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Anthem Demo Impressions Thread

I don't mind the idea of the Ranger. I like the "Titan bubble" that you can make offensive or defensive. I also like the super.

But the super cooldown is so long. That's what makes we wonder if stacking cooldown reduction would make him more fun.
By the way, I played with the mouse settings for flying/swimming and it’s still not controller smooth but it’s much better. Once I figured out my keybinds I think I’m sticking with M/K which I never would have guessed after my time with the alpha

I forget which setting it was but it’s either precision or response that I maxed out it felt more like controller flying
What are colossus and interceptors ults?

Can melee and ults be changed/modified?

The colossus is the siege cannon. The interceptor is a melee attack that seems to last for a long time.

Melee and supers can't be changed as far as I can tell, but I have to imagine that's coming.


So based on demo impressions, sounds like most people are twisting their nose to the game, uh?



I fucking loathe frostbite with a passion. Very Pretty engine, but every game i've tried powered by it has been a buggy piece of shit.

That's because it can only do one thing, Battlefield. Anyone trying to shoehorn a different game type in to it like Mass Effect or Anthem have a huge technical challenge to get it to do even the most basic things. Bioware have spent years having to develop complete new tools and frameworks to make the past three games, they might as well have just started from scratch.
So based on demo impressions, sounds like most people are twisting their nose to the game, uh?

Yep. I think it has potential, but it definitely seems like EA is forcing an underbaked game to release.

I upgraded to Premier for a month, so I think I'm just going to play that first week and then buy the game later if this turns out to be a Massive-like success story.


i have bought the game in full for over 6months now and fucking gamestop wont send me the key and their website says i haven't pre-ordered anything. every fucking time with these idiots and their shitty website. now i have to wait til monday to call them.


I do got a feeling ea is pushing this out to soon. Bad reviews gonna happen even though game could be more great after a few months of updates. But man when this game is good.. its gonna be so much fun. Traversal is great in this game and Im already liking the extra abilitys more then destiny.
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It’s a demo. Just happens to be one suffering from issues. I believe a lot of fixes and polish are likely to be in the final game - 6 weeks is a long time.

6 weeks is nothing for a game like this, everytime you fix a bug you risk creating more and so they won't even be able to start picking up a lot of the tickets until post-launch to avoid introducing a game breaker into the day 1 patch.

They'll fix the 90% loading bug and balance a few items and the in-game economy and that'll be it until post launch. You can't drastically refactor/optimise things this close to launch, the dev lead would murder you.

Also remember Origin members get it sooner than 6 weeks, and they themselves classified this as a demo. This is what you're getting day one pretty much.
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I get to the mission loading screen, and it freezes at about 95% every single time, so there's that. I've tried every basic remedy including re downloading the game. I wonder if I'll get to play.


That's because it can only do one thing, Battlefield. Anyone trying to shoehorn a different game type in to it like Mass Effect or Anthem have a huge technical challenge to get it to do even the most basic things. Bioware have spent years having to develop complete new tools and frameworks to make the past three games, they might as well have just started from scratch.
I don’t know but every game from this engine this gen was complete bugged including Battlefield games.

I even compared DICE with Bethesda in terms of bugfest.
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Yeah. The overheating and status effects can be quite frustrating at times. I think a big part of the problem is that the combat feedback needs work.

Something can spawn behind you whisper silent and have your shields (Ranger) stripped by 25% or more before you're even aware of what's going on.

Or when mobs can freeze, you can actually get stun locked, and it's quite frustrating.
There are ways around the bad status effects that are pretty neat.

If you get frozen and think you might get stun locked then have a Colossus spray you with his Flamethrower, it will clear the Frozen debuff.
Conversely, if you get set on fire then have a Storm hit you with Ice Storm.


I was very sceptical. A friend of me pre-ordered after watching streams and send me an invite. He was like "woohhaaa cool game!" But I thought the graphics where shit, the flying (on pc) vomit inducing, the loading screens an embarrassment and the city hub a bad joke (the girl who maintains your suite has an 11 year old son but stands there 24/7 talking and doing nothing.)

But then we had some really tough fights and it was just...fun. the shooting, the movement, the abilities all suddenly just clicked. I simply had a grin on my face and my heart was pumping. It was a video game I'm having fun with. So I placed my pre-order and will be happy if I get 30 to 40 hours out of it :)
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Gold Member
Man, I'm so tired of these always online sponge shooters where numbers literally bounces off enemies when you hit them. And this is made by Bioware. The developers who was suppose to give us an open world game with a good story, dialogue choices, hard choices and intersting characters. And they made this instead of KOTOR 3?
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Hey guys I didnt pre order the game and it let me download and play it on xbox. Iv only played a bit. So far the game is pretty. Music seems good. Gameplay is great so far. Maybe its just me but it doesnt look like its always hitting 30 fps on x but its also demo and if so its not much. If they add a awesome story to this game its a day one buy( assuming servers work) I want this to be good but I would wait for reviews. If no good story ill pass. If u like games like destiny this may be the next thing. Also it didn't let me pick a javelin. I just got the ranger one. I'll update more after I play it again Tommorow mor ing. If I still can
There are ways around the bad status effects that are pretty neat.

If you get frozen and think you might get stun locked then have a Colossus spray you with his Flamethrower, it will clear the Frozen debuff.
Conversely, if you get set on fire then have a Storm hit you with Ice Storm.

I wasn't aware of those interactions. Neat!

Cool for clan/friend squads, but what about solo and when playing with randoms?

The synergies in Anthem seem to make a better argument for no matchmaking than Destiny ever did. :p

Man, I'm so tired of these always online bukket sponge shooters where numbers literally bounces off enemies when you hit them. And this is made by Bioware. The developers who was suppose to give us an open world game with a good story, dialogue choices, hard choices and intersting characters. And they made this instead of KOTOR 3?

Bolded part seems like unrealistic expectations considering the kind of game this is.

Also, I really don't think this game is that bullet spongey? Headshots wreck trash and primed detonations (either solo or co-op) wreck the elite mobs.
Hey guys I didnt pre order the game and it let me download and play it on xbox. Iv only played a bit. So far the game is pretty. Music seems good. Gameplay is great so far. Maybe its just me but it doesnt look like its always hitting 30 fps on x but its also demo and if so its not much. If they add a awesome story to this game its a day one buy( assuming servers work) I want this to be good but I would wait for reviews. If no good story ill pass. If u like games like destiny this may be the next thing. Also it didn't let me pick a javelin. I just got the ranger one. I'll update more after I play it again Tommorow mor ing. If I still can

It seems like they ninja opened it to the public.


Actually played for 10 minutes before game locked up and haven't been able to get back in sense keeps freezing on loading screen 🤣 thanks EA


pre-ordered it because after playing the demo and getting the colossus, i really enjoyed being a tank type space marine. ala' war 40k.
I wasn't aware of those interactions. Neat!

Cool for clan/friend squads, but what about solo and when playing with randoms?

The synergies in Anthem seem to make a better argument for no matchmaking than Destiny ever did. :p

Bolded part seems like unrealistic expectations considering the kind of game this is.

Also, I really don't think this game is that bullet spongey? Headshots wreck trash and primed detonations (either solo or co-op) wreck the elite mobs.

I didn’t know about the synergies either. That’s great. I wish the demo was able to point out these things a little more clearly, as well as ability combos.


If only my penis was as big as my GamerScore!
Just a few more observations from my time with the game.
  • The game isn't open world at all. It's a bunch of relatively small hubs stitched together.
  • The missions all seem fairly restrictive and corridor you along. Those constant "leaving the mission area" messages and forced respawns while exploring are really lame.
  • Free mode is more open, but you are still confined to a small hub and suffer the same forced respawns of you venture too far.
  • Free mode feels like a bad MMO area with nameless enemies and npc's, minus all the other players. Seems bland and pointless.
  • Flying is fun, the best part of the game really, but it creates a strange dicotomy. Why have large empty maps that you just flyover? Why make most combat force you to the ground?
  • The loot feels bad. Like Division 1 level bad, in that you get a bunch of it, but it's all minor variations of the same crap.
  • TOO MUCH GOING ON ON-SCREEN. Maybe I'm just getting old, but at times it feels someone is sitting next to me blasting confetti in my face while I'm trying to see what the fucks going on.
  • Enemies lack personality. They look cool, but they lack soul.
  • The world all kind of looks the same. Seems they could have done more to vary the locals. It just looks like that planet from Avatar.
  • Basic gunplay is unremarkable and not fun. The specials are great though.
  • The story seems disconnected from the gameplay, but maybe the full game will bridge that gap better.
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If only my penis was as big as my GamerScore!
The only question...

How is the gunplay compared with Destiny?
It doesn't compare. I'm trying to think of what Anthem does excel at, and I can't really come up with anything. I would say the traversal if it wasn't at odds with the core gameplay.
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It doesn't compare. I'm trying to think of what Anthem does excel at, and I can't really come up with anything. I would say the traversal if it wasn't at odds with the core gameplay.

I would argue for the traversal being excellent. Going from sprinting to double jump dashing to flying freely to swimming underwater to hovering through waterfalls all seamlessly feels very cool to me.


My personal opinion is the gunplay is average. It’s not the strong point of my playtime
It doesn't compare. I'm trying to think of what Anthem does excel at, and I can't really come up with anything. I would say the traversal if it wasn't at odds with the core gameplay.
That is not good to hear... Division didn’t hook me due the gunplay too while Destiny has all the issue but the gunplay is so satisfying that you can waster hours just shooting random stuffs.
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If only my penis was as big as my GamerScore!
I would argue for the traversal being excellent. Going from sprinting to double jump dashing to flying freely to swimming underwater to hovering through waterfalls all seamlessly feels very cool to me.
Oh it's great, don't get me wrong, but my problem is that the traversal is just a cool way of getting from encounter to encounter and doesn't really add anything once the cool factor wears off. Sure it's more fun to fly than to walk, but there needs to be things along the way, and right now that's missing.
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I downloaded the demo on Pro since apparently it’s free for now.

I don’t think it looks bad on Pro. I’m playing hooked up to my 4K computer monitor though.

Performance definitely needs to be address on PS4/Pro though. Felt the choppiness almost immediately.

Unlocked Colossus on PS4. It’s fun. I don’t know if these other Javs are OP or Ranger is just too weak
I'm an avid Destiny player, so don't don't hate on me too bad, but I can think of quite a few things Anthem does better than Destiny (based on the beta/demo of course.)

  • Traversal
  • Verticality
  • Speed
  • Synergies
  • Personalization
Obviously, there's a lot of areas where Destiny excels too.

Anthem end-game seems weak, and although I loved the spider queen, having just three of the strongholds seems pretty weak to even what Destiny 1 offered at launch.
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I downloaded the demo on Pro since apparently it’s free for now.

I don’t think it looks bad on Pro. I’m playing hooked up to my 4K computer monitor though.

Performance definitely needs to be address on PS4/Pro though. Felt the choppiness almost immediately.

Unlocked Colossus on PS4. It’s fun. I don’t know if these other Javs are OP or Ranger is just too weak
Each Javelin have specific load outs that can be very powerful when used together.

For the Colossus its the Flamethrower and Lightning Coil. Lightning Coil attacks any enemies near you automatically when activated and the Flamethrower is a frontal cone AoE.
The Flamethrower is a Primer and the Lightning Coil is a detonator so they Combo off each other and you are attacking enemies with both at the same time.
And the Colussus' Combo effect is to cause an AoE attack.
You will melt waves of enemies in seconds.


are in a big trouble
For those that don't know the demo is great however they have announced the game won't be like the demo

"The Economy will be different. " What does this mean I don't know but I'm guessing what they mean microtransactions and we know there's going to be a shit ton.

"The balance is super different" Again not sure what they mean by this but it could get harder to play more of a grind fest or easier who knows.

I suggest don't buy day one because we all know it's going to be a buggy mess. If you don't want to be upset and find yourself moaning over it just wait 2 or 3 days and trust me you'll know if it's worth the money.

EDIT: Look I didn't want to say this but if you buy an EA/Bioware day one and expect it to be all rosy your fucking stupid simple as. Yes,
it's not your fault the game will be like this but come on how many times do we go through this with them. Just wait
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Played with 3 buddies and had a pretty good time. Really liked most of what I played EXCEPT..... how bad the controls feel on the PC. I seriously enjoyed A LOT of what the game offers but I won't buy it with how bad the mouse feels to just use in the game. It's garbage. Whomever thought it was a good idea to emulate an analog stick with a mouse should be sent home on unpaid leave for a month, this shit is awful. I really hope they fix it before release as I can wait and have plenty of other things I could play instead.

I really enjoyed playing a Storm. Felt like Magneto hovering around freezing enemies and dropping lighting bolts. Felt really cool. I look forward to seeing how we can combo with other players in the future. If the MOUSE CONTROLS GETS FIXED!
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that Tyrant Mine mission is terrible because of that underwater swimming part...how the hell do you navigate through that?...the suit controls terribly underwater and it's pitch black with no map marker telling you where to go
I like it. I'm almost convinced to buy it. And it was a pass before.

The game is beautiful. Performance on my pc is good enough. Gameplay feels like mass effect with a little bit of warframe.


This is not a demo btw.. this is a bug filled beta.. And there is no way the game runs smooth 15 feb
The funny thing is, the Alpha ran worse than this. Im impressed they got it a bit improved. But i can just smell just another EA Live service game that launches without a lot of content and with bugs.


  • Not being able to log in really soured me from the start, but then it only got worse
  • Gunplay is good for a third person game, but being first person is still my strong preference
  • When will companies understand that if they want me to be interested in their shooter, they have to give me a gun ASAP. Took like 15-20 minutes walking around Fort Tarsus just to figure out how get into my mech. I don't want to talk to anyone, I don't care about all of their garbage, just get me out into the game.
  • Extremely unclear button prompts that only show up (if at all) when you hit a button. Just trying to select a location to go to is clunky and overly difficult.
  • Pop-up message after pop-up message preventing you to get to the game itself, but once out in combat areas, when I could use some guidance on where to go and what to do, absolutely zilch
  • As others have said, ridiculously bullet sponge enemies. I stumbled upon some creatures (Urxis? or something). So much health that I had to hide in a corner where they couldn't reach me and just pecked away at their health for 5 minutes waiting for 3 cycles of my "super" before they died.
  • No way to get ammo? Seriously? Enemies don't drop anything? Constantly running out of ammo
  • If the world is going to be so barren, can you give me a Destiny sparrow equivalent so I don't have to run slowly everywhere?
  • No way to pull up the Controls/controller mapping in game? Seriously? I could look it up while in Fort Tarsis, but once in combat areas, nope. Just supposed to have memorized every action?
  • Waypoint markers that disappear once in proximity to them. Super frustrating trying to find the specific object the game wants you to interact with. Just leave the marker on all the time. Why is this so difficult?
  • I really wanted to like Anthem, but I doubt I will give it another chance after this awful demo.
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