they have a camera, a microphone, and a capture card... anyone can talk about gaming news— no “real job” required.

Hari Seldon

This is why I consume zero game journalist content these days. I simply don't give a fuck what people from SF think about video games.


Thank god that most Japanese developers don't let journalist like that change how they like make their games. If they did then we wouldn't have games like......


lol funny, but not really all that true. Read about Japan in terms of features altered or changed in games based on public feedback. So I'd say just as much changes in games in Japan based on outside influence as much as anyway else to be honest.


Stirring shit is all gaming press is really good for now. Save for the rare in-depth piece about an actual game, most of the content produced is out there with the sole purpose of pissing off readers and getting them to engage. It’s the only way they can survive in this “anyone can do it” world. As long as they have a camera, a microphone, and a capture card... anyone can talk about gaming news— no “real job” required.

In a funny way the fake outrage created by gaming press also inadvertently create more content for youtube creators to attack these gaming sites which only only get more gamers to avoid them.
Boo hoo people care about things that I don't and I feel that I should never have to listen to anyone else or respect their problems unless they also affect me too.

I also feel that other people should stop being oversensitive snowflakes and just toughen up. Why can't I call people faggots? You are all too touchy. Anybody who ever get's offended chooses it, so I should be able to say whatever I want, but boy God help if you if you ever step on my toes, because I will fucking let you have it. I've never really given thought to why my philosophies are hypocritical and kind of stupid, but because I don't share their specific concerns, whenever someone raises a real world issue in my bubble of entertainment, I like to shout them down and call them SJW virtue signallers. Doesn't matter if I don't entirely understand what those phrases mean, I've got a keyboard and the point is to berate them until I get what I want, even if I what I want kind of makes me a shit human being.

You have a response? Don't bother. Whatever you say, you're only ever going to cause me to dig in deeper. One day, years from now, I might actually get my head out of my ass, but until then, I feel pretty darned righteous in the moment, so keep your causes out of my hobby. I. Have. Zero. Reason. To. Change.

I am a gamer, and I fucking guarantee you the problem is everyone except me.


Boo hoo people care about things that I don't and I feel that I should never have to listen to anyone else or respect their problems unless they also affect me too.

I also feel that other people should stop being oversensitive snowflakes and just toughen up. Why can't I call people faggots? You are all too touchy. Anybody who ever get's offended chooses it, so I should be able to say whatever I want, but boy God help if you if you ever step on my toes, because I will fucking let you have it. I've never really given thought to why my philosophies are hypocritical and kind of stupid, but because I don't share their specific concerns, whenever someone raises a real world issue in my bubble of entertainment, I like to shout them down and call them SJW virtue signallers. Doesn't matter if I don't entirely understand what those phrases mean, I've got a keyboard and the point is to berate them until I get what I want, even if I what I want kind of makes me a shit human being.

You have a response? Don't bother. Whatever you say, you're only ever going to cause me to dig in deeper. One day, years from now, I might actually get my head out of my ass, but until then, I feel pretty darned righteous in the moment, so keep your causes out of my hobby. I. Have. Zero. Reason. To. Change.

I am a gamer, and I fucking guarantee you the problem is everyone except me.

What kind of air freshener do you use? Seeing as how you have your head up your ass. Maybe it don't smell, but I think it does.
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The nicest person on this forum
lol funny, but not really all that true. Read about Japan in terms of features altered or changed in games based on public feedback. So I'd say just as much changes in games in Japan based on outside influence as much as anyway else to be honest.
Are you talking about when they censor their game when localizing for the west? Isn't that base on their west devision most of the time? In Catherine's case I pretty confident Atlus Japan will make the game they want to make but what I fear the most is Atlus USA will try to censor the game because they fear getting slammed by journalists.
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Are you talking about when they censor their game when localizing for the west? Isn't that base on their west devision most of the time? In Catherine's case I pretty confident Atlus Japan will make the game they want to make but what fear the most is Atlus USA will try to censor the game because they fear getting slammed by journalists.

No, i'm talking about when they censor them at all. In Japan many games have changed just like in the US based on things outside of gaming. Its no different as if they are going to alter based on regions outside of their country, they will also do that within their country too.


So this idea is not really isolated to one country or publisher etc


The nicest person on this forum
No, i'm talking about when they censor them at all. In Japan many games have changed just like in the US based on things outside of gaming. Its no different as if they are going to alter based on regions outside of their country, they will also do that within their country too.


So this idea is not really isolated to one country or publisher etc
DAMN!!! I guess its happening in japan as well, I just hope that doesn't effect Catherine. With that being said, Japan still makes games like Catherine and other games with sexy design. I mean do you think western developer would ever make games like Catherine?
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Boo hoo people care about things that I don't
People who don't play video games don't care. If you can't beat the tutorial in cuphead you can fuck off.

I feel that I should never have to listen to anyone else or respect their problems unless they also affect me too.
If your problems are animated women not acting butch enough that's a pretty petty problem.

Why can't I call people faggots?
Because you're most likely a 75lb soyguzzler who would get his glasses broke and his head smashed into the concrete.

Anybody who ever get's offended chooses it
In the gaming world that is true.

whenever someone raises a real world issue in my bubble of entertainment
Exactly it's entertainment not a real world issue.

I've got a keyboard and the point is to berate them until I get what I want, even if I what I want kind of makes me a shit human being.
Klepek is that you? I know you leftists always act like pieces of shit and get people fired or dox them.

One day, years from now, I might actually get my head out of my ass
Don't worry Tr*mp won't be president forever.

I am a gamer, and I fucking guarantee you the problem is everyone except me.
Literally true. People who work for gaming blogs don't play games.

For those wondering, Kiryu and Majima still smoke in the Remastered version. I haven't encountered any censorship so far:

Didn't they take out some side missions with a crossdresser?
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I am a gamer, and I fucking guarantee you the problem is everyone except me.

Hmm... So does this quote also apply to the journalists that are being discussed? Or does it not, and therefore validate that they are not gamers? Because lately, a lot of the "journalists" sure seem to be saying "I fucking guarantee the problem is everyone except me (because I'm on the right side of history!).

Here's the funny thing - I see this new movement of where everyone who is critical of these "journalists" shitting up game articles with their often misplaced social issues (that don't actually apply to the game) is automatically deemed as being "Alt-right" or whatever. I am an absolute liberal when it comes to social issues. I still think that their inclusion of random social issues is hurting game journalism - it isn't actually about the games anymore.

I often wonder just how active these people are in their communities about the social issues they constantly interject into everything else.

Run on sentence courtesy of bourbon.
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DAMN!!! I guess its happening in japan as well, I just hope that doesn't effect Catherine. With that being said, Japan still makes games like Catherine and other games with sexy design. I mean do you think western developer would ever make games like Catherine?

I mean, they do make games like Catherine, that doesn't mean that game was not changed or altered mid development to keep in line with outside views. tbh, we wouldn't really know anyway. I think western developers would make something like Catherine even before Japan to be honest as I don't see those views only part of one region.
This just isn't an issue that is exclusive to any country.


The nicest person on this forum
I mean, they do make games like Catherine, that doesn't mean that game was not changed or altered mid development to keep in line with outside views. tbh, we wouldn't really know anyway. I think western developers would make something like Catherine even before Japan to be honest as I don't see those views only part of one region.
This just isn't an issue that is exclusive to any country.
Back then yeah I could see that but these days there is no way in hell Western developers make anything like Catherine.


Back then yeah I could see that but these days there is no way in hell Western developers make anything like Catherine.

Do you mean design wise or content wise ie (nudity?) Cauuuuuuuse they have zero issue with the subject matter. All you have to do is find a hooker in GTAV (or any violent open world crime game) to show you that much so I'll have to disagree greatly on that as too many games prove otherwise. So games like God Of War or Mass Effect etc having nudity, sex scenes etc isn't new to the west even remotely. So this isn't really even something based on how you or I might feel, this is objectively a fact that all the top regions have had their over the top nudity, sex scenes etc in games.


I think this fear of extreme leftist journalists is a little over blown. There are 3 main outlets that are the worst offenders with this bullshit compared to how many somewhat neutral outlets? The reason why some devs are tackling these issues is because they are hot topics in mainstream media which leans to the left, not because of small time rinky dinky websites.


The nicest person on this forum
Do you mean design wise or content wise ie (nudity?) Cauuuuuuuse they have zero issue with the subject matter. All you have to do is find a hooker in GTAV (or any violent open world crime game) to show you that much so I'll have to disagree greatly on that as too many games prove otherwise. So games like God Of War or Mass Effect etc having nudity, sex scenes etc isn't new to the west even remotely. So this isn't really even something based on how you or I might feel, this is objectively a fact that all the top regions have had their over the top nudity, sex scenes etc in games.
Actually Catherine has zero nudity, but I'm mostly talking about having sexual theme as part of the game. GTAV has more nudity than Catherine but GTA mostly about crimes or gangsters. I don't know but it feels like in west they much more okay with violence than sex.
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No, i'm talking about when they censor them at all. In Japan many games have changed just like in the US based on things outside of gaming. Its no different as if they are going to alter based on regions outside of their country, they will also do that within their country too.


So this idea is not really isolated to one country or publisher etc
I wonder what these changes are. It seems hostess content seems unchanged.

I think there is a difference between some changes like views around smoking and the the way some western critics go after everything under the sun when it comes to games. Some things do change, that's normal. What I can't get behind is the way game writers try to force it with wider and wider reaching restrictions, especially when they don't match other cultural trends.

I see shaming of mild fan service content in games while I also see a broadening of sexual content in music like the rise of more female hip hop artists. (Is there anyone going after Nicki Minaj? Her new album cover is just as revealing as the most revealing outfits in Dead or Alive and the lyrics are much more explicit.)

I see pushes for more expressions of LGBT erotic art. I follow lots of adult female artists. I see very few arguments against this kind of content. The culture arguments seem to precision target certain types of entertainment like games and comics.

Smoking as an issue for cover art? Okay, seems like something that can be discussed. Tomb Raider is colonialism? The Witcher 3 is racist? Bayonetta is sexist? These seem like much wider arguments that can seriously restrict games. The list of issues in games that must change grows every year and is met with serious hostility if questioned. I get the impression the issue isn't sex or nudity itself but the fact there are industries where men are catered to the most. There's nothing actually wrong with that and I am all for creating more variety when it comes to this kind of content so more people can enjoy what they like but that goal gets further away each year as the criticism of gaming gets more mean spirited and shifts from the games to the gamers. It's a very complicated topic now with years of fast moving changes that's hard to keep track of.
im glad that im the few that i never trust in Reviews, journalists, metacritic, gaming channels, angry joe or anything bullsh.t that are saying.

I Prefer buy a sh.t game in blind but i experiment my experience and share to other people the truth and not listen to "Gamers Review" that always get wrong or are like sheeps ( See what others give the calification), like for example Nier, God Hand, Haunting ground, Zero time dilemma, that are amazing titles.

No, no thank you... i dont want listen Journalist gamers.
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Gaming "journalists" simply do not care about video games, full stop, not in the least.

All they care about is gaming as a vehicle to push political propaganda, they can't stop at an editorial or two, no, it's a constant stream of political content in almost every single thing published.

And it's all predicated on open hostility and disdain towards actual gamers, how many of these journalists would wipe away every single video game from the face of Earth with a snap of their fingers Thanos style if they could just to spite gamers? They hate us.

It's just so fucking bad now, it's incredible how far it's fallen, I miss the days of Ziff Davis magazines like OPM and especially EGM, that was the real shit.

I wonder what happened to all those people that wrote for those magazines? I wonder how they feel about the current situation?

im glad that im the few that i never trust in Reviews, journalists, metacritic, gaming channels, angry joe or anything bullsh.t that are saying.

I Prefer buy a sh.t game in blind but i experiment my experience and share to other people the truth and not listen to "Gamers Review" that always get wrong or are like sheeps ( See what others give the calification), like for example Nier, God Hand, Haunting ground, Zero time dilemma, that are amazing titles.

No, no thank you... i dont want listen Journalist gamers.

It's true that you've always had to take it with a grain of salt, Haunting Ground is a perfect example, that's one of my all time favorite games and yet it got meh reviews.

But at least in the old days you knew you were getting someone's honest opinion and their approach was from a "is this game fun?" angle as opposed to "how can we put a political spin on this?"

Anyway, I'm confident it's not going to be forever, all these website like Kotaku are going to tank hard eventually and from the ashes decent journalism might reemerge.
I wonder what these changes are. It seems hostess content seems unchanged.
CensoredGaming is a good channel to answer this question

- The Crossdresser Sidemission has been removed
- The Tamashiro Clan's Crest has been changed because it resembled the japanese Rising Sun Imperial Flag. It's assumed that this is because the game got a korean and chinese localization.
- Kiryu's cig got removed on the cover.
- The Minigame Answer x Answer has been removed - prolly because it is too much work to localize for each market.
I use amazon customer reviews for Japanese games and use steam user reviews for everything else (haven't been interested in console games made outside Japan that don't have a pc version).

I've seen people complain about both but they actually talk about what they like or dislike and i can read 3 to 5 positives and 1 to 3 negatives to get a pretty good picture.

I don't have a learning disability so reading that much is not an issue for me.


Mmm yes and no.

Yes, because I think a lot of people writing about games graduated from college at a shitty point in time and ended up in a career writing about a topic they don't actually like. Consequently they've been using journalism as a vehicle to make themselves more important and aspire to be better critics than they actually are.

No, because reading about games and playing them, or even discussing games with actual fans online, are divorced from one another.

Personally I feel what's ruined gaming (journalism) for me is the need for websites to churn out as many articles as possible. I've been cutting back on my Internet use over the past year (too busy quite frankly) and I noticed that it's almost impossible to keep up with game websites now. When I try, I realised how irrelevant or simply boring most of their content is. It seems like nobody is having fun anymore writing about games anymore.
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My interest in gaming journalsim has deteriorated almost completely because of this exact same reason. A huge issue as well is, that these people are never ever satisfied. As he stated with Cyperpunk. It already shows a great amount of diversity so what else is there to complain about -> GENDER FLUID CHARACTER OPTIONS REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

seriously fuck off. I'm so done with most gaming outlets, it's nothing but cringe at this point.


Unconfirmed Member
So given that most of the sites out there seem to be shit, has anyone found any good games websites? Ones that tell you about the game, not the social issues?


So given that most of the sites out there seem to be shit, has anyone found any good games websites? Ones that tell you about the game, not the social issues?

Eurogamer is the best website for me. I'm even going to flat out say that I believe a major reason is because half the staff are still like middle-aged nerdy guys.
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It seems like nobody is having fun anymore writing about games anymore.

Exactly, the fun's been sucked right out of gaming culture, it's just miserable now, I still like current video games, but the culture surrounding them is a dumpster fire.

But remember how much FUN it used to be? I mean gaming culture used to be like one big party, I'd say online wise gaming journalism and the culture surrounding it peaked from 2006 to 2009 roughly, before that we had magazines like the ones I mentioned that were a blast to read.

It's incredible to think of now, but there was once a time where gaming was actually an apolitical hobby, it was in fact a nice escape from politics in the already very polarized 2000s culture, they sure ruined that.

So given that most of the sites out there seem to be shit, has anyone found any good games websites? Ones that tell you about the game, not the social issues?

Destructoid is decent.
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